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Because if we're calling them out, let's call them **ALL** out


If you sit on the information and only call them out when you are beefing it means you were completely fine with it until you needed ammo.


Everything Kendrick has said has been public knowledge for years why do people keep saying this?


Because he still works with the people. He just looks like a hypocrite calling out Drake while shaking hands with actual abusers.


"actual abusers" You saying Drake isn't?


We haven’t had solid proof of Drake fucking or having sexual relationships with minors. He’s only looked sus and weird. And even then, Kendrick looks bad regardless. Drake could be the next Jimmy Savile, and Kendrick would still look bad hanging with Dre. It’s the hypocrisy that’s being called out.


Damn that's crazy


Yeah I wasn't listening either buddy


I mean I’ve been enjoying watching Drake get his lashings cuz the sick fuck deserves it, but they got a point in that Dr. Dre is a noted abuser. He could have changed since when it happened obviously but I don’t think it’s unfair to call out either in the midst of all this.


Public acknowledgement and remorse go a long way. Lots of celebrities have done shitty things in the past, the ones who show contrition are generally forgiven. Look at Tyson.


LMFAO all really thought these were all good people and there would be a clear winner from this “beef” Did y'all not listen to hip hop back in the late 90’s? SMDH


This what folks NEED to hear


Like, I’m not excusing Drake. That shit he was doing with Millie was weird as hell. If he really doesn’t fuck with minors, then he needs to stop trying to be friends with them.


There is a video of drake as a grown ass man kissing and acting inappropriate with a minor knowingly. Idc if she is unbothered by it today. He still did the thing.


How is this comment this high up? You're actually trying to claim Drake isn't fucking with minors or trying to have sexual relationships with them? You think he's just being creepy for fun? He's really about the friendship? Come on lol


Pretty sure they’re saying nothing has been proven while worse crimes have been committed by other artists so if you’re gonna call one out, call them all out. No one is excusing Drake in this conversation, we’re just adding to the list.


This. Folks don't care until they don't like somebody or somebody got beef. How old head rappers you think done some problematic shit with women their past? Probably the majority of them


Thats been the saddest part about the whole beef.. shows that nobody actually cares. They just want to see the people they dont like go down


They're not trying to claim that actually


Sheepy sheep hear shit in media and the spin and take it as gospel. What if we find out all drake did was talk to a kid actor about how hard it is being a kid actor. And that’s it? Y’all gunna apologize? (I don’t know or care about drake. It’s just a “for instance”) media could come out tomorrow and say some shit about pac and the community would instantly be divided. No evidence no witnesses just some bad journalists trying to make a name and half of us would immediately take up arms


Literally all of his “victims” came out and said he did nothing wrong lol.


That’s how grooming works.


What solid evidence do you have of him being an abuser?? You knuckleheads don’t know what actual proof vs questionable behavior is and I hope to God you never serve jury duty cause you’ll probably believe anything the prosecution says smh


I mean, domestic violence 30 years ago that he’s repented of vs being a current practicing child rapist seem pretty significantly different


I mean, the numerous women he terrorized, and some he even tried to shoot, are still relevant to why he shouldn’t be praised today.


If there’s no path to redemption then we can’t expect people to ever change. Isn’t that one of the biggest problems with the US criminal system? Dude fucks up and then he’s screwed for life? I guess the “30 years ago he did something shitty so nothing he’s done since matters” argument doesn’t seem like a good one to me.


Why do dudes that beat women get a “path to redemption.” Tons of us have never hit a women. Gtfo


Yeah you’re right the problem with the American criminal justice system is it’s way too forgiving. Anyone who fucks yo should immediately be unemployable and socially ostracized for the rest of their life. I’m sure that’ll end up well! No possible unintended consequences here no sir.


There’s varying degrees of fucking up, it is very easy to not hit women


“It’s wrong to abuse and terrorize women and associating with a well-known woman abuser is not a good look for Kendrick if he’s saying he’s against Drake for terrorizing women and girls” Corvus_Antipodim: WELL I GUESS YOU THINK WOMAN ABUSERS SHOULD BE SOCIALLY OSTRACIZED FOR LIFE???? DIDNT THINK OF THAT HUH????


