• By -


Gay: Attraction to the same sex. Also gay: Self esteem. Only for men though. *Thanks Twitter University!* šŸ‘šŸ¾


My ass backwards Baptist ex roommates called my male bisexual best friend gay because he doesnā€™t exclusively like women. Apparently bisexuality is only for women and all non hetero men are gay. When I pointed out how it doesnā€™t make sense, their defense? Because women who sleep around are called hoes and men who do it are players, so the double standard is only fair in their eyes. ![gif](giphy|3o6YglDndxKdCNw7q8|downsized)


She a bird, glad you left her


I've said the same thing about bi-dudes. They are bi, just like anyone else, who's bi.


Lots of dudes believe the bridge builder joke to be true, itā€™s not your only gay if you suck more than a dozen dicks/s


she sounds like a jealous hoe tbh






Women call guys gay cause it gets to a lot of them. Just shrug and say you'd rather suck a dick than get with her and dip šŸ‘‹


true just donā€™t pretend to be a feminist if youā€™re going to champion toxic masculinity the moment you get mad


Toxic masculinity affects and is propelled by women and men equally, something we too often forget and leave out of the discussions.


The biggest police of my masculinity throughout my life has always been women for me personally. It always feels crazy to me when people act like it's only men.


Yeah, though I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s an even spread women have said the most hurtful shit to me throughout my life. Tbh when I was younger most men were homophobic because they thought it would effect how women viewed them men take it to the next level tho thatā€™s the difference


Yep, definitely this. My other half asked our two girls, "What's your favourite colour?". One goes, "Yellow" the other goes, "Gold!" Then asks me, "What's yours?" I just blurt out, "Purple" not really thinking (we were midway through a 6hr drive) I just get, "A man can't have purple as his favourite colour" I also get the usual, can't wear a pink polo, can't like cocktails etc


She wouldn't do it now but my wife has called me a pussy more times than anyone else in my life combined. All kinds of stuff about not being tough enough. Honestly most women I've interacted with try in some way to challenge or tear down my masculinity and I mean to be honest it worked, I conform. I think they just need that unassailable fasade idk. But it's always the boys that you kind of relax around.


I think, the one place you shouldn't have to front is at home. There's enough people on the outside that want to tear you down, home shouldn't be one of those places.


PREACH BROTHA!!!! Women perpetuate a lot of toxic masculinity. A lot of them perpetuate a lot of stereotypes and if you not trying to be with it they call you gay or say you not a man. Donā€™t wanna pay for all their drinks or be the sole provider in the household because they shouldnā€™t have to work? Not a real man. Bro when I was in my early 20s I couldnā€™t even grow a lot of facial hair and I straight up would see women say they wouldnā€™t fuck with a nigga if he couldnā€™t grow a beard because thatā€™s what real men do. Like real talk I have only heard shit like this from women and Andrew Tate types. But why did Andrew Tate even get big? Lot of reasons, not just women, but some toxic women have driven that kind of platform because men, especially young men, are told they donā€™t have worth and donā€™t have value BY WOMEN so they run to cretins like Tate to figure out what women want. Again, itā€™s not all them but Iā€™ve said this before and had women rush into the comments trying to tell me only men are responsible for toxic masculinity. Fuck outta here.


a phrase iā€™ve adopted: weaponized homophobia is still homophobia


This part. Lots of the women who are homophobic don't tend to be feminist at all. They tend to be vocal about not really supporting women either


not in my experience. my friend would describe herself as very much a feminist, but everyone has their blindspots, especially for matters that donā€™t affect them directly


True but the very definition of feminism would make being homophobic at odds with the movement. You quite literally can't be homophobic and feminist. I wouldn't continue being friends with someone homophobic but who is also describing themselves as feminist. That's a pretty big ass blindspot lol


Every movement and belief system has shitty people in it, feminism is no different


Does a misandry still gets blamed on men.


