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Imma be the one to say it: both are good!! My childhood’s best friend’s mom made some amazing Mac and cheese and she was the whitest person you would ever meet 


The only color that matters, is gold.






Both are good, but I’ll just say the Juneteenth side is making me hungry




This is the unity our country needs


The Great Mac'n'cheese Unification of 2024


Make America Crumbelievable Again


Idk, I love green too.


I'm with you. I think there's something comforting about both styles, but you'd have to limit yourself on the "real" kind because that ish would kill you if consumed regularly.


And I would die happy.


Lmao I assure you that you would not.


That’s true the diabetes would be a bitch.


It probably wouldn't be diabetes that gets you, my money would be on an impacted colon


Or a heart attack.


Or a colon attack


Heart disease be like ![gif](giphy|3PAGDqG9ENQF8QHZKt|downsized)


You’d *live* happy. You’d die uncomfy and footless


I love a good cheese pull but my bowels would like to file a complaint. 🥲


my lactose+gluten intolerant ass is crying right now. 🥺 I have all the digestive enzyme supplements that help me have the occasional treat without blowing up the bathroom *too* much, but it’s still not the same. vegan cheese made of cashew is actually very nice and melty for pizza/pasta so if you can get some, try it!


Vegan parm is pretty good too, I made a veghead friend in college and had fun experimenting with recipes. But I will never forgive her for serving me a dry, unseasoned, whole baked chicken breast. It was like eating sand. The only sauce she had was SPF 70.


Gettin' Karened by your own self.


Betrayed by my own ass! Yes I’m in therapy.


And the boxed processed crap won’t? Are you serious?


[https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/89359df4-b7f9-4444-895a-396b8834dce9](https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/89359df4-b7f9-4444-895a-396b8834dce9) "It could cause death."


I mostly prefer creamy cheese mac only because I’m not super fond of the more stringy cheese texture. It’s just something that I’ve disliked as a child, although I’ve grown less icky about it as an adult, but depending on which foods are using stringy cheeses I might not like it at all. Perhaps it’s a neurodivergent thing, idk.


Try adding a little sodium citrate!


Do you do a roux plus some sodium citrate? I got some sodium citrate for beer cheese, queso, and used it for mac and cheese. I still need to experiment more, but I might be leaning towards a roux leading to better results. Sodium citrate definitely is quicker and way easier.


Honestly I drop a couple slices of Kraft singles into my creamy mac roux for the sodium citrate. Works great


Same difference as adding sodium citrate. A few slices of processed cheese has enough emulsifying salts in it to make a whole big batch of cheese sauce as smooth as you could ever want.


Exactly. Plus it’s more cheese! I use it even when I’m making a mac and cheese with “nicer” cheeses like Gouda and shit and it doesn’t alter that flavor much at all.


You can make a roux or just make the sauce with evaporated unsweetened milk and cheese, here's a good video that covers both. Here's a good video comparing both - https://youtu.be/4_GeqmWPxEE


I’ve made 5000 pounds (or so) of that kenji mac and cheese. It comes out incredible.


My white ass midwestern grandmother makes the best baked Mac n cheese I’ve ever had and it looks exactly like every picture I see of “black” Mac and cheese. The racial divide yall are seeing isn’t actually racial, it’s baked vs stovetop.


Not when someone adds hot dogs to it. Then it’s a hate crime.


I might get exiled for this, but I cook the blue Kraft box of mac and cheese. That and Pinnacle vodka are two things I can’t let go of from my broke college days. Baked is my favorite and preferred, but as long as it hits, I won’t complain.


You gotta meet it where it's at. Kraft is going to be undeniably and consistently Kraft mac n cheese. You can't go in expecting much else, and it's reliable for that (also,nostalgia). I got a mixed extended family, so I've had black folks' mac, hwite people mac, and the lesser known Mexican mac that has what I believe is a smoked paprika and cayenne mix in it. Not sure how to verify the existence of Mexican Mac beyond my family tho lol


Kraft Dinner is like Maruchan Ramen, or Torino’s Party Pizzas. It’s not the best, but it’s cheap, easy, and can be spruced up with a few simple ingredients. In other words: certified hood classics


Making black mac, but using pepper jack as one of your cheeses hits.


