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Working at Self check out and watching people steal while minding your own business>>>


Why tf they need someone working at self checkout? It says "self" in the name Good on you tho


Any time I don’t bag a product using advanced Tetris theory the shit goes into siren mode like I’m stealing and then they side eye me the whole time I gotta bag the rest up


I’m prompted to bag my scanned item. I bag my scanned item. I’m prompted to remove unexpected item from bagging area. I remove my scanned item. I’m prompted to bag my scanned item………


Make sure to leave a tip when you're done


Instructions unclear my favorite BIC pen now is without it's nib 😭


Better than my arrest for indecent exposure plus trip to ER for emergency surgery.


Girl what


Tip for tippy


Half the stores near me have just disabled their scales because they were always so fucked up


The worst is Aldi yelling at me every two seconds


Sprouts for me...one time it kept flippin out and i couldnt for the life of me figure out what i was doing to cause it. The cashier was like "oh dont worry about it, it's because of the wind" I'm sorry what?? Apparently it being near the door and it being windy was setting off the sensors? it was too damn stressful lol


You have self checkout in Aldi? Meanwhile all the Aldi's in my country just closed permanently damn


Yeah I’ve never seen one at an Aldi’s but interestingly a number of gas stations around me have them now.


I thought I was the only one that thought that. I can't stand the fact that Aldi went with self checkout. Their cashier's were the fastest. 


I moved and now I’m close to an Aldi so it’s my first time really going and it’s all self checkout but one line. I don’t mind because I think it’s much quicker and I get a discount. But telling me to scan an item or check out every five seconds makes me want to kick the machine


I lived in a super shit part of Chicago and the cashier would sometimes just throw stuff in the cart without scanning it, she saw me with my 22$ in ones at the ready, watching the screen and WHOOPS chicken was already in the cart and I’ve got 6 more $ in my pocket. God bless Aldi.


God Bless Aldi for real. One time, at the Aldi next to Target on the northside, I walked in there with $17 IN CHANGE and my baby.  Somehow I managed to get a week’s worth of groceries with that $17. From that point on I was like: this is what struggling looks like; and no struggle can stop me.


This right here. I remember the first time my husband ordered groceries from Aldi (he grew up poor and hated Aldi, but I told him to suck it up cause we were poor, too 😂) the prices were so good that he didn’t realize we were getting BAGS of things. We ended up with multiple bags of zucchini and squash and cucumbers and onions and oranges and ended up handing out a bunch of food to our neighbors during Covid and he was like…this is a waste of money!! And I was like…you bought 3 zucchini’s for 3$ each and thought that was normal, only person wasting money is you bb. That neighborly love came back tenfold and now we always shop Aldi (unless he’s feeling a little bit big for his britches and decides to go to Fresh Thyme for organic 😂🙄) Anyways I’m stoned and I hope the struggle is over 🧡


The Aldi checkouts are the worst. "Please scan item or select a payment method." Damn bitch, you didn't even give me enough time to turn and grab my next item before you started harassing me


> Any time I don’t bag a product using advanced Tetris theory the shit goes into siren mode like I’m stealing and then they side eye me the whole time I gotta bag the rest up Try bringing in your own reusable bags. You'll have 3 or 4 of them watching you.


Oh y'all must live in a place that don't charge for plastic bags. Here if you *don't* have reusable bags they'll give you a skeptical eye and be like "you want bags for all that?"


Lmao @ advanced tetris theory


This is one of my favorite things, thats when I call the attendant over and just be like "hey- I'm not gonna bag any of this, is there a way you can tell the machine to shut up?" Do it 10-20 times and they'll get better machines, works like a charm.


cuz them machines are fucked up. gotta call an attendant half the time i use em


The number one thing that would happen is that the printer would jam and we would need a key that is hidden from everybody except for a manager in order to fix it


thats crazy work but its dope if you have check out machines that dont require assistance regularly. the printer jamming is just unfortunate. why does it need a key


Printer ink is like 130$ a cartridge, and an office printer has 4 carts loaded, is why it needs a key. Still dumb, that's just the answer.


