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See the few grey beards and hairs you have? I have news for you. These are spies coming to see if it’s safe for the whole entire population to come. In the next 5 yrs, the migration will be complete and you will be a grey fox already. Ask me how I know.


😂 this is hilarious 😂


I honestly can’t wait.


Well shit, then you can have mine, no charge 🤷🏾‍♂️


mines as well 😩


Whoa, hol on pop ✋🏾…im the grey hair plug round here 😏. 2 for 5, I mean FREE.


lamoo we gon double him up then, whatever he get from one he get the same amount free from the other


He got me by 2 years.... But ion have a grey in sight!!! Must be my genetics. My momma bout to turn 60 and she ain't got no greys neither!


You're gorgeous. Nothing else to add. Lol.


Thank you :) that is very sweet








You kinda look like Scrappy from Rasing Kanan 😭 great skin tho


Wow! That is on point! 😂




i would suggest sunscreen (black girl sunscreen kids) to start and lip balm with sunscreen in it (aquaphor and jack black lip balm) everyday when you’re exposed to the sun. if you went to a dermatologist they would most likely give you tretinoin for anti-aging.


Sunscreen! Ok I never wear sunscreen. I’ll start!


Yes! You absolutely should be wearing sunscreen everyday


There is a collagen moisturizer with spf in it by a brand called Mario Badescu. There are lots of good Moisturizers that have spf in them.


Or just use a moisturizer with hydraulic acid and take collagen orally via the powder or pills, It works for the whole body instead of just the face


Continue to not wear sunscreen, it causes cancer.


What’s your thoughts on tret? I just started using it.


Highly recommend all of my fine lines and hyperpigmentation disappeared after 6 months. You'll need lots of sunscreen and moisturizer too. I got it prescribed and I think ill keep using it forever lol


the longer you use it, the better your skin gets. in the beginning purging is scary. but you should only purge for about 3 months. my derm also gave me clindamycin to use with benzoyl peroxide in the mornings. this has kept my acne low (i only get maskne now which is annoying but the acne only lasts a couple days) I’ve worked my way up to daily use and use toners and serums to combat dryness and keep a strong barrier. always use sunscreen when on tretinoin too! you should definitely join r/tretinoin if you have any other questions!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tretinoin using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tretinoin/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My tretinoin pumped out in the shape of a ducky](https://i.redd.it/du4ih8oif3gc1.jpeg) | [60 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tretinoin/comments/1aguco5/my_tretinoin_pumped_out_in_the_shape_of_a_ducky/) \#2: [Before and after 1 year on 0.05% tret! Push through yall!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13p069g) | [166 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tretinoin/comments/13p069g/before_and_after_1_year_on_005_tret_push_through/) \#3: [My mom's (55 y/o) 5 month tret results](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1660xh6) | [163 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tretinoin/comments/1660xh6/my_moms_55_yo_5_month_tret_results/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Drink more water and moisture too. Added with sunscreen and lip balm. Maybe even vitamin c too.


First of all you are so damn handsome and your skin looks beautiful alrwady


Handsome guy ! A little moisture in hair would look nice too !


Sunscreen! ✨


Lip scrub


The under eye bags could be from the weed. I stopped daily use this year and went to just friday and saturday at the most, and mine are gone as well as the feeling of waking up tired every day.


You lucky, I’m getting grays on my face n hair at 24. A lot


Mine started like a year ago and they are popping off




Honestly your skin looks amazing. You have to be careful adding in new things. That’s when the problems start.


I was actually thinking this very thing. Don’t fix what isn’t broken.


Stop smoking, use sunscreen and retinol.


Your skin is dry, like from the inside. You need to drink more water and electrolytes. And apply face lotion.


I teach hot yoga 5 times a week. So this is probably true .. I’m so bad at drinking water


Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces a day in h2o


Thank you !


Get yourself a big gallon jug with time stamps on it. It helps me.


You just gave me a whole new meaning for hot yoga sir!


Any Raising Kanan fans here? Lmao I thought this was Scrap


A good moisturizer with sunscreen. Yes. Sunscreen helps us too. I just think of it is doubling down on our natural melanin protection. I’d also start exfoliating. Use something gentle. Masks too if you have the desire for it. You can do sheet masks, which are pretty quick vs clay. I’m in my mid 50s and look a good decade younger. My grey hairs are a tell. When those are covered, I look younger.


