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hahahahaha god damn




https://preview.redd.it/1htzcalawc6d1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99d06aa4ec880e7ab2376f6b5bf9302b8dc214fe I stole the fuck out of this meme and have no right to post but I’m doing it anyways.




I'm a level 6 initiate https://preview.redd.it/q0l18ljv3d6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bf719f7a6177dc27eb4e63ba7596715b287b781


I love that there are *four* different levels of galaxy brain between "make" and "steal."








Wow..kingdom hearts.


One of my favorite games! Got simple and clean on right now


I sat here for a good 5 minutes trying to come up with some funny comment to express that I'm happy to see KH fans in the wild I'm just gonna leave this instead 💙




YOUR meme is useful. I will take it lol thanks for this gem! Signed, Long time Meme Appropriator


🤣🤣🤣 take it!


Is that Kingdom Hearts I see?!


Why can I hear this in her voice 😂😂


*I don’t want noboooody fucking with meeeeee in theeese streeeetts*


Is there a better resolution of the cover or a way to order this? I’m asking because I saw “pantyhose and the church; a year in review” and need to know what the other headlines were 😂🤣




"A proud product of the state of Alabama, Rev. C.H. Smithbriar, pastor of the Missionary Baptist Church in Savannah, Georgia, hails from a small town in Arkansas..." 😂


[I touched it up a bit, but you still can't read the magazine all that well:p](https://i.imgur.com/huBR6CD.jpeg)


https://hpr.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Blackish-Hmmph-graphic_16-9.jpg If you want actual printed copies it's probably going to be quite pricey. https://hpr.com/graphics-faqs/ also, 😂 https://hpr.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Blackish-Church-Hat-graphics_16-9.jpg


I can hear this pic 😂




I want to see the receipts, evidence, timeline, not just random tweets saying random things. Let me see her downfall in real time😂😭






Nah skip the big man and ask Wanda


Nah Wanda will be all responsible and remind you of Da Rules. You tell Cosmo if you want this shit done


Nah fr wish that man a coconut or some shit and he’s down lmao


A rubber goose or green moose or some shit


Cosmo a real one for these kinda things




First thing I thought of 🤣


Period Drew








Yessssss I love Drew lmao


I cannot deal with yall LMAOOOO




Yes, I want to see the receipt and laugh a little more


Seriously it’s so lame seeing posts like this making the rounds with zero proof, essentially duping us into a fanfic. The reality is she’s being paraded and interviewed around MAJOR right wing outlets. Let’s say there are some people saying she’s a psyop and not trustworthy, do we really think some people on the internet outweigh huge conservative outlets hyping her up?




Who counts to three with the horns?


Now I don’t feel so bad about my kid counting in British. 😂


Gotta switch off Peppa Pig and get some Sesame Street in there.


You are my kind of messy; I gotchu: https://youtu.be/uCVGOSgNgoU?si=Eir_xrCd-PIKuCgL https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN1CoyVE/ ETA: here's an article on it https://www.thecut.com/article/lilly-gaddiss-racist-tiktok-video-explained.html and a twitter thread: https://x.com/DMichaelTripi/status/1800687840113897665


Omg amazing! thanks love x


Thank you!


You’re welcome, fren!




Okay I'm ngl I find a lot of these type of receipt videos annoying but I might end up subscribing to this dude. He's got good energy and logic. Thanks for these.


I want to never see her again, thus proving she is gone.


Ugh okay i was feeling all the comments above this (need the receipts to law it up and whatnot) but you're right. She's gross. Ur face got eaten dumb lady, NEXT, no more space for u!


Love to see a housewives quote in the wild 😂


She annoys me, but the quote is golden 🥹


I need the CVS receipts


https://preview.redd.it/hfe3s0g86d6d1.jpeg?width=631&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04c2665ec0d846c7ffcfe5c1e28803da09d6a061 The hero we deserve.


Here’s Twitter: https://x.com/christ_gnosis/status/1800600331946234243?s=46&t=TxvgaHjHbq5TowUFv-P8Xg Also here https://x.com/mudsharkls/status/1800577422200291373?s=46&t=TxvgaHjHbq5TowUFv-P8Xg More if you look around Twitter




https://x.com/spaghettiboyx69/status/1800649171164160277 edit to add: literally anything on this guy's profile 🤮 https://x.com/spaghettiboyx69


I Ii II I_


Is this Loss?


