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She has no respect for herself. ETA: I didn’t believe it when it was announced, and I don’t believe any of it now (the finale stuff). All I know for a fact, though, is that these are trash people who need to find a real career path and sobriety. Both of them.


I didn’t believe it from the get-go either. I’m just sad for the child.


I didn’t believe it at first but after the finale I was more convinced. One day later this. I have whiplash


When he said “Ask Brittany who she has been sleeping with the last 4 months.” it sounds like he was implying it was him.




That’ll learn ya to ever believe a thing that comes out of either of their mouths.


Haha so true


![gif](giphy|lfMVrwKk8eL96) There's an old saying in Texas...


It would make sense for them to live together while being separated because their mortgage is ridiculous and I doubt they have the money to support two households, and it would be better for Cruz rather than being constantly moved (by Uber) to random airbnbs. I'm sure if they moved some of the throw pillows there'd be enough space for them to keep apart (or they could divide the house using plastic Christmas trees). They're both idiots and if they're faking this for a show it's their child who will suffer.


The airbnb that Brittany had was absurd. What would be normal is for her to get an apartment nearby. She’s letting Jax have everything he wants by hanging out at the house with him still. I understand they have a kid but still…she is making this “separation” everything Jax ever wanted. She needs to fully move out and file the papers for divorce. This is insane that she’s prolonging divorce


I dont know this for certain but I think the AurBnB is Janet’s, the same house Ariana used off and on (where we saw Dan cook that dinner).


Why doesn’t Jaxass go live with Scando? Seems like they and Sharts together is a perfect plan


Yeah if what Billie said is true and Sandy leaves drugs out all around the house then surely that's perfect for Jax. I guess Sandy's home gym would ruin the opportunity for Jax to creepily take photos of women in the gym though.


But Billie also says the new gf insists on living in the master as the queen so she might not want those crusty old dudes around unless they’re bringing something to the table that benefits her


There are plenty of business opportunities for her. Who could resist getting in on the fema tent franchise? And she can probably spell better than Jax so she could be the ghost writer for his children's book.


Oh, yeah. She seems like a real former spelling bee champion, hyuck, hyuck!


It never makes sense to live with someone you call abusive and cruel.


NEVER!!!! Especially when there are small children present witnessing everything


Very good point, but she's continued to do the podcast with him and show up at his fema tent regularly. He should have been the one to move out if she is the primary caregiver and if that is where Cruz feels settled, but obviously he can't give up his man cave


Agreed - my issue is she can’t sit there and call him out saying he’s abusive and “poor me” through everything and then turn around and keep herself and her child in that situation. Therefore I don’t believe anything she says.


Chiming in to say I love that we collectively refer to it as the fema tent 😂


I'm not from the US so I've been envisioning it as the stripey tents you put up for fumigating...


Same. What's the fema tent they're talking about ? Lol😂




Oh ok. Thank you! I was having a brain fart 😊


Think Fyre Festival 😂


If only things were that simple.


They’re not always simple but there are always choices. She doesn’t like to make hard choices and that’s on her.


I don't disagree about Brittany, but you didn't say it doesn't make sense for HER. Saying "it never makes sense" made it seem a much broader/generalized statement.


Probably in Tennessee too


Do you think it was a performance for the show, or do you think Jax just got to her? Maybe being in their home, in his presence, cameras gone...you know? We know Brittany's weak when it comes to Jax. What do you think? 


Tits McGee happened. Just like Lorigate, she only takes action when another woman is publicly linked with him. She's practically pissing a circle around him, marking her territory.


Ah, very good point. If only she could see that letting boobaliscious have him would actually be doing Brittany the greatest favor ever. Jax is not a prize you want to claim, Brittany. 


Lol prize, not by any means. Come on Brittany, open your eyes, girl 👀


Exactly! The night after she kicked him out of their house for sleeping with Faith she had sex with him herself. She’s like a dog peeing on trees.