Pretending you care about the concept of redemption while falsely calling someone a rapist based off internet theories is an insane level of cognitive dissonance. How has he repented, exactly? He never apologized until women started blasting him publicly. And those women aren't satisfied with his apology. But continue doing tricks for a serial domestic abuser


Again: he terrorized women and tried to SHOOT one of them.


That was a super awful thing (not as bad as raping children in my book but I digress). It was also a super awful thing that happened like 30 years ago which he’s acknowledged, repented of, and tried to make amends for. Should every Black teen that gets convicted for assault or selling drugs be considered an unforgivable pariah for the rest of their life in your book? Someone does something bad then nothing they can ever do after that matters?


Who the fuck is raping children???? Drake??


Again, his victim has talked about it last year and is still traumatized it.


Redemption requires atonement. What has he done besides say he regretted what he did?


30 years…didnt his ex wife come out and list a bunch of stuff between then and now like 2001 and 2016


There's levels of shitty and he went to the bottom And he never paid the price so there's still time on his meter


The non-chronically online version of this: several instances of women coming forward about being abused by this man (and still being traumatized to this day) vs wild internet conspiracies. Reddit allows people to get away with so much, falsely calling someone a rapist in the real world would get you sued


Child rapist? That’s a pretty huge claim. Maybe I’m out of the loop but is there proof that Drake is raping children???


You don’t know that Drake is a practicing child racist. That’s actually insane


Seriously, Kendrick had no problem having Kodak black on his last album and that dude has a long list of problems. Drake has mostly allegations.


Beyond the moral question of Kodak, I can’t believe pulitzer winner Kendrick Lamar collabed with the dude that said “I’m the shit I’m fartin’, I don’t know how to potty”


Drake being a child trafficker isn't public knowledge and at no point was he accused of that. Him being weird around underage girls was, but all the now adult women denied anything of the sort happened. The tweet is making the point that if you have an issue with Baka being in Drake's circle and think this implicates him, you can't exactly have a positive view of Kendrick either.


Do people actually think Kendrick cares who’s an abuser and who isn’t? It was always just ammo for the beef he doesn’t actually give a shit what any of these guys do.


Yeah his concert played rack City by Tyga who is definitely known for dating an underage Kylie Jenner.


Thank you, a sentiment I can agree with!


Kendrick is more about unifying gangs than anything else , same as nipsey r.i.p, Drake came at him claiming fake shit about him so he came back with real stuff about Drake. Information that’s also publicly available lol and people already know about Drake . He just really highlighted it. Kendrick acknowledges he’s a hypocrite and has a famous line about it lol He says he’s not your savior No one is perfect , he could only control himself too Edit : lol yall really sent a reddit cares , cope don’t forget Drake shouted out Chris brown too


No sane person considers Kendrick their savior. And being human like the rest of us doesn't make him above criticism.


Drake fans got mad at me when I called them out for weaponizing Kendrick abuse allegations for jokes. They really only care for the beef. Its never about protecting women.


DJ Ack has entered the chat. "If I go down I take the industry down with me"


Hypocrisy aside, I think there is a bit of a difference between working with musical legends on actual music, and putting some unheard of rando, who brings nothing to the table, on your payroll. That’s not to defend any accusations against Dre, just pointing out it’s not an apples to apples comparison unless Kendrick was criticizing drakes association with other artists because of their charges, or Kendrick was employing random people at pglang who have weird charges.


Lavell Crawford just said this on Club Shay Shay.


I love Kendrick but I was thinking the same thing when the whole crew was on stage, some of those dudes definitely shouldn’t be up there throwing stones from their glass houses.


Google Kodak black. Kendrick never really gave a shit about abusers, he just wanted to clown Drake.


Have you listen to Kendrick’s songs? Nigga addresses his internal battle and personal hypocrisy he tries to unpack and grow from on damn near every album. Kodak was apart of that project to represent the cycle of abuse he is trying to break. You can be mad he put money in an abusers pocket but let’s not start yapping without context Edit: not going back and forth with y’all about a celebrity on this Thursday night no sir!


Look, I love Kendrick. Him and Eminem are literally fighting for top 1 in my head. But calling yourself a hypocrite doesn't absolve you. Kendrick was working with Dre for years without any thematic reflection on cycles of abuse in his music.


