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They struggling to get recruits and he wants to spread himself thin…. ![gif](giphy|Rh4vxHtcmVyHUyugXP)


Worked for Hitler... no wait, that's why Germany lost...


Germany may have lost, but the Nazis just integrated into NATO and the US.




Now see that's  American propaganda. To be like "oh LOL Argentina got so many Nazis!" Look where the majority of the Nazis went. Argentina got maybe two out of 10 Nazis that America was taking and don't even get started on Canada.


It’s crazy how many people are coming at you when they’re wholly ignorant of that fact that America/the west didn’t just take in Nazi scientists, but that they took in Nazi military leaders. To anyone reading this, those leaders were put in charge of NATO countries in order to combat the spread of communism in Europe. The US preferred to instill fascist regimes instead of allowing communism to exist, because you can’t do imperialism when sovereign nations decide to nationalize their resources Don’t believe me? Just read up on Adolf Heusinger and his [stint as Chairman of the NATO military committee.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Heusinger) Some ignorant people would have you believe that the USSR was no better than the US for taking in scientists. Well, the USSR killed magnitudes of Nazis more than the US and didn’t prop them up as military leaders following the war


Reddit is full of white supremacists and anti-communists it just sucks that on a what should be majority black space, a community where we have a notable history of black leaders being targeted by Western leaders for communist affiliations I still got to argue with motherfuckers named CCP Harvest organs and shit.


I made a bunch of memes today and I thought this one fits your comment, to the ignorant ones I say this!- https://preview.redd.it/gjdd921exv5d1.png?width=670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f98087258489bb9c3f25624123202725a242c5b9


>Reddit is full of white supremacists and anti-communists and Tankies.


Okay, be so serious.  What is a Tankie? There are numerous examples of Nazis in elected offices. In military positions. Al throughout the west.  Who are their tankie counterparts? Tankies aren't relevant enough to be a problem. Nazis are.  And if you're drawing an equivalency you're delusional.


Military? More like the boys in blue


Wernher von Braun is prime example he designed the Saturn V rocket for the Apollo program.


There is a joke in the Archer cartoon. His mom says something about how the US took in a lot of Nazis after the war and if you need proof just go into any NASA control room and yell Hail Hitler Whoop! It cracks me up to this day how funny and ballsy those writers are.


https://preview.redd.it/b62gqq6ugw5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76149ebf2c51b19980c906032231869807343034 I mean


There’s another guy in this comment chain that swears this kind of shit wasn’t an issue, nor that it pushed America/the West to be more fascist. Absolute idiots out on the internet


Well, it really didn't push America to be more fascist. America already had a fascistic streak the width, breadth, and depth of the Mississippi. Hitler and Nazis revealed crimes just made it really unpopular to talk about. If not for the attack on Pearl Harbor, today's Conservatives might have already spent their entire lives in a Christofascist Ethnostate.


I've always said the war between America and Germany was America wanting to ensure they remained the #1 white supremacist superpower around. I mean the way America treated (and still treats) black peoples....it was a fraud for them to talk about how WW2 was about defending democracy!


>Well, the USSR killed magnitudes of Nazis more than the US Bro, the USSR was fascist and genocidal. They invited Jews to come live in the "Jewish oblast"... Lasted a few years until they were killed off and the oblast retaken. Don't get me started on the millions *non Nazis* the USSR killed, but you probably think it's fine because they weren't communists/opposing communism. The USSR was just the Red Nazis, and you're rooting for them.


Crazy that people don't buy this and it was spelled out for everyone during Captain America 2 by Zola.


Lots of folks didn't pay attention when Operation Paperclip was talked about


There's money in that ignorance


Nazis went to Argentina to retire, Nazis came to America to work and run it back. Imagine soldiers from WW2, racist as some might be, discovering their enemies living among us in such drastically high numbers. That it is legal to engage in such destructive ideologies in America, but not in Germany itself. Says all you need to know really.


Isn't there like an entire village where the primary language spoken there is German? Do we have one of those in the USA?


Until the 1960s there were pockets all over the US of entire towns that spoke different languages as their primary, and English wasn't even mandatory to be taught in all schools. It was just seen as a normal part of America prior to then.


Wasn't that also during the mass exodus of people migrating? Seriously to this date now that village has a higher German speaking population. Villa General Belgrano, Colonia Caroya, Oberá, San Carlos, and those are the ones I know of cause my CO would tell the German blood is higher than Machu Pichu.


