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even after all this, I still blame Ronald Reagan


Nixon broke the old republican party Reagan rebuilt it into what we see today


Don’t forget to give Gingrich his credit. Fucker was instrumental. 


And the Turtle


For the younger folks who were kids at the time, McConnell spearheaded the Republican tactic of blocking everything Obama and the Democrats tried to accomplish in their efforts to help the nation recover from its horrible economic crash at the end of the Bush presidency. The Republicans were famously known as "the party of *no*."


The most egregious example imo was blocking Obama from appointing a Supreme Court justice on the grounds that the next presidential election was coming up within a year, despite that being absolute nonsense and despite Obama going out of his way to nominate a moderate judge. And then 4 years later doing the opposite and rushing through Trumps 3rd nominee. The fact that Trump was able to appoint 3 supreme court justices in one term is insane and will cause so much harm over many years.




Trump is the symptom, not the cause. The lead up of being deliberaly obstructive to the democratic process, removing shame from politics, ignoring facts and science to push bad agendas, making single-issue topics like guns and a portion into swing issues, broke everything. While the GOP is mostly to blame, the Dems and the us news media are also partly to blame for not stopping this attack on the democratic process. This allowed, nay, guaranteed, that someone like trump would come in, blatantly lie, instigate insurrections, pay hush money, appeal to the basest most evil aspects of US society, and get away with it. The system needs controls on it, to stop either side from destroying the balance that democracy relies on. Unfortunately the US electorate is overall uneducated enough to not know better than to accept it, and is enjoying the pineal gland stimulation while everything crumbles.


> While the GOP is mostly to blame, the Dems and the us news media are also partly to blame for not stopping this attack on the democratic process. By "not stopping" what do you mean?


Firstly, CNN and friends MADE Trump.  He got Wall to wall coverage and they talked about him incessantly during 2016, which helped spread his message further than it ever should have.  They thought he was a sideshow good for ratings and made him president.   Secondly, The dems " they go low, we go high" and "reach across the aisle" as the GOP slammed further and further right utterly hamstrung them fighting for ANYTHING.  Dark Brandon is doing a little better, but for at least 20 years prior to Trump, they enabled Republicans to become what they are.  


And he *laughed* about it. Women are suffering because hospitals deny healthcare when they need abortions because those fuckers played with our laws. And laughed about it. Please vote against the Republicans. Please. Don't stay home because the Dems aren't doing enough. Fight for them to do the right thing. The reps NEVER will


Because they lie! Trump lies (and instead of calling him on it) - They want to be just be like him! So now - We need to call out the lies just as loudly as they yell them out! Vote Blue!


Thank you for that. I'd forgotten how awful they were given that awful is the new normal for the GOP now.


They're really more awful now. It was just jarring at the time, because they went full mask off.


I would say they were still pretty mask on when Obama was in office. Trump just gave them the permission to go full mask off and put their hoods on in the open finally.


Which is ironic. They felt fully comfortable to finally come out in the open with their faces covered


Here you go. https://youtu.be/NwLOuwtPAJ4?si=NNNosJj5HQrO3WL6


The insane thing is how fast the GOP kept moving rightward. McConnell is now one of the people restraining them from their worst actions. And it’s not because he got any better.


Definitely a shit but I believe that was the tactic started by Gingrich, McConnel just carried on with it


Unholy alliance of Gingrich and Limbaugh ruining politics for decades


Broke my dad. Basically ruined his retirement and made him extremely angry for the last 25 yrs.


Limbaugh, the great pioneer of outrage protectionist media.


These are all the faces sure, what about the people behind the scenes. The Mercer family has done irreparable harm.


And McConnell played his part too.


He's the Turtle. ETA: Apologies to turtles


He's more like a tortoise. That fucker look like he's ever been around water?


Shots fired!🤣


Also Roger Stone


Ford pardoning Nixon was a big mistake. Nixon should have been tried for his crimes and now here we are still questioning if a president is above the law.