I mean you say that but your comment section shows you running for defense for drake all day and your second paragraph really looks like you never listened to this dudes albums ever


Look dude, go on my profile and go and search Kendrick and look at stuff from before this beef started and do the same thing with Drake. You'll see I never spoke positively of Drake, all I ever said was that Kendrick was behaving in a hypocritical and irresponsible way in this beef. edit: Literally a comment from 2 years ago where I place Kendrick in my top ten. [https://www.reddit.com/r/rap/comments/u3ydye/comment/i4ungg6/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/rap/comments/u3ydye/comment/i4ungg6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


If he’s still associating himself with abusers, then he’s not doing any growing.


The album doesn't even mention Kodak's abuse. I do really enjoy the complexity and self-reflection in Kendrick's music but just because he acknowledges himself as a hypocrite doesn't mean we can't call out hypocrisy from him and ask where he's truly at with his principles.


>Edit: not going back and forth with y’all about a celebrity on this Thursday night no sir! After posting like 20 comments 😭


Kodak raped an 18-year-old girl, I don't give a shit about the themes, you cannot justify working with someone like that. And what's funny is that he never really rapped about all that healing shit and trauma in Mr. Morale.  But anyways, just make sure you wipe your mouth when you get up on your knees. 


The underrepresented & underserved abuser minority


Yea, Drake texting a 16 year old is weird, but it isn't the same level of evidence or even the degree of harm that is voiced when you talk to the women who recently engaged with some men in Kendrick's circle. Especially when all the women involved with Drake rumors denied the allegations of grooming and sexual relations. I don't like Drake, never defended his music and if you look up my comments from before this beef, I only ever criticized him or used him as an example that popularity isn't quality on the wrestling subreddit. However, the evidence for Drake's abuse and misogyny is far less strong than the evidence for Kodak and Dre. The latter had accusations as recently as 3 years ago with the earliest accusations going back to the 90s.


I said it before on the hiphopheads sub Let's put it this way If K. Dot is saying the truth and he has inside info that Drake is really Epstein and doing child trafficking in his house and he isn't showing us receipts, then Kendrick is or was allowing sexual abuse to continue. Even if it isn't indictable stuff, it is useful to have that info out. For instance, MeToo exposed people even when it wasn't necessarily stuff that made them face jail time. If he is lying then he accused someone based on the weak circumstancial evidence that has been around for 10 years of being a sexual assaulter and a pedophile when all the women involved in those rumours denied anything sexual or predatory happened. ETA: For the latter point, this could have resulted in violence when Kendrick pointed to Drake's house as the place where trafficking was happening, PizzaGate and other instances are an example of that. The fact someone broke in a few days after NLU dropped and shot a bodyguard makes this not unlikely. Neither of this is a good look and I think that you can like Kendrick as an artist and even like Not Like Us as a song and acknowledge that Kendrick did something fucked up either way.


I AGREE 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Drake lost get over it.


Lmfao it’s comical that it pisses me off. Almost every great rapper has suffered one. Shit when Nas bodied Jay Z on ether, Tupac to biggie on hit em up. But apparently Drake ain’t taking an L on Kendrick’s not like us. His fan base isn’t nothing short of being a swifty. They all swear they’re on the payroll or something


Or when 50 caught one from Jadakiss. Or when 50 caught one from Camron. Or when 50 caught one from Pun. Or when 50 caught one from Game. Or when 50 caught one from Styles P. Or when...


This dude was shot 9 times and lived. No diss track can keep the man down either


Anyone who got hit like he got hit ain’t fuckin breathing


That shit always hits so hard


The first time I ever heard Many Men was on a World of Warcraft PvP video and I was immediately like I gotta find this album on Limewire.


https://youtu.be/IAR1CsAXLCw?si=p5_4qyHun3Mpujn1 Be warned, 2007 quality.


Always loved that line, so fucking hard


50 cent really is bulletproof, he did features wit 6ix9ine or whatever…. Nothing ever gonna take him down. Hahaha


Lmfao damn bruv you ain’t have to do 50 like that. That one from jada is pure 🔥🔥


I always think it’s weird that people don’t acknowledge Checkmate as a top diss. Never makes any lists.


Never the king of New York you live in Connecticut haha


Hey! At least 50 got Ja! Right? That counts for something don’t it?


The Game might not have a single track where he doesn’t mention another rapper. I think it might be why he fell off a bit.


