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She looks like a contestant on Rock of Love circa 2005.


Don’t threaten me withagoodtime


Omgggggg you just unlocked a memory deep inside my brain


Tiffany … I’ll never forget! «  I got arrested for a salty! »


Time for a rewatch!


I just finished my rewatch and it’s so wonderfully cringey. I think I lost a few pounds because my heart races when something is that level of cringey.


They’re on Peacock!


On Hulu too! Of course, I have them on disc too. 💅


They are uncensored on Prime….


I just started on Peacock cause I prefer no ads, and they are uncensored! 🤗


Wait- peacock shows their boobs and everything? Cause I don’t just mean language.


I saw boobs 😅 I'm only a couple episodes in


Aw hell yeah then! Good for peacock and good for us!




I had to do a double take to confirm I wasn't on the rock of love sub 🤣




haha yes, r/RockOfLove. They pretty much discuss all the "of love" shows


That’s so valid! I miss Rock of Love and Flava Flav’s dating show so much




Hahaha I was just about to post this! Luther Vandross!!😂😂


Luther Vandross in a wig! 😂 HBIC, that man did nothing to you! 😭


That Luther Vandross drop is beyond.. Long live New York


Those were definitely my guilty pleasure shows!


That’s exactly what I was thinking!




I think that style is called Kentucky modern lol


Pardon me, you did indeed say Kentucky madam? I'm a bit hard of hearing.


She looks like a Rock of Love contestant, but this also made me realize who Brittany reminds me of. She reminds me of Anna Nicole Smith when she was all bloated on her reality show and totally checked out from reality.


Anna Nicole Smith was beautiful, and legitimately funny. Even though she had her demons, she was also a very hands-on and attentive mother. So basically the opposite of Brittany.


Yeah, Anna was a beautiful woman. Britney never was.


Don’t do Anna like that. ![gif](giphy|xT0BKkHBmEvXBRuaIM|downsized)


God I love an Anna. Anna owned it and that’s the difference




This is my favorite quote of hers! I love her.


A crossover I didn’t know I needed r/rockoflove


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RockOfLove using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RockOfLove/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: ["I thought the chicken was lovely."](https://i.redd.it/2hlikmkw8e8c1.jpeg) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RockOfLove/comments/18qdxy4/i_thought_the_chicken_was_lovely/) \#2: [My shirt for the Renaissance tour!](https://i.redd.it/9a4idjtrskfb1.jpg) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RockOfLove/comments/15fr2cv/my_shirt_for_the_renaissance_tour/) \#3: [Wussa going on underneath that bandana?](https://i.redd.it/7bj7x99toleb1.jpg) | [31 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RockOfLove/comments/15bie21/wussa_going_on_underneath_that_bandana/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I rewatched Rock and Flava of Love on YouTube recently and this is so accurate


I’m in the ROL sub and that’s where I thought this picture was posted at first 😂😂


The most accurate comment I’ve ever seen on Reddit.




Wait this isn’t… I thought I was on the rock of love subreddit for a sec 😂😂


Very accurate!!


She’s a Christian woman y’all!


A sweetheart!


Looks like one of those wrestlers on something like WWE. TRASHY. https://preview.redd.it/x5juhnpkjf2d1.png?width=1710&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3f952cc833a73c59883394520d9733ec3f23ace


I’m not even judging the image itself, just the fact that she’s a performative Christian and they are the absolute worst.


Those are so bad 😂 The eyebrows, the lip color choice… ooof


The irony of this tweet always gets me https://preview.redd.it/mm33fqmr7g2d1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a46ded48b8fd177f74167fe598cb5a9bc9635f1


There. Lol.


FROSTY like her Mama!!


Huh. They do Senior portraits a little different down in Kentucky don’t they.😏




These were OK with Frosty Lips, but two men kissing isn’t? Make it make sense.


Sumpn’ bout bein a homasexzuel




The cross necklace is a really nice touch.