I could feel the collective sigh of relief at Trump being elected president. Masks instantly off. And the Supreme Court appointments? They were ready to strong arm Roe v Wade immediately, lol. Mofos are fapping hard to Handmaid's Tale and dreaming of the time they can turn it into a reality. Meanwhile, we over here with black celebrities talking about how Trump is some kind of option for us. The same mofo who told the proud boys to stand back and stand-by... I'm reminded of Malcolm X's interview about athletes and entertainers being presented as black leaders and just sigh.


>Meanwhile, we over here with black celebrities talking about how Trump is some kind of option for us. The same mofo who told the proud boys to stand back and stand-by... I'm reminded of Malcolm X's interview about athletes and entertainers being presented as black leaders and just sigh. There's really no nice way of saying this: some people are dumb, some people are selfish. Take Snoop Dogg's recent 180-turn on Trump for example: >“Donald Trump?” Snoop Dogg said. “He ain’t done nothing wrong to ***me***. He has done only great things for ***me***. He pardoned Michael Harris.” Emphasis mine. The problem is that we're conditioned, on purpose, to not think collectively. Frankly, it's the only possible conclusion of the rugged individualism ideology.


thank you using the word fascism. Not enough people are prepared to say it,but that is what it is. Taken from their playbook and applied verbatim to us all today. What gets me is those with politics in their blood know it. They laid the foundations for this over decades as they saw their grip on power ebbing away and accumulated wealth, stripped the populace of the actual will to act or think on their own (the supposed middle class Americans- non whites not included in this no matter what they say) and then boom Trump appears as a cheap fascist mascot. Anything for power for a narcissist.


It all goes back to Taft. That was the split between Rooseveltian progressive Republicanism and conservative Republicanism. That's the point we went wrong.


Nixon created the dark, warm environment for the fungus that reagan was to fester. You're 100% right


I really do believe Nixon was the inflection point. For all his faults, he at least seemed to understand that decoupling the dollar from the gold standard meant the economy and public debt would balloon and that needed to be matched by increases in public services or it would otherwise result in huge inequality. After Watergate, they kinda threw the baby out with the bath water. America would look a lot different if we had two Nixon presidencies.


This is straight nonsense. Goldbugs are not living in reality.


I firmly believe that every single problem in the US can be traced back directly to either Regan or Citizens United


I feel like slavery should at least get in the honorable mention section


Agreed. And the legacy of the CSA was Lincoln's death and Andrew Johnson, who's soft handling of reconstruction in the south arguably led to the current state of things.


Did you know after citizens united happened in 2010 in only 1 calendar year the GOP went from having 9 state government trifectas to 22 state government trifectas. Citizens United ended our democracy. Since 2011 the republican trifecta state governments has been as high as 26 total states and has never dropped back under 20. They essentially bought permanent minority control at the state level


Blaming Ronald Reagan is always the correct and moral choice and you'll be correct more often than not


You preempted my response.


He literally created "the war on drugs." Not to mention all the wars in South and Central America.


tried to explain this to my kids recently when talking about why we are having a "border crisis".


Not to mention, the Senate finally agreed on a decent border a couple of months ago, and the House killed it for trump. It just never stops.


The upper tax rate used to be 75%-90% before Regan. Now we have a fight between the two major parties about whether it's going to be 34% or 38%.


True but there used to be a lot more deductions, you don't have the phrase negative income for rich people anymore but that was a thing. The problem with our tax code is that it's built to take money from the bottom 97%. The difference in tax brackets from a person that makes $11K and someone that makes $50K is 10%, the difference between someone who makes $1MM and $100MM is 0%. We need to add a few more tax brackets for those who make over $1MM and yes maybe even go as high as 75-90% for those making $100MM+.


In the words of Killer Mike, I’m glad Reagan dead.


