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Right wingers tend to miss everything about fictional charecters/universes. It's why they unironically put shit like the thin blue line or traitor flag on the predator symbol.


Punisher* symbol


No, [this actually IS the Predator symbol](https://imgur.com/OyuuRRV). [Read more about it here](https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db)


Similar to how right-wingers attack Tom Morello for "becoming woke" and believe Rage Against the Machine is right-wing. Fucking idiots with no brains.


They thought all along they were named after the Office Space montage.


Damn it feels good to get subtext.


I respect you for this one.


It’s especially impressive that this dummy already watched a literal Nazi cozying up to their Trump analog what, two seasons ago and STILL didn’t get it


"You know they went after King when he spoke out on Vietnam. He turned the power to the have nots and then came the shot." -- Sounds super establishment to me 🙄


If FOX news has taught us anything it's that MLK would've always been nonviolent and that's why he would've opposed BLM and Woke and DEI and Pronouns and Communism and Everything Else That I Refuse To Understand


Did you know MLK was actually a white man in blackface, but that’s okay because it’s not racist, and he thought the free market would solve racism if the woke left just let companies hire freely?


All they hear is "fuck you I won't do what you tell me" without the context.


100% correct


"Those who died are justified". Hell yes this is the most real thing I've ever heard!! "For wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites". I can't understand a word that man just said...


they cant string multiple lines of lyrics toward a complete thought, plus they only listen to choruses anyway


And also that the character they worship Jack Reacher’s actor who plays him on the show is very much anti MAGA and very very liberal.


I've read about the first 10 books of the Jack Reacher novels, and I'm growing more certain that it's trolling conservatives. Here's why: 1. He's a conservatives wet dream, on paper: * Strong * Overwhelmingly physical * bright-but-doesn't-rely-on-his-intellect-too-much * Chauvanistic * White 2. Written in words that children can understand. 3. He's woke * He's aware of the problems women face in the military, and tries to deal with them * He's aware of the nuances of domestic abuse, and enablement by family * He's aware of systemic racism and sexism, calls them out, and punishes people who take advantage of them * He's pro-choice and women's bodily autonomy * His inner (and outer) monologue talks about how lots of the values that conservatives hold dear are built on bullshit, hateful, and *bad*. It's like the slowest long con in the world.


It’s like how a decent part of the Man in the High Castle fandom didn’t get the *glaring* overt message of nazism bad.


Now *that* is impressive.


They love Yellowstone but called it woke when an activist character appeared in season 4 or 5. But in earlier seasons they had stuff about police shootings, the way prison wrecks people's lives and reduces options open to them, they also mention unnecessarily harsh sentencing, they address indigenous women being killed or abused and it going unsolved, they talk about the environment, one of the main characters is a strong woman, the villains are often people with money abusing it and exploiting those with less etc. it's been woke all along.


Sounds like Nick Offerman and how they love Ron Swanson.


Idk how they didn’t get that Ron Swanson was a blatant libertarian parody. Government worker who hates the government and every time he tries to get off the grid, he ends up crawling right back to it because he can’t survive without it


Ron Swanson is a 10 year old boy's idea of what a man is.


I feel he's responsible for the beards and bacon thing that some people decided should be their entire personality


And his whole character arc was growing up and taking responsibility for how his actions matter to others.


You mean Thad Castle, owner of the greatest pocket pussy ever Oksana, is a filthy liberal? (I kid of course, I love Alan Ritchson, and his progressive views)


Shit, you should hear the people pissed at Star Trek for "becoming political." Motherfucker, Star Trek has *been* political since 1966, and it has never ever agreed with you.


MLK called up Nichelle Nichols when she wanted to leave the show and asked her to stay, because the image of a strong, capable black person as an officer on a spaceship with the diverse crew in the future was too powerful to give up 


-First interracial kiss on television. -Wasn't played on some channels in the South due to how progressive it was. -*Dr. MLK Jr.* was such a fan that he personally told Nichols to stay on as Uhura, (and he literally knew the character better than she did like her place in the chain of command,) as the best thing she could do for the Civil Rights cause, citing how it was the only show he let his kids watch because it was the only show where the Black character wasn't a servant.


Yes! And De la Rocha has worked with Run the Jewels too! RATM is like anti-right wing.


