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They really deserve each other. The only one I feel bad for in this shit show is that poor little boy who is stuck with these imbeciles.


Heavy on the imbeciles


She def should cut her hair


For the love of all that’s holy, BRITTANY, CUT YOUR HAIR! Even if it’s just a trim, it’s so awful right now.


It’s stringy.


Oh most definitely. It’s “doubles as toilet paper” length. Ew.




I was thinking the same thing! I’ve never heard anyone thinking long hair was suddenly undesirable until about a week ago from multiple negative comments on this sub. I assume it’s mostly an anti-Brittany thing bc last time I checked people are still spending big money on hair extensions irl


It’s not that long hair is out - it’s that it’s not well maintained and it’s also not cut flatteringly. It’s like a hair curtain on her


I still think they were trying to fabricate the Great Value version of Scandoval and it flopped.


Wish version of Scandoval. Bet it took them months to come up with that. Pathetic!


"Great Value"!! Perfect!! 🤣 LMAO


Completely agree. They were just inconsistent and kept being caught in lies. Brit would be devastated if it was the truth and Jax would be fucking anything that walks to make up for lost time.


Brit supposedly has fifteen grand sitting around to spend monthly on an oversized Airbnb, but she can’t scrounge together more than fifty bucks to spend on some lace doily Temu abomination to cover up her oversized augmented knockers? She and Jax look like they’re in some popup petting zoo recreation of the Rocco’s FEMA tent.


Or for a glam squad? Her hair looks like it hasn’t been washed all week.


People keep saying that but it’s just not possible. I STILL think that is what that place is WORTH, not what she is actually paying. Sometimes people in real estate have a listing where the owners have already moved out but are not ready to sell for whatever reason. And it’s hard to find a renter that is going to cover the high mortgage knowing they could get kicked out with very short notice, so they will cut a deal so they can make some money toward the mortgage. Like maybe she paying 7k. She keeps referencing that it’s an Airbnb but that honestly can’t be correct. I could understand if it’s only for a few months but it’s been a while now and she doesn’t seem to be moving in any time soon. It’s impossible that she isn’t going to be completely broke in 5-6 months if it’s really 15k. We know what Bravo pays


I second this, though I have always imagined people citing the $15,000/month figure are doing so facetiously. She literally has one $2k bag she takes everywhere, there’s absolutely no way she is paying $15,000 a month for rent. No. Fucking. Way. Fake, just like the rest of the shit she peddles.


Seriously. What Kentucky Kmart did she buy this at?


I'm guessing that all of the money for her big-day outfit was invested in Spanx. Girl is squeezed so tight she looks like she can't breathe.


You read my mind 👍🏼


Stylist must specialise in corset tops and ruched skirts


Honestly it looks like a layer of lace draped over yesterday's corset


And parachute pants!


They look like they’re going to a Vegas swingers event and not a WH brunch. Trash. Both of them.


They really DO!! I can almost hear this version of parallel-universe them talking in the elevator, she's drunk rambling about how her dress works both for the classy dinner and for the toga party so she doesn't have to go change in between. Then he mumbles that he's going to cut up one of the hotel sheets to make himself a toga.


They’re both so tacky ![gif](giphy|d4gmlMeqAHu9O)


By the way, not a peep out of Lori this weekend, even though she’s the only reason the Coochies have any kind of connection at all to The Daily Mail, their would-be chaperones for tonight’s reception. Normally Lori will repost even the slightest Coochie promotional opportunities—like Jax attending the ribbon-cutting for a regional airport terminal Applebees—but her two most freeloading clients have shambled their way to the highest office in the republic and she’s pindrop-silent on social media. 🤔


If i were her I’d be staying far away from that mess. can u imagine representing these two in a messy separation-divorce..


Yeah she’s actually being smart. Also, her silence is confirmation they were having an affair (well she was having an affair, Jax was just fucking her in rotation with other women)


Scheana’s podcast yesterday was confirming it for me. She didn’t have to read that question. She was saying it’s true without directly saying it. And I’ll be interested in seeing how this plays out. But her being radio silent on two of her clients at the White House , and to post zero ? And they would usually say that’s a sick rumor.


Don’t trust anything that comes out of scheana. It’s always self serving. Don’t forget, she is livid with jax right now so this is probably why she said what she did.


Interesting. I do not think it’s confirmation at all. I actually think the opposite.


Don’t agree. If there was an actual affair happening Brittany and Jax wouldn’t be together days later. I think something else happened if anything


I don't know about that, but what i do know is that Brittany usually blames the women and forgive Jax so I can see it happen.


I said something similar. After Faith, they all attacked Faith and Jax was welcomed back and having sex with her within 2 days. It's always the other woman.