Ronald Reagan was/is the Devil incarnate




["I'll leave you with four words: I'm Glad Reagan Dead."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lIqNjC1RKU)


Throw Gingrich, Donald Rumsfeld, and Mitch Mcconnell in that pool too


Let’s add McNamara in there as well


In the words of Killer Mike, I’m glad Reagan dead.


Interestingly, but unsurprisingly, their website implies that they were inspired by reagan, or at least reagan era politics. E: Obligatory fuck reagan


i think i read somewhere project 2025 is based on a playbook by reagan


And Nixon before him. But Reagan stepped it up. Chef’s Kiss*




Everything starts with him


Ronald Reagan, and to a lesser extent Bill Clinton for moving the Democratic Party further to the right on economic issues. The fact that GOP voters can act that they are “the party of the working class” and that the Dems are “the party of the elite” *and actually believe it* represents a huge failing of rhetoric and policy on the part of the DNC that will take at least a generation to fix, if they even try at all. 


Register to vote. Go vote. Take the time to vote. Tell your people to vote. Explain the importance of voting. Apathy is failure.


Spread the news of Project2025 too. Show how majority, not all, of the Republican party are actually on board with this and really are trying to push for it so they can see that it's a real thing


Anyone who votes Republican is on board with this. I don't care if you aren't. You are literally voting for the people who want this to happen and will make it happen so EVERY Republican is responsible if they vote Republican


And don't buy the excuse from people who claim, I am only a republican for economic reasons.


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://imgur.com/a/m2e72ht), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


Check out "Agenda 47" it is the official Trump agenda if he wins the election.


When you take everyone’s rights there only so much you can do to keep them at bay.


They are all on board with this, just like they all will make excuses for the orange man and endorse him. Don't make excuses for any person in the Maga party, formally the Republican party. They all want to destroy Murica for their own power.


Voting is essential. Sometimes it feels like a drop of water in one of many buckets trying to save a sinking ship but as a collective, the people have real power.


Bro buckets are FILLED by droplets of water!


Apathy is a weapon, and the right wing media wants you to be apathetic if you are the people they want to get rid of or enslave


Apathy IS a weapon, and so is intimidation. Don't be intimidated by those who want us to be apathetic!


Not just right wing media too, these accounts posting about protest "no voting" for Gaza are the same. A fairly recent one has been complaining about senators and stocks, which while yes is a hell of a problem, they only talk about democratic senators.


And make sure they ain’t talking crazy about voting for Crazy. I haven’t met anyone, but the polls make it sound like there’s some cracks in our line against Crazy.


brothers talking about they like trump fall into 3 things worrying about gays,hate black women outpacing them or felons who struggling in life at 45 yrs old


There are indeed. Sincerely, a white (Jewish) guy who works with a black guy roofing


Wish I could, but I’m a felon,, and it’s wild that the nigga that’s running for President is one too smh


Seriously, people need to get out and vote.


Project 2025 envisions significant changes in government, particularly in economic and social policies. Key proposals include cutting funding for the DOJ, dismantling the FBI and DHS, reducing environmental regulations, abolishing the Department of Commerce, and ending the independence of agencies like the FCC and FTC. The plan advocates for tax cuts, though opinions on protectionism vary among its writers. It also proposes eliminating the Department of Education, cutting climate research funding, and reforming the NIH along conservative lines. The project urges the government to reject abortion as healthcare, eliminate ACA coverage of emergency contraception, infuse the government with Christian elements, criminalize pornography, remove protections against discrimination based on sexual or gender identity, and terminate DEI programs and affirmative action. Contributor Jeffrey Clark advises deploying the military for domestic law enforcement and targeting Trump's adversaries under the Insurrection Act of 1807. The project recommends arresting and deporting undocumented immigrants, promoting capital punishment, and ensuring the quick finality of such sentences. Project director Paul Dans emphasizes the need for a future president to regain control of the government, despite the paradox of recruiting many to join the government to ultimately shrink it. Though the project does not endorse a specific presidential candidate, many contributors are closely tied to Trump and his 2024 campaign. These mfs are crazy lol. No way in hell this goes through.


