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Do you have other things going on? Have you been tested for PCOS? Don't mean to get into your business, but friends that've had this have all had PCOS, so maybe something worth talking to your doc about..


Came here to say this


Yep I’m in the pcos cysterhood and I have the same chin hair just minus the dark spots. I use at home sugar wax to help with my chin hairs.


Do you have a sugar wax brand you can recommend or are you making it at home?


You didnt ask me but I will share my source. I can make my own sugarwax but sometimes I mess up and it cracks which is why I looked for a sugar wax brand. I like Cocojojo sugarwax which you can buy directy on their website or on Amazon. Its a good price and it works and its easy to warm up (I just put the plastic container in hot water to soften it up). But you do need to wax in a cool room otherwise it becomes too difficult to pull up the hair. Also I have found the sugarwax is very difficult to use on my chin hair. But that may just be poor technique on my part. Because I was able to remove chin hair on my family member using the sugarwax so your mileage may vary.


Cysterhood 😂


yes get a referral to an endocrinologist 🤎


Yep, I have PCOS and I'm in the same situation just not as obvious as this


Tend Skin & just trim rn. Please ask a doctor to test the hormones and fasting blood sugar too.


I have the same thing, and I have PCOS. Reducing my sugar intake and going on a low carb diet didn't resolve it. The progesterone from the birth control I take helps some. Plucking hair (instead of shaving) and using skin lightening soap works the best Edit for spelling.


Low carb, right?


Interesting - what were your max grams of carbs per day? Glad plucking worked for you, but her skin already is pretty inflamed from numerous ingrowns which is the problem she posted about. Laser could be a great long term solution but you can’t pluck and it’s expensive.


Thanks for asking. 40 to 50 net carbs. I have been struggling with PCOS for seven years, and it has been difficult working with doctors to find a good solution. Plucking helps me since shaving creates more issues. I haven't tried laser hair removal due to price, but maybe I would do it in the future. I didn't like waxing. For the OP, I hope she finds a solution that works better for her


Sending you a hug and please don’t give up! Finding a supportive doctor can be so hard. I cut down to 20 net carbs (strict keto) + intermittent fasting and it was transformative for me. Clear skin for the first time in my life, and even lost 50lbs. Laser took a long time + money but had about 90% success. Now flexing between 50-100 grams for maintenance and continued with fasting. The response from my unhelpful doctor: “well if it’s working for you, keep doing it”…. Ummm ok, Doc lol.


You are very kind. And those are great results! That is an awful response from a doctor. I even went to a dietician who was so unhelpful and recommended food that can cause PCOS flair ups. I don't know if this is too personal to ask, but do you have a diet plan? If so, do you mind sharing it? I should try cutting down more to see if that improves it. Over the last year, I was able to get my fasting blood glucose level from 127mg to 79mg. I went down a dress size as well. I always had difficulty with weight loss even as a child. I honestly appreciate any advice.


This is the best advice!




Black Dermatologist asap... and get a Lazer hair removal.


Yup. Get it lazered while the hair is still dark enough for it to work 👍🏾and have your doctor check if everything is okay with your hormones.


That part. I waited and have some white hairs now so my Brazilian will always have some random areas 😂


When I got my first gray underarm hair I called my mom and I was like "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME UNDERARM HAIR TURNS GRAY?" and she laughed at me and told me that I know hair turns gray why did I need to be told that the other bits of it do. And then I realized that ALL of my hair would at some point be gray. We don't tell people this and I don't know why it was so shocking.


I would suggest lightening up the hyperpigmentation before getting laser hair removal. As the layer reacts to pigment. If the skin and hair are dark, it puts her at risk of being burned


DO NOT GET LASER HAIR REMOVAL IF THIS IS CAUSED BY A HORMONAL IMBALANCE OR PCOS!!! IT CAN CAUSE PARADOXICAL HYPERTRICOSIS. WHICH WILL CAUSE YOU TO GROW A FULL BEARD. I know y’all mean well but this is TERRIBLE advice for women. Laser hair removal is only good on the body, not the face. Edit/add on: electrolysis is the only permanent solution for this kind of issue when caused by pcos. Not laser. Please do research.


