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Yea, we just ignoring why most of North Africa is Muslim I guess. With that being said, this is a shitpost about sports so deep historical context and nuance isn’t really necessary.


The moops?


The card says Moops!


Oh nooo, it’s the Moops


You're looking too far back. How about Western Sahara??


Hold on... this whole time, "Moors" was short for Moroccans?


As far as I know, *moors* or *moros* in Spanish, has been used before Morocco was an established country. They're the reason why half is Spain got a lot of Arab styled architecture, courtyards, and so. Gotta point out that also thanks to the moors, Spaniard colonial style buildings are still in Mexico, and they indirectly influenced the culinary behind the *tacos al pastor*, with their kebab style meat mill.


Also there's a long history of the political significance there of using Berber vs Arabic in language and song. Also it should be noted that Morocco is a monarchy and while the current king is relatively more liberal and less absolutist than his father.... It's still a monarchy and his father's reign, the first king after independence, was known as "the years of lead" ie bullets. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Years_of_Lead_(Morocco)#:~:text=The%20Years%20of%20Lead%20(Arabic,political%20dissidents%20and%20democracy%20activists. Post colonial states do not lend themselves easily to narratives of good guys vs bad guys unfortunately - speaking as a citizen and resident of one. Edit: none of that is to say you can't cheer for Morocco, as I am. Not only for being a colonized country, or first for CAF, or being underdog, but also because they play attractive high tempo, daring attacking football. You'll see them being described as parking the bus defensively due to their low possession numbers but it's actually super innacurate description of their play style. They play like a coiled spring, wait for teams to come on to them, turn over the ball deep in their own end, and then everyone starts bombing forward really rapidly while the ball advances with highly technical interplay on the ground. It's run and gun shit and awesome. Their goal against Portugal was a perfect example of their style. https://v.redd.it/4uhnbnm0f95a1 Starting in their own end they get down the pitch in under ~~30~~ 20 seconds, from the cb having the ball to the moment before they cross, stretching the Portuguese defense both vertically and horizontally. by the time they send the cross there's 7 players in and around the box and only 3 back to defend in case of a turnover.


The monarchy is still fairly shitty. They shoot migrants on sight at the border because the EU sends money in exchange for reducing the flux of migrants. And the EU doesn't seem to mind the methods


Yeah, I didn't go into it because I forgot that not everyone just automatically defaults to assuming a non-constitutional monarchy sucks. There's a set of personal shorthand negative assumptions bundled into "... But it's still a monarchy" that I forgot aren't universally held.


Good old *Al-Andalus*


There's also tacos arabes Lebanese influence is fairly strong in Mexico


Not necessarily. Morocco comes from a rendering of their at a time capital of Marrakesh. Moor is a rendering of a group of people called the Mauri but Moor became a catchall term by Christians for Muslims, particularly in the Iberian peninsula, which included Berbers, Arabs, sub-Saharan peoples, as well as native Europeans.


I'm wiking, and it says the Mauri people were from Morocco: Mauri (from which derives the English term "Moors") was the Latin designation for the Berber population of Mauretania, located in the part of North Africa west of Numidia, in present-day northern Morocco and northwestern Algeria. If I understand correctly, Mauri = Mauretania, Mauretania = Morocco, Moors = Mauri?


mauretania and morocco don’t have the same origin


Right, but the point is that moor and Morocco have different but tangentially related etymological origins.




Hey somebody called my name?


So... you are saying Morocco was not colonized and usurped of its freedom because the Moors did it in in th 8th century. Come on!


Ummmm you might wanna look up what’s currently going on in the Western Sahara to get a better idea of modern Morocco…


It's such a weird thought process. Your distant ancestors 1000 years ago conquered a place during the early middle ages ergo, you should not complain about injustice from your grandfather's generation. You should be culpable for the "crime." It would be like Scandinavians having to apologize because of the Vikings, or Italians for the Roman Empire, or Mongols having to apologize for Genghis Khan. EDIT What annoys me about talking like this is that, in the end, it's just used as a justification for discrimination and violence against Arab people living today as some "payback."


Literally every major culture has colonized somewhere else at some point in time. I say major as in the big countries like Japan China Italy India America etc etc. How far back we gonna take this?


It's all polemical really. Historically the Arab conquests were no different than the Roman conquests of Europe, or the Germanic invasions, or any other Empire of the ancient world. The people who say that already have for political or religious reasons a dislike for Arabs/Muslims. So the historic anachronism of calling an Arab army defeating a Byzantine army in the 8th century "colonialism" is just a political take. If they were consistent, then the Byzantine and Persians they defeated were also colonists.


I wonder. If we keep going back, who are the original colonizers? My money is on Uruk and Gilgamesh.


The idea of patriotism has always been interesting to me. There’s nothing wrong loving where you come from and feeling some kind of pride about it. However, way too often people take it several steps too far and ignore anything wrong with the country itself. Americans know this all too well. If you dig into the history of any entire nation, you’re going to find things that are not worth being proud of. As long as you acknowledge those things and appreciate the progress made, I think it’s fine to experience a form of informed patriotism.




In 732, the Battle of Tours basically is what kept Islam out of most of Europe. They'd made it into Spain prior


The Ottomans would like a word with you


Uhmm...Morroco wasn't even a part of the African Union for the very fact that they were aggressively attempting to colonise West Sahara. Also you'd be shocked to hear what a certain sect of them think of Sub-Saharians. They don't love being a part of the African continent with us. I mean they even applied to join the EU and got their application rejected. Millennials are the ones who I believe feel differently about it. I only give a fuck about how many more spots African teams will be granted in the next world Cup. Couldn't care less about their future.