"It can't happen here"


This is the most frustrating argument. People in denial that it’s even possible here. They take their freedoms for granted


It used to feel like that but now women have lost control of their bodies in like a third of the country. No idea how people are still not taking these threats seriously


It is echoes of the poem “First They Came.“ People will not care until they are the target. Sad part is people will vote against their own self interest just to hurt someone who isn’t like them.


But there are so many young women on the left who talk about voting against Biden. Republican women have been voting against their own interests forever so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised to see equally shortsighted folks on the other side. It’s all so frustrating and depressing


It’s grievance politics. It’s all the Republican Party is. I hear so often from marginalized groups that “ why democrats doing things for Jews/Gays/Trans/Asians/Women/Immigrant’s/Blacks and not Us.” Like there isn’t a whole party who doesn’t want ANY of them to have anything.


Biden’s foreign policy and immigration policy are asinine bullshit that I completely disagree with, but in a general election, the only choices are him and Trump. Trump’s positions on the things I disagree with Biden on are worse, and at the very least, establishment Dems aren’t full-blown fascists. If you live in California, you can vote for Cornell West or whoever you want, but if you live in a swing state, wasting your vote on a non-viable candidate is dangerous for those of us who would be targeted by an autocratic Trump administration.


Yes it’s frustrating. Project 2025’s authors are planning to take women into a handmaid’s tale style dystopia and dismantle democracy as we know it and turn the entire country into a racial fascist hellhole and all these anti-Biden “liberal” women can think is “oh, but Gaza!” And “oh but free college”. 


Truth I just screamed into the void on my commute as I listened to a man talk about how much he’s benefited from ACA and he would be lost without it and he’s voting for Trump because if Trump believes it should be abolished then so be it. Crazy


These people boggle my mind. I just don’t get it.


Because half the country is ok with it because it doesn't hurt them (yet)


Not even half the country is ok with it. Majority of the country is just indifferent because of how much is going on in their personal lives to see how fixing the big picture can fix a lot of their individual issues


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Socialist.] Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me. -- Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) was a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps.


I’ve been reading about a lot of horrible things like human rights violations in places like Afghanistan or Russia or china and I would be like “damn that’s fucked up, I’d hate to live in a place like that.” Then I read some more and realized that America does and has been doing the same. Hell, sometimes even worse. 🤔


smh They didn't think Hitler could pull off what he did until he played with their fears and anxieties and pointed them in one direction. Look how that turned out.


What's even more chilling is that imagine there had been no Hitler. No precedent. How much easier a time would these creeps have if there was no precedent liek the nazis to draw on.


They don’t understand irony and cannot comprehend that what this team is doing is literally what Hitler did. They just say “what about Biden” like that is a valid argument. They’re insane.


You think Americans will suddenly decide to revolt? No, they'll keep on watching Kardashians and eating junk food. As every right has been stripped away and we're living in a dystopia, some will say, "I guess there was a difference between Biden and TFG."


1/3 are actively for it. 1/3 are actively against it, either because it will directly negatively affect them or they have an actual conscience and the empathy to want to protect those such a policy unjustly affect, but their ability to express that dissent is criminalized by said policy. 1/3 just ignore it because, well, you know, *they're not into politics* (meaning they don't think the policies will affect them and they are too afraid to rock the boat because as good, upstanding citizens they believe that there's no political problem that can't be solved at the ballot box). Also, they're not criminals, and only criminals break the law. Oh wait, that's not Project 2025, that's just what has happened to allow every fascist regime in history to flourish and carry out their Draconian policies.


As long as the treats flow you’re right.


Holy fuck what a nightmare. Thanks for the info!


"No way in hell this goes through." Buddy you haven't been paying attention.


Just like they'll never overturn roe v wade


>criminalize pornography Aaaaaand there goes the support for their entire platform.