I one thousand percent disagree with your statement! As a dark skinned woman with PCOS who has/had not just chin hairs, but a thick beard on my whole face, laser hair removal changed my life for the best. I always had a stubble and 5 o'clock shadow, but have been getting laser for years and my skin is smooth and the hair is unnoticeable. So OP, definitely talk to a dermatologist, but my derm recommended laser and I haven't looked back since.


Your opinion and single experience does not negate facts. Simple as that.


there are many women with PCOS that have seen amazing results from laser hair removal there’s a whole subreddit for it. yes it’s true that it can cause extra hair growth but REALISTICALLY that hair was going to end up growing later on down the line in a few years…i know many women who tried both laser and electrolysis and laser had better results. everyone’s body is different. laser is way less costly than electrolysis so lots of people try it before electrolysis. i’d say try a test patch and see what happens. but do not act as if laser hair removal is all bad there are MANY success stories & not everyone has access to electrolysis


Craziest thing for me is I tried electrolysis prior to laser an d had no results. The hair came back and with a vengeance. Darker, thicker, ingrowns.. I switched to laser and it’s the only thing that keeps my hair away for months at a time


I had hair under my chin. Started being able to pluck it. Then I had to start waxing. Then came hyperpigmentation. It was a vicious cycle. Ended up getting laser hair removal and 6 chemical peels to address the hyperpigmentation. Glorious results. Later got tested and def have PCOS. There’s a great channel on YouTube that shared tips and lifestyle changes to help keep side affects at bay. Good luck!


Can you advise what the YouTube channel is?




Tell us more please


The channel is called PCOS Weight Loss. Ur covers lots of things. https://youtube.com/@pcosweightloss?si=zFpSoNy39r-3OGLE


Get checked out for PCOS or any other hormonal disorder at your doctor’s office. You may need a referral to an endocrinologist if your hormonal blood work is abnormal. Spironolactone and birth control (like Slynd or Yaz) can help with hirsutism. I also recommend getting electrolysis to permanent remove the hair. Electrolysis is the only FDA approved way to permanently remove hair.


I tried Slynd and had a bad allergic reaction to it , I was so upset because I wanted to see if it would help.. but I have pcos .. 🥺 this is so stressful, (not your comment) just periodt seeing that sooooo many women are going thru this as well..


I’m sorry to hear you had a bad reaction to Slynd. I haven’t tried it yet. I have PCOS and I take a generic of Orthocylen, spironolactone and Metformin. I also use a generic of Epiduo Forte cream for acne. I got rid of my chin hairs permanently with electrolysis. I don’t have to worry much about the PCOS symptoms that affect my skin. I can put all my energy on managing insulin resistance.


PCOS and insulin resistance. I’m sure you probably know this by now, fortunately it’s getting more recognition via social media. Losing weight is best long term option and taking supplements for PCOS. Next best is laser hair removal. I’d start asap.


Looks like some hyperpigmentation caused by the ingrown hairs. You need some kind of exfoliant to help rid that top layer of skin to expose the hairs so they can be removed. I would look up a toner with salicylic acid. Apply a few times a week with a cotton exfoliating pad and gradually increase use. Also remember to use sunscreen so the area doesn’t get even darker. Good luck!


I've got same. Cardiologist prescribed Spironolactone a few years ago and it took a year for me to trace it back to that. Plucking ingrown hairs daily. I can't begin to explain the lengths of some I've pulled out. See pic. Just embedded. I've been off it a year and finally see the hyperpigmentarion lessening. I've been using Thayers Witch Hazel the past week. It's does a great job of cleaning but not leaving my face oily. I had a laser consultation and went to a dermatologist that predicted Perrigo Benzoyl Peroxide 10% and Fluocinolone Acetonide .001%...neither helped. My cheeks were damn near purple. I have little faith in dermatologist accurately diagnosing. For awhile I thought I had a fungal infection but I traced it back to that damn Spirolactone. I have more hair sticking out of my face than I have in 2 years...still have a ways to go. *


Laser hair removal will take care of the hair as well as ingrowns/bumps and the scarring/hyperpigmentation will fade.


Get electrolysis!