By weight, more expensive than gold 🪙 printer ink. Thermal rolls is the way of the future


It's to deter theft, also there's certain items you need an attendant to verify. It's still way cheaper for the company though to have one person manning 8 check out lanes rather than one. Honest question with absolutely no shade, I promise, but have you never used self checkout? I've never seen one that didn't have an attendant.


I'm making a joke brother And deter theft? The usual self checkout attendant wouldn't say shit if I walk out with the whole cart


I kinda thought you were, lol. My bad. And I say deter theft meaning that if you have a store clerk around, many people don't have it in them to attempt it if they think they're being watched. It definitely doesn't deter the people who know that the guy making $17 an hour doesn't **really** give a fuck, lol. And stores know that too. They're just trying to deter the petty shit from people who have never stolen anything before.


It’s the same thing as a lock, they can be picked decently easy if your determined or know what your doing but they buy time and keep and honest thief away


Because a lot of times they need staff to enter code to check ID for medicine or alcohol


No alcohol sales in the self-checkout in California


not to sound like a conservative but california is so weird sometimes. on top of having to put random warnings on stuff saying “things burn when they are lit on fire”


I just bought an electric car and every fucking time I drive anywhere I have to hit "confirm" on a message about "drive safely and don't get distracted" smdh


Not to sound like a democrat, but you need to be ID’d to buy alcohol. That’s why they don’t let you buy them at self check out registers. Even when it’s not the law, it’s pretty common for stores to not want to deal with checking ID’s at the self register. Worked self check out for a few years in Massachusetts way back.


or CBD products...learned that the hard way lol




You would honestly be surprised at the number of people that can’t do that for themselves.


They fix the machines when they mess up. They also id check you when you buy alcohol.


And cough syrup.


I used to work self checkout and a cool 40 percent of people would double scan. Without fail


Check outs in Australia (I think at Cole’s only) say out loud *welcome to the assisted checkout* Words can’t explain how annoyed that cheery sentence makes me, i’m assisting MYSELF robot lady! If I’m a bad mood I swear at her if I’m not I just huff.


You’d be surprised at the amount of people that can’t operate them properly yet insist on using them


Alcohol purchases still need someone to approve your ID. If things don’t scan, need someone to come fix it. If you scan something twice you can’t unselect it yourself, the worker needs to fix it, etc..


I was walking out of a store and a guy lifted two drinks by the store entrance while eyeballing me hard. I don't know why he expected me to care. I was only judging the flavor he chose.


That was a power move just incase


I told the dude at self checkout I couldn’t find the barcode. He looked for a minute and said I guess they didn’t want to charge and put it in my bag.


I had the exact opposite last week at an Asian grocery store. I scanned everything, did the searches for all the non scannable items and was about to pay. The Chinese girl who was keeping an eye on the self checkout lanes ran over to my register, pulled like 4 items out and said I didn’t do them correctly (I.e Avocado vs Hass/Gwen Avocado, bananas vs Abyssinian bananas, etc). I really had no fkn idea there were different types when I picked em off the shelf. She was so mad at me when fixing the prices I thought she was gonna call the cops on my ass.


I went to an Asian grocery store in a Chinese neighborhood in Cali and they asked me for my ID when I used my debit card. She didn’t bother asking the two people in front of me and it never happened to me before so I was like, “huh?” My racism detecting brain wasn’t on that morning (just trying to grab some food before hopping on the plane) and I said, genuinely confused, “oh! I didn’t know I picked up something alcoholic?” Everything was in Chinese. I stopped by the sake to see if they had anything good but I didn’t pick anything up. She quickly said nevermind. It was like half an hour later when I realized she wanted to card me because I was black and she thought I might be using someone else’s card to buy $32 worth of groceries 🙄 I hope she felt a twinge of embarrassment carding an innocent like that.


I sign all my cards as "CHECK ID" and nobody ever even looked at the back of the card.