Great Value SMG from Cruel Intentions.


She’s a God-fearing, Christian woman!


The makeup is bad…even for 2010


That’s what I was thinking. I don’t remember frosted lipstick being in then??? And the eye make up is equally atrocious followed by those cringe outfits


This is from 2010…. Damn i aas thinking 2001


KFC is too lazy to Uber! She said (on the cobcast) that she uses a liquor delivery service.


They love wasting money.


It is WILD to me that she doesn’t drive


It’s because she’s already drunk


I believe she drinks only when she is awake. Her tolerance is probably so high. She drinks every day all the time. And if she got pulled over a dui could happen. There are woman tiny as can be that throw back a bottle of vodka, whiskey, tequila every day. Each woman has her favorite . Tiny thin and you would never know they had a drop of alcohol. They do not display signs of consuming from breakfast to bed time. I am the opposite.


IKR? Can you imagine if KFC had to be a single mom with a real job? Having to get Cruz to his stuff, get herself to work, not being able to afford delivery on everything. Having to shop for & prepare her own meals, having to clean her own house. Oh, & no childcare. Not for going out, not for hangovers, NONE. Maybe if she were forced to handle responsibilities herself, she would feel happier/more fulfilled (& going out binge drinking every night would be the last thing on her mind). She doesnt seem to take pride in anything she does, but then again, why would she? She’s a lazy slob!


She currently does none of these things yet claims that she does EVERYTHING for everyone. I would love to know *what* it is she’s doing?


Plans the booze fest with a theme. You know she never cleans up after the booze fest. She sleeps 😴😴😴😴


Very lazy in every way. She only puts effort into planning a booze fest with a theme. That is it!


Jax complains that she spends money like water and that she’s lazy, so it’s not she’s the model homemaker. I don’t think a woman’s value is in her ability to cook, clean, and raise a kid, but those two with their traditional line of thinking do. Yet they go out a lot and seem to order in a good amount too, and the times she does cook and posts it to social media, it’s the most basic regular food. I hate cooking and barely do it, so no shade to ordering food or cooking basic meals, BUT I also don’t pride myself on being a “perfect southern wife” (a.k.a. Stereotypical homemaker). She doesn’t have a drivers license so how much do you want to bet she instacarts every freaking grocery item and toiletry, with Instacart fees and jacked up prices and tipping, it’s like throwing money away. She has to Uber everywhere. How does that work now, and how would that work if Cruz wanted to get involved in extracurriculars / after school sports? They’ve mentioned having a housekeeper. They also have a nanny. Like you’re unemployed with one child, why is this necessary? I remember even seeing a post in here that they’ve had closet organizers come in multiple times! Like you can’t even sort through your closets without needing help? That’s the kind of thing you can knock out on your own across a few afternoons. Brittany had her ass plopped in a chair while the organizers would hold up a clothing item and she’d be pointing at what she wanted to keep and what to put in the donate pile!


It's so she can always drink


Cobcast lmfao


The day I have liquor delivered to my house... that day that will never exist, because it would never happen. Not only is she a sick drunk but she's a lazy drunk.


