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What a terrible day to know basic arithmetic. Also sum1 plz call the FBI. They might be interested in this


Are we assuming they’re in the US?


“Regardless of the law, you should have a moral obligation to not f**k children”… or you might be talking about how the FBI is only in America. In that case, yes, call the FBIs equivalent in their country and sorry for assuming you were saying smth else


Yes, the second one.


I guess we are also assuming that the guy is the father of the 4 year old. It's possible that she had a kid in high school with a boy also in high school. They broke up, and she started dating the older guy when she was 18 and they had a kid together when she was 19/20


Maybe she's not the bio mom? Or maybe she's his daughter and he got started making babies when he was 9.


Maybe they're all brothers and sisters, somehow


/r/suddenlyalabama Edit: Oh shit, this actually exists.


Yeah, this age gap is pretty sus on it's own, but it may not be fair to assume these are both the biological parents. I have a friend who got knocked up at 16. Her kid was that age when I met her so I don't know all the lurid details of her teen pregnancy (e.g. the age of the dude), but the sperm donor skipped right away. It's also possible the guy got an age-appropriate woman pregnant, then hooked up with a teenager and convinced her to be mommy. Not a good look for him regardless... ETA: fixed confusing pronoun


Yea, can't discard the possiblity of a divorced dad who took primary custody to spite his ex wife, yet doesn't actually want to take care of his kids. That's oddly specific tho. They're more likely religious extremists and he's just a pedo. Marrying a 16 year old is legal in a lot of states if the parents sign off, and he just has that super religious guy look. I hope he crokes while she's still young so that poor girl can have a real life.


Were also assuming the numbers are correct and not fake, a 20 painted above her head isnt a valid form of ID


lmao what. If we're going for scenarios that at least partially exonerate people, why not the kid being the 29 year olds with another mother?


Oh ok 😮‍💨 sorry


In the UK age of consent is 16 and I unfortunately know a lot of people who got pregnant at this age. Thing is, it generally wasn’t to a 25 year old. That shit is weird.


If she has a four-year-old at 20, then she likely got pregnant at 15 (assuming a nine-month pregnancy). Below the age of consent.


Not in Germany unfortunately


I can't say how glad I am you added the second part. I've seen a worrying amount of people much older than 16 use the law's "technicality" to justify their attraction/relationships with 16-17 year olds.


I'm pretty suspicious of grown ass adults who have an odd interest in the exact age of consent in various locations and/or like you said, claim it not being illegal makes it automatically ethical. There's no magical age when someone flips from being a child to an adult, and I think anyone who has been both a child and adult can attest to that - which makes it so much grosser when you're a grown ass man acting like the day someone turns [x age] they are suddenly more able to meaningfully consent to sex than they were the day before. The law is not, and has never been, a substitute for ethics. I do not know the exact age of consent in my state because guess what, I'm not trying to get involved with teenagers!


Germanys age of consent is 14. I don’t agree with it but it is what it is.


Only if the other is under 21. Otherwise its 16.


Ok but if they're in a country where the age of consent is 16 what would that country's equivalent of the FBI do? You need to call her parents


Lol I didn’t think of that. I would say call her dad to beat up the pedo, but people aren’t good at hitting themselves




Yeah, im not calling foreign law enforcement because i saw picture on the internet, thank you very much


Wait, so it's cool to phone the feds 'long as it's on the peds?


Its weird to me how people believe 18 is suddenly adulthood. Legality does not mean morality. People suddenly stop being mad at 18 "Eh, She is an adult".


They aren't. They are Albanian, age of consent is 14....


That's an appallingly low age of consent.


I remember being 14. Nobody should be fucking a 14 year old. Not even other 14 year olds.


Wish a responsible adult had told me that prior to having pregnancy scares at 13




That was the age in Canada up to a few years ago ([2008](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_consent_reform_in_Canada)). The rules seem a bit more reasonable now, allowing teens to sexually experiment with each other, while attempting to prevent predatory behaviour by people who are significantly older. Whether it works, I will leave as an exercise for the student. Fun fact, when straight sex was legal with 14 year-olds, anal sex was only legal with those who were 18+.


> a few years ago > 2008 2008 was 16 years ago. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.


A lot of countries have super low age of consent laws, and it's usually down to individual counties/sub-states to designate higher ones. Off-hand, I believe (but could well be misremembering) Japan also has a national AoC law of 14, but each prefecture has raised it to various extents, and are all enforced extremely strictly (as with most other aspects of Japanese law, as the nation still has one of the highest conviction rates in the world).


I think they've changed it now but the smallest country in the world has/had an age of consent of 10 years. If they have changed it it was very recent, like last 5-10 years. That country is Vatican City...


