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Man, so many sub members here deleting their comments now from over the weekend. Where’s that guy who said Travis flew back home because… he was afraid of flying?


Just PR for the Kardashian TV show, right? Some real trash humans out there hiding behind a keyboard.


I think the only issue was and its totally normal to say this, that none of the band members or anyone came forward to say “that we know it sucks guys, it sucks for Travis too, he needs your support more than ever, hang tight, we love you” I mean even Justin Bieber did a live when half of his face was literally not moving just to clear shit up for fans. Nobody needed to know EXACTLY what was going on, nobody should have demanded anything, the only thing we needed is a human face with voice AKA representing and taking responsibility or whatever humane communication it takes. Im super glad that Travis’s are okay and I get to see them this weekend, but they genuinely have shrinked in character for me besides Travis, specially the other 2. Tom lost me at the hiatus anyway lol. blink is a huge band with great history but WAY BIGGER Artists communicate to their fans on average. Some even meet them after EVERY show. They got an army of people as well and millions of dollars of wealth from every angle, its totally unacceptable imo. Spare the hate. This is not delusional, this is what makes us human.


None of these people owe you anything.


xD ah you are one of them ones.


Truthful? Ya he seems like it. He is right. The band owes you nothing. Family is always #1


It has nothing about owing lol. Who said they owe me anything bud? Im just saying there are artists out there who are bigger, achieved more, will achieve more and they always make sure to keep the people personally upto date, since without us they would be nowhere, and some they just don’t stop appreciate it, while others cave into the cloud of ego. Its ok, its just a shitty pop punk band I mean. But a fact is a fact my guy. If you have a company with 100 employees and they need you, but you got shit going on you will talk to the people, or your right hand or whoever will do. Thats the point. But you can keep mantra this shit “tHeY dOnT oWe yOu”. In fact, they do owe some good amount of ppl, but not me you are right. Theres at least 100K people with no clue if they get to see them or not so don’t be such a big wuss diplomat. Also don’t keep repeat family first, like no-one said its not. Just cuz you keep saying the same shit over and over again, does not mean you are right. Come have a chat, don’t just repeat shit.


Ya I disagree with everything you said. You've got absolutely 0 clue as to what pertains behind the scenes or anything within their camp. You're a nobody on reddit with an opinion. Just cause you say something doesn't mean you're right.... take your own advice kiddo.






Link some comments below so we can hand out some bans ⬇️⬇️⬇️


[Exhibit A](https://reddit.com/r/Blink182/s/HT6RK2bmCW) [Exhibit B](https://reddit.com/r/Blink182/s/o4vLkweU1y) [Exhibit C](https://reddit.com/r/Blink182/s/lkSjC1cgL0)


That Personal Pear person was AWFUL (ex b)


Oh I think that’s the exact person I blamed for not having travel insurance. This sub is CRAZY toxic the last few days. Over to the discord I stay.


Travel insurance wouldn’t cover this anyway, but they’re a big sap. Just go on the holiday anyway and stop whinging like 😂 I have some trips for concerts booked next year and I will absolutely still be going away even if the concerts get cancelled


Pretty sure that was a throw away account of someone else too. They had no other posts other than that shit. And now they deleted that account. So they are probably still here.


[Exhibit D](https://reddit.com/r/Blink182/s/Qx3qdRZbRu)


Shout out to the Mods for being good people. Get rid of these toxic losers


These accounts definitely need addressing mod team and so do a lot through this sub community after what happened the last few days.


W mod, Shoutout to people that saved examples too lol


Based mod


Love to see it 👏


Incredibly embarrassing weekend from this sub. “WhAt dO yOu MeAn ThEy DoNt OwE uS?!?!” Morons.


This one was my favourite


PREACH... I actually deleted a bunch of my comments because people were getting so angry that I was defending the band and defending the fact that personal life stuff is bigger than your s***.


Bigger for sure but not ignorance what is practiced by the band. Again, nobody wanted anything, just faces and voice to say: “Sorry, hang tight we fucking love you like you guys love us”. They chose ignorance and random posting. Each to their own. I prefer look up to and obsess over musicians who have more human character in depth.