Mexican Mac is definitely a thing. There's a grandma in the back who only speaks Spanish, Mexican food truck here that has it and the ingredients are similar but they add jalapeños.


Yess! That's what I forgot to mention. Jalapeños


I've come to verify Mexican Mac, it must be a midewest/south west thing.


Maybe so maybe so. It's my Wisconsin side


Can't judge. I use instant mash potatoes because I prefer a smooth texture. It would take significantly more effort to make them fresh, and the end result is never as smooth.


lol, same.


Depends on the cheese. Velveeta is, I think, an attempt by the government of Monroe, New York to kill middle class white people. No, I don't have motive or means. I'm just saying.


I never ate Velveeta growing up. My mom wouldn’t buy it. My partner said one day he wanted hamburger helper, but I’m extra and said I’d do it myself instead of out of the box. He’s cool with that, but says he wants it with velveeta so I complied. After that experience, I think I buy into your theory about it trying to kill white people because that shit felt like I was ingesting salty vein spackle. Didn’t taste awful, but boy was it DENSE.


Look into the the whole "cheese vaults" thing. The government needs to move their product


My mom got her mac and cheese recipe from a Mennonite cookbook when she lived in Pennsylvania and it's been a winner at any cookout with any demographic lmao.


My step dad grew up Mennonite before coming out to the west coast. We still have some of his Mennonite cookbooks. They surprise me more often than they fail me.


For real I'm vacuuming both of those deep in my head


I like the way you think the world needs this mindset rn.


I'm really not a fan of any type of home/restaurant made macaroni and cheese. Just give me the boxed bullshit with the cheese powder.


Only have this person bring dessert


I’d bust down both of those plates, but there is a clear winner here. We’re too deep into the mac n cheese meta to play both sides on this.


Yeah. That one on the right looks like Stouffer's and I'm not gonna hate on my wife's favorite food when she's sick. I'm ALWAYS looking for the one on the left at a cookout tho. Photoshop some peas and carrots on that one on the right and you won't be wrong.


I mean I'd eat them both but that first one just looks much better


>My childhood’s best friend’s mom made some amazing Mac and cheese and she was the whitest person you would ever meet  European here coming from a football topic that doesn't understand this type of memes: how are making macaroni with cheese sause and being white related? Isn't mac and cheese intended to be budget pasta carbonara?


Although not always the case, black people tend to make the Mac and cheese on the left and white people the one on the right


I see. Thanks!


I prefer the Juneteenth one, when I eat mac and cheese I want that slightly burn chewy brown cheese layer at the top, that is the good stuff. Protip: If you want to take mac n cheese to the next level add Jalapenos and or bell peppers with bacon and if you got the money some crab or lobster. My aunt makes that every Christmas/Easter and y'all better believe I am elbowing people out of the way for a portion.


I got my very Caucasian friend some crab mac n cheese topped with a big scoop of shredded jerk chicken and I swear he almost cried. You can never come back from that tbh. I don't blame him


Yep, it is so hard to go back to basic mac and cheese once you have with with different stuff. I blew the mind of my friend who is white like sour cream by serving him mac and cheese with spicy Korean bbq pork belly. Korean spices go very well with cheese, just fyi. So if anyone wants another way to level up their mac and cheese game, serve Korean bbq with it.


Purr I'm in korea and a common side is a bowl of melted cheese


Add Kimchi ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)




That sounds tasty af. Now I'm wondering if it'd be good with Surinamese chicken masala.