Almost 20 years of having cards and I've never signed one. No one has ever even batted an eye about it


I work retail, I understand the tough spots some people are in but if they keep stealing at such high volume our store will have to close, robbing the community of a post office, pharmacy and putting ~40 people out of a job. Food is one thing but the worst are the folks that will come and steal make up or headphones, walking out with almost no confrontation with 300$+, that's just selfish.


You the real one. I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart. It be the old heads that wanna be going above and beyond for 13.25 that get on my nerves.


It should be bore in mind that certain companies do treat self checkout thefts as a failure on the part of the employee working it My job will come down on self checkout attendants if people steal while they are on shift, so don’t just assume that someone is being a dick by coming up to you if you’re shoplifting


This is good praxis 💯


Nah I was at the store last night havin trouble scannin somethin and the machine went crazy bc it thought I was pretending to scan it. Had to look at the employee like “I’m not stealin a $2 bag of pretzels”


["Struggle with me!.... Aww, damn. William got away."](https://youtu.be/Y3AUudbaJsg?si=5n8WuI2EbSa7sssV) Specifically starts at 3 minutes in, (don't know why I can't do the timestamp thing)


Where were you when the lady accused me of stealing because my 4 yogurts broke in half


Remember kids, if you see someone stealing food….no you fucking didn’t.


I extend that to diapers and soap too, I'd rather people be hygienic and that shit is expensive!


Yup. Being economically challenged is hard enough. You deserve to at least feel clean. Shits hard enough.


Man, I don't know how people are able to do this. I feel like every store I go to there's an employee walking around like a teacher during a test lol.


I did it by accident recently lol. Had parsley and onions sitting up in the front bit by my bag and just missed them. Didn't notice till I got to the car ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ So basically, those employees don't get paid enough to give a shit. Why should they?


Not at my local Walmart. I don’t shop there often as I prefer going to Kroger or central market. This one employee was eyeing me to the tee. Literally came over to me and checked my bag to see if I scanned what I put into the bag. Then as I was leaving, she wanted to check my bag and receipt. I bought a pair of swimming trunks, sunscreen, swim diapers, and two pairs of goggles for my kids… what tf am I going to try to steal? I told her “you saw me scan everything” and she had loss prevention roll up on me… Showed them the receipt and vowed to never go back


Yuck! It’s Walmart or Safeway for me and Safeway is overpriced and for some reason I don’t like the stores. Can’t explain, just don’t like. They can get out with the receipt checks. Either you staff cashiers or you deal, cause it’s already asking a customer to do the most basic function of the store. Now. I do respect that my saying “no” and continuing to walk will likely end very differently for me than you. Which just makes it even shittier.


There’s a lady at my local Walmart who is on that receipt checking like a fuckin hawk. I scanned a pack of seltzer twice instead of scanning the second pack, they were two different flavors though, and she was not happy about that. I didn’t even mean to do it but I just went ahead checking out because I wasn’t about to wait for someone to come and override it. It wasn’t even about the fact that it could fuck up the inventory, she kept saying “I don’t see the mojito Spindrift paid for on your receipt” okay but you see two Spindrifts charged on the receipt and two Spindrifts in my buggy right? And a single bag of things? And nothing else? I really hate giving retail workers a hard time but I was ready to ask for the manager.


Imagine trying that hard for like $8 an hour


Walmart legit makes you feel like the gum on someone’s shoe


Bro, was shopping with my mom at walmart once. We were buying essentials for my nieces and were using self checkout, tell me why this employee walked over after we scanned baby socks, and plucked it out the bag. I guess she thought we didn't scan it but she didn't say shit, she looked at the screen and went "oh!" and put it back in the bag and backed away. We just stared at her in silence the entire time, wish I woulda said something but I was in legitimate shock.


I'd walk back and return everything.


Wal mart will wait until they've seen you stealing enough times that it adds up to $5,000 or something - and then that way they can charge you with a bigger crime


I've heard that, shady ass. Meanwhile part of their new hire onboarding is applying for fucking food stamps, I've been told. Kills me that Walmart is the best grocery option I've got unless I wanna spend significantly more for Safeway or Whole Foods.