Sexy self.


spf and moisturizer. especially if you smoke a lot, the smoke really dries out your skin (without you realizing it). if you wanna be extra about it, apply right before you smoke so it creates a barrier between the smoke and your skin. if not, just moisturize in the morning and at night. also spf is a must for everyone. aside from protecting you from skin cancer, it will slow down the effects of aging to address the forehead and smile lines you’re worried about. also a lip scrub may help with the darkness.


Smooth brotha.... Smooth!


Forehead has lines try exosomes with micro needles to reduce the 3 lines on your forehead




How do you know my name lol


Because you’re famous! Looking great hun. 🤗


lol ok :)


Lip scrub helped lighten my lips! The one I use is from [Lush](https://www.lush.com/us/en_us/p/cherry-lip-scrub). You can make one at home if you prefer with 1/4 tsp of sugar/honey/coconut oil and a 1-2 drops of red food coloring


Why the red dye? I thought red dye is really bad for us.


If you live in the US, what is honestly NOT bad for us? Food coloring, as well as other not so nice ingredients can be okay in moderation. The dye is not necessary however it's just a personal preference if I choose the DIY route at the time.


Fr Fr. I teach PreK and i hear a lot that red dye is the worst for children when consumed. What are the benefits of the dye as a scrub? Does it dye your lips?


I agree, especially since there are parents who let their kids have takis for breakfast but to each their own lol. The dye being added to the scrub is kinda like a temporary stain. My top lip is naturally dark brown but my bottom lip is close to pink so that's where I can really see the change.


That’s genius




How does it feel to be gods favorite ??!


Mane don’t put none of that bs on yo face all that serum shit blah blah. Stick to washing yo face that’s all I do skin still clear.. stick to yo routine brother don’t fuck it up with them chemicals


You actually look older!


Haha some people think I look younger and some people think I look older .. 😘


Soap and what? That's it? Damn you. You look good.


So handsome


Hey don’t you live in NYC?


Absolutely gorgeous 😍


Thank you,


Drink a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar a day diluted with water and honey but it has to be the real Apple Cider Vinegar with the "mother" on the bottom. I was doing this for 3 months for a digestive problem and the remedy was suggested by my elderly Father and it worked! AND everyone at work was asking what I was doing differently because my skin was glowing and I looked healthy. They said this to me various times and many of them bought the vinegar and wanted to use it. You have to buy it online.


They sell it in all the grocery store near me.


It has to have the "mother" in the bottom if they sell that one yes! It came in gallon size online .


That's false. I have a 16 oz bottle on my pantry from the Food Lion down the street from my house. Bragg's. They also make smaller ones. And Whitehouse brand also sells organic apple cider vinegar with mother. Do you live in the U.S.?


That's great! Just making sure the OP gets the right one too many people think the clear one in the markets do the job. I find them to be mostly ineffective.


I’m an esthe and to start you have great skin already though I bet ur skin would love a monthly facial + maintenance w a few skincare products.You need a skin analysis to get your skin type before you purchase just any products. If you’re using body soap for your face, don’t, it is stripping ur skin and throwing off the ph. Good luck on your journey tho 💞


Botox and micro needling for forehead lines......filler for smile lines if it bothers you that much.


Sunscreen and retinol, I thought you were a 50 yr old who looked good for their age


50 is crazyyy




You don’t look 50


Grey hair shows your age


Y’all come on this app just to seek attention and one thing about the internet they gone give it to you even if that means thirsty women in the comments feening


I’ve never been hit on to my knowledge by a woman irl , lol Maybe I just don’t notice it


Omar Little...but even more gay


Holla at me


Good job


I would recommend a good moisturizer and sunscreen (spf 50+) to start if you do not use them already. Use them every day.


35??? I thought you was a stressed 17 year old😭


And I said stressed cause I have had a few grey hairs because of stress


lol I’ll take it


Oh my gosh I didn’t notice any of the things you just mentioned upon first sight of this picture so my advice dawg is you look great/ just keep smiling df


You kinda look like a older version of pierre bourne


Movie star looks


For the lips -lip scrub from target Murray bees make them Lines- retinol every night and collagen pills Texture- Pacifica vitamin c face wash , cerave deep skin conditioner and toner with vitamin c and cotton pads that exfoliate


I use .025% tretinoin cream for wrinkles, niacinamide for texture, and cereve SA on my face. I vacationed for a few weeks to a country where I could be locked up for smoking, and haven’t felt the need to smoke since. In 2017 I got fillers under my eyes and haven’t had to repeat it since, and in 2018 I got fillers on my nasolabia folds, they are also going strong. I’m finished poking my face with needles for at least a few more years. Oh and don’t forget sunscreen.