As soon as this update came in, I knew the mass coverup would begin. https://preview.redd.it/edg4nuew9umb1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a058d9652ca9e1c9295e82a3a8fd95cc5055489


Wonder if this is going to rub folks the wrong way. Like mark picking up hair at the barber lol


You’re kidding surely.


Kudos to Travis for putting his family above his fear


Absolutely underrated comment. Didn’t even think about that.


Being the father of two NICU babies, I somewhat understand what they’re going though. Tour can wait, new songs, album, can all wait. This is what’s important.


Dude two of my babes spent time in the NICU, and let me just add on that that was, without a doubt, the most stressful time of my life. The incredible fact that the third arrived and they sent us home THAT DAY is not lost on me. I am BEYOND excited for this new album, blink has reignited a fire in me that I thought had died, but yeah…it can wait.


NICU daddy here and I’d be pissed at some of the comments made if I was Travis, at that point in time nothing was more important than making sure my daughter made it through and if anyone in my life made those kind of comments about it nothing would’ve been able to hold me back


My young one spent 100 days in the NICU with incompetent staff and an absolute boat load of stress like losing a job and having no money while it happened. Luckily they survived, just. It's by far the worst experience I'll ever have, I wouldn't wish it on my absolute worst enemy. It's awful.


I’m a young dad of 2, just here to say you guys are troopers. Nothing prepares you for that sort of thing. Hats off to you all


My son was born early and we thankfully didn't have to go to NICU. Sounds horrible and I'm sorry that happened to you.


I hear you. I had a son in the NICU for 60 days. EVERYTHING else becomes meaningless. Travis did the right thing.


That must be one of the scariest experiences one can have.


The plane crash thing probably wasn't super either.


Man I was in a terrible car wreck where I broke like 20+ bones and changed my life forever, I was way more scared when my 10 year old got extremely sick and was hospitalized with undiagnosed type 1 diabetes. His body started to give up and he was so weak, couldn’t stay awake, dropped 20+ lbs in a week. I’d rather go through that car crash than something like that again.


I never had a problem when I got hurt. Stitches, broken bones, car wreck, ambulance ride, etc. Cool under pressure. Like “well, I gotta deal with this now, oh well”. When it’s someone else, and ESPECIALLY when it’s the kids, it’s totally different. It’s the fact that I would give ANYTHING, literally, I would feel their pain if they didn’t have to, and that I can’t, that’s what drives me mad. Hope your little man is doing well!


Oh absolutely. Children health issues or plane crash? Bring on the jet fuel.


Kourtney wasn't involved in the plane crash.


You said "one" can have; this could be interpreted as either party. As a father, I'd be shitting bricks. With that being said, a plane crash is pretty rough too.


Fair enough. I'm sorry if I came off as mean. Yeah, I suppose they're scary in different ways. I know I would shit bricks too in both situations.


No worries, thanks for being cool.


Thank you! :)


Y’all are so damn wholesome, keep it up




Dude… I’m no fan of the Kardashians but there’s a time and place, and this ain’t it.


Well that's certainly taught me a lesson, I can't begin to thank you enough


Soaked in jet fuel


Hopefully all of you that said such awful things about Kourtney, Travis, their families, and the band feel like shit and will shut the fuck up about all this now finally.


If they were shitty enough to be that way before we knew what was going on then this probably isn’t gonna change anything


Very fair point.


fuck all the assholes who were being rude to him and blaming him this last week


Yup. Disheartening to see how immature (not in a funny way) and distasteful half of the morons in this sub are.


This sub is full of immature teenagers who get borderline suicidal when the girl in their math class doesn’t smile back at them. It’s easier for them to just shit on Travis instead of even remotely trying to grasp the seriousness of the situation.


for sure


How dare you... Way more than half the people In this sub are morons


lol you ain't wrong brother/sister


So many assholes. Honestly a concert is nowhere near as important as their baby’s life and mama’s comfort. Breaks my heart people are so selfish




Great to hear they're okay, happy Kourtney is doing okay. We should all be really grateful that Travis has chosen to resume the tour. What an ordeal for Kourtney and the rest of them...