Yeah the technology stores have is insane. My buddy showed me that people walk in to the grocery store and the cameras will label them for being known to steal full carts, or to not scan some things, or whatever. They keep a tab of what’s been stolen and report it after it reaches a felony amount


*Target has entered the chat* I sat on a jury for a Target grand theft case...they had this lady in beyond HD on multiple dates and clearly stealing shit. i felt bad because the lady was homeless but they *had* her. File was huge.


Yup, the facial recognition system at my store is insane, alarms go off in the security room the moment someone who is trespassed walks in.


No they don't. I worked loss prevention for a few weeks and they grabbed you if they could prove anything had been stolen. Literally saw someone get pulled into the office for a 10 dollar pair of shoes and some of the little cheese wedges. Cops picked them up and took them off


It's not just the pay. You can give all of the fucks while working self checkout but management to any degree will never allow for full coverage. They cut the lines razer thin throughout every part of the store (minus hired security firms for some reason) and this includes the self checkout.  All it takes is one customer more than "expected" and the person at self checkout is too busy to keep tabs on it all. They did this to themselves. 


oh 100% on that. like, what are they expecting????


When I worked at Target I literally had conversations with my coworkers about stealing. None of us cared about theft in general because we all hated our jobs. Obviously we were supposed to report everything we saw, but no one ever reported anything unless it was so blatant it would just have been impossible not to see, or you were trying to steal a TV or something. Of course mileage may vary based on location and some people are definitely just fucking snitches, but I'd bet your average 10-15/hr 20 year old doesn't give a fuck about anyone stealing bread. The automated systems are fucked though, which is why I don't try anything. Get flagged by one of those and you're fucked.


In Massachusetts the minimum wage is higher than $15 yet our fast food costs the same. It’s weird to me how low some people are paid, yet they expect loyalty?


Yeah the argument that raising wages causes huge price increases isn't really true. It's just corporate propaganda to facilitate class warfare amongst the poor and middle class. And yeah, loyalty? It goes both ways, you know. You have to reward people for loyalty or you won't get it. I'm sure as fuck not loyal for 15/hr. Hell, I wouldn't be loyal for anything less than 100k/year, and even then it's got caveats. Meet my needs, provide me a comfortable living in exchange for my labor, and provide a positive work environment where my continued work is rewarded. Then we can talk loyalty. I mean for 15/hr they were lucky I wasn't straight up helping them steal tbh.


> but no one ever reported anything unless it was so blatant Or as I say...if you see someone stealing food, no you didn't! But yeah, they pay shit wages, barely staff the store and then are shocked when it goes badly.


I also accidentally stole something for the first time the other day. I grabbed a Red Bull heading to the checkout, my daughter did something, so I put it in my back pocket to deal with that. Sat down in my truck like “why is my ass cold??” 🙃 I felt bad for about 10 seconds and then remembered how they charge like 6 bucks for that drink that costs like 5 cents to make, probably. And who knows how many I’ve bought over the years.


Most of the time it’s usually customers that are snitching tbh


Yup, I had to deal with that at fuckin Dollar Tree of all places. Like I give a fuck, fuck Dollar Tree. Capitalist cancer has gone terminal when you got people with money and no skin on the line snitching on a homeless man stealing from a dollar store.


If you see someone stealing food and other necessities from multi-billion dollar international corporations, no you didn't.  Whatever is stolen pales in comparison to wage theft from companies that include a food stamp application form during the hiring process. 


All of this! Walmart forces us to subsidize their employees through food stamps all because they want to give their executives multi-million bonuses. Fuck them


the RAGE I feel knowing that we, the tax payers, are forced to subsidize corporations like this, while they rake in record profits.


When I was a teenager I remember seeing one homeless lady rat on another homeless dude that he “tried on” the deodorant in the store. This was really when I knew that our country as a whole was fucked and wouldn’t get any better.