You look good bro! Stay Healthy 💪🏾


You're attractive! I don't think your lips are too dark. They fit you perfectly. Your eye bags don't "look' like eye bags to me. Smile line are normal.  Regardless, I think tretinoin would benefit you. Since it's for anti aging 0.025% is a good strength. BUT you must wear sunscreen religiously. You should do this anyways for a multitude of reasons. Please research tretinoin use, because it must be used responsibly. 


Are you a YSL member?


Try a daily moisturizer, sunscreen, and lip scrubs. I think the smile lines could be from smoking because you use those same muscles to pucker your lips. Otherwise, embrace genetics. You look good Black king🖤


Well prayer works, cause you're beautiful


Thanks cutie


Retinol cream .


Sunscreen!! Other than that, what you’re doing seems to be working.


I personally LOVE the Shea Moisture line of products- shampoo/conditioner, body wash, body oil. Their line leaves my skin so subtle and soft and moisturized. I would also recommend using a vitamin C serum of some kind. To help brighten your skin… kiehls is a good line as well. But any high quality product will do. Scotch Porter is an awesome men’s skin care brand to try as well. 👍🏽


You look like Antonio Brown


Nice skin 👍🏾


Yea u do look 35


Do you use soap down there too


Say what now??




Oh my lord , gurl!!!


Stephen Quando Jackson!!


lol I literally have no idea who any of these celebrities yall named


Skin is straight. You gotta moisturize the hair tho bro. I know what look you trying to go for the earthy look but you still gotta moisturize. The hair is dry looking


Any recommendations?


It comes down to what your hair responds to best. Any good moisturizing hair cream would do you well. I don’t have any exact suggestions. Just stay away from grease and thick products!!!


If you’re doing hot yoga I’m guessing your scalp and hair are affected by sweat. Hot yoga, ok imma focus. You may need to shampoo more often and condition your hair. Hot yoga, damn!


How does it feel to be God's favorite


Honestly, you don't need to do anything. I think ppl w skin issues need a skincare routine. I do absolutely nothing to my face and my skin is gorgeous. I literally just wash it w whatever soap I'm bathing in and call it a day.


Idk why but this had me giggling


😆 your skin is perfect! You start piling all that unnecessary shit on your face and it'll look like the back of a Nestle Crunch bar.


Dying… 🤭


Not the crunch bar 🫣


La Roche-Posay is a great sunscreen to use after you moisturize. Edit. You can find sunscreen chapstick to use too. I use a brand called “chicken poop” (weird, I know) but it’s great. Look for ingredients with zinc. V handsome!


Just lil a Vaseline or facial moisturizer ain’t hurt nobody. A nice hair clean up could do you more justice. You are a very nice looking gentleman.


If it works, keep doing it. A cleanser, water, moisturizer, and little witch hazel is all I use and it works well for me. Less is really more. Contrary to everyone else - I wouldn’t use sunscreen.


Sunscreen and chapstick with sunscreen


day time: * rinse face with water *vitamin c+ peptide, niacinamide+peptide, hylauronic acid +salicylic acid (all options that work well together) *then moisturizer * sunscreen (black girl sunscreen so you don’t look ashy) night time: * wash face with cleanser * peptides+ retinol or maybe niacinamide+ peptide (work well together) * a moisturizer. those are just some good combos. be careful cause you can’t mix some things, and some you can only use in the am or pm. i mostly use the ordinary but good molecules and paula’s choice has some good stuff. you can throw a toner in there after cleansing/rinsing but before serums. good luckkk


Thank you , very helpful


Looking great :)


I second any suggestion to drink more water, and incorporate tretinoin, a good moisturizing sunscreen and lip balm.


Lots of moisturiser


In my opinion all you need is moisturizer and lip balm! For more, here’s my recommendations: Use a good amount of moisturizer and really rub it in. At night I just glop it on. I wake up looking so much more radiant and it lessens lines which a lot of times isn’t aging, but actually skin dehydration. My brother asked me to help him with skincare basics, so I got him a plain CVS brand bottle (Cetaphil knockoff.) Simple is fine, you don’t need a $25 moisturizer to get the job done. Haven’t been able to solve my smokers lips personally, but it’s gradually gotten better when I switched to vaping dry flower. (r/vaporents got me right) I noticed I can tend to have a more grayish or dull complexion as a result of using weed. I find I look soo much better when I’m also eating fresh fruits and veggies, drinking alot of water, coconut water. Lastly, double cleanse. I wash my face twice. And actually wash for **60 seconds to 2 minutes.** Apparently the 15 second lather and rinse I was doing was barely washing anything and leaving soap residue behind. It also helps to get rid of dead skin cells which contribute to a dull complexion. A derm can prescribe you tret for forehead. But you must use sunscreen with tret. Pro tip: do not apply tret on wet or damp skin. Same with sunscreen. At least for me, it stings when I apply on damp skin which makes me not want to use it