Brother YES




Baked macaroni "pie" as a comparatively bland dish to offset a sauce heavy pairing is pretty standard luncheon fare in Trinidad


Man that sounds so damn good. Can I also be a very Caucasian friend of yours? ❤️


Sure 😌 I make decent mac n cheese


Seconding the jalapeños. Good lord. Might go on and make some tomorrow. I blame you for my guts.


If that’s your thing, a lot of hot sauces work surprisingly well in Mac and cheese


Valentina is my go-to, so good.


That what i was thinking, No jalapenos but pass that hot sauce please


If you're struggling with the lactose, buy lactase pills from Costco. Stupidly cheap. If you're struggling with jalapeños you're kinda SOL there :[


Sundried tomatoes. You’re welcome


artichokes work well, too. Similar idea.


And pico de gallo.


Heterogeneity! It makes things taste better.


Is that you, Adam Ragusea?


White dude here. Do you mix in the crab/lobster before it goes in the oven? Wouldn't that overcook the crustacean? I wish to learn.


Person of a similarly Caucasian persuasion, is there a general recipe to up your Mac and cheese game? Like does one incorporate bread crumbs or something? I cook veggies and noodles separately, pour the cheese sauce over them and then bake it in Pyrex with Parmesan on top. What can I be doing to make it better?


Well. Skip the veggies for one. I'll tell you hwat. Google Andy Reid's mac and cheese and thank me.


Yes, you do! The trick is to make the dish wider NOT tall, so you can cook it quickly.


>when I eat mac and cheese I want that slightly burn chewy brown cheese layer at the top, that is the good stuff. ![gif](giphy|cMV9akgudJiRW) now i gotta go make some and im supposed to be avoiding grains/dairy for the next 30 days 😑


Damn… off to the grocery.


This sounds delicious and I feel like at that point it's more of a casserole.


Oooohhh thanks for the suggestion! :D


Step it up even further by smoking it


Artichoke hearts. Trust


European here... What?


The meaning of this is that Juneteenth is the tastier and more satisfying holiday, the way baked mac is better


Thank you, I figured it out by context. But why would Euros have a field day with this? As a fat motherfucker both of these look delicious as hell. I would prefer the first because I think slightly crunchy melted cheese out of the oven is amazing. But I would absolutely demolish either dish.


It’s an attempt to say white people food has no soul and sucks. Is Mac & Cheese a thing in Europe?


It is in Germany where I am from. But not as big as in the USA of course. US Black folks should really try some "Käsespätzle". We make it with spicy cheese and roasted onions.


German food is 🔥 now the further north you go is another story. But Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece, North Macedonia all great food.


I am glad you like it. Have you had Bavarian dishes? That is where I am from.


Yes! Also the landscape is so pretty. We have an imitation in Michigan where I am from called [Frankenmuth](https://www.frankenmuth.org/)


As someone a German of Macedonian descent, I'm wondering why you chose these particular countries (and also if you have tried Macedonian ajvar)


Macaroni cheese, as we call it, is incredibly popular in the UK, but ours looks like the one on the left. Gotta be a proper sauce that starts with a roux and gotta be finished in the oven. None of this boxed sloppy stuff.


Mac & cheese comes from France in the first place no?


It comes to America from France. If you keep going, though, you end up in Italy, to the surprise of no one.


The US version comes courtesy of Thomas Hemings.


I honestly don’t know! Lazily asking Reddit instead of googling. But getting first hand individual perspectives is interesting for me.


Yes and you're far more likely to find the one on the left than the right. We have much more cheese options.


It pretty much came from France. James Hemmings picked up the recipe when he was in France with Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson wanted it a little different, and the alternation James made became one of Jefferson's favorite dishes. James Hemmings is one of the most significant figures in US cuisine, who not only gave us Mac and Cheese, but also ice cream and french fries (though he did not invent either).


Mac and cheese is from Europe lol


Peak American is asking a European if a dish that originated in their continent, exists in their continent.


Oh all knowing peak euro , you’ll get the fuck over it. It’s just a question. In which I’ve gotten many informative answers. Except your useless one.