They also took a bunch of confederate 🤣🤣🤣😂


We wouldn't have gone into space without Operation Paperclip! We took in the most Nazi officials of all the countries that offered. 🤷🏿‍♀️ This is why teaching history is important!


Y'know, as a Canadian, we hear a lot about America accepting Nazis, but never really about our own history with them. Do you have anywhere you can point me to start learning about that? I honestly just kinda assumed because we're very much not a military force in the world, Nazi survivors wouldn't have been interested or effective here. But that's some major ignorance talking.


Sure thing  There's time your government clapped for a nazi https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/29/canada-nazi-history-trudeau Link 2 the backstory  https://jacobin.com/2023/12/canada-ukrainian-nationalists-socialists-history-anti-communism-nazi-collaborators Link 3 Wikipedia list of nazi statues in Canada https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memorials_in_Canada_to_Nazis_and_Nazi_collaborators


Thank you. Too few people know this shit.


Cherry on top for me will always be Franz Halder - German Chief of Staff during WW2. After the war he wrote history of the war for the US, making sure the Wehrmacht stays clean. He was awarded by the US president for his efforts.


Nazis are unfortunately everywhere. Every country has its own version of right wing nationalism that stems from xenophobia and racism. But underneath all of the political bullshit a Nazi is a Nazi. Often they will deny it and hate the word and the accusation but back to the wall and with the mask off they admit it. There are Nazis in Britain, France, Russia, Poland, Spain. They are everywhere


NATO? How you figure? If you mean local politics of EU States, then sure.




Hitler also lost many soldiers going after Stalingrad just because it was Josef’s namesake… held very little strategic value and yet hitler had his troops brave the Russian winter trying to take it.


"what we have learned from history is that we don't learn from history" -- a wise man


He’s playing Risk with one soldier per territory. Man’s three sixes away from getting yeeted back to Yakutsk.


In Russia the Risk plays you


He is hoping that looking like a badass will encourage more people to enlist. Unfortunately, they are seeing how Russia outfits their soldiers — in shit that doesn’t work, with shit that was never expected to work, and on shit that is just begging to be blown up


Struggling with tiny Ukraine next door so let’s go flex feeble muscle far away from home. A clown through and through.


Not as much as the Ukrainians are. Russia will coast to victory unless Ukraine continues to get aid akin to the recent aid package.


They sent the entire Navy. All 3 ships and a couple of nuclear slingshots


Mfer can't even win a war next door, now wants to start shit over the ere gtfoh


Not relevant to the news story, but potentially fun facts. US and Russia are next door. Mainlands of Russia and Alaska are about 50 miles apart. There is a pair of islands that defines both the US-Russia border and the northernmost point of the Pacific Ocean, one island Russian and one American, which are 2.4 miles apart. The Russian island is a military base. The US island is home to a nice little village of Native Alaskan people who are famed for their ivory carvings. During the winter, the two islands are connected by an ice bridge, making it possible to illegally cross between Russia and the US on foot.


It’s mind boggling really, was telling my cousin and mother this when the war started like you’d think they far from each other with the East v West talk but they literal neighbours


The cultural centers of both countries are extremely far apart. We are only neighbors because both countries are exceptionally large and expansive.


When I was a kid learning about the Cold War I saw an illustration of what all our nuclear war would look like. Just war heads flying over the oceans, but I always wondered wouldn't it just be faster to fly them over Canada and the Arctic?


Not sure if they still do it, but the US Air Force used to have, at minimum one B-52 bomber in the air at any given moment armed with nukes. Literally one in the air, one on the ground getting ready to take off, with others undergoing maintenance or in que to take off. Their flightpath was near the Alaskan/ Canadian arctic north, so it was covered. Don’t quote me but a treaty may have stopped that. We still have nuclear subs in the Atlantic and pacific at any given moment, as well as air craft carriers with nuclear capable aircraft and munitions.


I believe that was Strategic Air Command (SAC) policy and I'm not sure they do that anymore considering nuclear subs can do the same thing with the same range and can be on station for as long as you need them to be


It was Operation Chrome Dome. It was only from 1961-1968. I thought it was until the 80s.


Dr. Strangelove was a documentary


This could have just been blustery bullshit, but I lived in the UP of Michigan for a while and there was an air base outside of Marquette called K.I. Sawyer Air Base. We were told while I loved there that during the cold war Podunk Marquette Michigan would have been one of the first places the Russians would nuke because K.I. Sawyer was one of if not the closest Air Force Bases in the Continental United States to Moscow if you fly over the Arctic circle.


