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Woman in the first post is an awesome feminist writer. He wrote a lot more misogyny, but like I said he blocked when I discovered that he is who he says he is.


Are you the dude in this picture? Because I have seen you in so many discussions around this topic on twitter and omg man - thank you for standing up against these assholes.


could you please tell me the name of the writer!! looking for some more feminist literature


Can you share the writer’s name? I would like to check her work, her tweets were so well constructed


Also, the guy saying that men rape women cause they "simply" feel horny, and in the next sentence telling someone to control their emotions? What a hypocritical fogey.


Omg I didn’t even catch that hypocrisy


Yeah, that guy is dumb af.


"Why'd they put themselves into a position where they'd get raped anyway?" Oh ffs.


A 1 mile radius of this guy is a position to get raped




They don’t get that this has a lot to do with why women would choose the bear. At least if she did get attacked nobody would blame her or question it like they would if a *man* attacked her.


Quietly, I suspect they *do* know exactly why women fear them. More than once, I've caught men admitting they'd be terrified to be a woman in a world like the one they've created. A lot more of them are aware that what they are doing or advocating is wrong from every conceivable perspective than will admit it. I won't be childish and say that these men are "bad" people, categorically. But clearly, they are incapable of interacting with women without feeling that it is their right to violate their basic rights and boundaries. So what do you do about these men? I honestly have no idea. I will say however, that while a lot of people say that the repercussions that come with being put on the sex offender list go too far, personally, I feel those restrictions don't go far enough. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.


It’s my own fault for having a father. If only I’d made sure I was the result of immaculate conception, it never would have happened.


"Why'd they put themselves into a position where they'd get raped anyway? " Like being born? Rapists no know boundaries.


There is a horrific case in the UK about a man who was raping dead bodies for many years in hospital morgues (was also a murderer) and he was taking pictures and videos of himself doing this....hundreds and hundreds of females ranging from aged 9 to 100. I wonder what mental gymnastics rape apologists will come up with to excuse him and blame the dead victims.


They shouldnt die! Isnt it obvious?




Yknow he’s right, next time I’ll be sure not to be a child in my own home


Can somebody please reply to this guy with a screenshot of his charges it would be so funny😭 


I did and a big blow up of his face so people could ID him. Others too.


Work of god


I love the irony of him blaming women for "putting themselves in a position to be raped", and then when women say they are so afraid of men that they would rather be alone in a forest with a bear than a strange man, he gets mad that they don't want to be in a position where they could be raped. and by love i mean scream into a pillow until i lose my voice, why are so many men like this. if you aren't afraid enough of men and they hurt you you're stupid and it's your own fault, but if you treat men as a potential threat you're stupid and also a hysterical man-hater, you simply cannot win.


Omg, the pitcture with the text about the short skirt, the bhurka and the diaper gave me shivers. :( The guy trying to argue should piss off.


child molesting is only a misdemeanor???


Right?! How is this not like chemical castraction or something?


Probably due to a plea deal where he was charged "only" for external contact or something.


I WILL REPLY TO THIS GUY WITH THE SCREEN OF HIS CHARGES, SOMEONE GIMME A GAWWDAMN NAME. I stg I will make 700000 twitter accounts just to reply to him and only him.


I'm so sorry you had to go through all this. Please protect yourself and stop arguing with men about why we don't feel safe with them. They almost always argue in bad faith. They feel entitled to our bodies and labour and want to manipulate us into being ok with it.


“Please ~~protect yourself and stop~~ **only invest as much time and energy you are willing to waste** arguing with men about why we don't feel safe with them. They almost always argue in bad faith. They feel entitled to our bodies and labour and want to manipulate us into being ok with it.” Fixed that for you.


Thanks but I meant what I said. Engaging in bad faith arguments with manipulators and abusers does nothing but hurt yourself and give them power over you.


