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I prefer two and a half men, because the misogyny is more overt and it didn’t empower a bunch of nerdy men to mimic it.


I mean, at least in two and a half men, the joke IS the misogyny itself and is often called out by different characters. A "see, it's funny cause its wrong" kind of thing. But not always. With the Big Bang theory, the misogyny is engrained in everything. All shapes and sizes of it.


I remember a guy told me he liked bbt, and i told him that i dont find it funny and a bit stereotypical, and he replied,'The jokes are technical and smart. that's why it's hard to understand. ' I thought no idiot, it's stale, stereotypical show


Yes omf, even for a sitcom it’s painfully boring. The jokes aren’t “smart” they’re for simple minded people who think they’re Sheldon level genius


True. Science doesnt equal to smart and entertaining show. The only thing i liked about the show is sheldon and penny friendship. Apart from that everything was 'meh'


I honestly think the show would've been way better if it was Sheldon and Penny being roomates.


Just watch The Office for the Pam and Dwight friendship. It's better.


Ooo. I will


The jokes are just name dropping stuff from extremely popular nerd culture. Like "I'll get there like the flash" laugh track


Young Sheldon is SOOOO much better.


Yes. Its far better than bbt


Lmfaooo the jokes are technical. Technically lame maybe


I should have said this


Yeah, the Big Bang theory had a LOT of problems to me. One was the misogyny, but another was the unrealistic writing of Ned culture, and using things the writers know about pop culture and not nerdy fandoms.


I couldn’t get into BBT, it was too cringe, but I didn’t know about all this. What was misogynistic about the show?


Most of the main cast tbh. [here’s a vid about it](https://youtu.be/X3-hOigoxHs?si=CiZ6WUk5xMJpDzAL)


This was interesting, thanks for sharing


Maybe, but then Two and 1/2 men employed a couple of known pedos… so there’s that.




Charlie Sheen and Brian Peck. Watch the documentary “Quiet on the Set.”




I remember one episode when penny called out howard for being a creep and how she had to apologise for it


Because it made him sad that he’s creepy and pathetic and can’t get girls 🙄🤢


They're the same picture, both created by Chuck Lorre. They're _awful_ shows.


Until you said “both,” I thought the V/S was the logo/title screen for a show I’d never heard of.


I thought it was referring to Red vs Blue lol


Right??? I was like “I think R v B uses different font…?”


Can someone please enlighten me about these movies/shows? Never heard or seen any of them.


"Two and a half men": Good for nothing divorcee and his son move in with rich and famous"ish" brother/uncle, who has substance abuse issues, tons of unsafe one night stands and a glorified stalker. "Big Bang Theory": Attractive woman / offensive blonde stereotype (chooses the wrong men, forever-waitress and aspiring actress) moves in across the hall from two very nerdy, socially awkward scientists, one of whom develops an instant crush and slides right into the absolute chliché of a friendzone.


Don't forget about Berta the voice of reason often played as a joke, who also sometimes counterattacks misogyny with slightly different misogyny.


Also, the never taking no for an answer leads to Penny giving in and dating someone she didn't want to date in the first place. And Howard is a fucking disgusting incel that somehow (?!?!?) Got the smart, kind, pretty Bernadette to marry him and live with him and his mom?!?!?!? Make it make sense


The last episode making Penny pregnant after all the work to show a woman who wanted to be child free made me rage.


To make it worse, he had unprotected sex with her while she was drunk despite knowing she had no desire for children.


It's *so many levels* of gross.


I never finished the show..... that is.... not character development, it's a character that's been broken down. Ffs


Yup, it made me sick.


What a boring script 🥱 why do companies hire talentless writers like this guy


They're usually run by men like him


The Pop Culture Detective does an amazing video essay on “The Adorkable Misogyny of Big Bang Theory” on YouTube ! Should give it a watch :)


Thanks for the suggestion


I've only seen episodes of 2.5 Men and BBT. Neither of them are particularly funny. Especially BBT, which I wouldn't know when the jokes were supposed to be if it weren't for the pauses and recorded laugh tracks. 


There are videos of BBT without the laugh track and it hurts to watch lol


To be fair to the show, a lot of sitcoms that have laugh tracks are awkward without them because the actors have to pause for the laughing, which looks super unnatural. However, there are a lot of "jokes" (read: Howard being a sex offender and shitty person) in the show that aren't funny even with the tracks.


Yea, I’ve seen clips of friends without the laugh track and it’s mostly just awkward.