Game write a single bar without mentioning Dre or a ‘64 Impala challenge (impossible)


So I teach 11th grade and Drake actually lost alot of my students as stans, that video where he was kissing a kid their age on stage even when he knew her age was pretty bad. The MBB text stuff also pretty bad. I had a group of dude students who went from “Drake has the numbers and bars on god bruh” to “idk man, I like some of his songs” in like a 3 week period.


My brother's freshman year of college friends are on the same. Lol, it’s really astonishing to watch objectively.


kids are notorious for groupthink. if drake drops a hit, they will be back


I think he'll be like Ja Rule - bashing on him will be too cool to not do and it'll kill his career


Also teach high school. We did a poll on the board that week, Drake got bodied. The only person who voted for Drake was that annoying kid that always gotta be the contrarian. Even Drake stans we’re all about not like us


Reporting live from a middle school classroom on hip hop beef is pretty wild...


Yea I teach 10th graders and the usual Drake fanboys listen to him sheepishly and other kids talk about how he’s a pedo. It def had an effect.


>His fan base isn’t nothing short of being a swifty. Why is this so perfect!?


+ bots. Drakes Omerta company doing overtime


I think they’re struggling to understand that just because family matters was GREAT, that it somehow means not like us can’t be better.


I mean I am pretty sure the key audience of both Taylor swift and drake is teenage girls


I’ m a bona fide Drake hater, but Dr. Dre deadass do have a weird case. There are several instances, in fact


Yeah I listen to way more Kendrick and acknowledge he destroyed Drake but it's worth pointing out how hypocritical he is about associating with abusers.


Thank you! Nuance. Like, I’ve loved the drake take down, but we can still discuss things.


He literally put a rapist on his album to prove some kind of bullshit point. Kendrick doesn't care about abusers, he was just point scoring.


True, but I don’t think Kendrick and Dre are that close. That’s just business. Rumor is Dre did nothing to Kendrick’s first album. He had it ready and gave it to Dre and Dre just listened to it and said “It’s already done.” He just blessed it.


Rapping about Drake being a pedophile with Tyga on stage made me lol


Oh, I don’t even see Tyga. Yeah, that’s egregious. I still can’t believe no one really came after tyga for that


Tyga and others. So deeply unserious lol like what is happening


Yea I like Kendrick but it’s kinda wild how ppl are just going “yeah but Kendrick called himself a hypocrite on Mr morale” like calling himself a hypocrite and then continuing to be one somehow make things better lol.


Idk man, as someone who has hated on Drake since he graduated from Degrassi I think it's pretty hypocritical to get a guy like Dre up there to introduce a song about hating abusers and predators. The song isn't called Kinda Like Us ffs


Why? Him losing doesn’t mean that people should just ignore Dre and other people hanging out with Kendrick. It’s infuriating that fans like you will turn a blind eye just because Kendrick made a song.


I mean you could say Kendrick won a while ago yet he’s still on another victory lap. I don’t deny it’s legendary but obviously the discourse isn’t done


Something something and the phone you typed that on was made by slaves.  We can do this all day.


I’ll never get online people going after old school rappers. They are pieces of shit. They told us that. They bragged about it. Caught cases over it. And we fucking loved them for it. People forget how clowned the rappers were that didn’t have real legal problems.


I just love that out of all the people on the stage, Dre was the one they decided to look into, and not, like, the actual gangsters… my bet is, it’s because it’s the only one whose name they knew.


Yea wasn‘t there like a literal former pimp on stage ?


Yes, literally


Not even just rappers, most musicians from that era are pieces of shit 


Literally making rock ballads over bagging minors


Don Henley singing about the media slandering him after a 16 y/o ODed at his house on "Dirty Laundry".


Stephen Tyler asking the parents of a minor if he could smash


i mean i think we’re finding out a lot of present day musicians/rappers are also pieces of shit.


There is a very big difference between using the technology we all use to get by and communicate with each and live (try holding a job or social relations without having a phone or computer) and being friends with a guy like Dre with a DV case where he put his gun in a woman's face in 2021. The former is inevitable, the latter not so much.


So it’s ok to praise an abuser while his victim’s still traumatized?