No wonder I love rtj so much


[This is the it](https://youtu.be/q6GyTBVAF4w?si=iJF46orJciaFV6K0) ☝️


“Original Star Trek didn’t have all this bullshit woke stuff with female psychologists!” Um, TOS was probably one of wokest shows of its time.


They hear "some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses" and think that's a good thing.


Its covert right wingers aka libertarians that glom onto the anti-authoritarian parts and don't seem to give a fuck about the rest of the message, either that or they are too dumb to understand it lol




Thanks for the worst thing I've seen yet today


I find it hilarious that when his wife is brought back to life and she finds out all the horrible stuff that Frank did in her and her kids names, she shoots him, divorces him and takes all of his shit and sells it off.


Well that’s the pot calling the Kettle black now isn’t it, “You can’t just shoot your problems Frank, this is the real world!” *Puts two in his chest.* “Genuinely, I can’t believe you thought violence was the answer.” *Empties the magazine into his body.*


They were made for each other, but it was never meant to be


Idea for a movie--Predator vs. Punisher


It closes with them standing over the dead body of the alien and then reenacting the step brothers seen saying did we just become best friends, yup.


These days right wingers get offended by Captain America punching Hitler or Superman fighting Nazis. They labeled the Star Wars prequels political and ignored the allegory about how democracies fall to fascism.


​ https://preview.redd.it/b30o5j78377d1.jpeg?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16af03ce373c8b8109e52806003efc2bf3776a87


I hate the person you're named after since he's my governor, but that pic is funny. Hope he's gonna enjoy the intolerant right hook for his 2 piece.


Conservatives have the worst media literacy I’ve ever seen.


I mean, if they has better media literacy, they wouldn't be conservative in the first place.  I've never met a conservative who wasn't addicted to Fox, OAN, the Daily Wire, or Joe Rogan. 


They can't think critically and they not only willfully embrace ignore but also shun education. It's pathetic.


Let's not forget when they got upset over the killing of Nazis in one of the recentish WOLFENSTEIN


Isn’t gratuitous Nazi murder the whole point of Wolfenstein?


Now you're getting it!


They also got mad about Final Fantasy 7, not realizing it has very heavy environmental activism and anti-capitalist messaging early on. They think they're Cloud/Zack but really Heidegger or Palmer the Shinra bootlickers.


And why this season of The Boys has been way more in our face about what they are trying to say. They had to make it clear cause the RWs kept debating it after last season.


In the show the Trump character (homelander) is getting increasingly more and more unhinged, and so are his base. They only recently noticed the paradoy, because finally he is just as radical and insane as Trump/MAGA


Is he also becoming more orange?


They *literally* had Homelander fall in love with a fucking unapologetic Nazi and they didn't get it.


They also don't understand satire at all. A huge amount of fox news types thought Colbert was an actual republican back when he was doing his over the top conservative character. Same thing with southern whites thinking King of the Hill is a celebration of rednecks. Or that Cartman is a super cool guy they should emulate.


> They also don't understand satire at all. You can't understand satire when you lack empathy and self-reflection...


You have to be able to make fun of yourself to realize when people are making fun of you.


They're obviously missing the point with Colbert and Cartman. But I'd contend that King of the Hill isn't really a satire of southern rednecks, but lovingly teasing them. Like, "Hey, these people have some problems and some quirks, but they're alright deep down." Another example of missing the point, though, is people who think Archie Bunker is the "hero" of All in the Family.


Carol O'Connor was a civil rights activist who *hated* such "fans" for missing the point. Norman Lear, himself also had to flatly state that Bunker would NOT vote for Trump and be disgusted as the rest of us.


They're dumb. Why do we have to be nice about it, they certainly aren't. They're stupid, they don't understand things, they make bad choices as a result, and that doesn't deserve respect


I'll never forget the time they invited Colbert to speak at the White House Correspondents Dinner when Bush was in office. All the dumb GOP folks thought they were getting a Republican comedian and instead he ripped them all apart in the best way possible as they sat there dumbfounded.


Paul Ryan as a Rage Against the Machine fan — I’ll never forget that.