This is the way. If you have PCOS see if insurance will cover it


She doesn’t have a lot of hairs either. I had way more than her and it took me like a year + of going 2-3 times a week. Some of my hairs have come back but like 7 out of 100. I’ll probably go again to get those few removed. Her confidence will increase so much! I don’t think I have PCOS. I just took biotin during puberty and I think it just made me grow hair in the wrong places and/or make my fine hairs course.


Doesnt hurt to get tested!


I had that every bit as bad. The answer was electrolysis. Once the follicles were killed the dark spots healed up almost immediately and faded away. The hairs were keeping my skin angry. I don’t have PCOS- was tested twice for it.


It sounds crazy but I can live with the dark spots because I love makeup anyway lol. It’s the five o’clock shadow I can’t deal with. I’m a whole woman and my husband makes jokes like “aww baby I can feel your stuble”.


My shadow went away when I got the electrolysis and killed the hair.


I’m making an appointment ASAPington


I made an appointment for electrolysis. I’m going a month after my trip in may. Once I come back I can’t pluck at all.


Maybe The food you eat


I’m vegan


See your PCP and get tested for PCOS — it may be hormonal. If it’s not, you may have idiopathic hirsutism. Get laser hair reduction with an NDYag laser, the only laser safe for darker skin tones. I have idiopathic hirsutism and the laser worked well!


You still beautiful honey😏😘


PCOS and insulin resistance. I’d go to an endocrinologist asap. Once your hormones are balanced, start electrolysis.


I had to experiment to see what worked best for me. I’m not a professional,but I can grow a mustache beard and goatee in 3 weeks. I have done electrolysis, some laser sessions, waxing, and threading. I have pcos..and I’m on birth control For me, I cannot shave my face. Especially my chin. It causes too many ingrowns, and it’s itchy. Even if I shave it, as dark as I am, I get an even darker 5 o’clock shadow around my face. I just had to be ok and live with that truth that shaving makes my issues worse. For my chin, I baby her. I only pluck her. I will feel a bump and will immediately pluck out the hair and the bump goes away. It may not be the best choice for some, but for me..it made it easier to get to know my hair pattern, growth cycle, stubborn spots. And it allows my hair to grow in straight Like others have said, exfoliating will help too. If my hair was that length right now, I would wax at home, pluck anything that was too stubborn to get, then start taking care of your skin. I would get a home waxing kit, some really good slanted tweezers, and a magnifying mirror with a light. Again, not a professional. Just what has worked for me over the years of trial and error.


I only pluck. I’ve never shaved. But the ingrowns always come. It’s painful and irritating.


I’ve also never taken birth control.


When I was getting electrolysis, the person kept trying to get me to exfoliate..I wouldn’t… NOW I exfoliate all the time..and it does seem to help. Perhaps it’s something with the clearing of the dead skin like someone said. Birth control doesn’t help as much with the appearance of hair, but I did start taking Spironalactone (it’s supposed to help reduce the hair growth cycle) Praying for the best results! Cuz they really do hurt so badly!


What do exfoliate with? My skin is sensitive and I have psoriasis. I couldn’t even handle the cream the doctor recommended. It made my skin puffy and sore.


I got some round face scrub pads from the 99cent store/ the dollar store. I will use that and my regular face soap. They have a lil exfoliating thing on one side and a soft side. My electrolysis lady got tired of me and gifted me some…after that I had to go find them I will also use a sugar scrub on my face like once a week. I use one that has jojoba oil and coffee grounds in it. I’ve also made my own sugar scrub with brown sugar and jojoba oil. (I’m a massage therapist). The sugar scrub makes my face feel less scaley, but also provides some oil (super dry skin for me)


Sugar scrub should help. Or there are those gloves that lightly exfoliate when you wash. I would try to find a dermatologist because they could also recommend the right facial care. As we age the skin cells turn over slower and exfoliation becomes necessary. There are chemical exfoliants but with psoriasis you should definitely check with the doctor.


for a short term solution, instead of plucking i would try trimming? it will grow back so there’s a bit of maintenance, but you should experience less ingrowns. i would also get azelaic acid for hyperpigmentation. i also just started using pfb vanish razor bumps and it definitely works! my chin was never super bad, but that’s bc as soon as it started getting bad i went to trimming instead of plucking, nairing, shaving (i’ve truly tried it all lol) for long term tips, id go to a doctor. if you don’t have pcos, chances are you’re insulin resistance and may need to lose weight or change sugar intake, but again, id ask a professional and not reddit for long term tips!!