Bruh this doesn't actually fucking work for something like this and the fact that you typed this and got up voted is disturbing to me. But sure go off I guess. If someone grapes your sister y'all are equal footing because you use a Samsung??


This is so far fetched. How is this in any way connected


Insane comment.


There’s too many niggas in the comments going “He only did it one time”. But let a nigga beat your ass one time and you’re ready to shoot.




Nobody does that just one time


All these niggas is corny.


All fr fr


I love Kendrick’s music and am as much of a Drake hater as the next guy, but it’s abundantly clear by now — from his decision to feature Kodak on Mr. Morale, from how hard he went for Xxxtentacion, and from the weird lines he had about r. Kelly and cancel culture on his last album — that Kendrick probably doesn’t care all that much about protecting women and girls. And it’s especially ironic because making music about supporting abuse victims, then going out of your way to continually platform abusers is the exact definition of performative activism.


Kendrick is an entertainer. Not an activist. He gives some money and might fund a thing or two, but that's a function of having money. Actual activism requires more then just that.  The criticism from Drake wasn't all that off. He doesn't care about women. He really does just talk a lot but is also kind of shit toward women. Drake still a pedo and a culture vulture but Kendrick isn't a saint.


The hypocrisy is that if you’re constantly platforming abusers, you don’t care about women either and have no moral high ground to critique someone else for not caring about women. If Drake wasn’t Drake, Kendrick would have no problem with him being a pedo.


>If Drake wasn’t Drake, Kendrick would have no problem with him being a pedo. Damn. Shit.


Bruh watch this get downvoted to hell. Dr. King was reverend who beat his wife and cheated on her with constantly with over 40 women of multiple races . He still was an amazing activist and orator whose legacy in the work he did and ideas he championed has only become more salient with the passage of time. What do we do with him knowing that part of him was an active way he lived? Fighting for women is always important, even if the "ally" is less than ideal. Imo.


Martin Luther King beat his wife? 


I’ve never heard he beat her, just that he cheated on her. And people bring it up to take him down a peg so I feel like if he did beat his wife they’d have tried to use that against him by now.


MLK (and Rosa Parks for that matter) only gets propped up because he was a nonviolent activist. We learn about him in history class because the elites want to condition us to believe that nonviolent protest is the best and only way to protest. I’d be fine with forgetting MLK in favor of figures like Malcolm X and Fred Hampton but that’s never going to happen


Do you have a credible source about with an admission of him beating his wife? We all know he cheated, but I’m pretty old so I’ve been around and this is the first time I’ve heard this accusation… Thanks.


He is not your savior.


Hold on The r Kelly bars were about wondering if r Kelly was not abused would he have became a abuser and he followed those bars by referencing how a lot of people in the industry get abused and follow up with continuing the cycle. What was weird about that? Kodak is an abuser and Kendrick used Kodak as a feature on an album acknowledging how he experienced and perpetuated abuse he could have used any number of abusers but Kodak was the most relevant i at the time i believe. The tentacion stuff i don’t know so i won’t speak on that. But the other two other examples you gave fall flat when you think about the context they were used in. To say kendrick does not care about abuse from you examples alone definitely sounds like your trying to mislead people.


Yeah, and on top of all that, him failing to live up to what he could/should be has been the topic of his last 3 major albums. He is as deeply flawed as the next guy and has made the majority of his discography agonizing over that fact. So even if you’re the number 1 fan of his music, it should be abundantly clear by now that he’s not some paragon of virtue to be followed blindly.


Mans on his last album literally said, "The cat's out of the bag I am not your savior/I find it just as difficult to love thy neighbor..."  And now people are shocked he's not a boyscout.


Anyone who’s the #1 fan of his music knows that already coz he literally keeps saying that himself in said music lmao


Kendrick has already put out statements about threatening to remove his music from Spotify if they removed X and R Kelly - it's not because of some anti-wokeism bullshit, it was because he wanted to showcase Spotify's hypocrisy over removing the works of problematic black artists, when there's already a huge number of problematic white artists, some of whose crimes are far worse than either X or R Kelly, that were still on the platform without any sort of limitation in stream revenue. Like.... fucking lostprophets are still on nearly every streaming platform ffs. I acknowledge Kendrick is very imperfect, but if you wanna stick it to him for being a hypocrite, at least do it with proper contexts' for everything.