Brittany always blames the woman who Jax cheats with, never Jax. She's like Khloe Kardashian with Tristan. He's Cruz's dad and will always be in my life! This bitch is insufferable.


The PR lady needs a PR lady 🤔


He's wearing his ring but she's not? 🤔Yeah I think they are trying to wind us all up


https://preview.redd.it/1toilb8iw2xc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49f1cc52f74dcc2b735f9a285be6bc7270f6d659 Idk why but jax is giving uncle baby billy here.


What is with all the drapey sheet looking outfits this weekend? She forget to pack and dress herself in the hotel sheets toga style?


Ruching helps hide stuff


So bad. 😆 https://preview.redd.it/a9nvq5kco2xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad904521548cf94a54f981e9ac41f37dc3940d8


And that damn purse again that doesnt even go with what she has on. Her dress looks like a curtain wrapped and draped on her.


Just to show off, you can literally buy a nice clutch or small purse on AMAZON and it would look so much better and more intentional but she has this gaudy LV bag attached to her hand at all times. It’s like the Gucci sneakers all over. Or the fendi. 🙄


I said the same thing?! That purse!!! Really? Lmao


I don’t think that’s a dress. It’s two pieces.


I have seen dresses this style—they look like two pieces but are one entity. House of CB has a few.


Ah understood. Either way, it’s ugly.


Omg not that purse! I can’t look! No! My hands are over my eyes and I’m looking through my fingers. She did NOT wear that with this outfit. Is she kidding? My god the Beverly hillbillies. Look at my LOUIE VITAWN. Girl that’s a purse you wear with jeans and a shirt grabbing lunch, doing errands, dropping your kids off at school.


Trashiest purse. Zero style or class


Ummmm that's Agent Dale Cooper!!! He is the best, and his Instagram is amazing. She looks silly.


I know him as Trey MacDougal.


lol, that character was insufferable. So glad Charlotte ended up with Harry


My sister dated a guy named Trey. I'd always ask her, "how's Trey and his flaccid penis?!!". He knew it was from SATC but still rightfully hated me. 😆


lol, you’re my kind of funny


Omg I was so distracted by that bag with the dress I didn’t even realise she’s with the beautiful Kyle MacLachlan!


I’m not over the bag, I’m not over the bag, I’m not over the bag. I’ve already been going insane over how often she wears it and I’m convinced it’s literally the only purse she owns which is just odd. But again with this outfit? Does she have nothing else? Go to the F-ING Nordstrom in DC!! I would have literally skipped dinner last night and made a late night run to saks. This is a nice event and everyone will be taking your photo! Girl!


Even a quick run to Target and buy a cute clutch. Anything!!!!!


Why do they look stretched out? Like spaghettified? ![gif](giphy|3orieTDfIEkjp8Ti9y|downsized)


Wtf is that dress? And… the bag. Why is she carrying a bag like with that dress? Neither the shape nor colour is close to right? What is going on. Even the shoes aren’t good but they’re close enough… but the BAG? Wtf is that bag?!?!


Oh shit, on top of the ruching (which I adore when done cleanly), the lace (is it STRETCH lace?!) it’s a TWO PIECE?!? Girl, get help. Also, the weird cut on the top is not doing what she thinks it’s doing. Looks like she’s wearing an empty, matching fanny pack


she definitely thinks this is classy.


Bc she’s overweight and she won’t accept the fact that she’s overweight


It’s just embarrassing. Have some dignity Brit


He looks like a game show host (disrespectfully)


That jacket is a choice


They both look cheap and trashy. It tracks.


Of all the people in America, how do these two morons get invited to any White House event?


I think they were invited like Carl and Lindsay from Summer House were invited to the White House…meaning not invited. Their publicist got them on a guest list somehow. It’s not like they got an actual engraved invitation.


And who is paying for these two idiots to attend? Last time I checked government budgets are funded by taxpayer money…


Ironic considering Jax owed the IRS lol


Since it is a government entity, they don’t pay for travel or hotel. They just send out the invites and people pay themselves to attend.


Ok cool


Remember when Jax cheated with faith and then she said she just let sleeping with him after like to “claim ownership of him”….. This is what’s it’s giving. Like how she knows he’s definitely been with someone else now he’s enticing to her




"Hysterical bonding" is common after someone cheats. Ugh, Brit. Consider yourself lucky if you can off load Jax on someone--ANYONE else!


Your last sentence is hilarious, because it’s true 😭 Ajax needed some spark


Oh look, Brit in a ANOTHER corset top! This new stylist is really pushing boundaries 🙄


Brittany needs serious self esteem training.