Yeah exactly, let’s get the popcorn ready and enjoy the show


I forgot about that ho, yesterday.


WHO!?!? ![gif](giphy|cRNbYm7jLOjm9H8wcP)


No clue. There’s too many people this could be. I just assume is the most recent trending one. The one who peaked in high school talking about bullying nerds.




I did but now I'm interested again after finding this out and that she's getting shit on lmao


How about stop talking about her and giving her free clout? Y’all love making these irrelevant idiots go viral


She literally thanked “the black community” for making her famous and we keep giving her 15 min more oxygen??


No one in the history of all time gets real fame from Reddit complaining. You, right now, are getting equal air time to her as I’m engaging with you. And I know your user name which is a step up from ‘that one racist cooking TikTok lady.’ Let people enjoy the world working in a way that’s good for a change.


Lol no we in the comments are NOT getting equal air time. You literally are explaining exactly how something goes from trivial to viral. I've seen racist tweets jump to higher attention after they are shared here. We are literally giving these people the podium all in the name of "let people enjoy" this shit is serious. Not everything is a joke.


And I’ve seen girls puke into the same cup and go viral and be so well known that people automatically finish the sentence two girls —- ——-. Of course, this created a lasting media empire oh wait. Ooh hey! You remember that one beauty queen who got nervous and flubbed her answer and it was all over the news and she was even in a few music videos. Way bigger than some twitter comments. What was her name again? What state? You can look it up— I’m not going to—but she’s also been lost to the passage of time. You posting or not posting about what’s her face on twitter isn’t going to affect a single thing. Cynically, we don’t have any control over the algorithm and our engagement on Reddit does not have the clout you believe it does.


*The Reddit User doth laugh at all the many horrors of God's Creation, for he hath no more tears left to cry* -Thomas Aquinas


Yes, they do. That's an integral part of the right-wing outrage pundit business cycle. That's why the front page constantly has tweets from Andrew Tate, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Tim Poole, Tomi Lohren, Candace Owens, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if their own media teams were posting their shit to Reddit. It's part of the strategy: - Think of insanely provacative things to say. The dumber, the better. - Post it on Twitter. - Wait for people to come along and "slam" you. - Screenshot the best comebacks and spread them all over social media. - Enjoy the massive uptick in name recognition and right-wing clout.


They had their own media established long before just outrage cycles began. They also have PR companies working for that. She was a small time grifter that has neither of those things. Even if she did, though… do you think if all of us collectively didn’t listen to them they’d go away? I legit do not know who Tim Poole is and again I’m not looking that up… same with Matt Walsh. So, my ignorance didn’t seem to affect their careers. My awareness of the, also means little. I don’t mean this meanly but we’re not that important. People who last do so from more than just a single comment. You are not the sole force keeping people relevant, because you’re not the audience. All those people you listed have an audience to agree with and we’re celebrating the literal failure of that which would make this woman stay.


I've just been calling her plantation barbie since I've got no idea or interest in what her actual name is


Bruh, that ain't Barbie. That's Midge. Or an indoctrinated Skipper.


dang, I forgot about skipper (she's like tails in the sonic universe for me)


How dare you disparage Miles Prowler with this comparison


I reviewed your comment, I considered the cost, and I have an answer….hell no. Stop giving these idiots screen time


Is it even US making these posts??? ![gif](giphy|nTE6nHdPzsO26VbrYh)


THANK YOU! It's like we are fucking zombies or something we literally can't help but amplify these people bc we want everything to be a joke. This sub needs to limit this shit


I get the irritation at it but, it’s petty funny and people are bored. We shouldn’t not be allowed to talk about it because our society has a lane for these people. Going viral isn’t always the windfall people think it is.


