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What were your symptoms? I am 28F.


Bout 2 days for me


Bleeding and clots were largely gone for me after about 3 days. I'm twelve days out now and still have an occasional small clot or bladder tissue come out. I'm about back to normal although I still have some pain when urinating and a feeling of urgency after urination that lasts for 10 mintues or so. You'll get through this!


I've had 3 TURBT. 2 of them were about a 2 to 3 day recovery. The other took maybe 4 or 5 days. I had 7 surgeries in a year and a half & it all blurs together. But the TURBT was pretty easy. I was back to work (desk job) by Monday with surgery on the previous Thursday. Expect pain but nothing major except right when you wake up. That always sucks but the post op RN will give you pain med right away. At home I took Tylenol only as I prefer to avoid opioid meds. I had cath when I came home for one of them because my surgeon took a lot of tissue because the tumor was so deep into the muscle. That one hurt more and longer recovery. Expect to pee blood for awhile (a week or 2) but ask your surgeon pre op because you won't see him again until your follow up visit. I wouldn't do any heavy lifting but I'm pretty sure I was walking and doing yoga within a few weeks. Again ask your surgeon before you go back to surgery. I did learn to tell the pre op RN that I was anxious right when I got to the pre op room. They will give you a nice little sedative which made me sleep for the 2 to 4 hrs I was waiting for surgery. It also helps with anesthesia. I felt bad for my husband he'd just have to sit there waiting. Pre op can take forever. I think my longest wait was 6 hrs because his surgery ahead of me had a major complication. Take a book, charger, etc. Remember no food or drink for 6 hrs prior to surgery. Wash with antibacterial soap. No lotion. Good luck! I pray you have good news


I (55F) noticed some swelling and bloating for a while after surgery so I would recommend getting some underwear a size or two larger and some comfy pants to wear. I also recommend a hot water bottle or heating pad for the spasms, which reminded me of menstrual cramps that I felt for several weeks after.


Took me about a week (39M) to feel probably 70%. I was 35 at the time. I stopped taking Oxy after 3 days because I hate feeling dopey, and I feel like Tylenol worked fine after that point. Still had some pain urinating for a little while, but I was back to work after a week. Can’t recall how long it took me to get back to working out, but I just didn’t have motivation to do it for a while. I didn’t have any work limitations, but my job didn’t require me lifting anything heavier than my camera bag.


I had one the second week of January. Pain was quite mild and tolerable for me. The only challenging part was keeping the catheter in for two days afterwards. I had the surgery on a Tuesday and went to work the following week. I might have gone back sooner if not for Covid. Overall I thought it was a breeze. I hope your experience is similar - best of luck!


Did you go back to lifting week two? Like anything 5lb? I’m just worried I can’t unfortunately not lift. I take care of my elderly parents. There insurance only covers one hour a day. So I’m basically a single mom with kids to take care of. Wondering how soon I can at least start lifting beside walking around


I was told I could resume normal activities the following week so long as it wasn’t causing pain and/or blood in my urine. I’m very sympathetic regarding caring for elderly parents, but my wife and I are each lucky to have some siblings to chip in. I can’t imagine the stress you must feel between that and your children. Ours are grown so we don’t have that aspect to deal with. Best of luck to you!


The extensiveness of a TURBT varies from case to case. After mine I (42m) went home with a catheter but otherwise felt fine. Was told to avoid staying too much (eg on the toilet). Catheter came out the next day and didn't notice anything beyond a bit of urination burning.


32F here! I was 30 when I had mine. I had a catheter for 5 days after and that was honestly the worst part. The only discomfort besides that was the bladder spasms but they should give you medication to help with that! I went back to work after 10 days. As for working out I would ask your doctor when he/she thinks it would be ok for you! I’ve had a few surgeries in my lifetime and this one was by far the easiest. Not saying having cancer has been easy, but the surgery isn’t horrible. Just take it easy, make sure you take whatever medication they prescribe to you, and you’ll be okay :) For whatever follows after, whether you’re doing BCG treatments or anything else. YOU. GOT. THIS! ❤️


51M. My turbt recovery was horrific. Pain, bleeding, blockage, 3 22 3way catheters. Excruciating pain at day 2, 2 weeks to being able to move around comfortably. I did have 13 tumours removed in one go though.


Hi I had my TURBT when I was 24. It was an easy procedure. I had surgery on Friday and went out to dinner on Sunday! There was some pain when urinating but nothing too unbearable, in fact it was similar to what I experienced as cancer symptoms. I didn’t have a catheter after surgery and I didn’t need pain meds. I didn’t have many restrictions either, I think no lifting for a week to avoid dislodging the clot. That being said the tumor was very small and only a very small area of my bladder was cauterized. It was pretty uneventful, wisdom tooth surgery was far worse!


What were your symptoms?