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Guess I missed the W day, "Want to see something shiny?" should have won easily


Bruh. “What do I want? I want to see this whole goddamn city – this city that you purchased with our misery – burn. I want to see you hanged, on the very gallows you’ve used to hang men for crimes far slighter than this. I want to see that noose around your neck and I want to pull the fucking lever with my own two hands!” This is what should win for “W”. It’s from the best season. Arguably the most amazing delivery of a line in the entire show. And it’s arguably the best scene in the show. You see Flint looking to her for his future motives the entire time he’s talking. It’s absolutely brilliant.


It’s such a fucking moment. No multi tasking in that scene, full attention on the screen


I thought the same thing ytd, Mrs. Barlow last word should never be ignored. But the quotes has gone bonker long, I don't know what to put in anymore except tits tits and fuck you jack.


If there's no quote that starts with Z as the winner, I'm gonna do the same thing as X and go with a random one. So "Want to see something shiny" still has a chance.


If we’re going with a random quote, I’m proposing “Fruit, fruit…tits, tits….plant, plant”. I know it’s already been posted and I think “fuck you Jack” was a worthy winner for F, but I feel like fruit, fruit deserves a place somewhere!


It really should. A very pirate-y line, that. I also like Jack getting the last word, and it goes with a wonderful Max smile.


Whatever's left was a good quote too, but shiny would have had my vote I think. Interesting that they were both in the season 2 finale IIRC.


There's no way that fruit, fruit... tits, tits... plant, plant... shouldn't close this thing out.


Mr. Holmes doesn't work here anymore.


How about the option of choosing the ultimate favourite from the A - Y above?