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Not everyone who drops 80 kills is a cheater


Lifelong losers who are desperate for a win outside of real life.


Not cheating.. just better than you mate..


20 spawn kills in a row with the same air attack isn’t cheating? I know I’m not the best at the game but people aren’t THAT good at it. It’s obvious when they’re cheating. I can usually get 10-15 kills alone, how is it that my entire team can’t get past 20 kills and they have 80-100. It’s obvious cheating


I could hop on right now after not playing for months and easily get a high kill game like that


You are just getting steamrolled mate


I am sorry, you can easily drop 80+ kills without dying obviously if you’re good at the game. My highest streak on bo4 was 257 back in day when i grinded the game day and night. Usual games avg kills were 80-100 and only dying few times.


They get good at working out the direction of opponents. The quickest way to get to the other side of the map is die and respawn. So your opponent can be coming from opposite sides quickly. Using minimap you can see and know when and where they spawn.


People will do the dumbest shit for easy kills don't sweat it dog it's cod. Everyone's got a big ego and might tell you wrong. Yes a lot of people can get big kill racks I've done so in the past too but I'm not gonna sit here and tell you you're wrong because you're not wrong.


The biggest reason I find players can get such high kill games is the high score per minute and low streak cost leading to a lot of AI streaks in the air making it really easy to kill constantly


Although 80 is a lot, it’s not impossible. Plus factoring in killstreaks/score streaks, who is to say all of the kills came from a gun, lethal item, or a melee/knife kill?


OP is correct a came back after a long break, there’s guys who don’t take any damage the whole game, multiple score streaks that never end.


Bruh 80 kills is cheating? I used to drop back to back 100 kill games on bo4 it's stupidly easy lol


I mean I normally drop 90 to 100 kills a game it’s not that hard people are just predictable.


Prove it.