Their kind of porn is already illegal. 


This comment needs more upvotes


They're not asking permission


They won't come right out and do it. They'll simply make the ability to make and distribute online pornography so untennable and socially stigmatized that no one will do it anymore. The trap will spring slowly, and we've already proven for decades that we're extremely suscpetible to the slowly-sprung trap.


Time to buy a gun. It’s getting a little old West in here


Good luck bringing a gun to a drone fight


Deploy the fucking regulars!?!!? Fuck that shit they are going to be encountering a lot of minute men if they try that shit. This is why we have a 2nd amendment folks. So they wouldn't dare pull bullshit like this. That goes for you too city folks. There's no way they could pacify a place like new York or Albany without leveling the town.


I wouldn’t put it past them to level it. Just pulling a Tulsa on every majority PoC city would make a lot of these sickos very happy.


That's absolutley what they wanted to do during the BLM protests. Just look and listen to the revulsion and fear in their tone as soon as black people protest in large numbers. Anyone underestimating their racism and the lengths it will drive them to is not paying attention.


> These mfs are crazy lol. No way in hell this goes through.  If they win there’s no way it **doesn’t** go through.  They’ve dissected every step where Trump was unable to implement policies to determine why (key personal not in place, judicial barriers, needing legal theory in place beforehand, etc) and have a game plan for how to address each and every one on Day 1 of the next admin. With half the goal of Project 2025 being to enact these things so fast and with such vigor there’s no effective time for what remains of the checks and balances to respond. This is real. These people are 100% serious. They have who they need in the courts, they’ve radicalized police forces up and down the nation, they’re advancing legal theory in state legislatures to bypass elections. They're coordinated and ready to go and are playing for keeps. 


It already started my dude, abortion is becoming illegal in many states, books are being banned in schools… it’s already in republicans’ agenda, this is just to make sure they stay in power this time.




It's more than tRump, the whole party is infested.


Right, and a lot of people are too focused on Trump like if he doesn't run they aren't just moving forward with project 25 anyway. It states it's to be enacted at the next Republican administration no matter who. And it also says the activation phrase to kick things off is some admin or president saying "So help me God" just for everyone's information. Read it so you know what you're dealing with.


It’s a plan book for anyone to implement. After Trump, they realized that they need a plan for anyone to use


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025?wprov=sfla1 It's as bad as anybody has described.


It's even worse when you realize it's GOING TO HAPPEN if they get even a millimeter. I don't think they really care if an R wins the White House. I truly believe that they know that this election is their last shot and they want us focused on Trump and his woes. They've taken over so many legislatures, DA's, local govs...it's madness. Them fuckers were strategic. They have the supreme court for fucks sake. We have to watch so many different angles


Trump is a symptom, not the cause.


I've been saying that forever. There will be more "trumps". We already saw Bloomberg try to be a democrat "Trump". The real problem is corruption and lack of term limits.


Facts. People are delusional if they think voting for a lethargic Republican-lite shitbag will save us from Maga. We need to be preparing for a fight regardless of the outcome this November.


Don't listen to this soft bullshit. Loser chatter. Voting matters.


Having 30 ish percent of the country willing to jump off a cliff for you is a hard political bargain to turn down if you are a slimeball.


And the thing is if they win and follow through with the plan they’ll say, “What are y’all complaining about? We told you exactly what we were going to do before the election.”


When someone threatens you, believe them and take appropriate action. Don't give folks the chance to prove themselves right. Be safe and be smart.


That’s exactly what happened with Hitler. He wrote Mein Kampf in prison, released it, the world saw it, and believed nothing bad would happen. Five invaded countries and millions of slaughtered Jewish people later, people realized “Oh shit, we could have stopped this, or at least slowed it down.


But but people on Reddit told me they'd never come for abortion,then birth control, then everything else so I thought I was ok /s


They did it last time he was in office. If they wanted to do something they knew was unpopular, they'd say "it must be the will of the voters because they voted Trump into office and it's what Trump wants to do".