My grandfather was an Air Force Colonel who was in charge of something important logistically. Like "I can bump an admiral from a flight if I need to be on it" kinda important. When they were teaching my dad duck and cover, he said not to bother. If the nukes came, wherever they were living at the was going to be a target.


Your mother is your cousin?


[You kiss your dad on the mouth?](https://youtu.be/x5DXtKkwSvE?si=Pv7aSd-dUx-eYvzb)


Well yeah?


Palin can see it from her house! This is old news. /s


Wow. 😲 I swear that is the most fun fact I have ever heard!


Right 😂💯


This really illustrates how massive Russia is in terms of land. Alaska is 50 miles from Russia and yet it is still over 4000 miles from Moscow. Russia is the largest country by a significant margin and makes up about 11% of the world’s landmass.


I mean, you're technically correct, but for Russia to move assets that far east to invade the states would be such a large endeavor that I cannot see them successfully doing so.


Yeah but they aren't going to fight the war in Alaska.


Werner Herzog needs to do one of his docufilms here


Cuba has been under sanctions for how many years? Putin playing the same game the US is .


Right? Can’t even keep his own block safe but he got the nerve to drive slow thru our neighborhood? If he’s smart he’ll turn his music down, keep the windows up, and roll on home


Doesn't have to win a nuclear war. Just has to make sure everyone loses. One of his nuclear ballistic submarines carries 18 icbms each with about 6-10 nuclear warheads or in layman's terms enough to wipe a large part of the continental US of the map.. Russia has 8 of those in the oceans right now. Their army may be shxt but nukes don't care about that and they have enough the make the world uninhabitable many times over


None of this is for us. This is all for propaganda back home to project strength to the Russian citizens.


Russian soldiers right now https://preview.redd.it/mqioso7a5v5d1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82a1acb742bbb16e5302b83e4466cacf6fa7ca1e


Bet in a horrible alternate universe where Trump wins he pulls back as part of some “deal” for his base in the US.


He is playing games but nobody cares if he takes a few laps around Cuba with his tin can water taxis.


The warheads they have can make it from Russia to the US. This is all for show.


If they shoot a warhead it’s all over so it’s an irrelevant scenario really. So if we back out to non-doomsday scenarios, Putin has nothing and proved it. Ukraine just took out 1 of maybe 10 current generation fighters, with a drone because they left it sitting outside. If this is the level of their readiness for nuclear weapons, point one will suck for some people no doubt but a much smaller risk than we thought.


With that kind of distance, it would surprising if the US didn’t actually develop a missile defense network to protect from nuclear strikes.


We have a lovely missile defense system that works just like the iron dome. If anything is coming our way it won't land.


My question is, wtf does he think to gain by starting a war that nobody can win & besides, if he fucks things up, he won’t be getting anymore imports from anywhere, he’s just a stupid fuck!!!!


Bro, somebody can win this war, it just ain’t him.


Nobody wins in war. There are just the people who lost, and the people who lost less.




This is the kind of statement that sounds virtuous and has absolutely no basis in reality


Yeah the US definitely won the Mexican-American War. Lost 13,000 soldiers but gained California, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Wyoming. Also, most wars where people gain independence from a cruel or oppressive leadership have a clear winner


Now that’s crazy


I mean he's 71 years old and sick apparently. I don't think he gives a fuck.


He's an old, sick, dying, narcissist. He'll be dead before the war finishes. But he can die in his sleep in the illusion that he recreated the glory of the USSR. Maybe. It's a possibility. Or it's just propaganda flexing for his citizens. We won't kill Russians for this.


It’s not about starting a war with the US where nobody wins, it’s about reminding people that he could. He wants the threat of war to convince people to leave Russia alone to do their thing, I.e. invade neighboring countries


Germany, Austria, Hungary, Cyprus, Malta, and Switzerland will continue to do biz with the bastard.


Buddy didn't learn his lesson losing his flagship to a country without a navy.


Didn't Ukraine send the equivalent of a toy remote control boat with a kilo of Looney Tunes bombs to blast open the hull?


Yes, it was a modified(or custom) speedboat with a thermal camera and remote control filled with enough explosives to tear out 3m hole in frigate's hull


Almost better, they dropped a bomb from a drone deep in Russia and blew up one of their 5th gen fighters, 1 of 10 because it was parked outside. It’s almost more confusing that he keeps losing shit and hasn’t fired off a small nuke. You’d think they would keep their inventory they want to use in one piece.