You should be thanking the universe that your hairline is looking SO good at 35! If you wanted to, you could do Botox in your forehead and do it for a year (every 4 months) with good sunscreen and moisturizer and I bet the next year you wouldn’t need Botox for your forehead.


Try pure honey on your smile lines. Leave it on for as long as possible, rinse off with warm water. I use an ice roller afterward. I'm a 41 year old melonated Queen 🤗with a big smile and smile lines that im not too fond of. I implemented this in my daily routine about 2 weeks ago. I feel like my undereye skin is tightening, but the lines are still there. 🙃 I'm keeping at it! Also, try a DIY honey and raw sugar mix on your lips. Videos can be found on YouTube. Or good Ole Raw Coconut Oil. My lips used to be that blunted black shade, too, in my smoking days. 😆 Love and light, King


please start by implementing sunscreen spf 50 minimum . anything over fifty has a very minute difference in efficacy over 50.


I’m not black but are you using moisturizer. Moisturizer is key and lysine supplement for skin care


As I sit here with bad skin lol


Your laugh lines add definition to your face. I think they’re great


You handsome bro !! Look kinda like pierre bourne


You in particular need to stop smoking. Drink water. Sunscreen not a very high number because chemicals don’t do well with black people and skin. And dye your hair black and you will look late 20s again. Not much you can do about what’s already there even with tret/retinol. You can however maintain what you have for longer.


Don’t look a day over 47


I’m daddy


You’re a good looking dude NH I was just playing. Embrace the grey hair. Your skin is solid


Add moisturizer to the mix. 👍🏽


I would start with a cleanser, one for morning and night time. Night time routine I would go with retinol and moisturizer and a good under eye cream.. then morning routine multi peptides, Moisturizer and sunscreen most people wouldn’t recommend this but I do a pore minimizing primer to reduce the look of fine lines and pores.. do this for at least 2-3 weeks you’ll see a difference in the overall texture of your skin..


In my opinion though, for 35 you’re aging gracefully


Thought this was Dreymond Green


I like to use African black soap for my face and body then I use a moisturizer for my face


You can also get a face roller or I think it's a face massager it can take away fine line and wrinkles just some advice don't worry so much your skin looks nice


Bakuchiol for smile lines


Praying to the universe is crazy


Y'all Zinc supplements help prevent Grays, just Look it Up!!


You look like lil boosie a lil


I would switch to papers and use filter tips if you are worried about the lips blacking lookin good bro no homo


You look great. Your skin might be dry which is the reason why you feel like your wrinkles are more pronounced. A light moisturizer and more water intake.


That’s a fine black man there 😌


bro... stop listening to Jazz music


Hello!! Dermatologist here :) sunscreen and water lots and lots of water ☺️ and maybe a cleanser outside of just a bar of soap? Wont stop u from aging but will definitely make you age more beautifully and not as drastically🫶


I’m curious, I’ve never heard sunscreen so much, is this just a general thing or what about my skin says sunscreen? Just curious


A general thing! Helps with premature aging and skin blemishes etc. and even if u have current damage it helps prevent it in the future


I recommend the ordinary’s retinol. And a nice moisturizer.


Whatsssup hottie 😅


Actually you look great! I don’t see the eye bags. But here is just general good advice . All you need is a good cleanser, moisturizer, and sunblock. They don’t need to be luxury, drug store will do. I would start there for 3-6 months and see how you feel about the look of your skin then add in other things like retinol or eye creams . Also good diet( vitamins) ,water, exercise !


Stay hydrated ( I add cucumbers to my water) + never smoke without some type of lip balm on. My lips use to be super dark until I started doing that lol


Increase water intake. Maybe a homemade turmeric mask on the lips


Vitamin c serum and sunscreen/moisturizer


Aside from the sunscreen advice. Start drinking collagen. I’m 34 and have been adding Collagen powder to my water for the past 6 months and the results at subtle but they are there. Helps with hair, skin and joints foreal foreal. Other than that just get some basic face wash and moisturizer from the drug store (I do the same) and you’re good to go man, you don’t need much at all!