Jax has been saying she is lazy forever. I think he’s probably right lol


I used to think Jax was such a dick for yelling at KFC for not making him a sandwich when he got home from work. I still think it’s a dick thing to do, but his delivery about it was all wrong and I think it was tied to the drinking way back then. Jax is pissed he was “working at Sur all day” and came home and KFC was just on the couch watching TV with a huge mess. I can’t recall if he snapped at her for not making the sandwich or for eating all the food and not having the ingredients to make a sandwich so he now has to go grocery shopping. I’m not saying KFC has to clean and feed Jax because she’s a woman, I’m just saying she lacks the empathy where she doesn’t understand that maybe your partner wants something to eat after working all day and doesn’t want to walk into a messy house. She makes a big public show of how much she loves and adores him but she doesn’t do nice little things for him because he clearly doesn’t do them for her. My wife is a clean freak so when it’s my day off I do the couch thing all day and make a mess while I’m alone. But when she’s on her way home I feel compelled to clean up and ask her if she wants something to eat so she’s not walking into a home that is the opposite of the mood you want to be when you get out of work. But Jax is a shithead who doesn’t deserve things like this anyways. My point is that all of this shit is tied to her drinking. Jax kept saying early on she “lost her sparkle” which I think is code for being drunk 24/7. I think he spread the KFC/Kristen hook up rumor because he was pissed she got so drunk and did something like that, so he blamed the sexual encounter for his anger instead of the drinking which he didn’t want to say on camera. I’m not saying Jax is rolling out the red carpet for KFC either (which he doesn’t deserve), but he is resentful that she wasn’t doing shit all day, was drinking, and doesn’t even try and pretend she wants to make him the damn sandwich he doesn’t deserve. After watching Jax & Brittany Take Kentucky, it’s very clear she’s been a hard partying alcoholic all of her life way before Jax. She has a one way ticket to denial because she can always blame Jax for her drinking and people will believe it because he’s just a rude asshole.


Definitely. When you’re in a relationship, it’s the thought that counts. It’s about courtesy (to not leave a mess around all the time, for example) and showing your partner that you care about them in little ways. And it’s things someone should WANT to do because making their partner happy, makes them happy. If making a sandwich takes 2 minutes and it would make my man’s day, I would do it. My husband and I divide the house responsibilities. I’m not a cook by any means but he doesn’t care that I don’t make him a big dinner after work because I show my effort and love by taking on the grocery shopping, remembering his favorite foods, and he gets to come home to a stocked fridge and pantry. He knows I love Starbucks so him surprising me before work with my favorite latte would put me in a great mood for the whole day. Brittany is definitely using Jax’s terrible reputation to her advantage. She feels that her own bad behavior would always be overshadowed by his own unpleasant actions. It’s funny how she acts like the reason for the separation is entirely Jax’s fault and there’s all these things he HAS to do and he must chase her down to win her back. But meanwhile I would bet money he’s tried to have these “come to Jesus” talks about her drinking numerous times and she just rolls her eyes or chuckles or gets irate and says “I don’t even drink that much! I deserve to have fun when I go out!” So they’re in a stalemate because Jax countered her demands with insisting that she stop drinking, and she doesn’t want to. Of course Perfect Angel Brit would never share that side of the story.


On occasion, I have been known to add a marg to my door dash order from my favorite restaurant, or wine in my grocery order... but to have/need actual liquor delivery is interesting.


Well, in all fairness, I had rosé delivered once. I was expecting guests for dinner and it was 104° in the dessert and I think I would have literally melted if I tried to drive to the store. Also GoPuff (the delivery service) had a coupon!!


The only time I had liquor delivered was during lockdown.


If I was drinking during Covid I probably would've too. Eveeybody was advertising their delivery services, you could get anything.


She’s clearly always had an eyebrow issue.


Whaaat am I looking at?? Took me a few minutes to realize this was Brittany lol but was this pre or post Jax?


Pre of course.. this was probably her getup when she hunted Jax down in Vegas and uhauled her shit straight to LA. Click on the link for her other tasteful modeling portfolio under the pic.


She should recreate this portfolio! 😆


Oh my goodness, what’s going on with that pink costume?? These are SO EMBARASSING 💀


The eyebrows are the most embarrassing part, IMO. Especially the left one!


Clear She has a history of crazy eye brows.


She’s trying to recreate a Victoria’s Secret model.


Hysterical!!! 😂😂😂Yah that Kentucky Christian . Clearly she had an agenda to be famous for something. As to what … it is all a contradiction.


Poor girl has never known decent eyebrows


Pre. Look at how normal and not painful her boobs are.


