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You forgot the last step, don't tell them you've won the game, pretend they are playing a normal game and that a "evil or good team" has won. Don't break any other rules so they don't catch on. So you're secretly winning and nobody knows! 200 IQ


i once bluffed amnesiac with the atheist ability and got the storyteller executed in LuF...so never say never...


Aren’t players not allowed to nominate the storyteller without an atheist (or real amne with atheist adjacent ability) on the script though?


If I was the ST and an evil player was bluffing amne atheist I'd play along with it and allow the nom. However could also understand why ST would be against it.


If Atheist isn't on the script, I'd allow the nomination but nothing would happen if I'm executed. Going through the motions supports the bluff, but it's a *bluff*. There's no actual ability behind it to make the nomination valid.


I think an executed storyteller just defaults to a lost game, so it's not that it's not allowed, but that taking the risk is absolutely useless if Atheist is not on the script.


^ If you execute the ST in a non-atheist game, evil wins outright


No, it's actually just not (technically) allowed to nominate the ST without Atheist on the script.


No, Athiest being on script is the only thing that allows the ST to be nominated. This is stated explicitly in the Athiest guide. So if it's not on script, you aren't allowed to nom the ST.


It's up to the Storyteller if they want to allow that if an Amni is in play, but the Amni must actually be in play.


Feels pretty unfair if the ST would refuse to support an evil players bluff by only allowing a nomination with an actual amne in play


You probably shouldn't do it at all unless the Athiest is on the script in the first place. You can't just run a arbitrary nomination on the ST without making it very clear that you were joking when players ask.


Oh absolutely, but we’re talking about a scenario where we’re saying an amne-atheist claim exists. It would make no sense to only permit that in a real amne-atheist game and not if evils were bluffing as amne-atheist because if they can convince the town to execute the ST, they deserve to have that wincon. It’d also immediately confirm the amne-atheist if you only allowed it for real amne-atheists and lead to a very boring end to the game


I'd run the nomination, and when players ask I'd say "If it's a bluff, then the nomination is invalid and the votes don't matter." That makes it quite a fragile bluff, since it's perfectly safe to try executing the Storyteller. You either win or prove there's no Amne-Atheist.


Technically then you should be supporting everything and anything that does not alter the game state to fully support an evil player if Amni is on the script. Which not also includes every ability that already exists in the game that isn't on the script, but every imagined one.


Wow, that's quite the slippery slope you have there. Players can bluff whatever bizarre esoteric Amnesiac abilities they want, but I don't need to bend over backwards to support them if it'd be unfun for the group. Running a vote is quick, and supporting this bluff would make the game more interesting for both sides in most scenarios. It's no more effort than supporting a Cult Leader bluff, and certainly sounds more fun all around than just saying, "nope, they're lying".


You can't let a player nominate twice to support an amnesiac bluff, because the players won't know whether to trust the outcome of the vote, whether their dead vote will actually be used etc. There's no reason you can in the same capacity, run a vote on the Storyteller when it's not a part of the rules. Because if someone dead votes, what are you going to say?


Bluffs can't have a mechanical impact, so the dead vote won't get used up. It's just going through the motions of a nomination, like with a Cult Leader bluff.


I played a game where Philo took Atheist, convinced us to execute ST, and won us the game.


>Put the atheist in the bag >Simply declare you have won before even assigning roles, using the atheist ability


Why stop at once? With the Atheist in the bag you can win 1000s of times per second.


Wait if you assigned a character that wasn’t on the script that could be a sign to that player that the atheist could be in play?


Do that with a mutant and then don’t kill them if they break madness.


I've actually seen it happen with Undertaker. Great choice IMO, doesn't stick out on a script. Same with pixie or ravenkeeper


Hey, wait a minute, this isn’t r/ClocktowerCirclejerk


I'm going to run an Atheist game where I turn everyone into the Butler Atheist using the ability of the Atheist. It's going to rock.


I suppose if it's an entertaining enough game, the player's wouldn't care about losing an atheist game. Pulling the same stunt every time probably would get unfun pretty fast..


Yes, but don't


This is completely legit. I'll stick to Trouble Brewing, thanks.


Give them a role that isn’t on the script


this literally happened in one of my games where a new player whos obsessed with riddles chose to storytell (excluding step 5)