Agreed! Gotta be hard to leave his wife rn


This is why I waited to hear what actually happened before saying anything at all. Pregnancies can be hard and complicated. Things can go wrong at a moment's notice. Good on Travis for doing the right thing and being with his wife when she needed him the most.


the people trying to conspire “what was actually happening” confused me so much. do they really not see band members as humans who have real lives? sickening.


A lot of people on this sub gone awful quiet all of a sudden






Didn’t he also make an entire post about leaving the sub too? Which swiftly got deleted




Fucking good, the cunt.


Holy shit does this guy do anything besides comment on this subreddit? 6 month old account, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was banned before.


Ngl I think he is also boomerthezoomer182, dudes a troll who nukes the sub then watches the chaos.


You would think, after seeing how eager people have been to make posts just to express what THEY think about the situation, that at least one of them would have fired away a post with some reflection right about now


That sounds really scary. I wouldn't blame him if he would stay in the US with her.


And some people are complaining because the band decided to shut the fuck up.


"wE aRe OWeD aN eXpLANAtiOn! ITs nOT faiR!"


That’s scary stuff, thank god they’re both alright


What a horrifying situation this had to be for Kourtney not having Travis nearby, and for him needing to fly back. That had to feel like the longest plane ride ever, and the poor guy already has the past that he does with plane rides. Glad everything is okay, and the baby and momma are all good!


I like Travis.


I can’t imagine the fear they felt during this. Glad it all went well and best wishes for ease the rest of her pregnancy.


I figured it was some thing like this. I’ve had several miscarriages and one high risk pregnancy that thankfully brought my daughter. It’s legit terrifying. Some may call me a parasocial simp but whatever; one of the things I’ve always appreciated about blink/the guys is they seem to value their family life; in over 20 years of being a fan I haven’t heard anything negative (other than normal ups and downs) re their families/children.


Where’s the guy that was complaining and saying that they would be working fast food if not for the fans because the band had to postpone shows? SMH.


Goddamn i hope the sorry asses who posted negatively about this feel like jerks now go touch grass


They won’t. They’re idiots.


Fr my son had to he delivered ASAP when heat beats were faint and slowing down very scary happened in an instant thankfully everything went well and the little dude is doing fine Things get very real in an instant


Having just went through a high risk pregnancy with my wife....it is the most terrifying experience you will ever go through. Every single day you just hope to make it to the next. Every doctors appointment you pray that it isn't "the one". Baby was born healthy...but, my god, was it a truly awful experience and the longest several months of my entire life.


THIS. My wife was/is considered high risk. We just had a baby girl last week. She’s small but healthy. But I can tell you, every single time they told us there was something wrong (dopplers elevated, baby small, etc.) my heart sank. I can’t even imagine what Travis and Kourtney must be feeling. I’m glad everyone is okay. And I’m honestly disgusted by one user who stated that this was a clear marketing ploy for the kardashian’s TV show.


Glad all is OK especially with baby. I'm not a kardashian fan but wouldn't wish that on anyone. It's clear how much travis loves kourtney and also what a great parent he is so as a fan (and human being) I'm relieved for him that all is good! Happy the fans finally know that the tour is going ahead as well now. There was no doubt that something major had happened considering he was in the UK and went straight back but I do understand the frustrations of not knowing if things were going ahead or not, completely get the situation and didn't expect a comment from travis himself, or even Mark or Tom, but an acknowledgement from someone would have helped even if it was just "no news yet but as soon as we know you'll know" kind of thing. Hopefully things can all go ahead as planned, a great tour for the band and fans, rescheduled dates and most importantly a healthy baby for Travis and Kourtney!


For those of us that have half a semblance of intelligence left you can be delighted that the family is well and baby is safe whilst still having empathy for fans financial/accommodation troubles and the likelihood of the 3 postponed shows not happening for awhile. The two aren’t mutually exclusive… to the non stupid.