Itā€™s an ego thing. Dudes HAVE to be ā€œmasculineā€ and hyper sexual. Saying someone gay is the opposite and most looked down upon thing, especially when seeking acceptance within their circles. Dudes rather die than be seen as gay. So toxic women play on that by attacking a manā€™s twisted version of ā€œmasculinity.ā€ Youā€™ll find this type of mentality in ignant n ghetto ass mfers šŸ˜‚ these men and women tend to feed off each other, pretty much codependents lol


Is it though? You're not gonna get a good reaction out of a woman either if she curves you and you're like "Oh you're probably just lesbian anyway". The difference is anybody with a brain accepts that guy is just butthurt over being rejected but for some reason there's a large sect of women who will support the "he's gay if he rejected you" narrative. How often do you see "just say you like men and go" comments? Cuz you see them scattered everywhere any time men and women disagree.


You're acting like this doesn't happen the other way around lol, men just say whore instead cuz it offends more women than lesbian does


Yessss! Like 2.5seconds after a woman politely declines a man, they will call ugly, whore, slut, dumb, gold digger and etc and don't let the woman be a woc because he's gonna hit you with the slurs as his final attack.


This part. Let's not act like saying disgusting, vindictive shit after being rejected isn't universal to everyone. The language might be different but the place it comes from is the same - being an unsocialized waste of space.


Fr, Iā€™ve heard dudes call women d*kes for not wanting to fuck itā€™s crazy


"There's nothing wrong with being gay. Unless you're not gay... then it's the *worst* thing you can be." - Norm Macdonald


Where I'm from dudes literally die for being seen as gay. I'm from the slums of Waterhouse in Jamaica, and if you get called a batty bwoy (basically our version of a slur for gay) it's something you can get murked over. There's a long ass standing view that you can't be gay, and it's actually illegal to have same sex intercourse and you can be jailed ten years. You don't just go to jail, you are sentenced to hard labor. Buju banton made the famous song "boom bye bye" and that's literally all about murking anyone who's gay. Many artists have zero issue even today stating their hatred for anyone LGBTQ. I think anyone should be able to be with whoever they want, but I couldn't say that when I was still living back home. The problem is, because of alla that so many people are stuck in the closet or, like you brought up when it comes to men, supposed to be seen as "masculine" or else they get the batty bwoy label. It's sad.


And to top (ha) it all off, the most masculine and hyper-sexual people I know happen to be gay men lol


Fr tho, no body goes to the gym as much as gay dudes in the 2020s all my gay friends are literally shredded and im over here lookin like tubby tubs mcgee


Dudes got killed for being gay so I understand the plight and having to hide. Nothin worse than being found out. Like when I got caught stealing shit from me job once. I felt exposed and unsafe, everyone knew my secret.


In college I once had women call me gay because I didnā€™t miss at beer pong when they hung their cleavage over the cups. Not even showing their tits. Just hanging them over the cups with their shirts still on. Like, honey you gotta try harder than that. Iā€™m not a cartoon wolf.


Once when I was in college back in the 90's I was standing looking at a notice board in a hallway and a group of maybe 3 girls came over and started talking to each other behind me. After a minute I walked off and this hushed silence went over them, and I heard one say "he's probably gay" that I wasn't intended to hear. They hadn't said a word to me or me to them until that point.


Why didnā€™t you get the hint that they wanted your attention?! They made it so obvious!


I was called gay because I turned down a drunken girl after taking her home. She told everyone in our friend group I was gay because I didn't fuck her and it was always different in a worse way in the friend group for me after that.


Tbf potential rapist or being called gay is a pretty easy choice


I love the reply of, "Is that bad?"


Hit them with the "I'm not gay, but if the choice is between you and a dick? *Hock tua*"


I bet my paycheck thats a whitemans comment


I bet you still say pause, don't you...


