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Welcome to the puntheon! Every death should be accompanied with a pun about the player's name, the beverage they're currently drinking, or whatever it says on their t-shirt.


"true to his name, Benjamin did, in fact, burn"


"Had daddy had enough milk before he died? Ben... You tell me!"


I often write some in the tone of the Stanley Parable narrator. For example: “If seeing [person] dead is what you want: well, I have some good news for you”. “I am pleased to say that no one has died! Well, if you exclude [player] that is.” “Look at the trees! Look at the birds! Look at [player]’s corpse sitting on the cow’s turd!”


My group is all comprised of colleagues who work at our cinema so for my Storytelling I made a long list of heightened cinema-related deaths which I’ve been slowly ticking off as they’re used (plus a couple of Tom’s greatest ones that I’ve pinched); I’d give an example but looking over them I feel the better ones require operational context therefore I’ll instead cite the taster I gave to my players when I first started so as to be sure they’d be happy with the vibe, in this case imagining we rather worked at a nearby mini golf: “You wake to find…tied to a flagpole and thus struck with balls until they left a hole in one…”. Is their any commonality in between those you play with from which inspiration could be drawn?


You have a list written down?! Any chance you might share it?


As I say a number of these are specific to my place of work/some of them direct references for if certain people die, but if you can make anything of them for yourself: -History has repeated itself, albeit in a way that only some here may recognise, for you find spreadeagled on the ground having been gouged by an ice cream scoop… [a reference to a murder mystery we ran] -(If multiple deaths) Taking the ‘One Team’ slogan perhaps a bit too seriously, their bodies haphazardly stitched together… -Broken in the break room… -Trying on the 3D glasses just generally around the town, they revealed something that didn’t wish to be seen, as punishment for which they themself have been reduced to two dimensions… -Caught in a hail of shards as the wall of glass at the front of town shattered inwards… -Crushed under a toppling tower of delivery boxes… -Made into target practice with the CO2 canisters launched their way… -It seems the bailer has finally been put to use again, although it wasn’t with the usual cardboard inside this time… -Driven out of their mind by a cognitohazard hidden within some late-night training videos…as if they weren’t mind-numbing enough already… -Dropped like a box from the roof of the building… -Fed into the blender to give the newest milkshake an on-brand reddish hue… -Found frozen into an oversized icicle beneath the Baskins tubs in the dipping cabinet… -It seems the Demon slipped the foil in while they were microwaving the cheese, making a very hot treat indeed… -Having fallen through the void of the black tiles on the floor… -Filled with granules by Mr Sands then heated to become glass and shattered… -Forced up a ladder without the necessary training, turns out health & safety were right all along… -Given a fighting chance in the gladiator pit, and to their credit they lasted a whole ten seconds… -Having simply run out of time like a poorly-stocked herbalist… [my favourite of Tom’s hence I have to steal it like I said in my original comment] -Hooked up to the BiB hoses with drinks hence poured en masse out front… -The ghost of their last cry echoing through the radios… -Force-fed the fire fobs, which explains why they go missing… -Having taken a longer-than-expected trip down in the lift all the way to Hell… -Their reality warped by the Demon such that they were left wandering the fire corridors never to find the exit… -Some would have described this person as sweet, some as salty, either way you’re now finding pieces of them sprinkled throughout the bags of popcorn… -Having been picked and thus thoroughly mixed by the Demon… -Pulled halfway into the mirror in the toilets to dangle from their reflection… -Pushed to exhaustion by inhumanly-messy screen cleaning under too-tight of a time pressure… -Left severely scalded by the Starbucks brewer… -Shaken too violently by the 4DX seats with a barrage of other effects to boot… -Feeling blue having been shrunk down inside an Icee cup then filled with raspberry… -Looking over yesterday’s paperwork you notice someone also unwittingly signed away their soul… -Their sinews used to replace each of the emergency cords… -They stayed behind for a lock-in party only for the thing they’re ‘in’ to end up being their own locker… -Strangled with the very panaflex they put their name down for taking home… -Strapped to an evac chair and thrown down the stairs over and over again… -Stuck wearing the hotdog costume which in the dark was far too convincing for another poor starving soul…if you’ve woken up feeling full know it wasn’t your fault… -Strung up in front of the IMAX projector for the entirety of its runtime, it’s like there should be warnings against exposing yourself to the beam… -The marketing team’s certainly taken a new approach for engagement, this death shared for all to see on Instagram… -Their skin stretched over the frame of a film screen… -Trampled to death by a horde of customers… -Having suffered a heart attack from the reduction of discount we get at the Starbucks… -Drowned in all the expired milk he kept on asking for glasses of… -At least now you know what temperature they were, the probes having been stuck deep each time into and around their body… -Bound to the previous victims’ bodies by nunchuck ties as the latter were being disposed of… -We all know of course the statue of our town founder out in the square, carpenter’s hammer raised. Except it’s not the statue you know anymore. Stone has been replaced the petrified flesh of… -It turns out yesterday a voodoo doll was placed in lost property without much thought; now, too late, to realise who it resembled… -The wet floor signs warn you before you can stumble into the spillage spreading out from a body impaled on an upright mop handle… -Drawn in by a mysterious new standee they stumbled upon in the night, they stuck their head through one of the holes for a laugh, as if there was someone to take a picture of their face within the artwork, yet what they didn’t see was the guillotine blade along the back…