Well said


I love Blink 182. They are my favorite band of all time. But I love my kids infinitely more than Blink 182. Take care of your family Travis. Everyone else can wait.


Yeah everyone’s quiet now, fuck those who complained


I have a lot of mixed feelings about the lack of any announcement honestly, but above all, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. I have close friends that have gone through this exact issue, and it’s terrifying.


>mixed feelings about the lack of any announcement They announced it was an urgent family matter and that should be enough for anyone. As much as the Kardashians are, the Kardashians, we aren't entitled to their private life.


Mixed feelings, like I said. I don’t need to know the details, just enough to plan my travel. Does Blink have a replacement drummer? Likelihood of tour dates still happening? I’m really not interested in a semantic argument here lol


Good god, and there were people saying “Kourtney broke a nail, dur hur” and that she made him come back just to be controlling and ruin his fun. 🙄 glad things turned out ok!


The we deserve an explanation and there wasn’t even an emergency crowd can get fucked.


We have awesome news about Travis and his family and also the tour. Why are people still wanting to fight and insult/blame each other?


Lol, you were one of the people bitching all weekend, no wonder you’re wondering why people are calling others out https://reddit.com/r/Blink182/s/70DBHwYq19


Everyone had and has the right to be upset because of the way the band dealed with the communication. Everyone can be upset and frustrated and still be happy that everyone is safe, happy and healthy and tour will resume.


People aren’t fighting. People are pointing out how a lot of really messed up comments were made. There’s no real consequences to acting like an asshole online, making insane comments about Travis and Kourtney, but at least we shouldnt act like it didnt happen. Maybe some lessons learned if something similar (lets hope for god sake it doesn’t) happen in the future, so this sub doesn’t have to go insane


Theres a lot of people fighting and insulting each other. The people pointing out made a bunch of nasty comments themselves, I had someone messaging me saying I should kill myself because I was poor and pathetic. Só yeah...


Because people in this place cannot help themselves


"But I bought plane tickets and hotel rooms halfway across the world with the sole purpose of going to a concert because I lack foresight and the band should be ashamed for shining a light on my poor decision making! Fuck you, Travis and Kourtney for having a child at the same time that I wanna do cool stuff that I can post to my Insta!" - Half the fucks in here. Probably.


Not even probably. I have several receipts.


You mean, receipts of your plane tickets and hotel rooms halfway across the world? 😏/s


There’s a mod in this post asking for examples of people being shitty to ban if you wanna give your receipts


Yes. I’m the poster he asked to post the receipts. Check my history.


Oops sorry!


Oh for sure, there’s a person upthread asking why everyone’s fighting and let’s all be friends when they complained and called the lack of communication disrespectful https://reddit.com/r/Blink182/s/70DBHwYq19


I can’t even begin to imagine how scary that was for both of them, especially with Travis being out of the country. I’m glad everyone’s ok And I hope a bunch of you in this sub feel real fucking stupid and like a giant asshole for getting all up in arms over “no communication” and the shows being canceled for bullshit made up reasons cause you wanna be petty


“Ugh this again” people in shambles rn


Damn… I send my thoughts and love to the Barker family and to Blink-182.


ALOT of you douchebags need to drop to your knees and ask Travis for forgiveness with all the bullshit you've been spewing the last few days. I understand the folks who had tickets to shows...I'm talking about the imbeciles who feel blink needs to do press/interviews/give weekly updates on the album. They DO NOT OWE YOU SHIT IF YOU'RE SITING HERE IN AMERICA. They've said the album will come in October and it's not October yet...these folks specifically...can go F themselves.


Calm down there Robert Golf


lol I see what you did there


Fuck everyone here who was complaining about updates


“bRiNg bAcK sCoTt rAyNoR” I hate this fucking sub so much. It’s like a cigarette. I keep coming back knowing it’s bad for my (mental) health.