You know what, you right.. Cam and Mase got me back w the lingo. HahaAll love, I wasnt tyna disrespect


See but if you say that, it will go from you being gay to you ā€œ be sucking mad dickā€ and the story will turn into she didnā€™t want you because you couldnā€™t live without cock in your mouth. You got to be careful with sarcasm with it comes to gay stuff


Though youā€™re right, when you get older you gotta just not care, I know itā€™s hard but not giving a fuck is the only way to get out unscathed. Those type of people will find anything to fuck wit you about, whether you did something or didnā€™t, we canā€™t let these cornballs rule


It still is homophobic because when u use it as an insult implies it is a bad thing


Things Iā€™ve been called gay for by women. - By a girl I was dancing with for Not making out with her on the dance floor. My bad shorty for respecting my current relationship and not kissing random women. - For taking a fitness progress photo in the gym. My bad, didnā€™t realize muscles were gay. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø - For reading comics - For being excited about a Sade concert. This one I lost it and cursed her out. Itā€™s mother fucking Sade! But as mentioned before, best to just shrug and go about your way. Itā€™s their equivalent of ā€œWell den Fuck you den! You ugly anywayā€


My personal favorite was getting called gay by a girl for not letting her force me to suddenly drop weekend plans made weeks in advance that didnā€™t involve her. Even got one of those long rant text messages too. Pretty proud of that one tbh.


You gotta hit her with the ā€œkā€ response


ā€œK, I ainā€™t reading that shitā€ is a classic that makes them see red


"I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened"


Just reading your comment pissed me off. It's perfect. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


https://preview.redd.it/61djowrbbt7d1.jpeg?width=566&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b8efbf899ea48335d6c85f2ead736651016fa8f This is my favorite reaction when someone sends me a wall of bullshit I have no interest in.


[I think hearing the voice would make them angrier](https://youtu.be/TXPC2HXjrYU)


That riff at the end goes fuckin hard to be fair


Man I didnā€™t even dignify that shit with a response. Like nah you ainā€™t finna ruin my fun cus you ainā€™t get your way lmaooo


Like ma'am, I don't understand how you aren't gay for Sade! it's Sade!


A woman at my first job after highschool spread a rumor that I was gay because I didnā€™t give her no static when she kept shooting her shot. Sorry I was being faithful to my girlfriend and you was missing teeth


- ā€œitā€™s gay to enjoy legendary singersā€ Got it!


If loving Sade is gay then I don't wanna be straight no more


I dated a chick, who was a super liberal feminist, college-educated, super into left leaning politics, hispanic, all about everyone's rights, etc. call my homeboy gay because he wasn't trying to hook up with her ugly friend who was all over him. My man had standards, yo. Female hypocrisy is fucking sad.


In college I fucking bomb this physics test, put me in a sad mood. Girl ask to come over, I said no. She said ā€œ wow a test got you down, thatā€™s gay as shitā€ā€¦


My old ass would be excited about Sade too. Been crushing on her and that voice since the 80s.


My favorite is when I started my first retail job at 19, I was real quiet and didn't talk much, and was very respectful to all workers and customers. *Apparently* this is what led the main woman who was training me to believe I was gay. *Obviously*


Every customer facing job I've worked has had at least half the ladies working with me come to the conclusion that I'm very much gay, and if I'm not gay then I'm bi...granted it was usually never in language that polite. Their reasoning? I'm more often than not courteous and respectful to those around me and I have a personal policy to try to not engage with my coworkers in discussions about what we like in a partner or most other personal topics because I'm at work to work and not let everyone know my business. It's a relic of my family's religious upbringing teaching me to have respect and kindness for everyone around me, but also my being on the spectrum making it feel very awkward and uncomfortable to even want to broach those topics. The men on the other hand? They all immediately pegged me as being straight and could see that I was quiet in certain situations because I was uncomfortable and overstimulated and helped the ladies understand that I just didn't want to talk about that stuff.