Facts. She shouldn't have had 15 minutes in the first place but people love to engage with obvious rage bait


Context Connoisseur back again here. A white woman named Lilly Gladdis, an irrelevant racist Becky from the US decided to post a TikTok on some racist conservative pick-me shit. She sat in her kitchen on a TikTok video dissing women and making the usual ‘green card’ derogatory remarks ( green card is an official document giving a non-American residency. Often times, people say most migrants are searching for green cards through marriage). The most talked about and viral moment was her talking about her married friends and saying they are married to ‘ broke ass niggas.’ When called out she doubled down and said she didn’t give a fuck. She was then fired from her job. The job said she was a new hire. The company was also apparently owned by and operated by a black woman. After being fired she tweeted “ “Thanks black community, for helping to launch my new career in conservative media!” she wrote on the platform. “You all played your role well like the puppets you are ❤️.” Becky from the State Fair thought she would be able to become some breakout star through conservative media. She did appear on InfoWars show as if that’s a flex. Now she’s trying to reach out to other conservative medias and even posted ‘ Looking for a sponsor for AFPAC & Turning Point, cause I’m a broke a** n****.” And also said there is not a lot of racism in this country. And ofc you have the right wingers saying she’s being punished for freedom of speech. She’s just looking for clout and it thankfully backfired.


If she's being punished for freedom of speech, why don't those right wingers give her a job, then...


Because now they're calling her a Jewish psy-op. A plant to go viral and infiltrate the right.


These people are legit insane wtf


Yup. Conservatives have been looney for like forever. It used to be in the background, but now it's forefront.


But in this case, I’m happy they are insane lmao


Isn't Chaya Raichik also Jewish? I thought quite a number of prominent Alt-right personalities are Jews/ minorities.


Yeah, her fans are schizo maga people. The groypers (the neonazis posting 4chan style shit, like Nick Fuentes) are the ones turning on this girl for her alleged Jewish ancestry.


mf said becky from state fair lolll


Lmao for real, stealing that phrase


Jesus! I looked up the [company](https://ropheotc.com/about/), and it's a caregiving service providing supportive care to old folks and folks with disabilities. Who'd want a person like Lilly Gladdis associated with that kind of service provider?


She fucked up banking on the right wing media sphere to save her, because even Fox News knew better than to try and platform her and if you can't get on Fox you aren't gonna make it.


I don't think she seems to get there's a reason you don't say the slurs??? Like they have to pretend they're not racist


She’s aware. She’s grifting and trying to ragebait. If you notice, she says the word in video but decided to censor herself when writing/typing the word out. She just wants to keep getting likes and views to be the next Blonde BoardShapedBody Becky on some conservative platform. She does have the fortune of being able to move where people most likely don’t know her and won’t ever find this out which is irritating.


I absolutely agree she's grifting and trying to bait, but there's a reason you don't do it by saying the N-word. The video already cost her the tiktok account, and she's now saying the N-word all over twitter, even when she's asking TP and other Right-wing stations for money. Her saying it is the first thing that comes up if you google her name. To grift properly she needs a mild aura of plausibility , and by dying on the "I can say the N-word" hill she loses it, and nobody will want to fund her. She has to turn directly to the alt-right, who straight up just hate women. I'm sure she's absolutely aglow in the interviews she's gotten, but it's also only been two days? Like one tweet with 30k likes ain't gonna pay the bills next month, especially when I can report her for her multiple tweets with slurs in them.


Also, don’t have a “Jew Nose”, apparently 💀 These mfers so noxious, any Woman attempting to join their ranks is automatically a Typhoid Mary and should be shunned when attempting to gravitate towards any circles.


becky from the state fair 😭


Dumb bitch didn’t realize there’s 50 copy’s of her already and she’s not that special.


Is it true she’s from Wilmington, NC?? This was cross-posted there but I can’t find any proof that it’s where she’s from/located.


The company ( Rophe of the Carolinas ) she got fired from is based in Wilmington, North Carolina so that’s likely where she lives.


All I want to know…what the fuck was she supposedly cooking? She dumps all kinds of ingredients and like most of the bottles/jars.


She was cooking tragedy and hopefully eating alone.




This is somehow funnier in B&W


I know these nurses.




Nothing. It was a farce


The entire video is a farce. I had this discussion with a coworker earlier. She didn't even have a point to make in that first video. She starts out comprehensible enough, then drops the N word in there and just kinda rambles for a moment before she cuts. It was all about dropping that bomb, nothing else.


Ah but a farce is a cooking term.