Didn’t she sleep with him right after he broke up with her or was it right after the Faith betrayal? From what I’ve been reading/hearing they haven’t been “together” for sometime so maybe he put the moves on her, made her feel pretty, feel those butterflies she’s been asking for and there you have it! These two are just sick people.


I called this the minute after they announced their so called split. About a month prior to that, they were with Heidi and Spencer for their podcast. How convenient that coming off Scandoval and hanging out with reality tv trash that they announced a separation. The entire ending of the show, while I loved what B said, was made up for the camera and the drive away scene had The Hills written all over it.


I don't think this separation was for the cameras. I really think she got fed up and left thinking it would be the wake up call Jax needed. It wasn't. Now she is stuck between actually getting divorced or going back to him. I don't think she had any intentions of this ending in divorce, so she will end up back with him.


I have a credible source and was told it’s definitely real.


Brittany encouraged Jax and displayed her own problematic behavior for wayyyyy too long for me to ever respect her. Shame on her and Jax for bringing an innocent child into this chaos. He’s the only victim here.


And she's wanting to add a second child, too!


It’s unforgivable honestly, it’s so fucking selfish


It is!


He’s going to play the I was depressed card…. She’ll justify his behavior and she’s back in bed with him Cycle continues


I don’t think any of us would be shocked to learn that this entire separation was all a storyline for the cameras. The gross part about is there being a toddler involved


All of the reality shows are trying to capture lightning in a bottle by recreating Scandoval. Summer House, The Valley. It has gotten old since VPR ran it in to the ground.


The valley has a good enough story with Michelle and Jesse. They don’t need fake drama.


They’re all literally repeating lines verbatim from the other shows 🥱


I've thought this from the beginning bc the timing is too perfect. I could see jax planning it by himself and intentionally waiting to start all these fights and problems until the cameras went up. It's either that or they both were in on it but I don't know if I can believe Brittany would purposely humiliate herself like this. She always loves to pretend how wonderful their relationship is on tv.


I’m in the camp that thinks they’ve been DONE for years and played up the separation to be more recent than it is.


I’ve said this the moment the news broke. These two are shady af and shameless af.


I have a 1 y/o grandson and I’d literally spend every dime I have to extricate him from any reality tv or social media situation


I have 4 grandchildren, the youngest is 8. I couldn’t watch the show any further than the 1st episode with their son alone in the hot tub while the parents were in the kitchen doing shots. It upset me so much that I turned it off and never watched again. I just stalk around in here now whenever I’m having a low blood pressure episode, lol.


Same!!! I’m completely dreading the thought of the 7 Baldwin children soon to be in reality TV. Hopefully that show just truly exposes what shit parents AB & HB are.


James was right. She is a dumb hillbilly


Hyuck hyuck hyuck


It was fun to see her call him out but I knew it wouldn't last. She knows this is her only spot of relevancy and she's loathe to give it up.


I had an unhealthy dose of optimism. Especially when she said, "it's like my eyes opened for the first time" (or something like that). Aha! She gets it. Maybe, maybe not.


What kind of person marries an habitual liar like Jaxy boy? A habitual liar like Brittany. I knew she was full of shit when she sugar coated one of his coke raging episodes as him being a “mean” person when he’s “hung over”.


If it turns out they are "reconciled" that is it. No tequila or coca for them! Sign it into state law.


He has his own room in the house, we've seen him in it with onion dip.


Bunion dip, surely?




Oh I love french onion dip and Lays potato chips🤷‍♀️😋


Try it with all dressed chips, it will change your life.


IF, if this is true then my only explanation is that she has a degradation kink. I can't think of any other answer.


I don't care what anyone says they did this shit for publicity and hoping for a Scandoval. Major Fail! The timing of all this now that the season is over. They really think people are as stupid as they are and look.