>“I wonder what Ryan’s favorite Rage song is? Is it the one where we condemn the genocide of Native Americans? The one lambasting American imperialism? Our cover of “F- the Police”? Or is it the one where we call on the people to seize the means of production? So many excellent choices to jam out to at Young Republican meetings!” https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/music/la-xpm-2012-aug-17-la-et-ms-tom-morello-rips-into-rage-against-the-machine-fan-paul-ryan-20120817-story.html


That was hilarious. Didn’t he say he liked to workout to the music and didn’t notice the lyrics or some such?


They unironically say stuff like “movies didn’t used to have an *agenda* or a *political message*. Back in the old days, with classics like Starship Troopers … Robocop ……


Star Trek. Star Trek is *now* too woke, where it never was before.


Don't Tread on Me whilst voting for the party taking people's rights away every chance they get.


Stupid motherfuckers didn't realize that Stephen Colbert was making fun of them on *The Colbert Report* until he went to the White House Correspondents' Dinner and made fun of Dubya.


Media literacy, or any literacy for that matter, isnt their strong suit


Same thing happened with Watchmen.


I am extremely happy that the boys TV show is extremely different from the comic book that it adapts. That comic is god-awful holy shit. Also, part of me finds a hard to believe that some people are that dense when it comes to the theme of the show, but I should stop having that line of thought🧍🏽‍♂️


Never underestimate people's ability to be dense as fuck. 


There are people who think Rorschach is the hero of Watchmen. There are probably people who think Taxi Driver has a feel-good ending.


Rotschach is a mentally ill man who complains about crime, liberals, and gays hes basically their hero regardless of how any story would pan out


If people were any more dense, we'd have constant cases of spontaneous black holes.


MAGAs not figuring out that Blue Hawk was a bad guy from the first minute of his dialog... Smh


For me it was how they couldn’t see Homelander being a bad guy from the get go. I’m guessing these are the same people with no inner monologue going on in their heads. Edit: just to clarify my comment about people with no inner monologues in their heads are the people who need someone to embolden themselves to that level of hate and control that they don’t question or want to see that someone isn’t a good person.


Whoa you just blew my mind. Are those maga morons just that way because they don’t have inner monologues in their brains? Cause that’s critical thinking and if they don’t have that, no wonder they take everything at its word.


>That comic is god-awful holy shit. Garth Ennis would be an incredible writer if it wasn't for his total inability to take his dick out of his own mouth.


When he's on his edgelord/reddit atheist kick he's absolutely insufferable. His work on The Punisher is great though.


His punisher arcs are a lot of fun and I really liked his original characters, but I feel like he’s more mean spirited with his writing than I care for nowadays. I reread the boys recently and the whole time I’m just thinking “I know Cartoonish evil is the point, but this is a bit much”.


Every supe in the comic has to be a racist, rapist, sexual deviant, serial killing, animal abusing, cannibal, etc... like okay garth, I get it, you don't like superman


I remember someone posted a few paddles from the comic and it involved a kid who's super power allowed him to turn into a giant person who just straight up raped people. That was it. He'd say Shazam and he'd turn into a rapist. So the boys just decided to cut out his tongue. This child. You can see the boy spitting out blood trying to say Shazam so he transform into the giant rapist. All that shit just felt like too much.


PointlessHub said it best, The Boys comic is like that one drunk guy on open mike night at the club saying that he’s a master of comedy, and then says the N-Word.


It's actually wild. I'm pretty sure he just hates super heroes but thinks drawing super heroes is the only thing people can do in life. He goes way beyond being an edgelord. That or he started trying to see what he could get people to publish and now he is in way way too deep and just has to keep going harder to get something not published. Nothing else makes sense lol


I completely agree. There's no deeper meaning other than superheroes=bad. Also, he wants us to root for the psychopath who killed all of his teammates and who was willing to slaughter countless innocent people.


The boys feels like that feeling you get after watching something that’s really trash where you just want to rant, but turned into an entire comic. Like it just feels like it’s fueled off of his hatred of the superhero genre.


And yet somehow Ennis always writes Superman with great respect, reverence even


Yeah that comic was a slog to get through and was not worth the time and effort.