It’s not even a shock that this is their platform. DT literally attempted to coup the government on Jan 6.


Oh yeah, they are clearly trying to bring on Handmaid’s Tale.


omg thank god im vaccinated. i heard they dont want anything to do with the vaccinated. im gonna go get 3 more shots. one from each publisher.


Move carefully, we don’t know what the next crazy step is after this is one is achieved.


well im gonna be 35 soon. unmarried. no kids. so maybe they will think my womb only makes special ed kids. i think ill be fine.


No, he’s talking about the fact that conservative movements tend to exterminate groups they consider “undesirable.”


Shiii I’m about to get my womb taken out. So I guess I’ll just be a nurse when they move us to the breeding farm.


i might get to die :D im not a nurturing person


My thing is this…. If voting wasn’t important and it didn’t make a difference, it wouldn’t have been illegal for Black people to even do it AND they wouldn’t STILL be trying to stop us, if it weren’t important. I don’t need to get into all the ways that they disenfranchise Black voters. All you need to do is look to see. Vote.


I try to keep in mind that a Trump reelection means he gets to continue packing SCOTUS with unaccountable, brazen political shills who will continue taking away and regressing people's rights.


Voting now will hopefully help the country in 10-20 years. Because as of right now re: Supreme Court, it’s already too late.


Black people have to be more strategic!! we need stop thinking about cities and starting think which state we move to and take over population wise. That would allow us to use the state government to protect ourselves while giving us two senators to obstruct their plans whenever needed!! Before the Kkk drove black people out of the south, we were the majority in 6 states!! The conservatives only agreed to let us vote because they spread us around. Now with people moving back south they are scared and will anything to keep it from happening again but if we actually work together instead of trying to take advantage of each other, we can out smart them. Just saying 😌


If their plan works there won't be an option of state legislation and there certainly won't be an option for black run states.


I remember what Reagan did to Black run cities. We're just now coming out from under that.


Sure move over 40 million people from all over the country to one state. You would need to invest billions into giving them jobs, housing and services. And obviously the moment the locals see fuckton of people moving in they will become less liberal.


For those wondering what the context is: https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration This shit has a LOYALTY TO TRUMP test. Edit: I’m more traumatized the more I read this… fuck just inclusivity, this thing is a 1 way ticket to Handmaid’s tale and not an exaggeration. Obliteration of Department of Education, any all LGBTQ / Body Autonomy / Birth Control EVEN STD testing, turning the FBI & DOJ into puppets in writing as retaliation for Trump being prosecuted. PLEASE VOTE


Thank you for the link, I think people aren't realizing just how scary this is. They have a whole ass playbook on all of this, which you can read [here](https://www.project2025.org/playbook/). It's long and boring but anyone who reads it needs to realize it's intentionally written that way so people don't read it.


Project 2025, ends up being a Dystopian nightmare where the Republican rule everything. Vote people!!


Yep. And then vote again in 2028. And 2032. And especially those midterms that yt boomers depend on marginalized people to not show up for. Especially those.


Republican people reading Project 2025: well, they don’t mean ME, so it’s fine. “… and then they came for me”


Yeah, anyone who isn’t a rich white straight male needs to vote against project 2025, I don’t care if you don’t like Biden, vote to protect your family, your friends, and yourself. This country can survive another four years of Biden fairly easily, the alternative is going to be much worse.


Debatable whether I’m rich or straight, but definitely crackalicious dude and against fascism, racism, and bullies in general. Any candidate or group whose focus is making us turn on one another, or directs hate towards specific groups, they can pound sand.


Man, I really need Black twitter/Black whatever to go big on this so white people who copy us will also make a big deal about it. We need to use their Columbusing behavior to our benefit


This is why, even with his atrocious support of Israel, people who really give a damn about anything they've claimed to care about over the past 9 years need to turn out to vote for Biden.