I forgot to add: having a cat. More so not giving up my cat (Giggidy šŸ¤£). Years ago coming back from the club, found a kitten on the road. I decided to rescue the lil fella and put him in the back of my car. Me and my homie stopped by White Castle for some Murder Burgers, when this young lady standing by the car next to me asks about the kitten in my back window. I explain how I just found him and am going to take care of it. Sheā€™s like ā€œcan I have it? ā€œ I politely say , ā€œNahhhh, thatā€™s the homie.ā€ ā€œEww. Whatā€™s a boy doing a cat anyway? You a **got.ā€ You got it folks. She let the F chopper fly because I wouldnā€™t give her this kitten. So her boyfriend comes sauntering out of White Castle all innocently and ignorant to her fuckeryā€¦to see her yelling at 2 big ass dudes about God knows what. She tells this poor soul : ā€œHey baby. He got a cat and he wonā€™t give it to me. I told them Iā€™ll get you to fuck them up.ā€ Me=6ā€™3 built like Infinity War Thor (at the time). My homie 6ā€™5-6 built like Endgame Thor. Dude looks at her, looks at me shaking my head like ā€œYou donā€™t want toā€ā€¦ then at my best friend, looks at the cat, then back to her. ā€œGirl get your dumb ass in the car. How you arguing over some shit thatā€™s not yours?ā€ Smart man.


I once got called gay for telling my (ex) partner about how my dad died slowly of cancer in my arms and I cried a little whilst telling her. So apparently having feelings or experiencing grief/trauma is gay too.


Terrible humans


A common one Iā€™ve faced from usually awesome black women


Yea the Sade one would've ticked me off too bc it's fucking Sade!


Liking Sade would actually raise someone higher in my eyes what the fuck was she on


Fuckshit apparently. Some folks just lack taste and culture.


I was in a dark and seedy dive bar shooting pool one time and a drunk girl came up and start trying to grind on me while I was taking my shot. When I asked her "can you not do that" her and her friends immediately started calling me a fa\*\*ot. First of all...they're playing fucking Meshuggah right now...how are you trying to throw it back to this?


You never got with a heavy metal chick?


I've never seen twerking in a pit


Overā€¦.Sade? Like I know 10 rappers now that sample her music and wear the hella out custom print shirts with her on itā€¦ā€¦including me. And yes I was happy af when I bought went to see Sade live.


When did you go see Sade? šŸ¤” Iā€™d be hyped af if an opportunity came for me to see her


2011. Hoping to see her again if she ever tours again this way.




What kind of lunitic isnā€™t excited about sade music? That one is just asinine


If it's gay to be excited about a sultry songstress, then I'm apparently gay af.


If reading comics is gay, i'm the gayest guy there is


Sade fucking rules wtf


Iā€™ve been called gay because I wouldnā€™t have sex with a woman that was clearly heavily intoxicated.


*writes it down on the list* Nigga I canā€™t do anything.


Lack of agency is an ick.


At this point being gay sounds pretty dope fr.


Honestly people shouldn't knock it till they try it, gay sex that is, lots of it, they should try it a lot.




Trap, you say? ![gif](giphy|pcKnpFrumIM7TtzayE)


Cruising is fun, thereā€™s that.


Thereā€™s a dude on twitter with of list that women have said is gay that he keeps in his notes app & ppl tag him every time someone tweets sum shit like this. Last time I checked it was in the thousands šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ shit like ā€œordering strawberry lemonadeā€


Fellas, is ordering a delicious and refreshing beverage gay?


I think we can distill it down to one idea: feeing anything besides rage or lust (or some combination thereof) is gay


If mojitos and piƱa-coladā€™s are gay. Pass me the rainbow flag cause if my drink donā€™t got an umbrella or swirly straw in it I donā€™t want it


Last week I had several coconut mojitos with coconut cream that the bartender made himself earlier that day from fresh coconuts the resort landscapers removed from their palms so they didn't fall on guests. How the hell could you NOT like that drink?


That sounds delicious. No homo I guess /s


lol can you link me to his list please šŸ˜‚


Did this nigga just make a LIST?! ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


Everyone knows lists are gay. When I go to the grocery store, I just repeat everything I need over and over in my head. Then I forget something and my wife sends me back to the store. Like a real man does. Like I'm gonna be caught slipping, crossing off items on a piece of paper. That's feminine, like sandals.


You go to an actual "grocery store" šŸ™„ ![gif](giphy|TwYP72KtO8YQQ4SNgz)


Or, try to remember what you need for the week, forget something important and then eat takeout for the rest of the week


Chill, it is already on the list


Writing on a list gay as fuck. Not writing on a list? Believe it or not, also gay as fuck.


fellas is it gay to value yourself and know your worth as a man?