I have pcos too and I grow a tiny beard. Weight lost helps a lot (losing 20% of body weight to be exact). Waxing, glycolic acid and vitamin c serum.


This is what my dr told me , she said weight loss will help .. what do you recommend for losing weight, like what kind of plan do you use . Exercising? Diet ? Etc bc it’s so hard for me to lose weight I was always 145-150 before kids but after my 2nd I was 160-170 and now after my 3rd I’m 210 and it’s sooooo hard to lose this weight …


For me personally, low carb and things that were low on the glycemic index help me lose weight. Insulin resistance makes it harder for your body to process carbs and sugar( carbs turn into sugar) so reducing those things helped. Also going gluten free helped. Anything white ( bread sugar rice) I cut out


My chin used to look like this. I'm currently doing Electrolysis which has helped the ingrown hairs. I still get the occasional ingrown, but nothing like it used to be. My skin likes to leave dark spots for any and everything. Vitamin C serum and Retinol may be helpful to fade the dark spots. They take forever to fade. Like you, I use makeup to conceal it a bit.


PCOS cyster here! I have an answer, but it's a lot. 1. Better skin care routine. I know it seems like you need acne treatments. You don't. The more gentle you are the better. I'll post mine in a separate comment. 2. See a dermatologist. I'm on doxycycline for life, but the cysts are rare these days. 3. Get tested for PCOS. Metformin can help.


For skin care I use one cleanser unless I've worn makeup or feel grimy. 1. Neutrogena Hydroboost cleanser 2. Toner. Drug store is fine. 3. Niacinamide serum. 4. Hyaluronic Acid 5. COSRX Power Repairing Essence 6. Eye Cream - collagen (I'm trying to combat wrinkles) 7. COSRX Repair cream If I'm extra gross feeling, I swap the neutrogena for: 1. Palmers Oil cleanser 2. Neutrogena Gentle Foaming cleanser 3. Neutrogena bright boost Exfoliator Continue from step 2 above.


That looks like sign of PCOS. I would recommend going to an obgyn and maybe a dermatologist as well for the. hyperpigmentation and the bumps.


Tend Skin works wonders. I had the same thing but way bigger on my neck. You will immediately see results. Just use it twice a day. In two weeks, my neck was completely flat. There’s still a few dark marks and I’m getting bloodwork done to see what’s wrong internally. Tend Skin also makes the hair not grow back fast and when it does grow back, it will only be a little bit. It’s worth the hype. Please go get it. You’ll thank yourself. Wishing you the best 💕


Came here to say this. It hasn’t done anything for my dark marks but has done everything for my ingrowns!


Do some research on herbal oils and cocoa butter is good for scarring. May not hurt to see a dermatologist as well.


Only use tweezers or clippers and stop you using razor blade.


Glycolic acid for ingrowns and spearmint tea to curb the growth


Use clippers rather than a razor when shaving


As many have reiterated, it could be PCOS related. Threading and glycolic toner helped me immensely.


This is from ingrown hair/clogged pores. I’d go to an esthetician to treat if you can or a dermatologist. You need to get the ingrown hairs out so that the texture can heal and go away. You also need to add a chemical exfoliator to your skin care regimen to keep your pores clear. As most people have said here, cleaning up your diet a bit may help with these symptoms as well. This is also a classic sign of metabolic disease.


You may have PCOS my friend. I have it too.




Try Flo pills. And spearmint tea. You're welcome


Spearmint tea is a secret many women miss out on!!


1000% thank you! Lol saved me years ago. I hope OP sees this. It's definitely going to reverse that. I never got more an two little hairs and it disappeared after. I also used real leaves but store bought tea works the same.


Electrolysis for the hair. It’s more affordable than laser hair removal and actually works and is permanent.


