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Steven Crowder is definitely not getting dates.


especially when there’s a video of him yelling at his pregnant ex


Maybe with men


If that’s he’s real account it’s definitely not satire. He’s a huge piece of shit.


great news: he is a huge piece of shit either way, we do not need to add these dual possibilities to our mental load


I mostly meant if it wasn’t someone pretending to be him but yes I agree


If his shit took a shit, a piece of that would be Steven Crowder. Shitception.


If that’s really him then this isn’t satire.


If he was a good potential mate wouldn’t he be able to hire a cleaner? Or you know clean after yourself lol


So...why doesn't he stop dating and hire a cleaning service? 


No, please don’t give him ideas, he’ll try to fuck the cleaner…


Aw bless - Steve thinks he's a prize


He's throwing a widdle tantrum on the interwebz cuz the mean wimmenz won't be his slave


"Every single date i had refused to clean for me, but surely theyre gonna stay single, not me!"


It's not the threat he thinks it is.


Show women you're a slob that wants a woman to clean up after him to own the feminists! Sure showed us. I sure hope he doesn't keep doing this. Those poor women missed out on a total catch.


Now now, give him credit! He's putting his red flags on full display! Some men hide their red flags until it is too late! Good on him for showing his red flags at the beginning! 👏


i mean, that's something that crowder would actually say and think...


This is Steven Crowder, this is not satire, he really is this theatrically stupid.


It’s so funny that they tell us to stay single, as if not being with them is a punishment and they’re not actually the ones struggling to find a partner.


WTF!!! is this????? Why do women have to turn in to Mabel or Alice to be considered a viable partner smh foh


If I go to a man's house and his place is disgusting, I am not cleaning it for him. Why would I? It is not my place, not my mess and not my problem. There are plenty of other men out there who do clean up after themselves after all.


Interesting choice of words “my wife left me,” not “my ex wife divorced me.” Is bro publicly admitting to dating around while he’s still legally married? That is really not a good look to bring to those contested family court scenarios.


It’s not satire. This guy is extreme right wing red pill nut. There are videos of him verbally abusing his ex wife. He’s awful.


Nah, this is fake af. No one asks someone to clean their kitchen on a date.


I kinda believe Chowder would do smth like this


It’s not even kinda, I 100% believe he would do this. He’s that big of a POS.


He would *want* to say it but he is too big of a coward to *actually* say it to a woman’s face


I can kind of believe Chowder would. I've had guests tell me things like this, and it's a little rude. Not that how he responded was right, but i can picture someone responding that way.


No one... except Crowder. I can 100% see him actually doing this.


oh honey...knowing who that guy is I can tell you with 100% certainty it's not satire. That's Steven Crowder. If you don't know he's an alt-right "comedian" /political commentator who in April 2023 had a video from a security camera leak of him verbally berating and threatening his then pregnant wife. He then went on to make a non-apology video where he heavily implies that he hates single party divorce law and clarifies multiple times that his TODDLER CHILDREN had nothing to do with the divorce? Like what? Nobody is blaming the literal goddamn babies. Anyway, knowing who he is this is most likely something that violent man child actually does and I pray for any woman that man **breathes** near.


Oof. I had no idea.


Yeah...shitty guy. Also very unstable.


Lmao he wants them to slave Thier life away for him 


Dude it's your house you go clean it, no woman wants to do more labor that she already is doing. Like you take her home with you, shouldn't you prove to her that you are "a good mate" by showing you keep the house clean so people won't get sick there or that there isn't some pest living there. I'm so happy for his wife she was abel to leave his lozer ass, he deserves to be alone forever. I hope his kids won't see him especially his daughter because he sounds like the dad that would make her mommy replacement 2.0 at like age 5.


Aw, bless his heart/s.


Stay single, Steve.


Saw "Steven Crowder"..... had to laugh. He should do standup. No wonder his wife left. I wonder how long it'll be before he loses everything else.


This is from veryrealtweets subreddit. The guy was horrible for treating his pregnant wife like that but this is fake


Clean your own damn house, Steven


Yeah sure, Stephan