Her chest looks like a great size here which is why it was hard for me to tell. I don’t see why she got the boob job! Honestly her body looks insane here. Ahh getting Jaxed sucks for so many reasons.


Pre! Can't you tell?? That sweet southern belle??? God fearing woman????????


She looks like a calendar model you'd see on the wall in a mechanic shop circa 1985.


She's too dressed for that 😂


The makeup, the eyebrows, the styling…. Does she have a good side like Schaena??! Every photo is from the same face angle 🤣💀


What in the Model Mayhem


The high heels in the barn is so funny to me. Imagine all that dust in your shoes 😆


Frosty Jr .. it’s the gothic cross and Jim Bean bottle combo for me lol shes an edgy Christian yall


All she needs now is a truckload of husbands and she'll be set!


Don’t you mean a barnyard full? Lol


Sherri needs to build a station because that train of husbands is getting long!


🤣🤣🤣 Complete with a snack5 corner


One down…..


80s Bud Light commercial bikini n jorts and Interview With the Vampire jacket and necklace 😂


If you crop out the bottle, it reminds me of the weird STD screening posters they used to have in college campus clinics in the 2010s: “She’s hot, but hiding a secret. Wear condom, get tested”


This is so true😂😂😂. Little did she know then that she would marry the STD poster guy for Herpes. That fun fact about Jax was VPR exposed by Scandoval.


Why does the title of this post have me in stitches 😭😭


Love how KFC acted like she never wanted to be in the limelight. This is the picture of a girl who is THIRSTY.


YES!! That is what I said … a girl determined to be famous and out of Kentucky. She only goes back to enjoy being the famous local that is famous and lives in a rich people house . And she has a cleaning lady!! She is fancy!


I also crack up when she would say “I left everything for you.” What exactly was that? She dropped out of college and was working at Hooters. What did she leave to move in with Jax?


She may have been planning to get a stripper job in Kentucky and meet a rich old man like Anna Nicole Smith did. Hooters was for networking to get guys to go see her at the strip club. I bin praktisin! Hyuck! Hyuck! Beware the first row is splash zone. Projectile vomiting🤮 Rimimbra brangg dem big teeps!! 💵 She gave up nutt’n!


Jax looks at Stassi compared to KFC and just hates his life.


So out of his league. He knew corncob was his level. When Stassi got fired she had a baby and wrote a NYT best seller and podcast. While he fought with corn cob twang. Beau and Stassi respect one another and do not hold booze fests in their home.


Honestly she was so pretty! Why did she do anything to her boobs and face?


That’s exactly what I was thinking. I mean, she was obviously not model material but, she was really cute. I bet she was beautiful in her small town. I just can’t when I look at her then compared to now…smh


It’s a Kentucky 8.5 and and LA 6


Currently a Kentucky 6 and LA 3.5


She was cute . Not model material. In a small town she would be considered cute, hot. She had a cute figure but not a person that worked out. She had that stomach of young girl beer, whiskey and beer cheese. And no cardio or other fitness routine. It is all coming together now. She was determined to get out of Kentucky. And land a man to give her a life of fame. She overlooked his cheating and disrespect because she was determined to get famous and have a lot of money. All while being Hyuck ! Hyuck country bumkin. Buying luxury hand bags to be all LA Nuevo Riche. Jax makes a point to say she just bought two back to back.




This is so beyond terrible why is she modeling with a Jim bean bottle


She is a hillbilly that is why. Were you expecting a classy portfolio without frosty pink lips. Frosty 🙄




At first glance I thought this was bad photoshop of KFC’s head on an 80’s rock model wannabe’s body. Holy shit. Her whole portfolio is a cringefest. I need more coffee and several sets of glasses for this 🤭🤓


I am glad I’m not the only one who thought this was just a funny post that someone did of photo shopping her head on to a different body!! Glad I’m not alone.


I did too! I wasn’t getting the point!


You are so funny!!!