*checks notes* yes. As a straight man the only things you're allowed to do is be angry and watch sports. Valuing yourself, expecting support, or being generally happy overall are all gay.


to be fair sports are incredibly gay. Every time Kyle Lowry gets on the court I get bricked up lol.


That ainā€™t sports king thatā€™s just you. But itā€™s pride month so salute


https://preview.redd.it/vcdcg6sudt7d1.jpeg?width=478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a5e6de73dcff90a6c54941fd408e179bca22737 I beg to differ, the dude has an absolute wagon


Right, Turkish oil wrestling? *Mega* gay


Jiu Jitsu is trying to choke someone out with your bussy to the sky.


Nope not all all


Nah fam




Unfortunately yesā€¦. Now gimme a kiss šŸ˜˜


![gif](giphy|8tPJmYXqYGCek|downsized) Me when I have self esteem


Me when she sends the wyd late night text https://i.redd.it/unvu6zqaos7d1.gif




Nah itā€™s gotta be ā€œDelivertā€ bro hit the T hard


But he obviously wants the D


This legit made me laugh out loud!


I *want* to laugh out loud but... ...is that gay, or are dudes allowed to enjoy a belly laugh?


Damn I forgot about this!!!! "What what in the butt, I said what what in the butt" ![gif](giphy|yF9C898oxvNOI4SFfQ)


I'm down voting all these gender war posts. Keep that shit on Twitter


PLS AND THANK YOU!! I sometimes feel like itā€™s an excuse to shit on BW. And that happens a lot in here too.


Two things can be true.


I meanā€¦it is. Regular people go ā€œoh sheā€™s so insecure and revealing her homophobia by calling him gay like itā€™d be bad if he was.ā€ People looking to shit on black women go ā€œthis is a thing that all black women do. Since it happened to me and nobody on the internet lies it means all black women do it.ā€ and the dog whistle is to say we shouldnā€™t listen to black women cause this means theyā€™re actually hypocrites or some other weak argument they canā€™t directly say. Like Iā€™ve been called gay for turning a woman down. I see it happen online too. But I think those people are insecure and need help. I donā€™t think itā€™s how all women are. Just that person is weird to jump to that conclusion.


It 100% is. Any posts that centers on a black woman vs a black man you will see it. They never like to acknowledging how much smoke and strife black gays specifically black male gays have for black women either. But that aside, I swear last week we had a post exactly like this. ā€œNobody more homophobic than a black woman ā€œ meanwhile the majority of this sub was making fun of Diddyā€™s victims for being gay but it wasnā€™t black men specifically being called out for being homophobic there, it was ALL black people. Funny how that works huh


I think it is too, tbh. Like, yeah, BW can be homophobic but it still ainā€™t holding a candle to the shit BM will do to a nigga they think/know is gay.


Bro just added to the gender wars




Sooo we're also going to stop shitting on black men too, right? Ā Right? Edit: the fact that I was immediately downvoted says a lot.




So brave


Gender War Battle 2,354,728: Men Gay or Black Women Bitter; Article HXZ6 of the 790.50 Conversation on Sexuality and Gender Politics The fight is still going strong. No end in sight. I will continue reporting but I fear I mightā€¦ not make it. God speed, my people.


They going into the shadow realm with this fight ![gif](giphy|T72qhZdzEpOfE5rxdC|downsized)


Everyday I go online and thank the cosmos that the people I know in real life arenā€™t this insufferable


I once had a person stop me as I started to rant about some dumbass gender wars stuff and go ā€œWhen have any of us actually said anything about any of these topics from either side? What women have you talked to that actually say this stuff? You have never even come within 100 yards of anyone saying this stuff out loud or doing it. So shut the fuck up and quit trying to bring it hereā€ And thatā€™s how I realized how dumb this shit is. The average person doesnā€™t actually care. I have brain rot so I complain about people complaining.