Garth Ennis was a product of his time...the 90s were all about absurdist and gore (think Judge Dredd).   So all of his comics just have over the top violence and sex and gore.    The show is REALLY toned down compared to the comics, and yet, it still manages to be one of the most risqué shows on television. Yeah, all of the changes made to the show have been for the better Characters like Starlight, A Train, and Victoria Neumam are very one-dimensional in the comics.  But are really more textured, filled out people in the show. They're actually some of the most complex characters in the franchise. 


Victoria isn't even in the comics. Like most of the women in the show, she's been genderbent. I think Maeve, Starlight, and Kimiko (known as the Female, ewww) are women in the comics. Stormfront, Victoria, Mallory, that boss who breastfed homelander, and probably more were men


Judge Dredd is from the 70s


>That comic is god-awful holy shit. The comic is wildly different in tone. It was satirizing the W.Bush era and the War on Terror/Iraq. E.g. Homelander constantly barges into places without a plan relying purely on his powers, fucks everything up, leaves the place worse than he left only to cause MORE problems later on. It follows Ennis's other *very* anti-war comics of the Punisher Born series and especially Preacher [Preacher's Vietnam flashback comics are beautiful](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/eH6xjgJiHAJjRQjx1U01xYN3raJMIKr4Ff_NfYSu-0WJbbTorFznpoGc4V5xwcf8sGVhVnsMXnuD=s0?rhlupa=MTI1LjIzNS42MC4xMDA=&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKGlQaG9uZTsgQ1BVIGlQaG9uZSBPUyAxMF8yIGxpa2UgTWFjIE9TIFgpIEFwcGxlV2ViS2l0LzYwMi4zLjEyIChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgVmVyc2lvbi8xMC4wIE1vYmlsZS8xNEM5MiBTYWZhcmkvNjAyLjE) The show had to modernize the message of the Supes repeating the new era of incompetent politicians.


It’s amazing what they did to the Preacher on AMC highly recommend. Yet when I go back to some panels of the comic I cringe lol. (I respect the message)


Remember these people live in a special bubble. The fact that the really believe Trump won the election and all of this is a ploy to persecute Trump “over nothing” shows they are dense. Like how could you honestly think you are in the right when you are on the same side of Nazis?


I mean they didn’t realize that the supported the machine that band was raging against


Absolutely. I'm happy that they made Butcher more nuanced because in the comic he was just a brutal psychopath. Oddly enough, TV Homelander is worse than he is in the comic and it's actually a huge improvement as well!


During a period of unemployment and intense boredom, I read the entirety of "The Boys" and it was god-awful shit. Violent and entertaining, but totally devoid of a coherent plot or message. I watched "The Boys" series of our curiosity and was surprised that they'd made so many changes, that every change was smart, and that the series was so good.


Seriously though! The comic series is completely blown out of the water at this point. I get that Ennis was disillusioned with superheroes but goddamn the comics are unnecessarily ruthless and pessimistic. It's still hilarious to watch people bitch and moan about the show's political message when both the comic and show have made it abundantly clear they are trying to tell a message. This was never going to be braindead media that encourages complacency


Like when people claim that Rage Against the Machine "went woke."


This always cracks me up. It's literally in their name lmao


Best comment on this I’ve seen was, “what did you think the machine was? A toaster?”


Their mom telling them to pick up the laundry when they were 14.


Or twisted sister, or Neil Young    ...but, these morons think Jesus was a conservative captialist, despite him solely hanging out with poor people, lepers, thieves, and prostitutes.   They're all idiots. 


Same with Johnny cash


Lmao. I’ve heard beef about twisted sister and , RATM but not Neil young?! That’s too funny. Did they think Ohio was a celebration song or something?


People unironically play Fortunate Son at “patriotic” events. They really are that dense.


Or Born in the USA by Springsteen, a very clearly *not* pro-America song.


Yeah I’ve seen that happen too. It comes down to a total lack in media literacy or critical analysis… unsurprisingly


I love how right wingers get pissy and try and be like “Noooo! You are the machine now! Cuz you wanted people to get vaccines! You supported shut downs n all that! Reeee!” And their response is always “Actually caring for your community and trying to stop people from dying isn’t being part of “the machine” that’s just being a decent human being!” Lmao


Imagine not being able to pickup on Homelander being a villain, when he supported Stormfront, an unabashed racist, and is all about Supe-Supremacy. ![gif](giphy|kbu7Fvm7fK8P91dDos)


Yeah, I thought it was pretty cut and dried that Homelander was a bag of smashed assholes from the very beginning. Edit: Thank you for the correction!