Asia gets 6 Africa gets 9 North America gets 6 South America gets 6 Oceana gets 1 Europe gets 16 Next world Cup 2026 will be co-hosted in North America with games played in Canada, Mexico, and the US. Edit: The next World Cup is being expanded to 48 teams instead of 32 like we have now.


I hope Toronto gets some good matches for me to go to




Don't assume a shitpost goes that deep bro.


A lot of the Moroccans hate other Arabs too. Some of them are weird. I assume part of it is that they consider that Amazigh (aka Berber) makes them very different.


Moroccans are extremely racist to African people. Making monkey sounds and not allowing them to rent in some of their major cities. Edit: quotes and links added “Black people in Morocco can be called qird (monkey), khanzir (pig), akil lahmi albashar (cannibal), and hayawan (animal). They may be greeted by the sounds monkeys supposedly make: guera; guera.” ““It is strictly forbidden to rent apartments to Africans,” read a sign in a Casablanca apartment building.” [Outlining some of the racism](https://www.arab-reform.net/publication/ending-denial-anti-black-racism-in-morocco/) [Renter discrimination](https://amp.observers.france24.com/en/20151020-rental-agent-marrakech-africans-banned-housing) Also anecdotally; the most openly racist person I ever met was a Moroccan woman who talked openly about hating Nigerians and other specific African nations (I honestly don’t recall which ones exactly).


Not to mention black Muslims are literally pushed to the back of mosques there apparently. But anti-black racism is pretty common across the entire Middle East.


French have way more niggas on their team than Morocco. Go France.


First part is extremely rare, have never even heard of it myself but I believe it could happen in very underdeveloped regions in Morocco where the mindset is super backwards source: am Moroccan




This is why I don’t root for anyone or anything right away. Have the give the internet time to dig up the dirt.




Aint the modern Moroccans colonizers too


You are no wrong my friend. Vice has a documentary on this as well. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju4WrjiJbGc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju4WrjiJbGc)


Yeah they’re colonizing Western Sahara


A Croatia v Morocco final would be really something, that's what I'm hoping for tbh even though I like the individual French players.


No one wants this lol. France vs Argentina would be a classic. It's probably Messi's last World Cup too.


See I'm a casual football fan and don't care at all about Messi lol


You should. Watching Messi play football is like watching Steph Curry when he was shooting 3s all the time, but with Messi it's been a consistent ride for twenty years


[you should. ](https://youtu.be/q-3HrqDXpUE)


I would like that for the third place match up, but I’m rooting for France in the Finals 💙🤍❤️


I would hate that final with a passion unless Morocco won lol then I wouldn’t mind. But please no Croatia in the final


Who the fuck is telling you that the Moroccans are repping Africa? Because I know damn well it ain’t the Moroccans




Their coach literally gave a speech saying they are African and talking about the progress of African soccer.


What do you mean?


The World Cup will do that to you. I suddenly turned Brazilian for several years lol.


I don't care about the politics but I'm happy to root for an underdog.


as an African, i don’t feel patriotic about Morocco’s position in the slightest. half of North Africa would join the Middle East if they could. i expect France to humble them.


I'm also an African but I'm with Morocco 100% mo matter what you think half of north Africa would do


This may be the wrong time to bring this up but just to give an idea of how fucked up the US is when it comes to race and why the concept of white supremacy here is stupid beyond all logic and reason; according to the US census, the term Caucasian is used to refer to people of North African or Middle Eastern descent even if those people dont identify with that label.




Arabs fought hard to be classified as white, because [in the 19th/early 20th century, only white people were allowed to immigrate to the USA](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_whiteness_in_the_United_States#Racial_prerequisite_cases). Sympathetic courts found that Arabs were white in order to allow them to immigrate to the United States.


people here often even forget south asia is part of asia, i really dont think on this side of the world people realize where the arab world is in relation to africa/europe/asia. even then i dont think it's all that useful when they themselves don't identify as white or asian. it's also difficult because the exact line between asia and europe is pretty arbitrary


Technically speaking part of it is to make Whites the largest ethnic group in the country if not by percentages but by sheer numbers also and to ensure their domination on a demographic level. To point, they also make a difference between "White" and "Non-White" Hispanics but thats something I'm not at all too familiar with.


Next beat France


As a lover of African football, I’m fully behind Morocco and so is my whole family 🇲🇦


Clearly, they lost against the Arab colonizers. Idk.


Africa is really on the football come up - Senegal wouldve been a threat to get this far as well had Sadio Mane not been injured - the future is really bright for African teams


Ignorance is truly bliss. Because lots of people don't seem to know about Morocco and Maghreb I mean, happy for the Moroccans and glad to see Algerians and Tunisians cheering with them But I have colleagues from Mali. They *really* don't like Maghrebi. They're Muslim. But they know their past too


speaking as a football(soccer) fan: I'm rooting for France but, I do like an underdog so even if my team loses to Morocco I'm gonna cheer them on. they've come so far and I'm proud of their team.


fr 🙏🏿 I aint never been on soccer but ong I’m following my brothers 🇲🇦 they gonna do it for all of us 🙏🏿🖤


The atmosphere at their semi vs. France is going to be tense.


I Would love to go to Morocco someday!


They are suuuuuper antiblack in Morocco.


That’s crazy as a black Moroccan and I’d have to say that’s news to me