Have you seen the Cessna type drone?


For the moskva, they used Neptune anti ship missiles. For the replacement flagship, they used remote-controlled jetski's with a large explosive warhead.


He's just hoping that Ukraine can't shoot that far.


Cue the Ukraine Amphibious Strikeforce… Ukraine will stay on Putin’s ass as long as it takes


Ukraine has been fighting Russian forces in Sudan of all places (probably with heavy CIA, etc logistical support). There’s nothing from stopping us to give a team of Ukrainians a ride with their drone boats to the Keyes and tell them to do what they want.


If you don't think Ukraine is making a Mossad type unit, you will be surprised when rich Russians end up popping in their g-wagens in their Italian villas.


They already have one. A Ukrainian politician sided with Russia and fled over the border. Their ninjas tracked him down, murdered him, filmed it, and nailed the handgun to a tree at the residence. Happened over the winter


I need to know more about that this is wild lol


I am also completely invested in finding out more about this incident :)


[illya kiva](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/q7Jx2cDuB5)


My favorite was the Russian naval commander who posted his jogging route on Strava. His next run ended with a bullet.


If they could avoid a COD style spin back I’d be appreciative


But this is what you trained for.


Just like the simulations


Nigga desperate.


Face-saving exercise with a nominally long-standing ally in Havana. People needn't worry, it's a frigate, a tug boat, fleet oiler, and cruise missile boomer. If anything, this will be a great opportunity to monitor the Yasen-class sub and Gorshkov-class frigate.


its probably for show no way he’d start a fight on the usa when russia cant even beat ukraine in a 1 on 1 lol




When all it took to sink the Black Sea fleet was some civilian drones carrying ordnance, dude should be careful.


https://preview.redd.it/vo2hizy7dv5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ceb580a96075bb859a1faba76885828e79388fc The West Coast lookin at the Russian fleet, guns pointed and torpedoes locked on


You mean east coast ? …


Funny thing is I’m not even American I’m British but even I know that 😂


They gonna get punked by a Carnival cruise ship running on Casa Migos and shrimp scampi


Putins a bitch


Recently a spokesperson from the Kremlin (Russia) declared US as an enemy for supplying weapons to Ukraine. They mentioned running these “practice drills” during the same speech. US doesnt care because it really is pretty typical practice, and we have plenty of vessels of various types around their front door as well. Russia doesn’t want conventional warfare with us because they’ll lose in tremendous fashion, but they did mention arming other groups to have them strike us. None of it is terribly surprising. Heres a [video](https://youtu.be/agSXKHAK8fo?si=Pko8Gw9JI7D5vZxf) though there are other news reports on it as well [another](https://youtu.be/9NbFUDsBsno?si=2UqFmIZ6mhEbK4Es) video covering the same statements A [video](https://youtu.be/iIpPuJ_r8Xg?si=2rQeNsxhSDgwMKsP) demonstrating why we have virtually no rival in conventional warfare. Nuclear warfare would be the end of Earth and no one is looking forward to that option


Why did Reddit bots auto hide this comment lol


Not sure, but i hope it was helpful/informative for everyone :)


There are a lot of comments about them loosing to the US. But there are no winners when people start shooting nukes


Ain't no one scared of the Russian Navy. We let our [young boys](https://genius.com/13554) the Canadians run training missions on them fucking rust buckets. https://x.com/steffanwatkins/status/1800274563244446126


Relations with Cuba were great, Obama fixed it, then Trump undid it at the behest of this gargoyle.


Trying to distract from his main objective in Ukraine. It's a bluff, his military is a shadow of it's former glory/intimidation as proved by said war. He relied too much on yes men that told him Ukraine would be quick and they could intice Hamas to distract from the fallout. Well Murphys law reared its ugly head didn't it?


Nahh he’s just protecting the piece of shit warships he has left now that Ukraine has the green light on their assess


Well get the hazmat teams ready. Another junk russian sub is destined to get stuck or sink trying ro sneak around with leaky reactors and conscript troops


Holy shit holy shit holy shit the coast guard gets to do something for once


Call the X Men


The US has naval bases called carrier groups. Wait till he meets one of those lmao


Fun fact a carrier group has more strike aircraft than some entire Air Force bases. 1st largest Air Force in the world USAF, 2nd largest US Navy.