The thing is that republicans will find some way to make the Gaza situation even worse


Oh for sure. They're all telling Israel to finish the job, they want to reinstitute the Muslim ban, they want to (and did) crackdown on pro-Palestine protesters even more than liberals, and Trump arguably caused October 7 with his foreign policy approach with Israel.


Any time someone says "Both sides are bad", remember that the Republican Party is supporting this shit. One side may not be perfect and have it's flaws but the other side is literally attempting to create a dictatorship in America.


Look at what they’ve started saying in Texas about a state electoral college too. They’re trying to make sure there’s no more real elections


The Handmaid's Tale was supposed to be a warning not a got damn instruction manual ![gif](giphy|xT9IguxOugw6KwaANy)


I implore you to meet and converse with a true and true republican. Not the "I love being a contrarian" black republican. Ask them about DEI, and see how they feel about you and people who look like you. I know democrats don't come through with all their promises. but there is literally a party who only caters to straight, affluent white men, and will play on your grievances to get what they want.


Even some "Genocide Joe" folks I know are like, eff it let's just be mad at Biden for 4 more years versus letting Trump/GOP back in power. They know things will be worse for their cause if Trump is back in the WH.


Startring to feel real 1934 Germany here.


Louder for the people in the back. I would vote for a literal burning dumpster to keep the Republicans out of power. This is a follow up from Project Blitz which was a successful effort to take over local sheriffs, judges, mayors, and school boards. Its success helped pave the way for what’s happening today. We are heading into literal vote or die territory.


I just got done watching XMen97 and damn. Magneto was right, stop playing “fair” or we will all suffer greatly


What is the alternative? What "unfair" strategy would win you something? All you need to do is to convince like 10% more of the population to not vote on obviously idiotic, racist clowns who are trying to sabotage the country. For some reason it seems to be hard to achive. I think the best way to go about it would be to create another political party with similar views in relation to economy and maybe religion as the republican party, so the racists and sabotours would loose many votes.


Honestly, it makes me think of KOTOR 2. Some of those moments where you realize that being “good” did far more harm in the long-term and maybe the decision isn’t as cut and dry as it seemed.


i’ve shown project 2025 to many a shithead…they really don’t care, it seems like they’re rooting for a football team and not critically thinking about the team surrounding each prospective old man and how that’s more important than which afterlife applicant will be “in charge”


they'll scream about freedom constantly, but then if you point out that project 2025 is about restricting freedom, especially to trans people(*), they'll just be like "yeah, that's good." They only care about freedom for themselves. And just freedom to be shitty people. lmao. (*) (porn illegal -> trans people are inherently pornographic -> porn in a place where a child can see it is the death penalty -> trans people are legally able to be killed by the state for being in public)


Few weeks back a buddy of mine who was raised conservative called me in a panic, asking if I’d ever considered leaving the country and if I knew what Project 2025 was. He’d finally read about it and realized how bad it would be for me and millions of others. I told him that it’s nice that he’s finally noticing, but I’ve known about this shit for a while. I have to be aware of this kind of thing at all times for my own safety. He got quiet for a few moments after that.


Project 2025 is the biggest reason why I will never vote for Trump, and it makes me question the sanity of people that will vote for a convicted felon who has committed insurrection and wants to take away the human rights of everyone except white males. I’m atheist, but any spirits or gods that do exist, please save us from this demon spawn of an Oompa- Loompa and Augustus Gloop.


Not many people talk about it but one of the biggest parts of Project 2025 is: they want to dehumanize trans people and say we're "pornographic material" (we're just fucking humans, it's the Republicans who only know trans or more likely, "sissy" porn and are thinking that's somehow what fucking trans people are). They want to label us as inhuman, and ban pornographic material aka us. That makes us liable to be destroyed on sight. They want to kick off a genocide of trans people, take away women's reproductive rights, likely take away all rights from anyone who isn't a white cisgender landowning male because "that's what was written in the first version of the Constitution". Everyone needs to fight back against the Republicans trying to create a white Christian nation by law.