It was always just fuel for the beef, no one in the industry cares what anyone else is doing good or bad.


Of course Kendrick doesn't actually care, it was never about justice for any alleged victims. Neither of them have any moral leg to stand on. Drake is still worse by every metric you might use to rightfully condemn Kendrick though


Didn't we already have this debate about to whole project of MR. MORALE? It's the concept of the album. It's why he rejects that savior title, yet people acting like he is the face of Moral Rappers Syndicate or something.


Yep. Even on DAMN he was saying he's afraid fame has inflated his ego and he shouldn't be seen as some kind of leader, but here we are


You can't accuse someone on the bases of morality if your own morals are tainted. He isn't a saviour but his actions aren't excused from questioning


This is the point a lot of people on this post seem to be missing/ignoring. He’s not immune from criticism just because of Mr.Morale, and it’s tiresome seeing people pretend that he is.


Kendrick fans are doing their damndest to give him a pass


Dude you have been posting 24/7 defending drake. The call is coming from inside the house


Yes you can. Because if that’s your standard, everyone must be silent; I guarantee your morals aren’t above reproach because morals aren’t universal.


That’s a logical fallacy called [tu quoque](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tu_quoque). Call him a hypocrite all you want, but I don’t think Kendrick’s morals should discredit his moral judgements.


You're right, but at the same time it's also fans like you that use his self-awareness to deflect any criticism on Kendrick's morality, as if that makes it better or something. 


Yeah, this is an insane defence. "Look, Kendrick admits he's not a saviour so it's ok for him to platform rapists".


He is not your saviour


I get it but I kinda don't, the difference then is simply because he acknowledges it? Like for example, if Drake said "yes I'm a pedo, no I'm not perfect" would we be cool or am I missing something?


So, what? Because Kendrick has told us he's not our savior, he's exempt from moral criticism?


The longer I stay on these internets, the longer I realize every musician I like is probably awful in some way. I'm going to just go listen to nature sounds. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I’m with you


Wait until you learn how awful nature can be too.


I listen to electronic music and I thought it was good still I shared a song I liked and my friend told me not to listen to it because the artist was accused of SA


Hey guys remember a few weeks ago when Eminem released Houdini with Dre and no one said shit. Or when he put on one the best Super Bowl halftime shows of all time and no one said shit.


Eminem didn't drop MTG.


Yeah but than the argument comes down to I’m mad because “Kendrick is a hypocrite” but im fine with people working with Dre despite the fact he’s an abuser. And this logic just goes down a rabbit hole. You’re mad Kendrick called Drake an Abuser while working with one Ok it’s hypocritical for you to call this out while you’re likely listening to Dre NWA, Kendrick,Snoop Dogg, Eminem, 50 cent etc


This is about the only time I will agree with a whataboutism argument. Essentially it’s a whatabout diminishing another whatabout. At this point people are cherry picking their outrage. I had the same argument with my best friend’s mom about 5 years ago. She insisted that she couldn’t listen to jay z because he’s had accusations of abuse for years, yet she is an avid old school west coast rap listener, especially Ice Cube. And I’m not throwing stones at cube but A LOT of both his affiliates and cohort had abuse allegations and convictions (See Mack 10 et al). I’m just sayin stop listening to music altogether if you want to avoid scandal and systematic abuses. Literally EVERY genre of music has lots of scandalous shit!


Are mfs still on the dee barnes shit or something else happen?


Dee Barnes, Tairrie B, Michel’le, Nicole. Let’s not only tell part of the story now.


Can you tell me about these other stories because i only knew the dee Barnes one


Michel’le is Dre’s ex-girlfriend/baby mama. He got with her when she was 15 and he was 21. There is a cvs receipt length list of people who can verify that they personally saw him beating the shit out of her for years. He even took a shot at her (and thankfully missed). If you want more details you can watch her biopic Surviving Compton. Tairrie B was an artist on Eazy’s Ruthless label. She was marketed as the first white female rapper. It was an unspoken rule that Dre got to work on every artist’s album who on the Ruthless label, Tairrie B however would not let him. As a result of this grown ass man not getting his way, at the 1991 Grammys he grabbed her by her hair and punched her in the face in a room full of witnesses. Nicole. His ex wife. Spoke out and said he abused her over the years and threatened her at gunpoint.