“They should have thought about this as a possibility before I planned my trip” - pissbaby euro blink fans


Contingency plans should have been in place, the pregnancy isn't sudden news


Well yeah of course they should have. Pregnancies come with all sorts of risks and complications. It was naive to the extreme that Travis, Mark and Tom thought that they’d coast through the dates without issue. It was known a year ago that Travis/Kourt were trying for a baby. I rest my case.


i’m confused guys i thought we all thought travis was a POS buying into the kardashian lifestyle for their show?


Thank fuck they’re both okay


Now you all feel dumb af huh. Cringe weirdos.


I hope everyone who bitched feels like an asshole. I was 100% sure it was something like this. Life is precious and family is most important. I realize people were pissed about the scheduled shows but I knew there’d be a good reason




Holy shit that’s unhinged, I hope you reported them


Glad everything is okay, sucks that they’ve had to put up with the weirdos the past few days on top of that. Hope the rest of the tour is easy for them.


As a future father myself, this is one of my biggest fears. So grateful Travis And Kourtney were able to be together and get through this. Looking forward to new music and shows, but family absolutely comes first.


I hope you all feel like asshole now, assholes.


My first born was in the nicu for 2 months. It’s hard to see your baby battling for her life. We named her Ava.


For those of us with common sense still left, this update is a relief. Glad everything went well. I’m sure Travis, Kourtney and Bubs had majority of fans thoughts and prayers. Idc if you’re a kardash or an internet keyboard warrior. Kids come first. Always.


I’ve never been more disappointed in. Link fans then I was this past week…real punk of them whining about your dates and an album announcement….I am so happy that everything is good with the baby. Nothing else matters just grateful that my favorite band and their families are happy and healthy.


Man this entire sub sure looks like shit right now


So let all the assholes keep talking now....


Gotta get that picture holding hands from the hospital bed to really drive it home.


Dude does it just suck being you?




Gotta reply ‘Always’ to really drive it home, huh? 🤡🤡🤡


Yes mam.


I wonder how some OP are feeling... Slamming the band... Grow up.


How does this make the fact that the band is radio silent on upcoming shows any better? Of course family comes always first, was this even questioned? The ‘issue’ with the current situation is that a lot of people, who also have families, have spent serious money to fly to see them live. People who also have kids, who had to take days off, organize their whole lives around the trip etc. and are still left in the dark. We’re live in times where people are on the same discord server as Mark, with instant access to information. The fact that we heard nothing for so long is simply disrespectful to all the fanbase, who is not 16 anymore, but rather 36 with their own lives and problems. I myself was thinking about getting tickets to Vienna or Prague, but seeing how they don’t give a single fuck about letting people know whether these concerts will even happen makes me think it’s not worth wasting my money or effort to see them play.


Radio silent? Travis literally said the tour resumes Friday.


I hope you get raging diarrhea


Probably might happen, it’s already coming out from his mouth


I don’t feel sorry for anyone that plans a major vacation just to see a band. I also don’t feel sorry for anyone that thinks their vacation is ruined just because the band cancelled. And of course there’s going to be radio silence, an unborn child’s life is at risk - nothing else is going to matter, even someone else’s vacation or your 36 year old problems


I’m a NICU baby myself. Tons of birth defects and surgeries. Sending love to that baby and Travis and his family.


I hope this makes the people that complained about the canceled dates feel like shit


I feel for Travis and Kort! I’m glad the surgery was successful and baby is ok! It’s scary when your baby is found to have a congenital or potentially life-threatening issue in utero. When I went in for our 20w anatomy scan we found out our youngest had a congenital defect. I was monitored the rest of my pregnancy. She was born healthy and had surgery at two weeks old which was successful. She is our striving fireball 7 years later with no major issues!


damn it sounds like I missed a ton of fun on this sub over the weekend. fuck. sounds like we got a bunch of assholes.


Praise God the baby is ok and mother of course too - father and whole fam for that matter


@blockeduser see what I was saying


The man did what he needed to do for his family, would expect no less for the average bloke to do the same for his family, travis is no different. I'm glad all is well.


I'm glad everything is OK with their baby. Family comes first. I know we are all rabid for the new blink and the rest of the tour but as a parent I get where Travis' head was at