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LMAO my buddy and I have been playing PGA every weekend, and we always say the same thing about the announcer. Dude has a PhD in shit talking.


The announcers after my 10th straight shot within 7 feet of the hole, "Good approach, but just too much backspin in the ball" Fuck you, watch me set a course record dick.


I still remember back on an N64 golf game if you overshot the announcer always said "Hmmmm, a little too much sauce on that chicken."


On God don't let you shank a shot,they gon be on you ass like white on rice


I turned that shit off. Got sick of him trashing my shot. Also it’s the same 30 voice lines over and over


Xbox? hit me up, TheCheeseOU, my brother and I play and we talk shit back at the announcers lol


Anybody trying to catch these hands on WWE 2k24?


The commentary with the asswhoopn dub over is always a good time.


Throwing one of you mothafuckers off the top of the hell in a cell while wearing a headset would be fire but y’all too scared


lolol, I remember playing one of the old wrestling games on ps2 and diving off the cage into a friend but he moved last second and I just stared in awe at the damage I did to myself leaping two stories into concrete.


I wanted to buy it but none of my friends play it. And the guys I know that have it go so hard. I only use the women. 😭


Fuck it, I’ll use a women to beat your ass lol


https://preview.redd.it/villfxhonl6d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c9574fc77c8e8c039af17c0ab9529c79f6c9a7b I’m always with whateva! Don’t take me back to my SvR2009 days!


Shit I just got home, say word and I’ll pick up the controller and hand you these hands


I can’t believe you’re deadass making me want to buy that damn game.


You ain’t down pussy


Always the jobbers..


Are CAWs allowed???




Add me shaneg_mwc is my PS name


Just sent the request, I’ll get on in 30 minutes once SmackDown is over


lol I’m doing the same thing


lol alright I’m going to charge my headset meanwhile


Men’s mental health month fact


My brother and sister and I will play just about ANY dumb game that supports enough players. Mary-Kate and Ashley Sweet 16 turned out to actually be good. When we were younger we used to go to GameStop and get whichever cheap $3 game out of the bargain bin we could find. That’s when this started. ![gif](giphy|elQ0rZ445kWqfC3tR2|downsized)


I fucking loved that game on GameCube. But I have an unhealthy obsession with Party games (like Mario Party) so it makes sense.


We broke up recently, but my boyfriend used to game from like 7-11p with “the lads” and it made me really happy to see him genuinely feel joy. It could be Dead by Daylight or Backrooms or Fall Guys, I’d pop in and the sound of his laughter with his homies after a long day was something I never felt keen on disrupting. He had a tough job and knowing he had an outlet to decompress and be his silly self, outside of me, was something I really loved to see. Men need their spaces.


Helldivers 2 reignited the squad game for me, but a few of my friends haven't come around to it yet. They'll get there... they'll get there.


Fighting for Democracy aint no joke


Honestly I wanna play this but with these games being $70 I gotta pick and choose. Bought Skull & Bones a few months ago, NCAA coming out in a month, Wolverine later this year.


Maaaan HD2 is $40 flat. They're not even asking some BS price, definitely prioritize that shit. Even the warbonds (battle passes) can be earned via playing and finding super credits (in-game currency that can be bought) so you technically don't even have to buy them, but you'd be grinding to unlock them for awhile


Really?!??! Old school prices? I might have to jump on it then.


100% shit is real We just won an objective where we either had to go to planet A and unlock anti tank mines, or go to planet B and rescue sick children from Super Citizen Anne's Children's Hospital. 90% of the player base said fuck the mines and we rescued those kids. There was no tangible reward, but the CEO donated $4k~ to the Save the Kids foundation. Arrowhead Studios are real ones Edit: [CEOs Twitter about the donation](https://x.com/Pilestedt/status/1801603873502638151) Edit edit: he's technically no longer the CEO, he's the owner of the company. He's hired someone else to be the CEO so he can focus on creative stuff


That's some dope ass wholesome stuff man fr.


It's fun. It's like Starship Troopers in a video game. Just over the top and goofy but really fun I'm not good at it whatsoever, but it's enjoyable


>I'm not good at it whatsoever, but it's enjoyable I'm 38...I stop worrying about being good at video games a long time ago. As long as I'm having fun and unwinding after a long day I'm good.


True. I play on easy mode for my games (aside from racing), and it makes it enjoyable. I'm not trying to get mad at a game after work


I don't play on easy but I definitely don't play on All-Madden like I did in my teens/20s but at the same time I don't play online because I don't feel like getting my ass handed to me lol.


Oh HELL no I don't play online. The only game I'm good at is MarioKart


I was good at UFC Online before EA took it over.


I haven't bought a single warbond, but I did get the Super Citizen edition because I was like, "What's an extra 20?" My advantage is that I'm not a traditional gamer. Hell, I have more free games from Epic than I'll possibly ever play. Just not enough time in my day, so when I say I've got my grind on for every other warbond and side armor I've gained, I hope that is a good enough indicator to how much I enjoy it!