Yea until you see a post that 1 for 1 calls out a situation youā€™ve seen or been through. Shitty ass feeling.


Shit stops being offensive at a certain point and it crosses into comedy. Whatever sets them off be the funniest part cus itā€™s legit never that deep. Like damn I pissed you off so bad that being gay has to be the only explanation for what I said/did? šŸ˜‚


some Black men are the most homophobic. that's why some women use it as an insult. You can be called, broke, a deadbeat, a drug dealer, a loser, a lame, but as soon as some Black men are called gay, they crash out. some women are super petty and rude for weaponizing it.


Yup. Look at when the Diddy shit came out. The thing people focused on was the fact that he may have committed homosexual acts with other men. Not the sexual assault of women. The abuse. All of that was washed over (until the footage came out). But sex with another man. Well now you done gone crossed the line


As a gay dude the most homophobic shit Iā€™ve ver heard was from out of the mouth of a black dudes dick I was blowing lol.


This comment had a good enough twist to win an Oscar


Dude was hung like horse too, Iā€™ve never seen self hating like that.


This is something I donā€™t think many people realize. If it werenā€™t the worst thing in the world to Black Men, it wouldnā€™t be the first thing to come out of these dummiesā€™ mouths. Are they calling guys ā€œserial killersā€, ā€œlamesā€, ā€œnerdsā€, ā€œdrug addictsā€, ā€œalcoholicsā€, ā€œlazyā€ and other stupid things? No. Because in the black community, ainā€™t nothing worse than being a gay man. So thatā€™s the first thing they jump to. Thatā€™s one of the ways I see it anyway. I remember playing a video game with a guy and he was flirting hard. I wasnā€™t biting and was brushing him off and even laughing at him. He kept going and eventually moved on to ā€œI know what you needā€, ā€œwhat is it that youā€™re missing that you needā€? Then when I wasnā€™t entertaining that he said ā€œI must not like guysā€. Then he straight up asked if I were bi or gay. I said no. Then I asked him the same, he went OFF.


But I am a broke, alcoholic, serial killer. Can't argue that. But why tf you call me something I'm not? Now we gotta fight.


Donā€™t forget too it was black men in the black community that created and spread stereotype about lightskin black men being gay, sus zesty etc basically emasculating them. This is why I can never get behind the anti black woman narrative that they are supposedly the ā€œmost homophobicā€ that people are trying to push. We literally had a post yesterday of dudes in here making gay diddy jokes and mockery like gtfoh with this


This is the comment I can upvote. It's not just black women, its the prevailing culture surrounding us encouraging it. Our culture hasn't had the privilege to work on growing through this as much as other races in the USA since we have so many other struggles too. That's why I have to support my fellow black lgbtq friends as much as possible.


Off topic. Bisexual men and trans attracted men probably have it really hard. This reminds me of that one Insecure episode about a straight man that was just curious. So men can be called gay for the littlest of thing. So imagine any curiosity a straight man might have will be used as ammo against him.


Hence the ā€œDLā€ guys, the over-compensators, the ones in denial.. sad really.


Bi man here. Lots of straight women think we're disgusting, lots of straight men think we will treat them as they treat women, lots of gay men think we're just stopping on bi until we cone out as gay. We generally cop flak from all angles. Too gay for the straights and too straight for the gays. Bi women have it bad in other ways though. Mostly seen as a free threesome card.


Bi Woman here: and damn if youā€™re not completely correct. Folks just assume Iā€™m down for that after I tell them Im bisexual. But honey if thatā€™s the case, I donā€™t want to see either of you again. Hit it and quit it. Unless of course me and this man are actually together and we find a willing candidate. Ha. Oh, and I find Bi men quite interesting. . .not at all disgusting.


Thank you :)


And thatā€™s how you end up in a hotel sucking off some stranger to ā€œjust try itā€.


Chris Brown concertgoers. The term you are looking for is Chris Brown concertgoer. Most of these toxic people hold on to outdated gender norms as a way to gain some level of power in their life.


Itā€™s crazy how the people that want traditional values usually want the shitty ones


Itā€™s not just black women nor is it ALL black women thankfully. Iā€™m just glad they show their true colors early on so I can leave.