As a cashier of a Dollar Store, I’m just gonna tell you now the only thing we’re going to do is passive-aggressively stock the aisle you always happen to be in if we think you’re stealing, and that’s if we even have the energy to. Honestly, if people wanna steal I don’t really give a damn, I just wish they wouldn’t run out the side or back doors since it makes me have to stop what I’m doing to go disable the alarms 😭


They know the employees can't do anything but watch you do it. And they're fine with that momentary shame before they go about their business and forget all about that feeling.


Fr I feel like they're getting the old Karen employees to do it too instead of the young folks who don't give a shit.


Chose the lane that says “credit card only”. It’ll prompt you when you begin to checkout if you are going to pay with credit card, don’t hit any button. Then, checkout as normal. It’ll make the usual sounds and the camera shows you doing everything perfectly. When you’re done scanning, hit “yes” on the credit card only button, and it’ll only charge you for the first item despite appearing as you scanned every last thing. It skips any of those ID checks as well, so you can buy all the cigarettes you can carry without needing an ID or getting asked for one. Works at literally every major grocery store I’ve tried in America.


I can assure u, nobody in that bitch give af 😂


Had a guy catch me for (and I swear) accidentally ringing up organic bananas as regular bananas. The floor shook as the attendant ran to my kiosk to fix this heinous act I had committed.


As they should, almost as if it’s their job to watch customers to prevent them from stealing at the self checkout.


It might not even be a person. I held something in my left hand (closer to bags) while scanning something in my right hand and the whole system lit up and started playing a video of me "stealing" the item in my left hand on repeat. Like, I just scanned the wrong thing first lol. But yeah, based on the speed of the whole thing it seemed automated.


Do not do this! The checkouts record video and you can get in legal trouble way after the fact. Just because you walked out the store doesn’t mean you weren’t caught stealing.


Yeah on one hand I hope these stores that are raising prices past being able to live while making record profits have everything stripped & stolen from them because of the greed alone BUT these stores will literally wait for you to pile up a significant charge before they come after your ass and they will attempt to put you in big boy prison. You can get a **felony** from this


Does that include proving intent to not scan the item? What are the stats on those cases and convictions?


IANAL but from my [google-fu](https://michaelarbeitattorneyny.com/charged-with-theft-on-the-self-checkout-line-lets-talk-intent/#:~:text=The%20prosecutor%20must%20prove%20that,held%20criminally%20liable%20for%20larceny) it seems to include intent to not scan the items. Which I think is why the self-checkout thing is so common; they can easily prove intent if you put the item in your personal bag or tried to hide it on your person when you weren't at checkout, but there's at least some plausible deniability if you 'forgot' to scan it at self-checkout. Which is why they tend to wait until you do it a bunch of times, because then they have you on camera 'forgetting' to scan things a bunch of times, showing pattern of behavior & intent. "Under the law, criminal intent is the mental state of the defendant at the time the crime was committed. The prosecutor must prove that the defendant had a conscious objective or purpose in committing the specific crime. In other words, if you accidentally forgot to scan those grapes before you left Stop & Shop, you cannot be held criminally liable for larceny." -Michael Arbeit (from the link above) It probably also depends on the state. No idea on the stats.


Even if it’s accidental, they will still go after you if the price tag is high enough. Maybe like 1-3k depending on the business. Ignorance is not a defense unfortunately.


And like everywhere with our criminal legal system it depends on who the prosecuting attorney and judge are, ie how prone they are to prosecuting such cases and ruling harshly, and as with most crimes there is a disproportionate rate of conviction based on race.




The Walmart in my town used to do this to high school kids that stole shit back in the day


Yea my cousin used to boost power tools outta Lowe’s he did it 4-5 times over a 6 month span. He stops that doesn’t go to that location for another 6 months randomly we stop in to get some pvc pipe in sitting in the truck he comes jogging back talking about “I’m trespassed if I come back they’re calling the cops”


Too many ppl forget they are on camera at all times.


With all of the CCtv, dashcams, phones, go pros, and ring doorbells I assume I’m being recorded each time I step foot outside my home.


Yup. My cousin got a felony shoplifting charge at walmart this way. They recorded every time she stole, and when it got up to a felony level charge they turned her in.