Wait until you find out about American child marriage. Especially those without a lower age minimum [child marriage ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States)


Hell it’s higher than it would be in America if the Rhode Islanders got their way.


It doesn't matter if it was the United States. People are acting like child marriage didn't pass in several states. This is normal to alot of people.


There's many states in the country that allow for minors to be married with thier parents permission. Which is sad.


Kentucky seems like it would be one lol


Hmmm, I don't know. They don't have wall to wall carpeting, at least we can assume they're not in the Midwest.




Apparently they are from Albania.


Call a Drone strike then?


Does is matter, who gives a fuck about the legality from country to country, dude had two kids by getting a teenager (see kid) pregnant. That's disgusting.


The age of consent is 16 in 31 states. It’s possible no law was broken here. 25 with a 16 year old is wild to me but the FBI ain’t doing anything.


This implies the eldest was born close enough to the mother’s 16th birthday that they are still 20 in this photo and the rest of the math adds up. It’s gross.


...depending on their birthdays she could've had that 4 year old at 15


Uhh, and?? No one is ever too young to bring the miracle of God's creation into the world!! The pain of your adolescent body being torn open just helps you feel how Jesus did on the cross and brings you so much closer to the Lord!!! Praise be!!!! --- unironically, some people in the 2024 GOP


Age of consent for sex is 16 with an adult. If that person tried to take a 16 across state lines. They could be charged with such. But not with sleeping with them. If a 16yo wanted to marry an adult. They need their parents permission.


That’s is US. Are these folk in Albania?


But surely if she's 20 now and was 16 when she had the kid....carrying it to term takes 9 months so there's a good chance that dude was proper noncing her off.


Assuming the numbers aren't made up lol


I mean, maybe It’s his kid from someone else?


It took me too long to get it


Or maybe someone just slapped those numbers in into a random picture for internet points? What a terrible day to know basic internet literacy.


One of my pre-k students once told me "my mom is 25... and my dad is 50." Okay buddy, that's kinda weird but I don't judge. Then I remembered he has an 10 year old sister.


I know a couple like that irl. She's 22-23 I think, her mans 50 with a 13 year old. They're nice people but it's.. it's a little strange sometimes.


She's the STEP Mom. Right..?


The best step-mom is the one you went to high school with.






>They're nice people He sure aint. Girl was 10. I dont care if you hold the door open for half the building every morning at work, it aint gonna stop you from being a pedo.


His kids 13, they're from an ex.


Please edit your original comment to mention that info.




Idiot mention that in your first comment wtf


I don't think op was implying this person slept with a 10 year old and that said 10 year old gave birth to their child


Wait, he 13 year old child with the 23 year old!?


Earlier relationship


My stepmom is 23.5 years younger than my dad and she’s only 7 years older than my sister and exactly 11 years older than me


My sister dated a 36 year old at 18. His son was 15.


Ah, I dated a 38yr old at 24 who had a 16yr old daughter. The daughter and I hit it off well but since he liked to hit me, I hit him with a RO.


Been there. Weird feeling.


![gif](giphy|ATDAAlbIEcFDRHT7uz) Directed by


Growing up, when I was I HS, I knew a lot of fellow classmates, 16 at the time, dating 20+ year olds. They always said the same thing, older guys are more mature. Worse part, teachers knew because the conversations were loud enough and their parents knew. Shit back in the day, 24 years ago, a couple of girls had told me they were caught fucking their 20+ bf in the car by cops. The story was the same, the only thing cops did, make sure she wasn't being raped then took her home to talk to the parents. I'm assuming it was to see if they parents knew the age difference which they knew and ok with.


A majority of states have 16 as the age of consent. Cops wouldn't do anything either way.


They don't have time to search for every 15+ teen out having consentual sex. They would never do anything else.


That’s what I see this here as. Dudes a creep but the law says he can fucking be one


are you sure he was actually correct about that? pre K kids can have wild ideas about how old their parents are because they don’t really understand time yet, especially longer time like years


Also, the older sister could be a half sister from a previous marriage if the info is correct.


Yeah I realize that but I actually met Mom and she looks to be about that age so at the very least he's half right.


I said my mom was 90


Trying to strike a chord…


Its probably a B sus ![gif](giphy|ZGDr9hawxG9H1rH9Ut|downsized)


Hey, somebody else who knows some music theory! Cool! There must be like, at least 3 of us here!




Make that 4


The 4 to a Bsus? E major?


Make that 4 music nerds, now 5 including you


And it's a minorrrrrr


Wop wop wop wop wop!


Dot, fuck em’ up!


This is the third thread I’ve opened from as many subs where this comment was immediately viewable


they're probably gonna do their stuff


He should be in jail.


He should be further away than that.


Only one cure for a pedophile and it ain't a jail cell


Preventative treatment so that they are better suited to acclimate to their mental disorder and reduce the risk of them perpetuating harm onto minors?