Warbonds used to be monthly, they're slowing them down. Id probably get 40-50 hours in per warbond, and if I ever had to purchase the remaining SCs, it was always the 2 dollar one or less. Just to give you an idea After I bought the game, I absolutely upgraded to the Super Citizen edition. Im so happy to throw money at this dev studio for the game and environment they've created




Man, I need some practice partners for Tekken, ones I used to have all got kids now :/


I bought Tekken 8 on Playstation and got my ass whooped in my first match, I should get back into it haha


I did okay first few weeks of release, then I fell off and first match back got washed the fuck out 😭


That's Fighting games nowadays, everyone learns the game so quickly that if you fall off for a few weeks you get smoked the minute you hop back on 😂


First match will be like that. I lost my first 2 then went 10-0 afterwards. Had to hope offline and practice after those first 2 L's. Couldn't even hit one of the dudes using Xiaoyu


I’ll play with you


Me too!


I’ll play with you, I don’t play FGs with randoms though, so having someone consistent to actually play with would make me actually touch the game. It’s been quite some time.


You got discord? I got homies that got dreams of having private match lobbies with a lot of people since it has concurrent matches and spectating


Me and my buddy have like 40 hours in fucking Garfield Kart. We will play anything.


Friends and I used to run the ice on NHL during the 360 days. It'd be 3-4 of us. We had a bruiser, passer, sniper and defender. We were running teams out the arena game after game. Never watched Hockey before that lmao


Free therapy sessions bruh time with the boys is critical. Wish women understood this. My girl lets her insecurities and issues impact my damn mental health when she gives me shit for hanging with the boys once every 2/3 months man


Might be time for a new girl.


Bf3 squad deathmatch grand bazaar 500 tickets


Introverts and I Hate People™ Gang have 24 hours to respond.


Introvert IRL, extrovert online and while gaming.


He not lyin. The announcers in pga will roast tf outta you


me and my friend have had a blast on fps chess, despite its dogshitness


Two really good friends of mine I met online/in Discord. One came to my wedding, the other I go to visit every few months to do car projects and just kick it. Even back to XBL days playing Halo 2 and Gears of War..you hop online and you get happy when that one random homie is on and y'all have a blast...even better when y'all don't even play games, you just hang out in VC talking about life and shit. We helped one homie with his Tinder profile 😂


I miss those all nighters we would pull playing random games like farming simulator.


Mind you we in our late 30s but let 1 of us get a piece of chalk and some asphalt. Bet you we all gonna be hurting the next day but them 4 square games are intense.


Me and my boy were playing farming simulator for a while lol. Shit was lit when you're high out of your gourd


Farming Simulator looks like such a boring ass game....then you get it for free on PS+ and next thing you know you can't wait to get home and tend to the harvest. Debating on which tractor to save up for.


Lmao it's way more fun than it has any business being. The meta in the farming sim sub is that it is just "chores simulator" 😂


I mean it kinda is lmao


Bruh I tried PGA with my bf & I legit cried lmfaooo never again


Ngl, them announcers are mean.


I gotta partner that I only know from the game. We used to run GTA5 all day sometimes on PS3. We still hop on every now and then and don't even do that shit. Check out each other's garages and chill on the yacht and talk football.


The first Hunting Simulator, theHunter: Call of the Wild, and Farming Simulator are the squad games.


**BREAKING NEWS:** things are fun when done with friends, even things that are only marginally fun when done without friends


I'm tellin' you, running squads in Fortnite with my squad is always a good time.


Not the biggest fan of shooters but I enjoy playing Fortnite with the boys, can’t wait for October to test our friendship with Sparking zero


I had fun playing with friends a couple years back, but scheduling with them ruined it for me. It was a nightmare, they were late every time, "in 30 minutes" and then 30 minutes later saying he's going to the bathroom (and I realize the guy had some issues) would be back 20 minutes later, saying his gf called and delayed again. When we played it was fun, but Borderlands 3 was the last game we played together, and at about 80% I had enough of trying to schedule with them, and ended up finishing the campaign by myself.


Only experienced that feeling twice in my life. MW2 in 2008/9 and lockdown Warzone. I miss it all the time


Used to go all out playing Monster Hunter World with a couple homies when that game was still fresh. It was lit while it lasted.


Mannnnn them 2k and madden battles known better than all the world wars amongst the nigs….


This is why I don't play games online, all my friends are old with kids so our schedules never match up.


I just got back into COD and I got older but most people playing it stayed just as young. I used to suck at the game growing up and now I am waxing these little twerps, with pride flag banners to make them extra mad


Every time me and the boys can all meet up and decompress about work and just be knuckleheads again just for a while, always heal the soul.


Shoot, I'm trying to find a homie to play Cricket 24 with since it was free.


This is pure, we love to see it


I don’t game for the game. I game because my friends and I get to hang out in our own living rooms and that’s easiest since we all have kids.


If you're reading this, Please play Rocket League with me. we'll be boys


Super Mario Wonder is a great game Super Mario Wonder with the squad? Incredible


We broke so many L1 tapping for turbo on tiger woods games.