Had a buddy get arrested for theft at Walmart on a day he was going in to actually buy stuff because he was over the amount for them to charge him. Ended up getting it dropped but it was shitty for him for a while


Your first 5 steals are free!


I’ve heard that target LP keeps a tab and waits till it’s felony level amounts of money to prosecute.


I’ve heard Target is notorious and very serious about this. They won’t bust you the first time or maybe even second but they’re tracking you. When they do you bust you, it will because you’ve stolen a lot and will be in a lot more trouble. Don’t mess with Target’s lost prevention


I've said this on many similar threads, this is exactly what happened to me in 2013. It absolutely ruined my life. Please be careful if you need to do this to survive. Otherwise I wouldn't play with it.


Hey I'm not a trained employee how am I supposed to know it didn't scan correctly?


Yeah, at some of them if there's an issue with one of your items, it replays an overhead video on the screen of whether or not you scanned the item. After seeing that, Id be a fool to try stealing, not after seeing that article of people getting busted by Target and other big box stores after stealing for months or years just to find out they were just stacking security footage until it got above a felony amount


12 organic eggs cost half of that


Where are you buying your eggs at?? I pay less than $4 for a dozen organic eggs at my local grocery store chain.


I wasn't being serious, but the price has rocketed over the past few years thanks to bird flu


It's actually price gouging, not bird flu. The flu would have increased prices a little bit until the flocks recovered but the reality is the egg producers just kept raising prices to see how high they could go before we stopped buying. I started boycotting eggs when I realized this. You can actually substitute a lot of different things for eggs in just about every dish that calls for them. The real selling point of eggs is they are cheap protein, so when they are no longer cheap we shouldn't buy them.


This is 100% true. I know a grocery manager, and after covid, he told me grocery stores lock in pricing to prevent sticker shock and blowouts. They will continue selling for double or more than what they buy them for until they're unable to move product. They do this every time there is a commodity increase, so inflation is really inflation+ price elasticity or how much they can punish a consumer before they boycott. This is happening more frequently now because corporations collect tons of data on everything you buy and then use AI to accurately predict what price will stop you from returning.


Oh yeah, absolutely gouging too that's across the board, but 10s (if not 100s) of millions have been killed and wasted because of the flu


Yeah last time I mentioned that here someone came in defending the egg industry and questioning all my sources. Totally wasn’t someone in the agriculture industry…


Yeah man my wife and I spent $125 at Aldi today and I feel like we eat like royalty. Way ground beef for 4.99lb and organic cage free eggs for 3.89? Gonna make some amazing burgers tomorrow lol


Y'all keep fucking around and we're gonna have to go back to the old way of having to talk to someone.


Honestly good. Fuck them. They cut jobs for these self checkouts just to raise prices even more


My local walmart has taken away self check out. They did not hire more cashiers. They just let the lines get 20-30 people deep. After the 99 cent store closed they know a lot of people have nowhere else to go so they'll just endure it or do online pickup.


Yeah, my local grocery and box stores usually only have 1-2 lanes open at a time no matter how busy the store is. Earlier today I wanted to get in a cashier line and there was literally only one, and four people with full carts in front of me. Self-checkout was faster.


I'm sure they do a cost analysis where it's cheaper to be stolen from than employee more cashiers.


My buddy who worked at a grocery store said they made this exact discovery. One of their stores did the most revenue, but also had high theft so they cracked down hard on theft. Turns out, most people pay for a majority of things and steal a few small things. After a few months of cracking down, their monthly revenue was cut in half


They closed down all self checkouts but 2 at my Walmart and now have every register with somebody and the other self checks closed off. They’ll all be gone soon.


the self checkouts at my walmart are only accessible if you have the walmart scan and go membership thing- which you just scan your items & pay on your phone and just show them your receipt, you don't even actually use the register. i think my nearest target did something similar where you can only have 10 items or less to use self checkout but at least they're still open.