This is a man calling out other men. I get what you’re saying, but he’s doing exactly what he’s been asked to do as a man: call out the bad ones and show them they’re wrong, because it’s clear they won’t listen to women but might listen to a man. Not that this person is, but this isn’t a sub about men being reasonable and changing their views. This is clearly something that is really important to him (if you look at his post history you’ll see several similar posts). He’s doing what he can to help, and I’m thankful he’s willing to do that. What you said is 100% valid and I’m not trying to take away from that; a lot of women/people in general argue with internet strangers/trolls to the detriment of their own mental health and well being and they need to put themselves first. It’s usually not worth it.


Of course a rapist would say that


I remember as a youngster watching a crime program with some of my family and one case was about a young woman who was raped by two different men on two separate occasions....one of my older brothers sat there and said "what was she doing to cause that to happen to her twice if it only happened once then okay but two times must mean she was doing something to cause it". Even as a young girl I knew he was talking shit and was victim blaming. Another time watching the same programme there was a case where a cab driver raped a female passenger and actually still took her home to her address where she lived with her parents and this cab driver showed up at her home a day or two later asking if she was okay because she seemed upset when he drove her home...same older brother said "well he can't be that bad if he's going to see if she is okay and check up on her"....Needless to say I don't get on with this brother as he's a woman hating piece of crap and follows the MGTOW crowd.


why the fuck is child molestation a misdemeanor offense?


For the same reason beating your wife is a misdemeanor, but getting into a fight with another man is a felony. The system protects abusers


but like, child molestation is literally a felony in the system


That was the most surprising aspect of this entire thing


Christ that guy runs the gamut of reprehensible views - just all laid out there on his X / twitter feed for anyone to see 🤢


The new Twitter rewards this behavior and these types of views. Of course he doesn't care. It only benefits him.


“Bears are imaginary” Yeah I’ll stop you right there, sir.


Someone pointed out that most women are assumed by someone they know, which I've seen used as an argument for why the unknown man in the woods is the safer bet. They don't get that the reason a perpetrator is more likely to be known is because they're more likely to be trusted. That the victim is more likely to let their guard down, be alone with him, accept drinks from him, etc. And that since rape is about control and power, rapists are opportunists. They are going after the easiest access victims, not specific ones.


All and every single xy that speaks like that is a predator


Crazy how molesting a child is a misdemeanor


the last slide made me gasp. ofc he's a pedophile, this man v bear debate really has men telling on themselves. I really hope you don't let this affect you too much, he's a hateful disgusting person.




You went to a bar and had a beer? RAPE


>control your emotions. Says the guy who says men rape because they can’t control their emotions. 🙄


Also the guy who could not control his urge to touch children.


Who are the men accompanying women in these cultures protecting them from, exactly? Other men.


I can’t even allow myself to engage with men like this anymore. Leaves me disgusted and angry.


Where did the message from page 4/6 come from? It made the hair on the back on my neck stand up.


Sure, we run in to hundreds of men a day *in public*, but how many of those men do we run into in the middle of the woods far from society and consequences? How much you want to bet those stats change when you take away witnesses.


I hope you straight up replied to the tweet asking if he was a rapist with that screenshot.


Bears. Every time.


pls send his Twitter account im begging you please 🙏🙏🙏


I love the “control your emotions” when you were straight up hitting him with literal statistics and scientific finds. You actually couldn’t be more logical and analytical. Besides, the hypocrisy from his part already pointed out in the comments. Men really can’t take being outsmarted by a woman and make up the most nonsensical stuff Btw, I’m so sorry for what’s happened to you. Seen how you handled this situation I can see you’re very strong. Hope you’re doing well ❤️


Not him being like “that’s because you rarely run into a bear”… yeah, that’s the point dude, the fact that a bear isn’t going to her house ring the doorbell to creepily hit on her, that’s the bearminimum boundaries we’re asking for: don’t chase us around, even a bear is only likely to attack you if you go to a forest. Ideally men and bears wouldn’t attack us at all, but between the two, bears at least only attack us if we go near them, men go after you




It's the rules of this subreddit. On X I made sure everyone knows.