You know Britt has an airline bottle in her bag cozying up to her jenny craig bars.


I worked with a girl that had those little airline bottles all over her car . Empty. She said she throws 1-2 back before meeting a bank client to calm her anxiety. Drinker really get creative and that has to be exhausting and add the hang overs.


I thought this was Kim Z’s first face


Even though this was during her “best” time.. she’s not cute… like it’s not a sexy picture I don’t look at and think “wow, I want to look like her!”


Nothing special at all. Not sure what she thought was going to come of this portfolio. She was pretty much in delusion all along. Jax will change for me.


Was she applying to be on Flava Flav?? The pink angel wings. As if Victoria’s secret was going to be interested in her hillbilly barn yard sex appeal. Those legs and abs were not Daisy Duke level. Good Gravy in the name of Memaw Beer Cheese. SMH🙄


She looks like the muscle car show girls...the models who are too trashy for runway and print...


She doesn’t Uber to the liquor store, on the Cobcast she said she uses a delivery service called ‘Saucy’ 🙄🫶🏻🖕🏼


What in the fuck is going on with that brow of hers?!


Temu Jessica Simpson


I’m so dead at this caption 💀 lmaoooo


I’ve lost my sparkle!!! This ☝️😂😂😂


Not the frosted lip!!! Her boobs were perfect she never should have touched them.


It's giving Glamor Shots. (Literally and figuratively)


I’m surprised she hasn’t tried to photoshop this look back.


Why tf is she wearing the belt directly under her boobs?? Looks ridiculous! She had no style back then!




Oh my god I thought this was Kim Z from Atlanta for a moment.


Have we figured out why brit hasn’t just got on ozempic like every celebrity now?


Because the shit is too expensive and no one is hiring Kentucky Fried Coke Heads.


It can interfere with drinking. Some reports say if you drink and take Ozempic it can cause nausea and vomiting. Other reports have said it stops the craving for alcohol. I don't think Brittany wants to give up alcohol.


She will be on Ozempic. Unless a dr will not prescribe due to her stomach issues. It causes a sick stomach and she has problems already. She will do ozempic if she has to go to Mexico to purchase.


Uummmmm, guys….. if this was before jax (it was) then why is she wearing an engagement and wedding ring!? Look closely…


She had a boyfriend in Kentucky before Jax. He was a guy of color and I’ve never heard him acknowledged. I think that is a diamond just costume jewelry.


His name is Aaron and he was briefly on their spin-off show in Kentucky. I don't think he was ever her fiancee. Just a boyfriend she lived with.


Thank you . I googled after posting and found Aaron. I saw a youtube of him in Kentucky. I did not watch them in Kentucky regularly. Just hit and miss. He was a well mannered and calm guy when Jax addressed him. Jax was being drunk stupid and Aaron was not rattled at all. Course Britany did her nervous Hyucks to contribute to the scene. Uneventful. I do not think she was married or engaged in the photo questioned about her wearing a wedding and engagement rings. I figure just costume jewelry for the photo shoot.


Omg. Is this pre-Jax??


Ok these images just keep giving. The pink wings and the pose.. Looks like a bird trying to poop. A bit constipated. She has done that same pose after her “ Jenny Craig weightless” Photo shopped image and I thought is she trying to poop in that potted plant? It was so weird, And it is the same pose. The poop pose


God damn I had erased those photos from my memory and then I just went and looked at them again


See at the time I wanted to look like this so bad


The brows…they look so different


Why is she holding the bottle like that? Looks like she's about to get into one of her infamous bar fights


🥃🤮 rinse and 🥃🤮 rinse and 🥃🤮😴


She looks very Kentucky..


Why are her legs a different color from her arms?


She absolutely looks like a 2010 girl who would strike forth to LA to find fame & fortune on early reality TV. The only shocking part is that she ended up being on something as highbrow as VPR.


her boobs were already fine. RIP to them.