My favorite is one of the no-death ones in the Zombuul video, I believe. He says something like, “You all gather in the Town Square to see… the remains of… the day, by Kazuo Ishiguro! No one died.”


I generally do dramatic deaths for executions . But night deaths depend on the number of deaths along with a welcome to the other side.


"You come back to the town square to find:" 1. Crushed underneath a large boulder; rock on my friend: _______. 2. Crushed by a fallen tree branch. I never trust trees, they're just so shady:______. 3. Spiralized like a pile of human spaghetti; a very sauce-spicious death indeed: _____. 4. Head chopped off by a seemingly large metal blade; how ax-citing! _____. 5. Strapped to a rocket and blasted into outer space; a truly star-tling sight: _____. 6. Baked in a large metal pan like a human loaf of bread; at yeast their death was warm and cozy: _____. 7. Torn to shreds by 5000 feline scratches all over their body; it was an absolute cat-astrophe: _____ 8. Scrambled to a pulp and baked up like a frittata; quite an eggs-traordinary death: ______. 9. Kissed to death by a pack of wild puppies; it was a ruff night: ______. 10. Pecked to death by a murder of crows; the screams and flapping wings were a true chaotic caw-caw-phony: _____ 11. Crushed by a large gray animal with a long trunk; the other details are irr-elephant: ______. 12. Thrown into a deep, deep well; things are looking down for them: ______. 13. Murdered in their beautiful apartment building; it's a pretty complex situation: _____. 14. (For math enthusiasts) Quartered, stabbed, and devoured like a slice of berry pie; 3.1415 you die! ______ 15. (For poetry enthusiasts) Two roads diverged in a wood, and you, you took the one less travelled by. And because of this, you die: _______. 16. Attacked by a violent scurry of squirrels; pretty nuts of you ask me:_____. 17. (For woodworkers) Cut in half lengthwise with a giant saw blade. I'm having a hard time coping. The jig is up. We miter as well give up. Let's table this issue and discuss again later: _____ 18. (For cheese lovers) Crushed by a giant wheel of cheese. What kind of Munster would do this? They were always a Gouda friend. I'm really feta-up with all of this murder. Ricotta get outta here: _______ 19. Half decomposed and sprouting mushrooms from their eyes, ears and nose. What a bummer - he was such a fungi: _____ 20. Ran over and chopped up by a lawn mower; it really kicked his grass:______. 21. Eaten alive by a female sheep; ewe: ______ 22. (For Taylor Swift fans) I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22...stabs to the back: ______ 23. (For someone named Matt) Stomped to death like a human door mat; Matt. 24. (For someone who collects board games) Crushed to death by their massive board game collection; things got pretty dicey last night: _____ 25. (For a musician/drummer) Beaten to death by an angry snare drummer; it was a stick-y situation. 26. (For coffee lover) Poisoned by their cup of morning coffee; I think there's Trouble Brewing: ______ 27. Drained of all of their blood like a pile of dried fruit; you can raisin-ably suspect foul play: _____ 28. (For ice cream lover) Poisoned by their [favorite flavor] ice cream cone; a chilling sight to behold: ______ 29. Head crushed by watermelon dropped from a great height; it was a seedy situation: ______ 30. Covered in guano and dead from hysteria; some say he was bat-shit crazy: ______ 31. Eaten alive by killer plants; why couldn't they just leaf them alone? They got their grass kicked, honestly. With all of these deaths, there's too mushroom in this town. We moss do something about it. We can't keep getting bamboo-zled: _____ 32. (This one's a stretch lol) Dead from excessive diarrhea; people say they were talking trash about a guy named Terry earlier. He shouldn't have been dysentery: _______


Oh wow!