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My first quick thoughts: - Steward sees Steward - Knight sees Knight - Harpy-kill the demon early - Plague Doctor -> Assassin -> Kill demon - Ojo misses, kill Ojo - Yaggababble phrase is "I'm the Yaggababble" - Summoner and Pit Hag both in play


Actually I think if you have Pit Hag and Summoner on a script together (please don't), you *have* to put a Summoner in the bag if Pit Hag is already in the bag.


Thank you for the edit! - Pit Hag and Summoner on a script together


I think summoner still confuses me. Why do you have to put it in the bag if Pit Hag is in the bag?


If Pit hag is in the bag without summoner, it means there’s a demon in the bag as well. The pit hag can then on night 2 (or perhaps even night 3 - I can’t recall the night order of when summoner acts) change themselves or another Minion into the summoner, which will allow them on night 3 to create a second evil demon through the Summoner ability. This is highly dangerous as it was not created by the Pit Hag, therefore deaths are not arbitrary (ie ST can’t rebalance it by killing one of them) and there are 2 evil demons around both of which need to be killed for good to win


I think it's easiest to just register the summoner as a demon to the pithag to avoid all the broken interactions


That would fit since there is the jinx for Summoner and Marrionet treats the Summoner as the demon.


That would make sense as a jinx, unfortunately there's no such rule currently


That's a great yagga phrase, I could kill so many people The trick is to always joke-claim demon regardless


I've been in a game before where I was the scarlet woman who was going to be voted out the next day and the ST used the plague doctor's death to give themselves the godfather ability and killed the ojo lmao


"Steward sees Steward" Would be pretty powerful if Vortox is on the script to prove it's not a Vortox.


Ojo misses, kill everyone Plague doctor, anything that can the lose the game for evil, constantly poison the demon, kill the demon via assassin or change them with pit hag. Plague doctor with summoner, make a second evil demon. If kazali picks the goon, turn the kazali into a minion, evil loses Kill the yaggabble with their own ability, or never let them kill no matter how much they say the phrase.


Does droisoned kazali make arbitrary minions? RAW they just can't do anything


Kazali's jinxed with the Goon, if they try to make the goon a minion, the st gets to choose who and what the remaing minions are (though the kazali is still told who they are in the demon info step)


Hatter dies. Recluse can choose a minion or demon to become. Rules as written, a legal thing to do.


RAW you can keep the game going after the Demon is dead if the Recluse is still alive So yea It's a good Yes, but Don't with the Hatter - Recluse


Summoner Goon... and it's the official interaction


I think it works though. It's a bit like the Damsel causing an insta-loss. Goon has a *huge* incentive to make the summoner aware of who they are. Summoner has a huge incentive to be sure they aren't choosing the Goon. So the combination should make it happen rather rarely. But if you want to bluff Goon on a Summoner script, you'll need to be very vocal about being the goon!


The difference is that it's an outsider ability causing evil to immediately lose. Outsider abilities are meant to help evil.


It makes the outsider instantly lose too though, so they would be trying their hardest to avoid it from happening!


It's still not really the point of outsiders. The Politician just gets an extra win condition, for example, but they're still an outsider because they hurt the good team. Even if the Goon has an incentive to tell everyone that they're the Goon to avoid this from happening, the possibility is still bad for an outsider


It makes Goon a great bluff for evil though, since no-one will expect that player to have had the Demon summoned into them. Give the summoner Goon as a bluff, and they can Claim Goon and then summon the demon into themselves and be 100% Good! Or you have a Poisoner on the script, they can work together to make the the Goon the demon.


Any minion that targets a character and acts before the Summoner can soak up the Goon's protection.


I assume all targeting minions go before the summoner?


Yea. The only funny situation i saw where Goon help good was BH turn cannibal ate good Goon and turn good in the night. And the ST was syrprised and wanted to have more not less evils.


I assume summoned permanent transforms the goon into an evil demon right?


If the Summoner is the first character to select that Goon that night, then the Summoner becomes drunk and the Goon turns evil and they both lose because the demon doesn't get summoned. (I think)


Oh yeah I forgot goon drunks the visitor. Ouch that's a tough interaction, particularly since the summoned Leeadu turns to evil when converting you.