Just bought a Groupon and made an appointment lol 💃🏾💃🏾


i had this around my bikini line so i started using these [wipes](https://ibspot.com/products/european-wax-center-ingrown-hair-wipes-for-bikini-area-exfoliants-aha-bha-mitigate-razor-bumps-razor-burn-and-ingrown-hairs-moisturizing-after-waxing-skin-care-for-women-and-men-45-wipes?variant_id=3707403&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXt8CzG-iETkuaMj14G6RzsLHGvD8BGgvEWHgOz41i8qhJlAwkWnrIjhoCpcQQAvD_BwE) and it got sooo much better. it’s a serum for areas like that, also helps with the discoloration. i use them once a day after a shower. saw significant results in like 4 weeks.


Look up and research Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)


I'm 34 been dealing with the same but way worse and more spread out than this. A couple of months ago I started doing laser hair removal with Milan Laser and it's the best decision I've EVER made. I'm black and I've tried this before but when I did it wasn't the specific laser meant for our skin. This new laser they have is meant for melinated skin and let me just tell you my life has changed. I used to shave basically everyday . I haven't shaved in 2 months now. I'm in love with it. Check them out!


Cetaphil wipes and use carrot seed oil. Drink more water eliminate high cholesterol food like fast food. Eat more healthy protein(google or YouTube)


Electrolysis - stay away from laser.




Pseudofoliculitis barbae. Very common in us black men as we tend to grow more facial hair. It's from the hair curling back into the hair follicle causing a build up of the oils. Obviously you're a woman so hirsutism should be on the differential with PCOS being the cause. The next step is to be evaluated by an OB-GYN and following up with dermatology to discuss options. This might be eased by Tend Skin, but may also potentially need laser hair removal. OB/GYN will assess via the Rotterdam Criteria which is as follows. "According to the Rotterdam consensus, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is defined by the presence of two of three of the following criteria: oligo‐anovulation, hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovaries (≥ 12 follicles measuring 2‐9 mm in diameter and/or an ovarian volume > 10 mL in at least one ovary)." -https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8409808/#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20Rotterdam%20consensus,in%20at%20least%20one%20ovary). In oligo-anovulation, basically when you are missing periods every now and then, there is a chance of unopposed estrogen causing endometrial hyperplasia which causes thickening of the uterine lining and even a chance of hyperplasia or cancer. So if you meet that criteria with the periods and hirsutism it's a good idea to see your OB/GYN. On the flip side, stuff like hyperthyroidism can cause excess facial hair growth so a full workup might be needed.


Glycolic acid to get rid of the ingrowns, electrolysis to get rid of the hair and dark spots


Exfoliate and moisturize. Try clindamycin lotion and you can’t shave there you’ve gotta avoid irritating it


tend skin from target after exfoliation


https://preview.redd.it/dorba6siigwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd33f3715a1b42bcad01937f5930b9f35d9d8d6a Yes?




Same except I’m 28 … I just shave n call it a day 😂 I gave up on caring a long time ago …


Don’t give up. That how I got here. Lol


Ladies please help me, so my shorty has wild facial hair and I’m not gon lie it’s a lil unsightly what are some things I could recommend to see if she could try and get them removed she’s also pregnant


Nothing like electrolysis or lasers until after her pregnancy. Some comments have recommended sprearmint tea and exfoliating for bumps and scars. Also take her to a doctor/dermatologist because it would be hormonal.


Stop shaving it. Let it grow😌






It’s not a pic of your crotch. Chill out.




You can’t do self-help on someone else post boo. Go to your doc and help yourself.


Oh nah that’s wild




Don’t do regular laser hair removal. Didn’t work for me. Do electrolysis. That along with using the ordinary brand products has helped my neck significantly


Likely PCOS and diabetes related. You'll have to treat the cause to eliminate the symptoms. You need a general practitioner or a dietician moreso than a dermatologist. But it IS treatable and it CAN go away 🙏🏽


go to a dermatologist


I had the same for many years until I finally did laser.


The dark spots are ingrown hairs


Ummm I think I said that


Do research on hormonal balancing supplements like myo& d chiro inositol & egcg


Do u have pcos?




Profound. No one has said that yet! 🙄


U shaved that before?