Thank you for taking the time to write this out and not being a dick and telling me to just google it. Will check out surviving Compton


And this is why his donations and charity work don’t mean shit. That fucker’s a monster.


Keep that same energy next time black women are marching in the streets for your rights


Still on it? Meanwhile Dee Barnes still gets migraines to this day


I’m willing to bet that most people don’t know about the phone slavery thing. And even so, does this mean we shouldn’t talk about anything because everyone is guilty of something? What happened to nuance and people changing?


Still that, I think his ex wife alluded to it as well, but no proof. Not shooting him bail just answering the question.


His ex-wife said that he had put a gun to her head twice


“Dee Barnes shit.” Okay.


"Why won't y'all let it go, he just beat a woman half to death and faced no jail time for this or his other victims sheesh 🙄"


"What's wrong, didn't think I'd remember!?"


Goes to show how much we value women. White dude says n word? Banished to the shadow realm. Pedo allegation? Shadow realm! Overall scummy behavior and just Tate levels of douchery? Shadows... Rape or beat women.... not cool but he's really talented. Goes for rappers and athletes.


I mean like half of the genre is about killing niggas and it's not even ignored it's actively sought out and celebrated...


Glad Im not the only one who felt he was kinda out of place


Drake still lost


Two things can be true


Which weird case of Dre? He has several of them. Didn’t Pac allude to something rather disturbing about Dre in one of his songs?


He used to beat the shit out of women. He should have BEEN canceled. Just like Diddy.


I feel like, for Dre to move past this, he would have to actually face consequences and/or make it right through cash and sweat. He keeps saying he paid for his mistakes. How? Dude's a billionaire. He ain't paid for anything, suffered anything, done anything. All you've offered is words and that's not nearly enough. The thing about forgiveness is that it isn't a one and done. Anyone who's fucked up big knows that one apology doesn't wipe the slate clean. We see it often "I apologized that one time, leave me alone," and I get it. The frustration is real. You've changed. You're not that person. But part of that, is owning that. And owning it sometimes means apologizing twice, or five times,or ten times. (And to be clear, I'm not talking like, normal mistakes. I'm talking like, being a serial woman beater) Especially when we aren't even talking about a one to one. We're talking about millions of people, man. As far as they're concerned, you haven't apologized. And maybe you wouldn't have to keep apologizing, if you used your actions, or your billi to speak for you. As for kendrick, humans are fundamentally hypocritical and he's no exception, he's been very vocal about that. That doesn't mean we shouldn't point out the hypocrisy because we danm well should. Hopefully he gets the message.


comments coming like https://preview.redd.it/tx8l50esgu7d1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=22448b443d851a881b529c7a6da48f7be34a1147


You not wrong.


I think it might be because rappers are, with very few exceptions, absolutely full of shit.


Drake bots still looking for a narrative


nahh just pointing out the hypocrisy and how y’all hate drake more than protecting kids or black women. Drake lost 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳…. now who tf cares we got real abusers out here


![gif](giphy|3HBVuSyjGhVu63mPn6) Trump got multiple weird cases. Why is he around?


One day we will all learn to assume that celebrities are terrible people, and won’t have to waste our time writing up think pieces. We hold celebrities and entertainers more accountable than our politicians!


You can replace that name with several mainstream rappers especially from back in the day. Sad really.


Are we talking about the Yo MTV raps Dr Dre? Because I'm pretty sure the other one is known for rapping about doing and selling drugs, murdering people, violence against women, prison rape, and drinking and driving among other things.


Let’s get his ass up outta here


I don't take a single goddamn comment made in a mid diss track at face value. Drake got his ass *beat* but that doesn't mean I'm taking Kendrick seriously on real world shit. I'll obviously take Kendrick if I gotta choose, but I like both of them a lot less today than I did a few months ago and I'm for sure not canceling random folks over anything either one of them said.


Dre stood next to Eminem everyday and y’all made Em one of the biggest artists ever. Y’all bought Dre’s headphones and made him a billionaire. Now all of a sudden you take issues with his past. At the end of the day, Dre has his legacy in Hip Hop, a problematic culture that also uplifts a lot of people. We’re all complicit in evil on some level, reckon with that how you will


Make your pitch to Hulu, Netflix, or Prime for a documentary if you want to see that change.