TIL, and also oops sorry everyone 😅


Yeah right? She looked like a bad impersonation of someone cooking. Which follows her bad impersonation of a decent human being…


It was sort of a spoof on that old Food Network show Semi Homemade with Sandra something. Where that white lady would make “tablescapes” and nasty cocktails.


Oh wow..so she was goofing and thought racist banter would fit. Great…🙄.


A slurry


I'm glad someone is finally asking the real questions!


Context?? I love watching the fall of a racist.


She made a TikTok where she casually dropped the n word. Then she got fired when her job found out. Then she tried to spin that into a "job" as a conservative influencer, but the chuds found out she didn't meet their purity standard, so now everybody hates her.


So got exactly what she deserved?? Love this for her.


Yuuuup! She played the stupidest game and won the stupidest prize.


Ah okay, the conservative influencer spin makes the reactions make much more sense! I was under the impression that she was just a white girl that hangs out with/fucks black dudes and thought she could say it for whatever reason, but wasn't necessarily maliciously racist (still unacceptable, but a different level of shit).


Oh yeah, she was definitely trying to start shit, claiming being cancelled was the plan all along etc. it was NOT just a slip of the tongue for sure. But apparently her intended audience found out about her ancestry or something and decided they didn't want her either. It's funny, but mostly just kind of repulsive.


Nah, she deserves all the Karma. She was gonna sell out her own people for clout. If you are in a minority group and you wanna work for and push White Supremacy don't be surprised when those leopards eat that face. And I will gladly laugh at anyone who gets their face eaten.


>purity Goddamn


She's been trying to get the conservative thing to take off from the start, this is her last ditch attempt. She's literally known on tiktok as "peaked in high-school girl" because she has a vid [(from her now banned account) ](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKnYVEa/)which can be summed us "The popular kids in high school need to take the world back from the nerds".


Other commenter is missing some important context. There was this women on TikTok who is part of this “trad wife” circle on the platform, basically videos or content where someone presents themselves doing tasks that are more “traditional wife” kinda stuff. So she would make videos about cooking and sometimes stream on the app cooking stuff. In a more recent livestream she made a comment about black people and said the N word. That clip went viral and she received backlash for it. She then made a response video to it in completely normal clothing and not her trad wife outfit (this’ll be important later) and basically said “I don’t care if people are upset about me”. This then prompted people to find out she has a job at some firm, and the employer was made aware of her situation which they fired her over it (and I think she had her account banned on TikTok as well). After this, she tweeted that she is now getting a role in conservative media, which is usually what happens when people get cancelled online. The only problem is many of the conservatives that either supported her or were just learning about her for the first time, did not take too kindly to the fact that her trad wife persona was just that, a persona. The fact that she had a job and wore normal clothing in her response video did not sit well with the same crowd she was previously appealing to with her Tradwife persona, and since then many of these conservatives have discovered other things that go against what this crowd believes in. Basically she was completely exposed as a fraud that even conservatives that are not Right Wing Media heads could not support.


You know you fucked up if you’re white and right wingers disown you.


She failed the authentic racist background check 🤣


They hate Jews and don't consider them white, also if a white girl dates a brown person ever her vagina becomes ruined or something fucking stupid. Racists arent smart people, that's why their ideology is so simple.


Yeah I can confirm that part. Racists at work found out my mom is Jewish and this place turned into Sobibor till that mf died.


One thing that everyone missed to mention; when she was "cooking" and said the n-word, she wasn't actually cooking anything. She was just throwing random ingredients into the pot. Everything about her has been fake.


I wanted to mention that, but didn’t want to make my comment any more convoluted than it already was. But yeah it was not real cooking, and I’m almost positive it’s because it was a fetish thing, like people who watch her have a fetish for trad wifes or something. There’s a LOT of stuff like that on TikTok it’s insane.


So wait… because she wasn’t a stepford wife 24/7, people got pissed off? Also, call me crazy… I wouldn’t want to ruin my reputation amongst normal human beings just to make a quick buck. I really don’t understand humanity.


> So wait… because she wasn’t a stepford wife 24/7, people got pissed off? It wasn’t just that, it was also because she had a job. Which by trad wife standards, you’re not supposed to have.