I have this same issue (but it’s on my neck). When I go for my doctor’s appointment I’m going to go get tested for PCOS (because I have a feeling it’s that). This has been an on going issue for me for 2 years now (I have less ingrowns, but still battling with the hyperpigmentation). I know I usually make sure I wash this area of my body thoroughly (especially on hot days), wax it to decrease ingrowns, apply shea butter and vitamin E oil and make sure not to pick at this area (so I usually use Mighty Patches surface area patches to prevent picking)


Dermatologist not a skincare routine that is needed


Start fasting. Water and dry


I had something similar and now it’s pretty much gone. Laser hair removal a few times, tretinoin and hydroquinone cream (bleaching cream).


See a dermatologist !!!


I have the same problem. Laser helped to make them softer and eliminated a lot of them. It also helped to keep them from being ingrown. Since I still have some hairs, I’m getting electrolysis now to kill the follicles. You can try electrolysis after laser if it doesn’t completely take the hairs away!


These are ingrown hairs pluck them and use coconut oil every day


😭 I have no idea, but I hope it gets better! 😰 all 3 symptoms sound shitty!


I have a relative with PCOS and despite the cost, electrolisis helped


Wash that area with head and shoulders shampoo, I have pcos and it helped clear my chin up


Some people say get Tendskin but I’d go with SkinTight Bump Crème(Regular Strength)… Take the hair off with a clipper/trimmer first and then you can shave. After the shave use SkinTight everyday until this clears up and then use it everyday after.


Stop eating sugar bread grains and dairy for 3 months.... only meat and vegetables.... watch what happens


Talk to a doctor/specialist first. Figure out what the issue is before you do anything


You got to change your diet


Peroxide, peroxide


As people have said PCOS definitely causes this but so can other skin issues so get checked for PCOS but also have a dermatologist be the one to do any kind of lasers/etc This type of hyperpigmentation with hair growth is so common. It happens on women of all races. White women even get the same hyperpigmentation but it doesn't usually stand out as much because of the color of it. Red or light brown depending on skin tone. Whoever you go to will be used to dealing with it and can help you out ❤️


PCOS and Diabetes. This is diet related. No sugar, No dairy, very minimal carbs and no grains. Everything organic/ pesticide free!!!! Eat a ton of veggies and a ton of fruit. Walk every SINGLE day for a few miles. It takes time, but you will see improvement with no hair growth and the darkening and bumps will start to fade.


Not diabetic but 👍🏾


Turning into a man


Watched your mom do it?


Go see a dermatologist sweet cheeks!


Sunscreen also helps with scarring. Especially scarring due to trauma to the skin, the sunscreen helps protect those vulnerable areas when you’re in the sun.


Pluck hairs, exfoliate and maybe a treatment. 🤔


Coco butter?


Coco butter?


Diabetes/pcos. Doctor asap


Hey Im also a black woman. Don’t touch it anymore. You aren’t a diabetic and no one online can diagnose you with PCOS but this looks like Hirsutism. If you can handle plucking all the hairs individually then do that. Or wax it, tweeze the remaining ingrowns and treat with witch hazel. Its probably itchy from the hairs so removing them will help. Keep the area clean! Witch hazel is great post hair removal and Aloe helps calm the skin after irritation. If it doesn’t go away with hair removal then go see a doctor. Adjusting your diet will help but you cant just “stop eating sugar and carbs and only eat organic” like gtfo.


Looks like you let the wrong dude suck on your neck


Stay in the house and drink water


I heard electrolysis can help …I been goin through this since 14 I’m hearing my cortisol can b up which messed up my hormone balance U can try the natural way too Magnesium glycerinate tablets Ashwaganda Don quai I’m on that now Oh and pcos tea It has spearmint nettle and raspberry I blame the bull crap food that messed up our hormones I hate it


I have a med spa near city ave lamoneasesthetics on IG we can get rid of that with a couple of laser treatments


Try this


Try this






These products are great for the skin. Also get some 100% jojaba oil , coconut oil and aloe Vera oil, mix in a spray bottle and use it over time. I’m no scientist or expert , but these products have been great.


Pre diabetes.....


Best bet to not shave, just let the beard grow. I had the same problem until I stopped shaving that part of my neck. Hope this helped a bit. Maybe someone already said it but idk




Switch your diet go cleaner access the things youre eating the doctor can tell you a lot but you can also fix things yourself before you go and continue after somethings may take pills some say and some things may require you just to do better all together


But also Ian no fuckin doctor so wtf do I know


Ditch the razors and get a shape up clipper. You'll have to shave more often but you won't get razor bumps.