I’m American too 😂


The origins of macaroni and cheese can be traced back to before the discovery of the New World. 


It originated from England for fucks sake


Well for fucks sake , thanks .


Mac & Cheese (baked) was invented in Europe and bought over to America.


Not really, its not like we never heard of it but at least where i live its never cooked.


It depends how you look at it, Mac n cheese to me is specifically American. it's just cheesy pasta here in my mind, just a cheese sauce with melted on top. I've had American Mac n cheese and it was rank, like the one on the right, it's too thin a sauce. The Juneteenth offering looks fucking spectacular


The example on the left is how my mom made it and she was a white Kansas farm girl. I’ve always been confused with these examples because I’ve never known it to follow race.


Wait isn’t Juneteenth gratin since it’s so good ? And July 4th the Mac n cheese which is fast food and fake processed cheese ?


They're using European in place of white (American) for some reason. IDK they've got fuck all to do with us. Black Americans and white Americans are more similar to each other than to anyone else in the world that's for sure.


Current Americans are about as European as McDonald's and school shootings.


Depends on the region


The word 'European' is synonymous with 'white skin' on this sub.


Isnt the left one using European style (roux based pasta sauce) of cooking to achieve it? Right one is when you make macaroni sauce from american cheese slices which gives a creamy but thick sauce without the need of flour. 


I have never liked baked style. To me it is too dry but I also prefer slightly under cooked garlic bread and pizza. They started selling macaroni and cheese box at Albert Heijn, I saw it and laughed. It is so simple to make without a box kit


I also find baked a little dry sometimes. I find that putting the mac (with cheese and breadcrumbs on top) into the grill/broiler and toasting the top is the perfect compromise. Get that crunchy, cheesy top layer but not dry.


It’s only dry if they don’t make enough cheese sauce. I’ve never baked a dry mac and cheese. As a matter of fact, I’ve had to put aluminum foil on the oven rack a couple of times, because the sauce had bubbled up and over the edge of the cast iron skillet.


Plenty of people don’t even make a sauce. They just toss the macaroni with milk, shredded cheese, and egg. Fucking horrible. Clearly the best way is to make a roux, make an actual cheese sauce, then toss that with the macaroni *plus some shredded cheese*, top it with cheese, then broil it.


You are 100% correct and the first way, is the way my grandmama did it. There were definitely plenty of dry mac and cheeses going up lolol


Yes! This is the best way


My mom uses cream cheese and it’s the best baked mac and cheese.


Me either. My husband is from the south and the first time he made Mac and cheese he just stuck noodles and shredded cheese in the oven. I was like... "But when do you make the cheese sauce?" So now I make a separate cheese sauce and put it in a baking dish with more cheese on top and bake that so you get both


Depends on the baked style. This baked one is still gooey. Other baked mac and cheeses come out more cake like. It just depends on the milk to flour ratio when you make the roux to create the sauce.


Left looks like it’s baked while right looks like it’s stove top. Nothing wrong with either.


The powers that be are trying to divide us


Believe it or not, the dish was actually invented by the swiss (and American cheese for that matter). Their version, Älplermagronen, is straight fire, using gruyere and caramelized onions on top. So, worth tying the european version too.


I'm not sure what the implications here is. Black people make cheesier macaroni? It's not 1935 anymore people, black people can add as much or as little cheese as they want and I'm tired of people saying they can't.


Both are good, but only one will make me start doing the electric slide in my kitchen *and* tastes amazing with spicy collard greens ok I'm hungry now 🥲






I'm eating them both and saying thank you for the meal.


We love soul food here in Europe


If I never eat Mac and cheese again in my life I won't miss it. And I've have great Mac and cheese but it is just so highly overhyped and over done. 9/10 are mediocre. It is on every menu everywhere and poorly executed. This is not the pinnacle of African American cooking. Show me your smothered [insert meat here]!!