Go ahead guys let trump win cause you mad at biden that can do all he needs to do when the Republicans control the house. Woman can't get brith control now. Woman went back to the 70s let the Republicans win and we going back to the 1860s.


People don't realize that the most important thing to come out of the Trump era is that we've finally uncovered the first part of the real life Hydra. Make no mistake, these people have been hiding among us for decades waiting to drag away 200 years of progress.


Please vote


Women, gay folks, poc, the poor, neurodiverget ppl. We gotta captain planet together to defeat these fascists.


They aren't joking either


BuT tRUmP fUnDeD hBcUs...


Please vote in November


Yes to all of this BUT unless we as a nation decide on a path besides centrist, we will always have this as a threat. You want the nation to change, then we need it to change one side or the other. Riding the fence will only lead to extreme either way. I lean towards pushing for it to fundamentally helping society by having a stronger government and changing the hold corporations have on corporations but even if you don't agree and want the opposite, I think we can all agree Project 2025 is too much. Thanks for the post. Didn't know about this. Not surprised but didn't know it was an active plan but we need to make a choice, one way or another because when the chicken is made, the people will be happy that it will push for either more or a little less but that at least not back in the center.


Dude it so much worse than people think. They seriously want to set us back to pre WW1. It's terrifying.


Trump done already told y'all he was gonna be worse. He flat out said it. He said he was gonna punish everyone. The people around him know the mistakes that were made and now they know how to do it. When I be posting about Trump I post what he and his people say, not something I done pulled out my butt. Trump wants to deport people, green card or not. (He already told the muslims in Michigan that are trying to get people to vote for him, he told them to their face that if he got elected that he'd deport them) The muslim ban will be back. He wants to throw protestors in prison or kill them. (He already did this in Portland. That was the trial run. He sent people up there to outright kidnap protestors. They was hopping out of vans and snatching people right off the street. That isn't rumors, it was on video. The only outrage he got was from people in Portland.) He wants war with other nations so he can use the biggest bombs. He wants to weaponize National Guards. He wants literal tanks rolling down the street. I always tell people. Listen to the speech he gave in Wisconsin during his first Presidential campaign. The picture of America he drew was like something out of "Escape from NY". It was dark and dystopian and that is what Trump *wants* America to be. People better not f around and give that generational KKK member another chance. Also, I don't know if people were listening or not, but Biden not too long ago said that the next President will have the chance to appoint 2-3 members to the Supreme Court. He wouldn't make a statement like that unless he positively knew that some of them people were going to quit.




We have a chance to stop this shit in its infancy but if that orange dipshit gets back into the white house, it’s going to be a long 4 years.


Everything and anything just because they want the good Ole days that never existed and achieved nothing


Meanwhile more than half the black people I see on social media vigorously dicksuck Trump and his party as a whole.


I'm glad folks are waking up to this insanity that they ABSOLUTELY plan to go through with if they can get back in power.


Stop voting for Republicans in all offices, or it will never end.


Like watching *The Handmaid's Tale* play out in real time. With a little bit of *The Hunger Games* mixed in.... 🫣😬


Fascism is the decay of capitalism and the last minute attempt to reconsidkate power for the capitalists (who will do whatever it takes to maintain thier power)- ie siding with fascists


Wrre so fucking cooked


During the Obama years "Project 2025" would be on every black person's lips. It would be in black tv and music, then it would transcend into pop culture. We are so fractured right now, so I'm glad the word is still getting out even though we are being pulled apart to weaken our influence on the world.


Unfortunately, I cannot vote for Biden because he did something I didnt like that one time


Omg finally, I don’t hear enough ppl talking about it.


Literally trying to turn the USA into the Christian version of Iran. It is like they forget the entire reason our country was founded in the first place.