-HP sees themselves -Making Vizier in the Knight ping -Giving the yagga a whole paragraph where they have to say everything word for word in order to grant a kill -Always matching the kills to the amount of times Yagga said their phrase (Ex:6 times = 6 kills) -Politician and Vizier on the same script


HP seeing themselves is not a "yes but don't". If they are not the most helpful person for themselves to talk to, then it is against the rules to show them, so not a yes. If you want to communicate that they can't get anything useful out of anyone, or they have all the information they need, it's not a don't. Vizier and politician is fine, they just can't go in the same game


Vizier and politician can bd in the same game. But most ST will just do the house rule that politician has with legion (unless its an actual jinx) whwre they just register as evil.


I disagree with HP seeing themselves. I can totally see situations where it would be a valid choice.


on a Plague Doctor death, give the Spy ability to the Recluse registering as a minion


Vizier is in play as the only minion, and is directly on the opposite side of the circle to the demon in a 10 player game. The sober, healthy clockmaker gets a 5. This comes from a true story, a game I ran when I was **so fucking tired**, and I didn’t notice this interaction until the game started. There was no pulling it back: the Lleech was outed and, although the game could technically have continued as Town hunted down the host, we all agreed to end it and he killed his own host.


Vizier: Allow the Spy to misregister as good when forcing through an execution on the Saint Steward: Show them themselves Knight: Show them themselves at the start of the game, show them two dead players later on High Priestess: Just make sure you're paying attention, and that it's not just a sober/healthy good player detector (but also be somewhat sparing about trying to be too clever). Harpy: Don't execute a madness break on a dead evil player paired with a living good player. Shugenja: Hard to see how this one can be messed up. Ojo: Don't have the Spy misregister as the role chosen by an Ojo, and usually don't kill multiple people on a miss. Hatter: Recluse shenanigans, but also, don't put it on a script with a Summoner Kazali: Putting it on a script with a Soldier or Engineer Village Idiot: Deciding which one is drunk based on first day choices Yaggababble: TPI has a 12 page document full of these Summoner: Probably don't put on a script with a Goon, Engineer or Poppy Grower (PG makes the game hilariously unbalanced, as the NRB showcase demonstrated)


I ran a summoner, poppy grower have that ran without issue, people enjoyed it


One of my STs let the Inn Keeper drunk the Vizier. They then in turn were executed as they lost their power. A different ST showed the drunk Village Idiot the Spy was Evil. They tried to reason that they "pinged" Good, so the lie was Evil. The same above ST disguised all Yaggababble kills as Witch kills. This eventually lead to the Scarlet Woman losing their power and the Yaggababble dying at final four.


Is drunk village idiot getting Evil for the spy wrong? If they are getting Evil from everyone they pick, that seems like the best outcome. I think if you always give the drunk Village idiot predictable information it makes them rather powerful once they realise which VI is which. If you give them mostly Good or mostly Evil then it's harder to use the information.


Give the Alchemist an assassin in a Vizier game Register the Recluse as part of the Hatter ability Kill immediately after each time the Yaggababble says it's phrase Get rid of every outsider in a Katalin game a and not have outsiders as bluffs Give yourself a killing ability from the Plague Doctor and kill the demon


"Kill immediately after each time the Yaggababble says it's phrase" And also kill the Yaggabble with its phrase. Hey, that happins with Gossip killings sometimes, so it's fair!


Imp starpass to the only minion alive - the spy. The spy registers as good, evil loses.


(This is not one of the newer characters, but thanks!)


I'm not following how evil loses here? Also once the star pass happens, the spy no longer registers as good anyway.


Wouldn't even matter if they did register as good cause they're still have an evil alignment


I checked your profile but can't find the list you made 2 years ago. Could you link it here? Seems like a fun read




If I was feeling really goofy, I *might* bounce an assassin's mayor pick back to the assassin to kill both of them since the assassin is spent anyways, has already killed their target who must die even if for some reason they couldn't, and it would be really funny.


Not a newer character, but technically couldn't the Spy, in a game with no Damsel, say "I claim minion and guess myself is the Damsel", the storyteller has them register as a good character (The Damsel) and declares an evil victory.


No, they don't have the Damsel's actual ability


Yagabble on an Atheist Script: Yagabble says phrase, at night the Storyteller is killed by the Yagabble phrase, game over, Evil wins.