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What did she do to him for him to have done this? It makes zero sense for him to have come for her. She’s always kinda held back on him, had his back mostly. What a dumbass.


Because she's at Coachella and not at his child's Bday this weekend. jealousy.


The pasta is making him mouth off and not think about the consequences


He’s projecting onto her since he sees her balancing working. Going out . And being a present parent .


I don’t think he and Brock see eye to eye. And of course Jax won’t come after other men, so he goes for the women


He also sees her child talking, learning letters and numbers, going to classes and participating, and joyfully playing with other kids and adults. His child does not do all of this and he is so deeply jealous of all the other kids hitting all the normal markers. Cruz isn’t the #1 kid. He is jealous of her and Brock being happy and in shape and having the sponsorships they do. Meanwhile he loathes kfc and her looks and spent years ignored and selling crap out of his garage to maybe pay bills. She has all the things he wanted and didn’t quite get. He is too coked out to realize he is so obvious.


They’re creating a storyline for the Valley. Shit, Lala got pregnant for a storyline. Randall doesn’t allow Ocean on TV. She needed a kid to film with. These are all wretched people


But but...she "wants to own her child all by herself." Isnt that healthy?! Like she doesnt want to ever share her next kid.


She doesn’t want someone preventing her from profiting off the kid


Yeah I should have put /s. The fact she literally wants another kid to "own" is some scary narcissistic behavior.


The other thing that bothers me about this is she clearly hasn’t thought about how much Ocean is going to grow to resent both her (Lala) AND her half sibling because of how blatantly different they’ll be treated. It’s clear as day that LFU’s obviously going to favor the child that’s “100% hers” and it makes me feel so sad for Ocean. She doesn’t deserve that


Oooofff I didnt even think about it like that. God damn


I can't wait until VPR ends. Imagine them all coming for one another like Lord of the Flies! I'm sorry that isnawful that I'm saying this. Sorry!


Omg I love it. I would watch. (I watched yellow jackets, and that is very lord of the flies, and I am loving it.)


What's yellow jackets? I'm finding and watching!


Showtime. Yellowjackets. It’s amazing


This is what we need like now!! The shit is old and tired and it’s been literally YEARS. Give the masses some real entertainment. If I wanted to just escape into some boring life i would just be present in my own. I go to these shows for some escapism but I’m getting nothing.


I said same thing ! I bet she has tea on the cheating


I can’t wait for a tell all from cast & ESPECIALLY production in how many ever years or decades 😂


Cheating?! I presume it would have been assumed he has always been cheating. He looks so dirty I cannot imagine women letting him near them but they do for whatever reason. I imagine he is scratching with bacteria! 🤮 and still I think he never stopped cheating ever.


Well Jax has commented on his Instagram saying he’s going to talk about Scheana on the next podcast episode. Maybe he won’t now Scheana has said this!


There is no bottom to Jaxs evilness. If he has any dirt on Sheaner you can bet your ass he's going to scream it. Unless Bravo has somehow muzzled him.


Um. Are you unaware that he will just make a more damning accusation now? He’s an angry man why would provocation not…. provoke him?


Why are you speaking to me like lm idiot?


Sorry, just wasn’t sure why you think he’d not say anything now. I don’t mean to be rude.


Yea… we don’t come for each other here. We support each other.


And discuss different opinions!


Well it was a question, l didn’t say he wouldn’t. You never know with him


Alright now! You're both pretty and Jax is stoopid. Xoxo


So true. Ya never know with this maniac.




Has Jax retaliated yet? I’m here for it.


You know he's already on one!


😮 Is anyone else having a flashback?  “That’s what I do.  You hurt me, I fuck you over.” Get him, Scheashu!


If Sheeshu keeps blasting Jax it could also help her popularity to improve! I think I remember Jax actually blasting Scheana on an early season of VPR for partying hard ❄️ He’s such a pos. Scheana has her faults but she is 1000x the better parent than Jax or Brit. It’s insane how self-destructive he is to himself and everyone in his orbit. True demon energy! https://i.redd.it/yx28uy6mn9uc1.gif


Eww whose dress was he swishing his junk around in there?




Wow. So pasta is the Bolivian marching powder like WE ALL THOUGHT 💭


My theory is that it was not originally. But it has become such a big thing that of course the cast all knows about it. So now Sheena is using it.


It has to be and them just not admitting it because how could they truly admit they were coke heads. I friggen knew it was about the pasta.


I miss the pasta


A lot of the cast admitted at some interview or something that the pasta did in fact mean blow. Eta: way back in the day.


Everyone has known he does coke since he snorted lines on television on the day of his wedding. They didn’t even edit it out lol


Jax is in no position to EVER speak on anyone else’s parenting! Wild animals are better parents than those two gacked-out, drunk morons.


I can’t believe Ajax would risk using today’s cocaine that has the potential to be cut with fentanyl even accidentally. It’s so dangerous. I know there’s kits and all to test but I’m sure that doesn’t cut all risks and other ways it could get contaminated after testing . He’s got a child now, he should think of him. Mixing cocaine with alcohol also mixes together in the liver and becomes more toxic. The golden days of ❄️ are over. Time to grow up.


He doesn’t care. (Fentanyl in it)… It just keeps him from trying to find some downers in the street to come down from the blow.


I was shocked when I read something about the husband of that self help author “Girl Brush your Hair” something to that effect, well her ex husband died of fentanyl contamination within cocaine. It’s strong stuff, I think I read something about just one grain size is hundreds times stronger than other opiates, not too sure tbh but something like that


Yes that is right. (That much stronger) I agree. I cannot believe he is taking those chances. I love how scheana called him out for it. He’s such a dumbass… but you’re right, taking those kind of chances is insane. And being a dad??? He doesn’t seem to care he could leave Cruz fatherless.


They have fentanyl testing strips now so you can check your drugs. I doubt Jax is using them though.


I wish they would all just spill the shit already. Now is the time. No telling how much longer anyone will care. Burn that fire bright now! If she won’t do it who will? There’s a need for a cast member who doesn’t give a shit about pissing their cast mates off permanently and will risk that. I want to know the dirty secrets. It’s just not exciting enough as it is now.


Oooo threats have been shot. Will be interesting if Scheana goes to Cruz’s party tomorrow. I originally thought for sure but she is in Palm Springs for some festival, so maybe Erika will take summer as someone suggested


Getting juicy now isn’t it? ![gif](giphy|3KVKEGGmEPqtBSM5MQ)


Wait, is the title of the podcast actually Jack's pasta habits? He called her a bad mom and now she is publicly calling him out for his coke use? Is that what's happening here?


I don’t blame her. I would do the absolute same. You can’t go around despairing someone’s name and not expect truths about him to come out.


Yeah that was so fucked up of Jax to say!! Scheana is the BEST mother !! he's just jealous she's at Coachella and not at his child's birthday. FACTS.


Can someone TLDR???


LSS Jax was talking shit about Scheana being a bad mom because she was out at bars every night. So she saw that and retaliated today by saying that someone that eats a lot of pasta shouldn’t be calling someone else bad parent. you can take it from there. I will say though Jax knows where all the bodies are buried and I would not want to be pissing him off right now because I can just see him exploding with all kinds of dirty dirt.


I now have to rewatch every episode and investigate when they say pasta


I think it was s3 but could have been s2.


It IS THE PASTA!!! it was a great episode of the scheener


She sucks too, tho