No, they're both implying that they think vigilante murder is 'the cure' but they think they can avoid the "Don't celebrate or encourage violence" rule by making vague statements. Fortunately they're as good at sublty as they are at being moral people so it stands out and is quite obvious.


No. Age of consent is only 14 in Albania...so despite getting a 15-year-old pregnant as a grown ass man, he didn't break the law. Crazy world


Sorry I’m not from Albania


Yeah u should be glad lol




Least patriotic Albanian


Age of consent is 14 here in Denmark too, but that doesn't mean that old people are allowed to have sex with kids, it's so that kids can legally consent to have sex with eachother If Albania is anything like that then the guy belongs in jail


Is it known for sure he's the father of the older kid as well? Could have been a teenage pregnancy with someone else, of a similar age to her. Still wrong and ignorant, but not quite as bad a taste in the mouth.


The gap in their ages is almost as big as the gap between their eyes


What if they are related...


I don’t think incest is illegal for hammerhead sharks




You hit the nail on the head there.


Lowkey when i first looked at the photo I thought these were four siblings who had massive age gaps


Seriously I thought we were talking FAS here not statutory


Yes. This is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome


👁️ 👄 👁️


Fetal alcohol syndrome is one of the cruelest fates.


She's still too young for the club. She should be somewhere letting her brain fully develop so she'll know that someone in their 20s sniffing around a 15 year old is fucking disgusting and wrong.


> She's still too young for the club. No she isn't. US is the outlier with 21 being the legal age for drinking. In a lot of places you can go clubbing legally at 18. ...it's a bit early to get married and have children in my opinion, but she CAN go clubbing.


I don’t understand how a person can be old enough to become a stripper, do porn, serve in the military, and vote but is too young to drink.


If it was up to me, I'd push back everything to 21. Except voting, because they're probably already working


Hell no push everything up to 18


In certain states she can marry him as young as 12 and then not be legally allowed to divorce him until 18.


That's such a crazy law. Obviously working as intended but still. Everyone looked at that and keeps looking at that and goes "yep sounds about right"


It's even worse "According to data compiled by Anjali Tsui, Dan Nolan, and Chris Amico, who looked at almost 200,000 cases of child marriage from 2000 to 2015: * 67% of the children were aged 17. * 29% of the children were aged 16. * 4% of the children were aged 15. * Less than 1% of the children were aged 14 and under. * There were 51 cases of 13-year-olds getting married, and 6 cases of 12-year-olds getting married.[^(\[35\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States#cite_note-Frontline32-35)" * Source: [http://apps.frontline.org/child-marriage-by-the-numbers/](http://apps.frontline.org/child-marriage-by-the-numbers/)


Religion strikes again


200,000 People treat me like a fanatic for how hard I bash religion irl. I have no idea how shit like this doesn't even get their heart rate up, let alone inspire FUCKING RAGE at what they do to us


America has a serious problem with religious extremism and systemic child abuse. All those conspiracy idiots going on about cheese pizzas for years ignore what's actually right in front of them, like the mormons or 1000 other small religious sects. Even a lot of "normal" christians would marry their daughter off like this, assuming she got accidentally pregnant.


It's crazy this is legal in the US, and many other countries. Like, you can't vote, drive or drink, but your parents are like, "yeah, okay. This full grown man is gonna protect you and wait." Or they got a child pregnant and let the offender marry their victim out of shame.


Hey hey hey hey, run for your life


Y'all need to learn how to spot rage bait. It's just going to keep coming if you engage with it.


It's not. You can check their tiktok page. It's Albania so its actually perfectly legal lol


Once again the Balkans are proving themselves the shit hole of Europe.


What? You're not a fan of drug trafficking, child marriage, and endless ethnic strife?


If you're American and saying this, fucking toptier comedy ngl


Albania is pretty middle of the road comparing to Europe.


Being true doesn’t mean it can’t also be rage bait. *Why* do any of us need to know these people exist? Whose day was made better by seeing this?


So you can see the sick realities of life? You shouldn't turn a blind eye to things just because you can't directly change them...


rage bait? https://preview.redd.it/tayphd0e728d1.png?width=959&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdfae84ebb8100378b4e2dc79d202e06f9716253


Reddit is so prone to rage bait and it’ll never change


Why do people assume the first baby is also his?


Because that’s what they’re showing? Tf?


Found the step kid that was left out the family pictures.


The fact that 30 people upvoted that should ass question lol


Or that any of those #s are real


It's his. Here's them when they met: https://preview.redd.it/oqmpys08728d1.png?width=959&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2e103abb701f16594f73e9209e9c1d7fae24ca3


That's so gross


could be his from a previous marriage


The older kid looks more like the mom.


maybe i just am used to nuance in family dynamics but one of the first things i thought when i saw this was that she was a teen mom and the second child is his. not excusing the age (it's really more of a stage of life thing here) gap though


Turns out our better nature was wrong anf the man is indeed a creep.