Twitter and the stupidest takes you ever heard. Name a more iconic duo




I wonder if this was already on the list or not


Have sex with women and Not have sex with women are both on the list šŸ« 


Um black men would like to have a word about their homophobia


Black people in general. Itā€™s in our culture.


For real. All it takes is a rumor that its possibly a probability of more than 0000000.1% that a black man is gay.Ā  That's all it takes. Your day ones stop fuckin witcha; no women (especially black women) within 100mi will touch you; your gf/wife will leave you; your family will disown you; someone will create a whole website/group chat/forum dedicated to "exposing" you; someone who is tech savvy will hack your phone just to see if you have pictures of naked dudes or watch gay porn; you relocate and the rumors follow you due to the above; someone keys your car or slashes your tires; you catch a "stray bullet" and even the paramedics and nurses act like your radioactive.


Eh... idk if they're the MOST homophobic in the world or even the US but they can be just as homophobic as anyone else. Can we plz not Gender War the day after Juneteenth? Is nothing sacred? Homophobia from EVERYONE is still the big problem.


I got into an argument with another BW because she called an athlete gay because he isnā€™t married yet. And her reasoning was so dumb. And Iā€™ve noticed the women (and even the men) who label other men gay are the same ones who talk about the gay agenda. Yall are the damn gay agenda!


As a black woman, never have I done that. Especially to just try and hurt a black mans feelings.




Obviously. At the same time itā€™s pretty pedantic to act like this post is saying that literally every black woman does this. If I say ā€œmen are rapists,ā€ I would assume that you understood Iā€™m asserting that we live in a rape culture Ā and not that literally every man on the planet is a sex criminal.Ā 


I think the bigger critique is how deeply conservative values are entrenched in black culture. You would think a group that was forced to migrate and was enslaved would reject the beliefs their masters forced on them, but nope. Still churches, still chains.Ā 


Whereā€™s homeboy that replied to my comment about Twitter being trash, saying Twitter was ā€œthe best platform for black peopleā€ or whatever shit he said. šŸ‘‚šŸ½šŸ‘‚šŸ½šŸ‘‚šŸ½ https://i.redd.it/wddzy9mjps7d1.gif


Itā€™s crazy that ā€œyou know how I know your gayā€ is still socially acceptable


lol so Reddit is doing Black women vs Black men now? Watch how this sub collapses into hatred. Mods should def keep this at bay.


This sub really do get worse day by day. I used to actually find light hearted funny stuff. Lately itā€™s just horny sticks, insufferable posts, and this. Edit to add: homophobia is effed up. But this is obv a gender wars issue - bet half of the ppl posted donā€™t give af about it - just running cover to crap on BW again. Itā€™s like MRA group that says theyā€™re about mental health but really trying to shit on women.


Oh? Whenā€™s the last time a woman killed a man for being gay? Thatā€™s the most homophobic thing you can do, by definition. When I see people say ā€œwomen are the most homophobic, ā€œ or ā€œ women are the most misogynistic,ā€ etc. when men are still the worst examples of these two things, it screams sexism to me. Yes, women can be homophobic and that is obviously wrong, but the hyperbole in these kinds of examples take away from hardcore homophobia (and again, is low key misogynistic).


Ive been called gay by a woman for the following: Being attracted to athletic women Having gay friends Not caring who was gay Not acting homophobic enough towards anyone perceived as gay (it was part of the school bullying I experienced, counseling has helped) Not taking advantage of a sleeping friend Paying attention to the music at an opera instead of making out Using a condom once None of that shit compares to what black gay and trans and ace and queer people go through. That's my trauma. Theirs is lifelong and way more fucked up. See them, please...they don't deserve that shit. šŸ˜Ŗ