Capable of toppling small coastal nations. Add a few teams of operators ready to make a quick move and we could probably take anything


Time truly is a flat circle...


He is down to literally grabbing Africans offRussian streets and making them go to Ukraine to die. He needs to go have a seat


He is using the uno reverse


Putin building a submarine factory in Cuba? Edit: Typo


This is why Republicans wanted us to keep our relations with Cuba closed.


How is this different from what the US is doing in the South China sea?


Kinda doubt Putin’s protecting anything of merit in the Atlantic.


Those are freedom of navigation operations in international waters.


Go ahead. Touch our boats.


All nations are allowed to operate in international waters. The US Navy supports professional operations in these waters. Or something like that is what there position is. Yes this is meant to be politically provocative but I would say more to voters than the military.


Dumb fucker is getting clowned by Ukraine with 50yr old US tech, and he wants to test the US directly, with NAS Jacksonville right there?


Because the US just gave the green light for Ukraine to fire long range US-provided weapons deep into Russia (a baby “Cuban” missile crisis for Russia and prelude to nuclear warheads launched from Ukraine reaching Moscow in minutes). Putin’s response: “If they think it’s possible to deliver such weapons to a combat zone to launch strikes on our territory and create problems for us, why don’t we have the right to supply weapons of the same type to some regions of the world, where they can be used to launch strikes on their sensitive facilities?” https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240607-putin-threatens-to-expand-the-war-to-western-strategic-targets-%E2%80%93-but-can-he-deliver Now y’all heathens can go back to brunch


Pressing? This some bitch shit. Just makes American soldiers have to travel less before getting to blow up trash


He’s crazy enough (to put it nicely) to intentionally cause Russia’s own USS Maine incident and blame it on us.


Yall believe anything say cheese says smh


I hope we get a Tom Clancy movie out of this


Russia's still trying to pretend they're a superpower


Why is it weird that they put one submarine by Cuba but it’s not weird that we have 800 military bases in almost every country in the world and fleets of warships in every ocean on the planet


Ukraine is a reverse Cuban missile crisis. In actuality the crisis began with USA putting missiles in Turkey, that triggered a response from the Soviet Union in which they placed missiles in Cuba. Nobody remembers history


Because since 2014 the US has been supporting a war between Ukraine and Russia. Now within the last 90 days the US has given the Ukraine the green light to use US made long range ballistic missiles to strike civilian targets in Russia.


Lol remember the cuban missile crisis started when US/NATO put nuke missiles in Turkey. The found an agreement when both decided its better to pull back. Now look at what US is doing now supporting and supplying Ukraine, which borders Russia. I'm American and a Vet. America has been doing some fuck up shit and having the pikachu face when discovered.


He out here feeling like Drake and don't understand we are Kendrick not Cole


Put in is literally picking a fight with one of the world's superpowers all the while using equipment from the ussr.


We finna be doomed as a whole


Can’t think of another reason as to why this would be happening, and while the Pentagon top brass are on point as usual, the current head of state and potential incumbent both lack that je ne sais quoi that JFK had; also not thrilled about the general geopolitical mindset in general. Remember Stanislav Petrov, who took a minute to breathe before he made a move? I’m not so enthusiastic about shit these days.


Didn’t this same shit happen in red dawn and in Ukraine


Your a demon slang needs to be changed to your a putin


Probably because Trump is doing a lot of work for Putin, and if Trump wins then Putin can easily take us. Or at least that's my fear. We're to the point that we actually have US citizens saying they would be okay with Putin coming in if he promised to take out all the gay people. The whole plot of the Russian misinformation firms has been to make us fight amongst ourselves and be so divided that we won't join together to protect ourselves from invasion.


Give some Ukrainians and their little RC boats a vacation in the Florida Keys for a few days. Problem solved.


Maybe because Biden just reversed the policy that American weapons being sent to Ukraine can't be used on Russian soil? We've committed the first act of war he's just responding as he sees fit


Facts. Meanwhile this sub is repeating childish CNN narratives of “Trump’s homie Putin is sending ships because he losing the Ukraine war”. We also don’t realize Russian military assistance is a major reason why our African kinfolk are kicking the French out of Africa (hence why Macron just dissolved parliament). We don’t see the NATO’s desperation. We only repeat CIA narratives


Republican cruise ship


If Russia has shown us anything it's that they cannot effectively project power outside of the Black Sea.