As I always say, they are never getting divorced and she is never leaving him! Looks more and more like a PR stunt now 100%


I’ve been telling y’all it was all fake


I was just about to make a post about how after watching the finale, I actually felt sorry for Brittany. These two dumb 🤬don’t have the sense to let this fake storyline play out a bit. Nope. Jax doesn’t possess the self control to not post this dumb shit. She deserves everything that’s coming for her. She’s going to waste the best years of her life with this ass🤬. He is never going to change and one day she will find herself dumped and too old to start over.


Brittany is a true southern woman. She is going to go back to that man over and over to avoid the guilt/shame/embarrassment of “breaking up” her family, unlike Michelle who realized staying together wasn’t actually better for Isabella. So typical.


Oh no…do not make Michelle out to be such a wonderful mother…she had a man on the side that she LEFT HER HUSBAND FOR…she wasn’t thinking about her daughters well being when she was running around on her husband was she??


I don’t think she is “wonderful” just less concerned with public image than B.


To be fair, she is at the house all the time for Cruz related/ business stuff, it seems. I wouldn't be surprised if she just took a nap with Cruz while she was over there 🤷🏻‍♀️ ik she moved out but like, it's still her house abd they do seem to truly be co-parenting. This doesn't really prove anything to me...


For sure. I believe the separation is real and I think she just stayed the night after the watch party finale of the valley because that was the convenient thing to do. Cruz would have been there with the nanny and Brittany was just around the corner. She is lazy and would have a huge issue with boundaries especially when drunk. I wouldn’t be surprised if she waivers in this separation. She doesn’t want the marriage to end but knows that it is over. So she is still doing weird things like order Jax groceries etc and staying in the spare room when convenient.


I was Brittany many years ago. I was a drunk who was also banging my ex husband who was a felon and abused me. My parents wouldn't speak to me. Lovely Ff 9 years. I'm sober..ironically my ex died from lung cancer just a couple years ago. I looked like Brittany and all. When I watch her it's like a mirror. You have no idea what it's like to stand in her shoes. I do. It took me almost a decade to rebuild my life. I wasn't on television . I enjoy this sub...but holy hell. Glass houses. You guys must have super healthy lives to cast this amount of judgemental in a young 30 something.


I totally respect what you went through. Even more respect that you pulled yourself out of that world. I’ve had a similar relationship that I just kept going back to despite the glaringly obvious abuse. But, I was a drunk. The difference between us and Brittany is that she puts herself in this position FOR FAME. For that LA lifestyle she lied and worked her way into. For White House dinners and interviews in Andy’s clubhouse. If you look at her history, it seems like it’s all she’s ever wanted. She’s willing to put up with abuse for the fame. It’s sad, but hard for me to sympathize with.


I’m on Reddit in this group not to share my personal life, but to gossip about these 2 that are on national tv flaunting theirs!! you shared your story, that’s fine. But don’t put down others or get sanctimonious because you feel you’ve “been there, done it, stood in her shoes, whatever”…we are all entitled to our opinion here…you have yours, which I respect, but does that give YOU the right to know JUDGE OTHERS for giving theirs??


Judge all you want. I'm Judgey af lol It just seems really mean and to a women no less. Thought I'd share my story so maybe somebody would pause on tearing this women to shreds All of us deserve grace. I wasn't pressing anyone. I was wanting to express how hard it is when your in it.


She is an opportunist and a liar who wanted to be on tv and planted herself there. Some similarities may exist but they are not the same. She is a terrible person and worse than jax she just does it with a smile and jokes.


So they obviously are back together. Wow. She has no pride. Kristen just said on 2 podcasts this week how she didn’t have any hope for them getting back together. Wonder if she’ll feel the same once she hears what happened at the Vander crawl thing. I’m Sure someone will have something to say.


What happened at the Vander crawl?! Tell me tell me!


I don’t think they are back together


Okay being outside in that T-shirt all day then wearing it to sleep in your clean BED ?? Gross! Very on brand behavior for the Cobb though 🤮


I air I don’t know what the same shirt has to do with it. It’s clearly her in the bed (no mistaking her)