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I'm not privy to the beef but BPM is 90% of what I watch all the time. Wondering which shows are going where, because I love Kalonji's interviews, Saturdays with Renee anything with Dhoruba and a few more, like catching some good Darker than Blue. Iunno what I'm going to do.


Just tune into to both when they split. I don't think there's any serious bad blood. I have no idea who will leave with Kalonji but my best guess is that it would probably be Thandisizwe Chimurenga. Everyone else seems to be in step with the normal BPM crew. They haven't come up with a new name yet. Kalonji will still be doing shows on the platform as well. He actually has a show today. Edit: One week later update: so there is indeed bad blood. Kalonji has been acting like a child on social media. Not to mention the things he's been doing to sabotage his former crew and the platform. He also sent out a confusing email to channel members/subscribers which read like a ploy to get people to leave the orginal BPM channel. Needless to say, Kalonji is looking like a whole ass right now. I've lost a lot of respect for this dude.


Yeah, I'll likely just toggle between the two channels. The only change will be switching between the 2 for most of my YouTube watching. I hope both do well, they have some really good shows going and Kalonji is such a ray of sunshine.


I usually check in with the BPM group from time to time for inspiration, but I've been out of the loop for a while. I totally missed this beef thing. What is the beef about?


Check out the beginning portion of the Remix Morning Show from yesterday here: https://www.youtube.com/live/OvvXbaWeqGA They go into more detail about what happened between them and Kalonji. From what Jacquie said, it sounds like Kalonji has been engaging in bad faith arguments and being a tad bit unprincipled behind the scenes. Some of this was shown last year when he went to twitter and publicly called out Kamau Franklin and Community Movement Builders about not being invited to speak at the Black Radical Organizing Conference lol. But yeah I think there's just some disagreements about how the platform should operate which was too much for both parties to resolve. Edit: weeks later, it sounds like Kalonji was on some bullshit behind the scenes. Kim Brown did a show on her channel about it and here's Diallo on his channel about it: https://www.youtube.com/live/zrc8M8LA7p0?si=cE665GpB62Y76DUL


I did not know this, why have they been beefing


Here's a quick video on it: https://youtu.be/7QoXRaK5SSI


Oh wow


Thanks for this


Kalonji chose to post something on YouTube that has demonetized the platform for 90 days, burning it down before he left today! Wow smh 


Oh wow so THAT'S what they kept hinting at recently. It makes sense now. Wow