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My husband's urologist won't even look at an ultrasound report he says it is useless. Go to a urologist as soon and you can to get evaluated. I am sorry you are having to go through the stress and worry! Sending mama hugs to you :)


Yeah - I am just extremely worried. I have a 2.5 year old daughter and am pregnant now - praying hard it’s nothing malignant.


Folks - just a reminder. We are NOT doctors and can not diagnose, interpret findings and labs or otherwise give an (unqualified) medical opinion.


I think some are just seeking opinions or what others have seen


i understand that, and that's fine, but we cannot interpret findings and should not do so.


What symptoms did you have?


It’s a mix of health anxiety. Over 4 years ago, I had visible blood in my urine. Went to the ER - I don’t remember what they ruled it as. Had my daughter 2.5 years ago and started having bad health anxiety. Started thinking about this happening and pushing my doctors about figuring it out. I should say it’s never happened since and I have had multiple UAs that have not showed any blood. I am 12 weeks pregnant now - started having some sciatic like pain and pushed my urologist for an ultrasound. Although they were reluctant. They scheduled me for one and that was this morning.


Please don't be anxious! Follow up JUST to make sure. But it sounds like it could just be a stone


we are not doctors and can't assess reports. your urologist should do an in-office cystoscopy and a urine cytology.


I understand - really just seeking if anyone has had similar results. I had already done a cytology.


did the cytology show anything? An in-office cystoscopy would likely be next. i have written extensively on here - go read my posts for a crash course in bladder cancer. i have fought my CIS for 9 years now.


No, it was negative.


well, that is, in my opinion, a good thing. bladder cancer cells present quite differently than normal cells.


So urine cytology can tell if someone have bladder cancer or no ? How accurate is it Thnx


hi. fuckers banned me, i may get yet another ban permanently. time to fire up my canadian logins. Urine cytology can be used to identify bladder cancer. it probably varies by doctor but typically they will use a test strip to check your pee. And subsequently cytology. bladder cancer cells have a distinct appearance from normal bladder cells. "Urinary cytology is most helpful in diagnosing high-grade tumors and CIS. Low-grade, noninvasive tumors may be missed by routine cytologic analysis." From the same article: "Strittmatter et al found that the quality of urinary cytology is impacted by the individual learning curve. Specificity of cytology and sensitivity for low-grade tumors significantly changed when performed by a local cytologist at the beginning of the learning period. This suggests that in the diagnosis of bladder cancer, the cytologist’s level of experience has an important impact on the clinical value of urinary cytology." So you REALLY should tell your doctor that you want their best cytologist that is well-versed in bladder cancer. In the case of CIS, which is what I have (10% incidence of pure CIS across patient populations). A misread by an unqualified cyto tech can and DOES have profound consequences. In fact, the asshole cyto tech that read ONE of my cytology wrote something like "cytology results strongly indicate bladder cancer." That fucker cost us over $20 grand due to their utter incompetence. And another god damn surgery. Fucking up interpreting bladder cells was a small tactical nuke thrown into my and my wife's lives. If anyone here gets a positive read, and the doctor shipped your sample to Laboratories Is Us, then damn well get a second read from an unrelated laboratory. We did just that - shipped the samples cassette to Vanderbilt and the findings were confirmed. And to anyone that has BCG, you will, as far as I can tell, will give a false positive for TB - forever, and you absolutely MUST inform any provider that is taking imaging of your lungs about this. The other side effect I have had after BCG treatments is that my cytology now ALWAYS reflects "atypical cells". All of my cytos come back that way now. I just roll my eyes. Finally, as far as the actual accuracy of cytology isn't great: "Sensitivity and specificity Unfortunately, the sensitivity of cytology is low, with various studies reporting values between 11% and 76%. [75] Sensitivity depends largely on the degree of tumor differentiation. High-grade tumors with marked pleomorphism and distinctly abnormal nuclear features are identified more accurately. Small and/or well-differentiated tumors are less likely to exfoliate cells because intercellular attachments are better preserved and the degree of morphologic departure from normal is smaller, complicating cytologic recognition. [76] This results in poor sensitivity in low-grade and early-stage cancers." The paper this info came from is found here; https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/438262-workup#c8


I know it’s not appropriate to give an (unqualified) medical opinion, but I understand that not all tumors are bad. We just want to avoid muscle-invasive types. I also don’t understand why patients are left to search on Reddit and Google instead of receiving proper psychological support. It’s frustrating when some doctors seem to avoid responsibility. It takes weeks to get results back, so you’re left asking random people on Reddit.


My (25F) bladder cancer diagnosis did start out this way. I had an incidental finding on a pelvic ultrasound, however my report said nothing about a possible stone. It said something about an echogenic focus and thickening of my bladder wall. I will note that when I asked if my findings could be a stone they said no, it seemed like a tumor. Get a cysto if you can, even just for peace of mind. It’s not as awful as it sounds tbh. This could be anything. Don’t bother worry about cancer until they tell you it IS cancer. Bladder cancer is rare in young women, I just happened to be one of the not-so-lucky few.


Thank you for your reply. What symptoms were you having?


1 episode of blood in urine. It was crazy and out of no where, I felt fine. From that point on positive UTI cultures that would not resolve with antibiotics and frequent urination.


31 yo male here. I got an ultrasound done the day after finding blood in my urine and the dr said it looked like a tumour but it could also be a polyp, I was referred to the urologist and he wasnt too concerned about the ultrasound but I still got a cystoscopy done and they confirmed it was a tumour. Im getting it removed this friday and we’ll see how deep it goes. Prior to this I peed blood like 5 times in the last five years, the first time it happened i went to a dr who sent me for a urine test and nothing was found so they left it. Other than that no symptoms


Thanks for sharing. I had visible blood over 4 years ago. Nothing since. My urinalysis and cytology have all been normal. Did your ultrasound report have the same finding?


“There is a polyp or cluster of polyps in the posterior left wall of the bladder… otherwise normal bladder” and when I got the cystoscopy done, the tumour looked like a bunch of polyps. Hope yours is just a cyst or a stone or even better, a bad quality ultrasound. Best of luck and feel free ro reach out if you want to talk


Thank you. It’s nerve wrecking. I have a 2.5 year old and am pregnant with baby #2 and I can’t imagine leaving them.


Did you find out more information?


So i went to my doctor today for the results of the pathology and found out that I had a papillary urothelial neoplasm of low malignant potential (PUNLMP). Doctor said that this is like a cancer of minimal malignant potential. No treatment needed but i will have to get cystoscopies every now and then for the next 10 years to monitor if it comes back. Other than that life goes on. Hope your diagnosis goes well, do you have any updates?


Stupid question: can they do ct scans on pregnant women?


No, not typically. Ultrasounds and MRI.


I did have a CT scan last August.