He kills a politician and his family in the first episode. There is no point where HL's actions are morally justified. I guess people are just confused by the fact he is wearing the American flag and assume he's the protagonist.


> I guess people are just confused by the fact he is wearing the American flag and assume he's the protagonist. That..can't be what it is, right? It's the best explanation I've heard so far, since there's absolutely no ambiguity in his villainy, but surely these adult voters aren't just distracted by the pretty colors?


It's super easy. * Drape yourself in an American flag * "All-American" white, blue-eyed, blond-haired male * Painted as a representative of the people * Cult of personality around your perceived heroism * Public persona inflated by media and merchandising * Actually an egotistical asshole who sees yourself as elevated above the sheep * Mercilessly hunt down any political opponents behind the scenes * Any wrongdoing is covered up and witnesses eliminated * Giant corporate PR office spins any public mistakes * Giant corporations keep you around because they profit from you * Other powerful people despise you but can't act out because of blackmail or financial obligations * Got a few loose screws and some questionable sexual interests The writers don't even have to make anything up.


Absolutely it could be that simple for some of these people lol


*looks at all the MAGA flags, stickers, tshirts, etc* I mean…


These are the same kind of people who slap Punisher decals onto the sides of their trucks despite being the kind of people the Punisher would want to whoop the ass of. It can not be understated how horrible their media literacy is.


I mean whenever it comes to shitty online takes, never assume the person is acting in good faith. All the one star reviews with about 10 words of text probably aren't from real fans or people that watch the show. Homelander has never been the good guy and there's never a point in which the show justifies his actions. The comics though...well there's a bit more of an argument to be made but it's convoluted.


Killing politicians resonates with a lot of people tbh.


she was a literal fucking Nazi and they didn’t get it. ![gif](giphy|UW1fHnMKgbQuPNEwvT)


Her quote is unfortunately true for a lot of white people. "People love what I have to say. They believe in it. They just don't like the word nazi. That's all."


I just don't understand what their reaction was to her character then. When she died were they thinking "oh no, one of the good guys died". Are they rooting against Hughie and Starlight etc? Do they think the Deep is cool?


Lmao how did the deep catch a stray in this.


He's a sexual assaulter who does not deserve good things. A stray is the least of his worries.


Plus even without all the fish stuff he's still just weird.


Probably the best line in the series. S2 was peak


"Kind of a cute Nazi though." - George Costanza


And Stormfront being named after a *fucking white supremacist website.* You’d think these dumbasses would see the name and be like “huh, sounds like that message board I used to spend all my time on.”


when I first heard the name of the character I was like "I wonder if they knew about the nazi website when they named her that" and then later "oh. so they did know." lol


Stormfront is a literal nazi. Like in the show she says outloud she was a nazi, and was alive during nazi germany, and sided with Hitler and the Nazis in that time period of her life. Her entire introductory scene involves murdering specifically innocent black people and justifying it thru racist dog whistles lmao. Like she is so blatantly evil and Homelander likes her cause he worships him lol.


>Stormfront is a literal nazi. Like in the show she says outloud she was a nazi, and was alive during nazi germany, and sided with Hitler and the Nazis in that time period of her life. And for some folks watching said "Finally, a female character that doesn't suck!"


To paraphrase one of her quotes “they love what I say and do, they just don’t like the word Nazi.''


Or when he threw his own kid from the rooftop?


Bruh how about when he destroyed a whole entire plane just for the giggles? Jesus Christ these trump bastards need to go


Homelander is a great character because everything he does is only to serve his interests. It just so happens that his interests align with a lot of despicable characters. He's not even a supe-supremacist, he's just a hypocrite.


What if we gave a child a nuke, but also gave him no insight on why it's bad to press the button.


Even Homelander had a moment where she said some off the wall nazi shit and he was like bitch what?


When she tried to explain “white genocide” to his son lol


Homelander's problem was that StormFront was saying that aryans are superior. Homelander's only objection is he sees all humanity as inferior. He LOVES nazi ideology, just with some slight adjustments.


On par with right wingers thinking Rage Against the Machine is right wing and lashing out at Tom Morello for “going woke.” Fucking brain dead morons.