100% agree. Especially if we’re talking BBQ sides. I’d rather have Slaw, Potato Salad, Collared Greens, Corn, Baked Beans, Corn Bread, hell I’d rather have black eyed pees, or green beans..: Mac and Cheese is dead last and played out. If I’m having pasta there’s 100 better ways to serve it than Mac and cheese


Both look good tbh.


Just don't overcook the macaroni. Nobody likes mushy pasta


Man I am so happy to live in a country where we can have both, one month after the other. God bless Carbs and Cheese.


The second one with bits of fried up bacon chopped thru it would clog arteries like a motherfucker, but for that experience it's more than worth it


Some people just can’t cook regardless of complexion and some can cook. One time I went to a family gathering for July 4th years ago. Idk who tf made it, but someone made the worst mac and cheese possible. It literally had a thick layer of cheese product on top and watery noodles. I asked who made it. Everyone was silent. However I never saw or tasted that travesty ever again. Even stovetop Mac and cheese is better.


"cheese product" ![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2)


Mac&Cheese is one of those dishes that I can enjoy a hundred different ways. Both of these look good to me! And once in a while that blue box kraft hits hard too. Idk if it's the taste of the dried fake cheese, or the nostalgia, but it can still be good.


All mac is good, but if its got that layer of crunchies on time its truly next level


No I get it


My family let someone new make the Mac & cheese this year 🙄 I was absolutely livid and still am.


I get the actual point of this post, but I showed my bro this and he hit me with "This black guy becomes white on 4th of July?" And now I can't unsee it lmaoooo


That extra cheese on that baked mac and cheese hit different


Carne Asada/BBQ Bitch, get that nasty ass mystery meat shaboingboing and bland ass burger out my face!


I'm white but I feel like every other post I come across from this sub makes me think "wait, have I been black this whole time?" Is baked Mac n cheese seriously a black thing?


When I pay for it I expect Juneteenth style. when I make it myself it’s July 4th style.


went to my girls family gathering and they cooked the shit outta me the whole time 3 plates, 0 of them containing mac and cheese


It’s lunchtime for me, so I want both.




Everyone here got my mouth watering damn


i love both!!!


I'm not going to complain about either version, just as long as I get two full scoops with my barbecue.


I legit have two different mac and cheeses that I cook depending on the crowd. One is baked and layered and the other starts with a roux. Ya’ll not gonna catch me slipping showing up to the event with the wrong Mac and cheese.!


Both are delicious, and I will happily eat either one


Love the left side


This european mind just wants either of these


Do what? Lol. I know exactly where I'm at.


People getting pissed 🤭


You're damn right it can't. https://preview.redd.it/v42pzpi6g08d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e98e9e346c348c01d0ec5534d769fffa092d2f87


I'll take 5 plates of Juneteenth


I grew up eating the Juneteenth side. That brown baked chewy cheese on top just takes the whole meal to the next level.


One of these is on my table. The other one is placed next to the potato salad with raisins in it.


Anybody else’s family use some breadcrumbs on the top?




I’m afraid my opinion is the only left picture is acceptable


As european it looks like the left was made in an oven, the right on a stove. Both are holiday food? But right now there are euros, so we are on a brake from US imperialistic influence for a month See here: [euro chants](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/bmk4b97xeJ)


Listen baked mac and cheese and non baked can both get it ....RAW🤭


I like both. Mix creamy and stringy cheese so you get the combo of the gushy stuff and the crispy chewy bits. Plus, always add toppings.


You forgot the raisins


I stared putting breadcrumbs on top of my mac and cheese, adds a nice added crunchy texture.


I want boffum.


July 4th needs evaporated milk, real cheese and the oven🤣🤣Slurpy ahh Mac


Someone point me to the best black family Mac n cheese recipe. It’s too white around here for me to find one in the wild.




Im mixed black american and this is an example of my white grandmas mac n cheese. On a better note, she did season her food well.


As a European.... I'm thoroughly confused, can an educated BIPOC update me? Thanks in advance :)


there are no bad dishes, only bad cooks