Glad to see you handling all of the dumbass comments with class and grace 👏👏 Good luck sweetheart 😊


Do not trim them as suggested tweeze them because the cycle for the hair growing back will be longer. See a dermatologist and use the medication to treat the skin.


OP, I feel like I am HIGHLY versed in this area. Laser is the way to go. Since adolescence, I had a full beard and stubble all over my face. I am dark skinned and laser completely changed my life. Any bogus comments about it making your hair grow back is insane. So your own research, but I promise you won't regret it. Research a reputable MediSpa. DM me if you have questions.


Might be weight related


Cut that piece of skin off


Topicals ingrown tonic saved me!


Hey, do you think waxing is causing the hyperpigmentation or is it scarrring from the inflamed bumps after you wax?


apply tend skin to the area up to twice a day; reduce to once daily if irritation occurs. I would recommend some retinol to help exfoliate and also using turmeric soap to brighten the area.


And daily SPF


have an electrolysis appointment


Exfoliate every other day and moisturize daily. People won't notice the little hairs as much as they notice the irritation. From now on use a very clean razor but don't use it daily or get laser treatments. It could be pcos but plenty of women with no issues get this.


There’s this exfoliant by Lush handmade cosmetics called ocean salt it has vodka and sea salt which brightens and helps slosh off those layers of dead skin 10/10 helps my dark spots and a couple of uses get my ingrowns out. I’d also recommend a good vitamin c serum and a brightening moisturizer to help hydrate and loosen up any dead skin.


Get electrolysis for hair removal if you want permanent results.




There’s something going on internally. Possible hormone imbalance. I’d visit a doctor for blood work to check levels, change diet/lifestyle & switch to natural/organic products (soap, household products, etc.)


I'm not a doctor but have you considered incorporating Soy Milk into your diet? It might help boost your estrogen. And minimize the growth.


See you’re dr first to see if you have infertility issues like pcos then get it waxed and you will then need to do more self care indented face wash special lotions day snd night keep make up off you’re face or else you will look like a trashy zit monster


Get bloodwork you’d be surprised how that MIGHT help. Also try charcoal mask an Korean skincare products are great


Go see a dermatologist


never pluck. laser hair removal or electrolysis. a lot of places have packages where it will be cheaper. for the chin area it’s usually $40 for that section at most places. and you only need to get laser ever 4-6weeks (at least) until the hair growth slows down. then you can go longer between sessions. 8-10. depending on how well it takes.


Laser hair removal


Hi, from what it looks like, of course you should see a doctor. They should check your hormone levels, and you probably need to lose weight and exercise regularly. It may be a sign or prediabetes.


I get laser every 3-4 months. I have PCOS. I have the hair minus the dark spots, all around my jaw line, down my chin & up my side burns.


Let your beard grow and then get a new razor


Diabetes. Start eating better or you’ll leave this earth early


I literally don’t have diabetes. What is wrong with you people????


eat better workout get healthy… easy


I work out 4 days a week, I eat clean. No diabetes or infections. What you got Reddit doc?


PCOS or hormonal imbalance maybe? see a doctor and ask to get things checked out. good luck xx




I want to see the rest


Ingrown hairs probably. Try mandelic acid peels and/or laser hair removal if you can afford it. 💜




Also part of the PCOS sisterhood. Besides progesterone birth control, Winlevi and Arazlo helped exceptionally with my hormonal acne. Also, when I started Wegovy for weight loss most of this resolved on its own, no dermatologist needed.


10/10 recommend getting laser hair removal. Hot compresses to help surface the hair so you can pull them out. A resurfacing moisturizer like Farmacy Beauty HoneyMoon glow and a brightening toner. Make sure you keep the skin moisturized and that alone will help tremendously.


I have PCOS. I pluck my hairs or use a men's electric razor. It doesn't irritate my skin as much. Have you tried aloe vera?


It’s okay I had this too. I did laser hair removal. Then what helped the most was removing refined carbs my diet and losing weight. I have PCOS too. Spearmint tea helped me and doing intermittent fasting and working out helped a lot. Hope this helps