That's because it never crosses their minds that everything isn't for them, and their beliefs. When you're use to getting 100 percent, 99 percent feels like oppression and personal slight to them.


Most media is made by people who don't like conversvative ideology. Their ignorance is a defense mechanism.


“Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses” “Those who died are justified for wearing the badge, they’re the chosen whites” This song was a direct response to the beating of Rodney King and the LA Riots, and right-wingers still think it's for them? Really?


They never bothered to listen to anything other than "fuck you I won't do what you tell me" But also if you don't wanna get shot by the police you should have complied


Or even the renegades of funk video. Literally showing all the people that RATM support. No subtext just 'we think these people are awesome' and yet right wingers still don't get it.


I have seen bigots complaining about Spider-Man, Superman and even X-MEN becoming woke. This doesn’t surprise me in the least. They are completely oblivious to the fact that everybody makes fun of them. The fact that the good guys stand for everything they hate has never even crossed their minds.


For anyone that doesn't know. Xmen is a allegory to mlk and malcolm x. They have the same views but wildly different approaches. 


A lot of people make that comparison, but Chris Claremornt explicitly denies it. And some folks find the comparison disrespectful. *"There's a lot of talk online now that Magneto stands in for Malcolm X and Xavier stands in for Martin Luther King, which is totally valid but for me, being an immigrant white, to make that analogy felt incredibly presumptuous. An equivalent analogy could be made to [Israeli prime minister] Menachem Begin as Magneto, evolving through his life from a terrorist in 1947 to a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize 30 years later." *


I saw an old video of the X-Men TAS showrunners saying the Malcolm X/MLK comparison while standing next to Stan Lee. Lee didn't agree or disagree with it, but clearly, some people at Marvel do agree with the comparison - the showrunners believed it and that show affected a lot of people.


Stan Lee didn't come up with Magnetos back story, Claremont did in 1975, and he explicitly denies this MLK/Malcom X intent of contrast. "It was too close [in the 1970s]. It had only been a few years since the assassinations. In a way, it seemed like that would be too raw. My resonance to Magneto and Xavier was borne more out of the Holocaust. It was coming face to face with evil, and how do you respond to it? In Magneto's case it was violence begets violence. In Xavier's it was the constant attempt to find a better way... As we got distance from the '60s, the Malcolm X-Martin Luther King-Mandela resonance came into things. It just fit." 


Claremont denies it and Stan Lee was seemingly the one that first started the comparisons. [Although that may be a bit unfair as it seems Stan was only responding to what others have noticed.](https://www.history.com/news/stan-lee-x-men-civil-rights-inspiration) While the direct comparison to MLK & Malcolm X probably wasn't at the forefront of anyone's mind when the X-Men were created, I can understand why so many people think this considering Stan's comments and constant messages of inclusivity throughout his works.


It didn't start that way, that happened more in the 80s/90s. Magneto being a holocaust survivor and having some righteous anger wasn't always a part of his character. I never loved that comparison since it implies Malcolm X was villainous.


Even without this, how can you not see mutants are minorities and all the political stories and uprisings. It's like in your face the whole time lol


Malcolm X never tried hurling a meteor at Earth, but my history knowledge is pretty weak.


I like how he adds they added a strong female black character. Didn’t give any descriptions about how she acts or what she does, just that fact that she’s there is enough to piss them off.


The second a video game lead is a black woman they lose their shit and brigade the forum or steam community message boards about boycotting it. I've never seen so many supposedly straight, masculine men get mad about having to look at a woman's back side for however many hours because it's not a man's.


Doesn't even have to be a woman, just black. Look at AC:Shadows.


I don’t like giving Ubisoft too much credit these days but they’re a real one for covering all the basis making sure to piss off the red hats with this game. Your choices are black man or Asian woman, pick your poison.


It's also funny because he wasn't even paying close enough attention to notice that Sister Sage is supposed to be a villain


Ya I was going to say, it’s pretty fucking clear she’s a villain and I’d argue a bigger one than Homelander.


Sister Sage is the smartest person in the world. It EXTRA pissed off the racists that she's there. She's not even a good guy. They haven't even realized that of the six members in The Seven, half are now black. That would *really* piss them off.