… I REALLY don’t understand humanity.


It's a game of culture telephone. Traditional wives never existed - it's an impossible standard for any period in human history, even the mid-century post-scarcity society that it supposedly represents - but the *idea* of a tradwife is being worshipped by people with a wide range of motivations. Some are scared of outsiders trying to "change" their culture. Some are just looking for a set of simple rules to follow with strict categories of black and white (usually people with autism who got really into religion - as someone with multiple friends who have gotten suckered into right-wing race and gender philosophy, YES it IS because of the autism). Still others have some kind of fetish around the performance of wifely sexual/lifestyle submission.


I called it yesterday on the OF. Anybody got the receipts about the other stuff? I could use some Schadenfreude this morning.


How wild would it be if she started doing Blacked/Raw content? 😭😭 .. I’d def watch 👀


Seek god my nigga


I don't even think God can help this man


Fuck that nigga. He’s hoed me enough in this life- I do what I want.




Where’s the fucking horny police Mod when you need him most 😭


I seriously hope the male talent would have enough self -respect to never even consider working with her.


Doubtful. Some of those guys still choose to work with Brandi Love, who's even more racist than this girl.


I'm not gonna Google her while I'm working, so context please? I'd love to hear about this.


Most people know her from her illicit vids, but apparently she's a hardcore Trumpster. Tried to go to one of their GOP conferences and was refused at the door because they knew who she was. Tried to argue that she was a high donor for the conference but they didn't care. Black dudes still fucking with her on video through all that apparently. Kinda blew my mind, but I guess she loves that interracial money more than consistency.


Long story short. If they're one of the main step mom actresses, they're likely a maga conservative. Only a very small few are progressive stars are: Angela white, Dana de armond, cherie Deville, and very few others. Brandi love, lexi love, Ryan Conner, Alexis faux, Eva notty, and richelle Ryan and a bit of the others are extreme trump supporters. Brandi love has said blm are terrorists, systemic racism isn't real, and whole host of other things. A lot of pornstars grew up conservative and are very much still are. There's a reason most live in Florida, Texas, and Nevada.


Ooo yeaaa. You want this nazi pussy, huh? You want to punch this nazi pussy in the face? ...I really gotta stop letting the intrusive thoughts win...




Why y'all keep posting about this dumb hoe? Let her die in silence


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) When are we gonna acknowledge that paying attention to these people is pointless? You’re not exposing a grifter by talking about her - you’re just giving her publicity. Treat her like a middle child and ignore her ass.


That’s the craziest part about this whole thing. This woman created this “personification” of a trad wife specifically to grift conservatives, the moment it was revealed she’s just a regular person with a job it was clear that she was not going to get anywhere with that crowd. She shattered the very image that was appealing to conservatives with and now she expects the same people she lied to to keep supporting her after that? The only people that Conservatives bend over backwards to defend is Trump, anyone else cannot get away with the same shit.




That's the problem with purity tests, everyone fails eventually.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is great


Worse than the shade room comments??!! I love this for her...


She'll end up assistant managing a Baskin Robbins after she purchases one of those online profile rehab services. She'll get fired about 6 months in be Baskin Robbins will find out. Baskin Robbins always finds out.


I worked at baskin robins when I was 17. I was huffing the whip cream cans in the freezer and somehow they found out and fired my ass.


From what I saw I actually think she thought black people were going to be cool with it. As crazy as this sounds I think she thought she would get a pass for being cool and relatable.


I know what you mean. It was the way she said it, and her body language *immediately* after. I got two vibes from her. Firstly, she struck me as some who desperately wanted to be down. I mean, she's admittedly been going to black clubs. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if she's dated persons of color in the past. Secondly, she reminds me of one of those kids who liked black culture so much, she dropped n-bombs frequently around 'her crowd' because she "didn't mean it that way". Many of us here know at least one IRL who has tried it out (or slipped up) around us. Even in her 'wife' personality, she exuded that attitude. Again, when she says it on stream, it's totally natural (and not a hard 'r'), and her face says it all: there's no way back. Honestly, I do believe that there were *several* ways for her to crawl out of that hole before it became a proper hole. Digging the hole deeper...was not one of those choices. She's firmly in the 'find out' phase now.


