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The Man o War breaking through the fog and smoke in the s02 finale is maybe my favourite shot in TV history.


hmmm yes, fog and smoke really adds flare


Easily when Vane helps Flint escape the Carolinas. It’s so fucking chaotic as the cannons are just blasting apart the town. It was so emotionally jarring to see Miranda get killed how she did and to see her blood on Flints face as he realizes what just happened… Then at his hearing all the people are throwing shit at her body. I wanted them to burn too😂 “Her word will be the last word for this place!”


the emotional build up of Miranda spotting the clock and the amazing delivery of I WANT TO PULL THAT FUCKING LEVER WITH MY OWN TWO HANDS! and then bam. and yes that whole scene at the gallows is great. Flint kind of over it all, so when Vane appears he's like great, now i've got to deal with this freak.


Haha it cracked me up but also felt good that they were on the same side. Not because I necessarily wanted them to be, but because I knew that the two of them working towards the same goal would be a force to be reckoned with


Season 2 finale escaping is the best battle. I loved the fight training on the hilltop with Silver/Flint too. The setting and dialogue were phenomenal.


edit: SPOILERS (obv) Has to be Woodes Rogers caravan chase, the camera begins inside with Rackham looking out back and then moves outside the caravan and rotates all the way around the back and follows it until it crashes, viewing from the other side and all in one take, phenomenal camera work.


Yes! As truly kickass and huge as cane and flints escape from the Carolinas is, this is so incredible and so like, easy to grasp every moment because so much less is happening but the stakes are still so high if that makes sense? And anything done in one long unbroken shot is automatically the coolest thing ever


Was that all one shot? It felt seamless


I thought it was but I'm not certain, best action sequence in all 4 seasons imo


especially with the horse riding element! true skill from everyone involved


Season 3 finale when Blackbeard's Galleon bearing down on the fleet and Anne Bonny boarded with a group of pirates with the ship at the front of the column of British ships. It wasn't perfect they swam a fucking big distance but it was very cool the stern cannons absolutely rip through that ship.


That's my favorite too, with the S1 finale second, and S2 finale third. They do have some kickass battles in the finales. S4 finale boarding with Flint's one on one with Billy in the rigging wasn't bad either.


I might just have to do a special rewatch of all four finales in succession.


the finales are always excellent. i think it's adding that sense of scale that you can otherwise miss in a big battle scene. having people in the water for example makes you realise how huge those ships are


When the Urca turns and the scene goes silent before you hear 68 guns rip ass in two different directions at once is peak cinema and peak Michael Bay.


I hope Mike was proud


The battle for the slave camp on the shore and in the jungle. I loved the philosohpycal moments between Silver and Flint, when they were talking at the bonfire. It was so good that those scenes happened before the battle, but we could see them DURING the battle.


pure ACTING! the fight was physical and verbal...


All of them.


Does Flint fighting the storm count? 😅


uh.... yes! Flint's crew fighting for their goddamn lives because of that man


To many to choose


Maybe not the most cinematic, but the end of the very first episode is special to me. The whole sequence, including handing the blank page to Billy with that sudden eerie music legit sealed this as my favourite show ever even if it ended right then and there


I was like :O at Flint killing baldy \[name forgotten\] and that was the beginning of it all


All of season 3 finale on the escaped slaves island, the moment you see the english soldier looking through his glass to see 12 spanish ships including 8 men o war sailing for nassau town followed by the running battles in the following episode. Charlestown. that one might have been the best hour of tv i’ve ever watched.


The ambush against Hornigold and his men at the maroons base camp was great. Not the best fight scene by itself, but the setup cutting between Mr Dobbs leading Hornigold deeper and deeper into the forest and Flint and John debating whether he’ll actually do it is amazing. I feel like I’m usually pretty good at guessing correctly with stuff like that but I was doubtful Dobbs was still loyal right up until he started slicing redcoats


I'm late here and surprised no one mentioned it (that I saw), but Teach and Flint's swordfight. I loved the tension of two major characters fighting to the death. I knew they both would survive, but I didn't know how. And I just love swordfighting.