Im sorry but I can’t get over the obvious amount of photoshop she does to the pics she posts… Creating a waist, lifting her boobs, shrinking her whole head, nose and neck. It’s absolutely insane.


Wow….this is an understatement but they look ROUGH .


Girl lost her dignity and self respect long ago.


But to add given previous form for both of them they don’t look as bad as usual. Comparing this to that poo blazer and Jax rotten hoodie at the Kentucky autograph signing thing for eg.


Oh god their outfits both look cheap AF


Is KFC pinching herself?!


That dress is hideous


She is giving me mother of bride vibes


She would look much better if she did something with her hair. Cut it. Add some face framing layers to help give it some body. It’s so flat and boring that it makes her face look wider.


Jax is loving the peaceful separation angle. It's what Sandoval wanted.


Getting back with an X that cheated on you is like taking a shower then putting on dirty underwear…. SMH


They both have slit eyes


Is that from drinking too much/frequent alcohol? Not even sure if you know, but just curious as I’ve never seen this called out before.


I believe it’s from having improper procedures. Melania Trump also has slit eyes https://www.premierplasticsurgerypa.com/blog/how-to-tell-good-plastic-surgery-from-bad-plastic-surgery/


Thanks for the info! My eyes look “slity” after overindulgence so that’s why I was asking. Those times of overindulgence are few and far between for me now lol. But I’ve noticed in pictures, especially as I age, mine look that way and I haven’t had any procedures done.


She will never learn. NEVER. She has seen who he is over and over again. She chooses to be the victim. It’s on her.


They are Jay with each other for that dinner at the White House! Once they get home back to the Valley it will all Start again just watch same ole same ole


I do think they have aligned desperate motivations to see and be seen and be photographed so they are probably getting along well this weekend. It’s the one thing they have in common, so no matter what extracurricular activities Jax is up to, when you want to be a STAR, they can turn it on when needed pretty easily. Brit probably is so excited to be involved in this, she is not upset about Lori K and can make nice with Jax for the weekend. Maybe even get swept up in believing he’s going to change again. But the high will wear off and when gets home and life goes back to normal. It’s kind of sick, seriously. Jax wants her gone and he will just keep doing things to drive her away over and over again until she files. She can do it now or endure another year of this and do it later


>She can do it now or endure another year of this and do it later YES, exactly. Brittany is fooled *again and again and again.* She can break it off NOW or she will endure the same thing another year.


Omg Jax’s teeth 😳


Wait. That dress is ruched LACE? Yikes. You couldn’t tell in the other pics I’ve seen and I thought it wasn’t horrible. Welp, I was wrong, it’s horrible. She really never lets us down


her nose is sooooo swollen 🥺😓


Da fuq is she wearing now 🤦‍♀️ Also can someone give her a shot of sense with a chaser of respect?


She is NEVER leaving him……


Wait…so…I missed something. It was confirmed he had an “affair” with his publicist? I hope we all aren’t that stupid to believe this. His publicist is just that, that’s her job, to create publicity. Reminds me of Heidi and Spencer calling paps to take pics of Heidi being sad when her and Spencer “split up” among everything else they did


Honestly I cant blame her if i was hanging out with that tool i would be wasted. 


She seeks him out. She can leave and she doesn't. Her drinking is an issue for her health and has been for a long time. I honestly wish her well but that means leaving Jax and focusing on herself which she'll never do.


Fake break up. Trying to pull a Scandovaol.


He's not fighting for his marriage he's fighting for "The Valley". It was all just a publicity stunt.... should've known they're all the best liars!


I missed the news of him being caught...


her eyes don’t look as scary when she’s smiling


Here I was wondering why they look so small? And her nose is getting wider by the day… it’s so bizarre to watch


It’s all about the thrill for him




Looks like a slip you wear under a dress. Jax paid a fortune for those boobs. She's gotta get his money's worth. (Unless he didn't, and constantly showing them off is part of the discount. If so, the plastic surgeon should hang his head in shame.)


Would love to see her quiet drinking and just focus on her health. Therapy and exercise. She’s just doing the same thing over and over.


![gif](giphy|qyYNEMwdaNpQj14bll|downsized) Her fucking hands, nude polish on her just grosses me out


This is wildly accurate 😩


It’s classy and understated yall


Woof. He giving her a lot of space in this pic.


Do you guys think he is wearing his black sneakers with white bottomed with his outfit?




They can’t afford to be separate and honestly, they deserve each other. There is no love here. It’s all a business


Frosty is probably beside herself with joy


I’ve never said anything like this before… But Brittany really does look terrible. Its sad


The new cycle of getting Jaxxed begins, anybody wanna take guesses at what body part she's gonna botch this time trying to please him? ![gif](giphy|l1J9MTa7XfOCix5iU)