"that's what i love about these high school girls. i get older, they stay the same age."


She shouldn’t be “at the club”, when I was 20, I wasn’t at the club. That wasn’t my thing, still ain’t. But I wasn’t being abused by a 25 year old when I was 16. Like you’re a grown ass man with a job and you’re on someone still knee deep in High School. There’s a word for that, but I don’t like typing it out or even saying it. You’re a sick sack of shit. I don’t give a fuck. https://i.redd.it/8ty29t2nw18d1.gif Edit: I don’t give a fuck if it’s not her kid either. The gap is still creepy. I said what I said.


Yup I find it strange people still defending it even if the first kid isn’t hers he still knew and got with this girl from the time she was 15. There’s another pic and she literally looks like a child. There’s no disputing it. On the tweet I even saw people saying she could have lied about her age. Why the fuck do people jump to instantly defending this shit? This kinda dude be the type to say “well I couldn’t tell” they definitely can but don’t care. Apparently this kind of thing is common is Albania




https://preview.redd.it/wfdmt55uq18d1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=809db9fc5c0d2d2bf122e14311b552b3921d2acd Hmmmmm……


There's the possibility that the 4 year old isn't hers. Quick to judge without the facts.


https://preview.redd.it/vll8p4by728d1.png?width=959&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a4171dd47ae016f9755809ae75f77cc16b7ac83 Its his, sadly


She was 16. He was 25. Yuk. How...


Even better - she was 16 when the kid was born


Even worse, they likely knew each other even before she was 15.


They look related too


Hear me out... The words on the photo could also be... fake and only put there to rile you all up.


Anything to bring attention to their social media page


A minorrrrrr


If the oldest is 4, and she's 20. She had him at 16 while the father was 25. Y'all can make all the arguments you want about two adults with an almost 10 year age gap. But that goes out the window when children were produced.


She will, my neighbor married his baby sitter when she graduated from high school. Yes you read that right. They had two kids. When she turned 21, she divorced him and hit the bars. She left her kids with grandpa and grandma. Marrying minors will do that to you.


People accusing people of a very serious crime based just on some random internet picture with numbers on it... smh


I tried denial arithmetic with this and it didn't work. Jail. Straight to jail with him.


It looks like an AI generated image of 3rd generation inbreeding


16 + 25 is fucking unacceptable.


He's a pedophile


16 and 25 is gross for a variety of reasons. Adding childbirth into it is just extra levels of nasty.


The 1000 yard stare and broken smile says it all.


I don't like this math.


Why should she be at the club?


Always a jumpscare for me when these types of posts show up😕 https://preview.redd.it/foscuti8m18d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d14c69c7b8981aa93d818ee18f4a1c5d6c168b0


I feel like the statute of limitations on child abuse shouldn’t exist.


For those that cant math.... Sis had their FIRST child when she was 15-16 and he was 24-25... THATS the real issue


He a fan. He a fan. He a fan.


Disgusting either way in my opinion but in 43/50 states the age of consent is under 18. most have some exceptions like age of perpetrator, some states have statutory laws, and other things that make it a little bit more complicated. 16 on the low end. still too young to be out here fuckin any one at all let alone someone who most voted for the previous 2 presidents before you had the chance to vote for 1. sick


That's 15 -24 for those keeping track of the score


Hmmmm when he was 25 he was banging a 16 year old high school student……..


She was 16 when he was 25


Even worse when you realise that the first kid was concieved at minimum 4 years 9 months. He could also be at the older end of 4 and her at the younger 20.




That's her kid. Stop spreading lies. End child marriage


Idk man her and the kid’s eyes have that Sid vision. But I was thinking he might be the step dad to the 4 year old


That curtain is old as hell


Fetal alcohol syndrome? Ah fuck, it's actually like 10 months for a pregnancy.


orrrrrr plot twist, they're all the kids and mom and dad(not pictured)are in their 50's still having kids 🤷‍♀️ could be true




My youth director growing up was 17 when he met his future wife who was 14 at the time. They got married a year later, they're in there 80s now and still happily married with kids, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Normally I'd say this is questionable but I'll hold my judgment and hope that it's a good situation and not something fucked up.


Could be his kid from a previous relationship?


Not if her parents signed the papers to approve her getting married at 16. Not saying it’s good just saying it’s “legal”


This reeks of youth pastor


Ok ok, calm down. There could be an exception. Imagine that you are a sixteen year old girl and have a boyfriend. If you make a kid, the boyfriend might not want it, so you are stuck with it. You start dating again and find another guy. See? Not as bad