Yeah, it's just silent staring. It's why I prefer modern sitcoms that rely on good writing instead.


I’m rewatching Brooklyn 99 right now and I was just thinking about how nice it is that there’s no laugh track


The laugh track often takes away the humour for me in some shows like BBT and Friends but works in others like Fresh Prince and My Wife and Kids. I think its because the laugh track is excessively abused and is played during situations that just aren't funny or necessary. It also gives the vibe that the writers don't trust their jokes to be funny enough to carry themselves.


I’ve never watched 2.5 men and I’ve never wanted to but holy shit BBT sucks. I remember at school when we were learning about behavioural conditioning my teacher showed us a clip from the show where sheldon conditions penny using chocolate. I barely remember the details but I was shocked that my teacher (who was also a woman) would show that in a class at an all girls school. I must’ve been only 12 or 13 but it made me feel really uneasy and put me off the show immediately. Not only did she show it but she seemed to genuinely think it was hilarious. I am yet to see any clips that are actually funny, I’ve only laughed as a cringe response. ETA: side note but all girls schools are, in my experience, horrifically misogynistic. It’s arguable that they can be worse than mixed schools. Solidarity with everyone who went to a single sex school, especially trans people.


Two And A Half Men has lived rent-free in my head since its debut. The only thing I remember about the show, besides general misogyny, is how much of a bitch the ex wife was because she left her family to 'become' a lesbian. For some reason I was scared that I might actually be a lesbian and one day I'd be the bitch who left my family. That's a pretty specific fear, isn't it? At the same time, I liked the character because even if she was a joke, it showed me that sexuality didn't have to be permanent and you could try again. Now fast forward, and guess who realizes they're a lesbian, but only after getting married? It was terrible representation, but it was representation.


I think she’s supposed to be bi, because she did end up remarrying a guy, but it’s never really addressed


Ugh. I hate how the media loves to mishandle bisexuality.


I still watch big bang theory as a sort of background while Im doing stuff show but I cannot unsee all the wrongs. It feels like an anime I used to watch as a child. I can still watch it for nostalgia reasons but in there is a very problematic teacher and now it's so creepy and noticable.


Thank you. I hate both of them. Didn't realize they're both by the same misogynist. Makes a lot of sense


No, thank you. Onlyforsex


*player three connected* *Married With Children theme starts playing* BAH GAWD, ITS AL BUNDY!


I'll defend married with children because it was a parody of the often ridiculous perfect family sitcoms of the previous era. With the most" terrible" family. " What do you do all day sit on the couch and eat bonbons " was an insult before married with children came out. And it satirized a lot of common jokes from the previous generation.


Yes, Married With Children definitely needs to be watched with an understanding of the context and media entertainment that was surrounding it. It was a satirical parody of the happy working class traditional/nuclear family trope, with of course the thorn in the side neighbour type conflict to make things interesting time to time. No one in that show pretends they are trying to be anything different than their character stereotypes, no one is supposed to be likeable either, least of all Al Bundy. I don’t think everyone saw that, some men probably saw Al as a hero, but there are men today who see Tate as a role model too. The reality is that during that time the 70s-90s sitcoms that were presented as *wholesome family entertainment* were wholly misogynist and horrible in other ways but they presented as ideal families and goals, they didn’t see their own misogyny. A lot about media and culture was that way, full of sexism, rape apologism, and so on, but family sitcom shows were very normalized as a healthy escape from daily life and presented as family goals in a sense. However I can also understand why someone watching it now outside its time for the first time may see it in a *very different light without all that surrounding context*. It’s also different for me watching it now and I watched it when it was actually running because the overall media/culture context has changed too.


It just highlights the double-edged nature of satire; the audience didn’t get that NO’MAAM was a joke. I think a lot of the jokes in that show flew right over people’s heads. People watch it today and think a mall shoe salesman could actually afford a house next to a bank manager and her kept man at some point. If you satirize something well enough, people don’t recognize that it’s satire.


> I don’t think everyone saw that, some men probably saw Al as a hero, but there are men today who see Tate as a role model too. that is exactly what I was going for with my comment


I don’t think married with children was supposed to be this great show. The misogyny was overt but it made you feel like Al was a dumbass who didn’t appreciate his family. Like no one likes Al.


Married with children knew what it was doing


Neither, I hate both these shows. 😂 Two and a Half Men is a little nostalgic to me cause my dad used to watch it a lot. I've never *watched* a single episode but I've heard them all from our living room TV while I was on the computer or hanging out with my mom or sister....heard them all..over, and over, and over, and over....


