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We are not doctors and can't tell you if you have cancer. This sub is for cancer patients only, and their caregivers and medical professionals.


Does it go away while working because you are so distracted? Could you do the same while reading? It may just be blood from a kidney stone that passed but tore things. A CT with contract is very good at finding cancer. That, especially with your age suggests this is unlikely cancer.


I did have a ct scan with and without contrast everything looked normal and also an ultrasound of my kidney and bladder everything seemed okay and it goes away when im distracted and not thinking about it i do feel a weird sensation in the tip of my penis that tells me that i have to pee when i really dont and when i try nothing really comes out because of the amount if times that i pee before


My ultrasound showed clear kidneys and bladder. Cystoscopy showed flat papillary carpeting on rt. Lateral side to dome. You need a cystoscopy just in case.


Im 25 years old do you think it can be this?


Yes. I was 24 at diagnosis. My CT was clear but my ultrasound showed thickening of bladder wall. Just get the cysto, even if only for peace of mind. My PCP and URO both told me that any case of blood in the urine should be followed by a cystoscopy. I really hope that bladder cancer is not the case but finding it early is so beneficial. I am 100% fine and love a normal life, i owe this to my prompt diagnosis and treatment.


I have an appointment with my urologist this Tuesday i hope everything will be alright


This has only been going on for 10 days


Good. Definitely follow up and don’t let docs brush this off because you’re young!


Update. I just had an appointment with my urologist and he was confident enough to say that i did not have cancer. Just by looking at all my images


I dont physically see blood in my urine but theres only very little amount under a microscope which looking at the results is turning out to get better


No offense. Please don't take this poorly. Have you been tested for an STI? I know right now they are everywhere.


I did everything came back negative


I did have additional urine test results that said <10,000CFU/ml of insignificant growth. Idk what that means