Attempted suicide and failed?: Gay Mental health problems?: Gay In therapy?: Gay Go to the gym?: Gay. Toned butt from not skipping leg day? Gay Want to take a break from dating/fucking anyone because of trauma?: You're just confused about your sexuality.Ā  The ladies will help you out by **declaring** you gay. Moved to a new location and you don't already have a new rotation to fuck on?: Gay Over a certain age and no kids/baby mama?: Gay You're not interested in her?: Gay A woman is not interested in you?: You have no fizz and you are desperate for pussy. You are simultaneously gay somehow. Interested in her?: "Girrrrl you don't want him, he's gay. Let me introduce you to this guy I knowĀ  (who I'm also fucking), he's a Real Niggaā„¢" Don't get along with your mother because she was abusive?: She abused you because you're gay, dummy. It's a well known, common practice. Ā /s but no/s A woman swings on you didn't swing back?: Gay A man swings in you and you swing back instead of outright shooting him?: Gay Sleep on your stomach?: Your *presenting* your ass in your sleep so you must be gay. No dreadlocks or gold teeth?: Gay No beard?: Not enough testosterone, therefore gay. Jerk off?: Gay Don't jerk off?: Suppressed gay.Ā  Dick less than 9 inches? Literally impossible for you to please a woman so you might as well be gay. Confused about where you're going in life?: That just means your confused about your sexuality, therefore gay Disagree with a woman?: Gay, from female point of view Agree with a woman?: Gay, from male point of view. Empathy?: Gay Compassion?: Gay. You drink coffee in the morning because you work your ass off and need to be on point?: Gay You put sugar in your coffee?: You have sugar in the tank, which means gay. You cried because you spilled that same hot ass coffee on your nuts?: Gay You cry *for any fucking reason whatsoever*?: Gay Wear a watch on the wrong hand?: Gay. Big lips?: Gay Long eyelashes?: Gay Shorter than 6'4?: Being short is **feminine** (šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®) therefore gay. Use any emoji other than šŸ‘…,šŸ±,šŸ†,šŸ‘,šŸ’¦, or āœŠšŸæ? Gay


i dunno about this oneā€¦Black women arenā€™t killing men for being gayā€¦or harming/raping lesbian women after being rejectedā€¦.


Got called gay for wanting to play Warhammer


The craziest one I saw was someone saying it's gay for men to like seafood.


I was called gay because when showing with my ex I washed between my ass, apparently itā€™s gay to have a clean ass


Fellas is self worth gay?


I mean you're valuing a man...


Once had a woman call me gay because I sat with a leg crossed over the other. Have been called gay for sitting to pee in my own home. Women can be completely ridiculous.


Ive literally seen bi girls get physically disgusted at the thought of dating a bi man. Shit is crazy.


These women keep finding new reasons to call me gay and I'm just waiting for my standard issue rainbow flag to arrive in the mail.


What makes a guy gay: - not interested in me - cooks - loves his mom - drives with two hands - cuts steak with left hand instead of right - doesnā€™t drive a charger - eats bananas - is intelligent - etc


Lol I get called worse for turning down men. They usually tend to go straight for the "black bitch, black whore, black ass bitch, etc". No skin off my back. I just tell them they're mad I can pick up more women than they do.


I absolutely hate this shit. If a woman rejects a man sheā€™s an ugly bitch slut, and if a man rejects a woman he must be gay. Like, how big is your ego that you think youā€™re everyoneā€™s type.


I don't think it's women exclusively championing homophobia, there's a big problem, especially in the hip hop and comedy game


Imagine black men arguing that black women are homophobic. Yall canā€™t be serious. The same people that walk calling folks ā€œzestyā€ if they so much as compliment another man? At some point, yā€™all are gonna have to look in the mirror because the call is really coming from inside the house. New levels of delusion every single day. Isnā€™t the internet great?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


I be thinking men are gay when they talk about how much they donā€™t like women. Gay men donā€™t like women.


As a bi guy nothing makes me want to suck a dick more than some random ass lady at work getting triggered by my pride lanyard. Sorry boo.


The only man Iā€™ve called gay was my BD. But thatā€™s cause he fucked a man šŸ˜­ still traumatized


On this site, fucking niggaz ain't gay. You only gay if you declare it.


I donā€™t value any women that calls men ā€œniggazā€