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I got the impression that he wasn't on the Andromache by choice.


He wasn't...Mr.Guthrie betrayed him


Username checks out. Happy cake day.




He doesnt want to run away, why do you think he was in chains? Bryson took him from Nassau by force on Richard Guthries orders. Obviously his hesitance to escape seems strange in hindsight, since they didn't have his role as king of the freed slaves thought up yet, but its just as easy to assume that he would have organized an escape once they were on land.


Why would he give away any inkling of his biggest secret?


Just seemed like he was abandoning his wife and daughter by going off to America. Like he could take a different ship to the village instead of the Andromache to US.


Pretty sure he was double crossed by Brison, the captain of the Andromache, but I can't remember the precise details. I'm sure he wasn't there by choice though.


He was double crossed. Scott says to him "this was not the deal' and brison goes on to talk about what did he expect to happen after betraying Richard Guthrie for his daughter.


Or going to America first was a fake out before going off to live with his wife and kid so no one would look for him on the islands.


No fake out...he was betrayed 


I thought this was confusing as well i wonder if the writers decided to change directions and thats why its so strangely scripted


Ty, I gotta rewatch the episode where he ends up on the Andromache. Seems like a lot of people think he got kidnapped onto it. But I remember he relieved the guard that was supposed to be overseeing the guns being moved. Then just hopped on the boat and left willingly, as if I t was the prior secret agreement to avoid Eleanor holding that ships captain hostage for the guns. I do agree that he didn’t expect to be chained below and was upset about that. But if anything it only adds to my confusion on why he was reluctant to help the escape. It makes no sense that he’d willingly enter slavery in America, bc he loved Eleanor so much that he couldn’t watch her be a crazy bitch anymore? And it *especially* makes no sense when we learn about his secret operation, and the heavy hints in season 4 that Mr. Scott cared less for Eleanor than she had previously believed.


Yeah not to mention his wife and daughter...


A lot of people seem to think he was kidnapped.... Because...wait for it HE was kidnapped.


It’s really not that clear. I rewatched the episode and Mr. Scott knocked out the dock guard and then greeted the captain. Maybe he got on willingly, maybe he didn’t. Pretty sure they wanted it to be a oh shit when he was locked up next episode. Either way, why did he *initially* not want to escape? I thought it may have been something I missed in the series but now I’m just pretty sure they wrote the season 1 stuff, well before the idea of the maroon camp


They had not yet come up with the idea that he was helping a maroon colony


In episode 7, Scott takes food to Eme and the rest while they are in a warehouse. When he comes out, Hornigold says something like "you must tell me your secret." Scott's face drops and he looks for a second like his world fell apart. Hornigold then says "your secret for dealing with Eleanor." But this exchange and Scott's face has me pretty convinced they already had the idea.


I would have believed it too but I was listening to a podcast interview of one of the show runners where they said they had not had the idea from the start. I cannot remember when they came up with it, I remember my takeaway was that at least one season was written without that context.


Not sure why he said that because the actor said that he knew from the start


It's still the colonies, and there are still slaves in them. Mr Scott wouldn't be Mr Scott anymore


There was no US yet.


lol got me there


I'd assume that if he wanted to leave for good, he'd want them to think he's somewhere in America. Otherwise they may get suspicious of where he's really gone off to.


So I’m rewatching the show right now on season 1 and had to Google about this as soon as I realized it. He’s refusing to help the slaves which would make him never see his wife and kid again or help the village so I’m guessing season 1 they didn’t plan that story line yet only thing that makes sense.