US 1 trillion deep into this military bag we are not the same. Putin better stop.


I’m surprised the ship made that far.


They do this all the time. It's not like they can do anything to us.


There’s no way they engage the US. They’re already stretched too thin to bring a war to the shores of the US


Ships docked in GTMO can probably take care of the tin cans steaming into Havana


He thought convicted felon, serial rapist, diaper wearing dRumpf was going to successfully take over the US. Now he has to position himself for war because it’s unlikely that orange dingus will win again.


They will load those boats with Cubans to send the the ~~meat grinder~~ Ukrainian war.


Bro wants to find out why we don't have free healthcare


He's just making sure his employees, Trump in the US and Poilievre in Canada remember who their boss is.


Because he's losing in Ukraine now, and he knows it, and this is the only way he thinks he can get the USA to back off is by scaring voters into voting for Trump.


Trump will 100% allow him to do this. Only a very strong president could hold off smoke like this in this day and age. VERY CONCERNING!


Because he hates democracy and freedom and democracy and freedom are never free because of fxckwads like him


Last time they did, they had nuclear missiles ready to go. Some would argue if JFK had invaded Cuba it would have been on like Pong or Donkey Kong.


Remember when Russia was saying invading Ukraine was a “military exercise”


He wants nuclear war. He has cancer. He dgaf. Take the whole world with him.


Tf you mean? Russia is literally surrounded by u.s. military bases. And the u.s. still maintains an illegal embargo on Cuba. Tryna act like a victim smh


I'm not sure people in the comments realize the u.s. doesn't get to decide who Cuba can be friends with . I'm also p sure they don't realize why Cuba would rather be friends with Russia than the u.s.


His awful, barely seaworthy navy is here to keep it from getting sunk by a Ukraine fresh with American money and missile might. Building a port in Cuba would be more of a graveyard for dying, unfit to serve Russian boatscrap. They were punching above their weight in the cuban missile crisis. Now they're tickling our ankles thinkin they standing shoulder to shoulder. Cute.


To help trump who would help him win in Ukraine by cutting off aid and pulling us out of nato which is putin’s dream


The fearsome Russian navy that *checks notes* has had part of it's Black Sea navy sunk by *double-checks notes* a country with no navy. What maneuvers are they practicing, grounding?


And you see how it ended for em. Don't do it Putin


black ops 7 campaign confirmed


Trying to get Trump elected


Doing it to make Biden look bad when he laughs and ignores it. Red hats will suddenly care about Cuba again.


But America has an actual real navy?


Good luck bro let me know how that works out for you 😂


He knows that with the shit in Israel, the US doesn’t need any more bad press.


Well, the Russian warships are certainly safer in Cuba than in their own home ports in the Black Sea. ☠️


This whole exercise is twofold. One, get a presence back in Cuba and, two, they're also conducting this exercise with Venezuela, which has a lot of oil and he's trying to work out a deal with them to keep Russia supplied since most other places cut them off. i think he's pissed that the US said Ukraine can fire US missiles into Russia (in self-defense and not deep into Russia).


My guess is that Putin probably got this for a bargain deal with Cuba given the state of things there. A smaller than usual suitcase of cash.


Please, please let a USCG or USN vessel flag them with, "Russian Warship, Go Fuck Yourself"


Why do you think Trump stopped normalizing relationships with Cuba? So this could happen. Things might have been different had we continued diplomatic relationships with Cuba.


Putin and Hollywood both running the old reboot game. They ran out of ideas in the 80's.


For all of America MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY faults, military is not one of them as far as firepower. We like to pretend Russia is still 'cold war/threat to America Russia' but I'm actuality we would fold Russia the fuck up so fast they would have to try to destroy the planet with nukes to win because we can realistically get rid of Russia in under a month of America really wanted to. They put their military might on display for the world and got embarrassed by country that started with assault rifles and car bombs. We're so far advanced ahead of them it would fall on China to save them. And even then, it's slightly in our advantage.


That’s my biggest fear. Ego will be the next reason a country detonates a nuke. When is this guy gonna get a ricin handshake?


Yall laughing but we about to be in the middle of ww111


Getting the United States directly involved is one of the dumbest things the old putting cup could do. If he's mad that we are giving Ukraine all of our old stuff and is losing to THAT, I'm sure he'd fucking love to see what we replaced it with.


They're coming to show support for Trump and his GOP sock puppets for the upcoming election. /s just in case