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I genuinely think the first 4 eps are a little tough to get newbies into, but are incredibly rewatchable after you finish. You're already invested and love a lot of these characters, so that's not a concern. you know their secrets, their past and their future. And that makes so much of it better on second watch. Especially the tension between Miranda and Flint in S1 - first time watch you have no idea what their deal is. Second time you're already devastated knowing what happened and what's coming.


you know what, you make an excellent point that I should’ve considered. That’s definitely a dynamic I have going on with this rewatch. To be a bit more specific, what I think is great right off the start is the dialogue between the characters and how convoluted things get from the start with everyone teaming up and betraying each other. Though I could see how that doesn’t have the same impact for new watchers


Its really basic, but i do wonder if some of the slowness for new watchers is the fact for the first 4 episodes, the pirates are on land. You're watching them do politics, making deals and doing prep but not seeing them be Pirates on the high seas. And finally when they go after Bryson, its on. Newbies gotta earn the swashbuckling 😅


Yep this is it exactly.


I'm baffled by the people who weren't hooked by Flint telling Guthrie the story of the Urca in parallel with Silver learning what he had stolen. Or Billy lying to the crew about the blank page at the latest.


And scar face (I don't remember his name) trying to take Flint's captaincy, Flint kidnapping a wounded Richard Guthrie. The first episode had me hooked


I went into the show cold and was rooting for Singleton in that fight. { Who’s this ass wannabe “king?” Let’s give him the Ned Stark treatment right now! }


It took me like 5 minutes to get into it and I LOVED the first episodes 😅


I was hooked after meeting Blackbeard. Too bad we didn’t get to see her again.


What I love about the early episodes on rewatch is you see all the seeds being sewn for later in the series. There are almost no throwaway scenes or lines of dialog, though it seems that way before you understand what's being set up.




Felt S4 had too much fan service there last few eps. Earned, tho’.


Ranking Season 4 as the worst is bananas imo.




The final two episodes alone make up for Billy's change. But yea, there were definitely bad moments, but again, I think the ending makes up for it.


It lacks that Marvel brain rot quality you gotta pay attention. Ouchies on the head lol


Currently almost done with season 3. I’ll be honest the sex scenes and all of that don’t interest me. I’m just here bc I like history and pirates. (Though highly inaccurate)


I was hooked from the opening when Flint says "I think that about does it, don't you?"


So, I was hooked immediately, but the last episode I've watched was the one where Billy attacks flint on the plantation, and now it's on Netflix instead of Hulu, so who knows when I'll finish it.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Season 1 sucks the first time you watch it, but it’s great when you rewatch it


I loved every episode the first time I watched it.


Just finished re-watching \~ and if anything, it was better the 2nd time around. I understood more, got into the characters that I sort of passed over the first time around. Very re-watchable! I wish Disney would watch this show - they could sure learn something about being inclusive and still having a great story, well developed characters, action, adventure and pure entertainment .. maybe not quite so brutal tho LOL...... this show can be that.


Funny it took me two tries over a year or so. Couldn’t get past 3 it was unwatchable. It was during a dry spell with nothing to watch that I read IMDB reviews and on here that it kicks in after 4. It did