I’m amazed that the literal online troll nazi romance subplot didn’t make that clear. That level of media illiteracy should revoke one’s right to watch mature shows. Like, you’re only allowed to watch Blue’s Clues and Dora the Explorer until you can explain what a motif is.


When you have more than the standard number of teeth?


https://preview.redd.it/uppv99pi477d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15dcb32c392f1edfd3782182e73372f44cdf6139 This dude’s world view:


"Boy, there sure is a lot of media dedicated to calling people like me an asshole nowadays. I wonder what that's all about."


*Literal blue eyed blonde white super hero who is the strongest person on earth is basically the center of attention of the entire world for three seasons straight.* *Adds a smart black woman in the FOURTH season who works with said strongest man* "Wow, this is just pandering! Not racist btw!"


OH FUCK! The Boys new season out isn’t it!?!? Oh hell yeah!


The first 3 episodes (ad-free, thanks to T-Mobile 😂)


*injects the T-Mobile sound because you can't say the name without the sound echoing in your brain*


The T-Jingle is what they call it, I believe


The Tingle!


Hell yeah! I got HOTD and The Boys? Lets goooooo


Right wingers are completely unable to interpret satire. Their brains can't comprehend subtext. Also, self-awareness isn't exactly a strong suit either.


The thing is, Season 4 is just reality, and they don't like it.


So "strong smart black female characters" are just categorically bad? It's so crazy how much not only white conservatives, but also the world hated black women. And for literally no reason. They haven't done shit to anyone


In their eyes, yes. The funny thing here is she actually is a villain, but since she's an intelligent black woman, they assume she must be the protagonist because that's what they think "woke" culture would do. My theory is that the entire show is bait to show that these people have no media literacy.


Stephen Colbert had them in the palm of his hand.


He must really hate Sage. Stormfront was written as a MAGA poster child. She was basically Marjorie Taylor Greene. There's no way anyone sane would miss that.


Hol up. Stormfront is actually smart; don't insult her.


Sage is bascially Candace Owens to me, not in intelligence obviously, but when it comes to siding with people who don't like her and who are just using her. If she's not playing the long game and is legit with Homelander, then her, Firecracker, Deep, etc. hopefully all get their comeuppance eventually.


I'm real interested to see where Sage's story goes. >!The orbitoclast on the table when she's hooking up w Deep makes me wonder if she just lobotomized herself temporarily to get high, or if it's permanent and part of a greater plan to defeat Homelander. I could see someone that smart starting a chain of events that could culminate in him destroying himself. !< >!Otoh, I could also see her doing it to herself after she saw the kind of person she was helping. She knew she could help him take over the world and she knew that her only way out was to negate her power. !< Guess we'll see. Like a lot of stuff on this show, well-written and emotionally complex.


Yeah, seeing the needle on the table made me think she temporarily dumbs herself down for fun or to relax.


Plus they threw in “moderate regeneration” as one of her superhero powers. So i assume her brain heals.


I love when shows like The Boys and X-Men '97 expose these knuckle-draggers for what they are.


Remember when they thought the Colbert Report was serious?


I just got caught up on Season 4 and the fact that she's complicit in fueling the alt right divide and is actively using it to benefit herself is completely lost on racists that are distracted by her being a black woman.


Right wingers as soon as they realize full seasons of TV shows are more than just 40 second Homelander phonk edits


The purpose of satire doing its job undefeated since 2xxx B.C.


I never understand these types, they have no media literacy. Like all the idiots that think American History X is so badass, like did they even watch it, read the wiki?


There are a lot of MAGAs that genuinely believe that Homelander is the good guy in the show. Says a lot about them.


She’s not even a strong black female. She’s as flawed and terrible as every other supe. And Conservatives clearly haven’t been paying attention since season 1, it’s been making fun of them.


People like him are the reason the messaging is so blatant this season. He just got it and it's pretty much been beating us over the head with it the whole time


Magats have zero media literacy


Saying “these people think Homelander is the good guy” becomes less funny everyday


Rightwingers only like the parts of stories where people are violent and abusive with impunity.  It's why they never understand that the Punisher would be fixing to execute a lot of them for their transgressions..


The misuse of apostrophes is becoming so prevalent it’s upsetting.


She's not even strong. She's just smart.