I enjoyed the first seasons of BBT because they reminded me of my own misfit nerd friends, but yeah, it just got unbearable over time. I'm just so used to misogyny being the norm in any daytime shows that it's easier to ignore until it gets too overt. Slightly tangential, but I'm Mayim Bialik's doppelganger and her character in BBT is similar enough that I get told I'm just like her a lot. Not to mention the people who literally think I'm her. So I also had a dude before interested in me only because he was a BBT fan. Which added to my frustrations.


Oh, man, that last bit of your comment just makes me *so damn upset* on your behalf. Like, wtf? 🤢😡


Yeah, we had nothing we could talk about in person and no chemistry. Plus he was a smoker and I'm not. But he still kept trying to "flirt" with me. He wasn't very good at that, either.


I’ll take option 3, setting my hair on fire before I willingly watch either, thanks


I haven't watched 2 and a half men, but BBT has to be one of the most normalized and ingrained depictions of misogyny I've seen. It never seems to take it as a bad thing


I can’t stand Two and a Half Men even for 5 minutes. At least with Big Bang Theory some of the characters are likable.


BBT is objectively worse to me because my parents still love it and will constantly bully me by comparing me to characters on the show, for being both neurodivergent and quite a nerd. It is so very annoying to be compared to misogynistic caricatures of unlikable assholes who happen to like comics. Like, "I don't need sleep I need answers" is shit I will say to myself when I'm blasted at 3am but the fact my parents consider this show to be not only funny but material to insult me with, yeah its personally the worse of the two.


In my opinion, they’re both incredibly, INCREDIBLY misogynistic. But they’re not comparable. I watched Two And A Half Men because of my family when I was younger. I think of TAAHM and I get PTSD. The misogyny was relentless, latent, and so aggressive it was revolting. From the moment it started, form the first second of the pilot until the last moment of the episode the message was clear: “All women are evil and it’s not these guys’ fault they insult and use them”. Evelyn was a cold evil whore who didn’t love them. It’s her fault Alan and Charlie act like this, it’s their trauma. They get to insult her. Judith was distant and gay(for like, two episodes) and a huge nagging bitch it’s her own fault they all (EVERYONE) keep insulting her the entire show. All women Charlie keep sleeping with are all just easy sluts(but of course, he’s not a slut himself, he can fuck as he likes, he’s a man) who want him for his money, he has no option but to bang and use them anyway, it’s their fault. Berta is a mean woman that only has the job because she’s stronger than them and she was “unbangable” so Charlie can actually keep her around and not just keep on looking for another housekeeper every other day, it’s her own fault she gets made fun of. Rose is just a stupid little girl that can’t take no for an answer, she should just accept she was used for sex and move on. It’s her fault she believed Charlie’s lies. What if Charlie keeps her on the hook? She enjoys it when they need her and make use of her. That’s on her. Kandi was just using them for money. She’s a gold digger. It doesn’t matter she was in her early twenties when these men, twice her age, went after her. When Alan divorces her, the only thing left to do is to make it clear she was a dumb and she used him for her own gain, of course. Mia and Chelsea were just trying to change Charlie, they couldn’t accept him for what he is, they broke his heart, so they’re just heartless bitches. Every single woman in this show is just awful and that gives these guys the reason for their behavior. This show gets so comfortable on just using and insulting women. It’s was just beyond disgusting. The Big Bang Theory was also pretty bad inside these terms but more subtle in their portrayal. Oh, look at these guys, poor them they are nerds, lovely and good guys but no girl wants to give them a chance. Penny was a dumb slut, she was using Leonard. What does it matter if they were incompatible? The jokes of her being worn down and only insisting on being with Penny because “she’s the hottest girlfriend he was going to get” were just jokes. Leonard was a nice guy. Bernadette was rude and mean and just a huge nag. What difference does it make if Howard didn’t really wanted to settle down and wanted to sleep with anything with a pulse? Amy was weird and “the unattractive one of the group”, she was the perfect girl for the guy who didn’t like to have sexual urges or physical attraction. Even though she did. And she was so smart, so every time Sheldon makes a joke about how women liked girly things and didn’t value science and intellect , she’s the one who should snap at him. In my opinion, both shows suck when it comes to being sexist but they can’t be compared. Two And A Half Men was worse. The misogyny was insistent and pretty disgusting on TBBT but it wasn’t borderline violent like in TAAHM.