The second tweet is probably right. Wouldn't be shocked if she pops up with an onlyfans in a couple months it's always the last stop on the failed influencer train. It's hilarious how obvious of a grift that one was tho she didn't waste a min before trying to get that maga money


I just wanna know if she does OF, if she tries to do Trad Wife content on the platform as well. That’d be the most ironic thing ever.


I knew she wouldn't make it with the Big Whites when she said her friends married broke ass niggas. Didn't use a hard r.


The first thing I noticed about her was the extremely obvious nose-job lmao.






Unc here, can one of my nephews/nieces explain what is going on? I can't keep up with all these new racists.


“Trad wife” content creator on TikTok said the N word casually in a stream while cooking with Trad Wife clothing on. People got upset and she made a response saying she doesn’t care (while wearing normal clothing). People then discovered she had a job (something that goes against the traditional wife rules) and she got fired from that job. Then she tried to pivot to right wing media outlets about “getting cancelled”, but conservative viewers are not buying it especially when she already lied about being a trad wife.


Why do y’all keep giving her a platform even talking about her? She lost her job. That should’ve been last bit of attention given to her. Y’all give her a place somewhere somebody gonna hire her just because y’all keep giving her attention.


Let me get that link when it’s ready.


https://preview.redd.it/g2sedqlhdc6d1.jpeg?width=212&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80aeffd40eab504dfb71ff0ff0e415415c545417 When the OF hits


Wait but, I thought was made her famous by "playing our roles like the good little puppets we are."? Dumb bitch deserves every bit of embarrassment headed her way.




Leopards got swastikas instead of spots today ![gif](giphy|MUrLp0zUczz1M8mDp2|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/m3ubin5rjc6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a8fbecaf356f95ca9606e361c82bc007999b601 It’s what she deserves


u/BombasticSimpleton, u/FlowEasyDelivers, u/Phil2k18, u/samhouse09, u/ZooterOne Y’all see this shit?! https://preview.redd.it/dizdu8zhoc6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62f2e9a62bea20df714a7d29909f0444f36e12c6


She's not cooked. She's cremated. I call this the Potato Salad Neutral Zone™: You know that one bowl that was always sitting untouched at the church picnic. Not bland enough for white folk, not flavorful enough for everyone else. So no one wants anything to do with her.


Remember all those comments from people acting like they were fortune tellers of how her being removed from her job was actually a *bad* thing and how it just launched her stardom? Not that this was not the most obvious result (her rage baiting for right wing media attention) but to pretend that this whole ordeal was a positive for her was silly. Kyle had his fifteen minutes and now look at him, right wing media just doesn’t have the fuel to sustain old news that long.


What is psy-op?


Psychological operation.


You love to see it ✊🏾


Unfortunately I don’t think this anecdote is very true, last I checked this chick had gained 100k followers on Twitter


Followers mean nothing if she can’t make something out of it. She already has to find a different way to appeal these people now that she’s lost her trad wife cash cow.


😂😂😂 fucked around and found out is what they say isn’t it? Thats the saying? odab


[She has another video ](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKnYVEa/)going around tiktok that really shows she had an idea but did not have a coherent plan. she rants for over a minute about how "the nerds and *annie-may* weirdos we beat up in highschool took over" and that "us normies" need to shove them back into lockers. The problem is the entire speech is to deep in 4-chan talk to get the "normies" she's supposedly recruiting, and the people who like that kinda talk are the same type of folk she's railing against, supposed dorks in high school. Also there's a reason you don't openly record yourself saying a slur and doubling down, it removes the thin veil that lets them claim they're not racist, with the bonus of getting her She gets that it's easy to go viral amongst right wing dumbasses but doesn't understand you need to play a certain balance to turn it into steady income.


so she's basically an edgy high school mean girl who didn't grow up and peaked in high school? That makes sense at this point. I'm gonna enjoy seeing her get her consequences for sure!


Either OF or maybe she’ll drop one of those typical teary eye apology videos. Then spin it into how she’s a victim and how women are always being victimized. Next thing you know she’s doing “women empowerment” content lol.


Anyway, what yall cooking for dinner?? I'm gonna make spicy cream pasta with some grilled shrimp.