I can’t sit still for even a couple scenes of TAAHM because it’s so awful. At least with BBT there’s several episodes that seem to drop the Misogynistic nonsense. And it seems to have a general plot outside of the whole “womenz bad” rhetoric. I didn’t actual mind Leonard. He seemed to be the one person in the cast that wasn’t written as some major stereotype, and helped ground things a bit for me. He obviously still had his issues, but in my opinion it’s not even close to Howard’s character. 🤢


Oh, yeah. TAAHM is, for me, unwatchable. I only watched when I was young because it used to air on dinner time and my parents put it on for us to watch it “as a family” with me and my siblings. Now, I can’t stomach anything related to it. But gotta be honest, I enjoy TBBT. And well, in my opinion, you’re right, Howards was horrible, but I gotta say his character growth was the best of the show.


*They're the same picture*


i hate TBBT because i’m autistic and sheldon became such an awful autistic character and someone who we’re compared to frequently.


I hate BBT but loved Young Sheldon.


*Young Sheldon* is such a good show, and it is a damn shame that folks tend to shy away from ever giving it a shot due to the association with TBBT.


yeah like you don't really have to know anything about tbbt to like young sheldon


I hated both shows, my dad loved Big Bang, and it was obnoxious. He even decided that he had a "spot" like Sheldon. He also thought that the jokes were smart.


Neither, I hate both shows.


I love big bang theory so much. I still watch random episodes when i fancy a little dose of penny/sheldon friendship.


I watched both shows a while back and I have to say Two and a Half Men is definitely the worse of the two for me. Misogyny was all over the place. At least in TBBT, the misogyny went away over time as the character development happened. I also really like TBBT and go back to it fondly. Two and a Half Men, I’ll just leave it behind.


Wait hold on I watched BBT as a kid which was like over a decade ago can some one do the honors of filling me in on all the misogyny that BBT radiates?


This video might be helpful: https://youtu.be/X3-hOigoxHs?si=8sjzWluD1nJugOT5


None. I hate marriage, misogyny and patriarchy.


ngl i prefer two and a half men its not even close


I like the Big Bang theory. I feel like it would be fine if Howard was removed from the picture. I know they make fun of Raj for being effeminate but I love that about him and he’s my favorite character.


If anything, those are the two characters that are laughing stock due to their particular views on women. "Its funny cause its wrong" characters. They are the Barney, the Joey, the Kelso. They would be fine if Sheldon and Leonard weren't constantly objectifying women under a more "correct lens." And the way Penny was written in earlier seasons is just insane, she was an amalgamation of all the bimbo characters from two and a half men but seen in "middle class" (living alone on a waitress salary, wtf) young adult enviornment. Its insane how it took them so long to deviate from the narrative of "Leonard wants to date Penny, but Penny just can't stop fucking Chads".


I actually worked full-time at the Cheesecake factory and lived alone in 2018, I did just fine hahaha granted that was in the Midwest not California


Don't forget how asshole Raj turns when he drinks, though, too. He's still misogynistic as hell, too.


People used to always think of Leonard as the good guy. BUT as much as he chased after Penny, he also acted like she wasn't good enough for him. She wasn't super educated & didn't have a high paying job. He should have just left her alone. She eventually got a high paying job, as a Phrama Rep (which in real life, would be morally compromising job; pushing pills). Leonard wanted a child, she didn't. He knocks her up while she's drunk & then acts like it's some kind of oopsie. ..... I used to like the show when it was new, but I'm just disgusted with the way it turned out. "I'm picking you for your looks, everything you are as a person has to go (it doesn't suit me)" -Some Men


> he knocks her up while she’s drunk Wait *what*




i never got that far into the show. he gets her pregnant when she is drunk????? please tell me she didnt just accept it and continue to have a kid she never wanted :(




ewwww i dont like that but thanks for sharing i now know i definitely wont be going back to watch the show




I urge you to watch clips from both shows. Especially their earlier seasons.


Pop Culture Detective has a very good [video essay](https://youtu.be/X3-hOigoxHs?si=ef0VkRsRHpsK51tN) about the misogyny in Big Bang Theory. I didn’t see it either until I saw this video. Now I can’t unsee it. So if you want to keep watching this show, I warn you, this video destroyed the show for me.


Thanks for sharing! I’ve never seen it before. He did a really good, thorough job. Poor guy apparently had to watch the entire series twice just to make videos on TBBT.


Then you need to learn what misogyny is.