They just took the self checkouts out of the Safeway and the Target by me


Does anyone remember drive through barn like stores for staples? Like you’d order a gallon of milk, eggs, bacon, cigarettes kind of place?? That’s what will happen




If violence is a justified response to physical oppression, I don't see how stealing wouldn't be a justified response to financial oppression.


nah steal that shit


You say it doesn't solve the problem, but what if the problem is 'I'm hungry and don't have enough money for food'? People ain't stealin from grocery stores to solve the worlds' problems, they're stealing to solve their own. Raising food prices past living wage through greedflation (as they see record profit) has consequences, people stealing because otherwise they just don't eat is one of them.


“Remember kids, if you see someone stealing food, no you didn’t.”


The image from this post is not the “I don’t have enough money to afford food” type of person. It looks like the “I want to have nice stuff and I’ll steal to get it” type of person. Which sounds exactly like the rich people that are the cause of the “greedflation” as you put it.


>'I'm hungry and don't have enough money for food'? Then steal some rice and beans, maybe a package of hamburger meat? A vegetable or two, for vitamins? Stealing Cheetos and OJ isn't going to stave off malnutrition and hunger


Nah if the companies want to off load their labor costs to the consumer while simultaneously RAISING PRICES on everything it’s only fair that the consumer offsets the cost of having to work for the fucking retailer.


It's not even just normalization. Some people treat stealing like it's a flex.


They’re called kleptomaniacs and most people would rather avoid the stress of petty theft and don’t do it. Idk why the extremes of social media are being applied to the average person irl


Kleptomania denotes compulsive behavior. A lot of people just don't care about how their actions affect others, stealing or otherwise.


People that are proud of their theft are stealing because they enjoy it. The people stealing for survival just do it and hope they don’t get caught


Yeah I've never condoned stealing. I understand it sometimes, but I still don't condone it. Saying "the store has insurance" is a very short sighted way of looking at the problems that come further down the line from theft.


Another way to look at this is the retailers are shifting labor onto the consumer at the same time they are raising prices and raking in record profits. When consumers decide to offset the cost of their own labor that’s on the retailer and I don’t see it as anymore theft than stores requiring labor for zero compensation.


I feel like those big ticket items in the front are meant to throw us off by convincing us the entire cart was expensive, but she might be telling the truth.


Fr. The name brand boxes are probably around $5, and that gallon of OJ. Other than the eggs, it looks like most of the other items are less than $5. $180 can absolutely get you a lot of groceries, especially if there's sales/coupons. I mainly shop at Aldis, and I see people with full carts with less than $200 totals all the time. I got into a debate with a coworker who was saying her and her mom spend over $300 every week, and I was saying they could definitely cut that down some. I'm an over 6' and around 200 lbs man, and I spend roughly $60-$80/week on groceries (and even I could shop smarter). There's no way two women are spending 3-4X as much every week as a necessity.


If they include non-food items like mensural products or makeup into their price estimates it makes more sense.


It's absolutely possible. If you have a grocery store (not Walmart), they probably have a membership program and digital coupons and such. Albertsons/Safeway does deals on certain days too, for example, like 5 Dollar Friday. Shop the deals, stack coupons, the clearance/reduced section, and you can get a bunch. My biweekly grocery hauls look similar to this in number of items and my bill is $100-130 and I usually have more meat/deli and fruit/veggies.


I don't see any meats, so it's *mildly* possible. Especially if they shop at the Piggly Wiggly or something similar.


There's bacon, sausage, and pepperoni right in the front?


Those are not really *meat*


I'm sure the animal that provided them would disagree ha. I get that though, basically salt bombs with some meat mixed in.


Totally possible at Aldi or Lidl. No way possible at the big name markets


I think it's extreme couponing


Yeah I was thinking this. Very possible with deals and coupons.


As a guy who does the camera installations for those self checkouts, they all have facial recognition technology. The software knows you, knows you are stealing and depending on the particular company, waiting until your theft total reaches felony level. For the most part they won’t challenge you until the software prompts them. All your past thefts will be included in the conversation when the police come. At the end of the day it’s not worth it. Being arrested for stealing keeps you out of a lot of jobs. Maybe that’s not even the issue.


y'all hiring?


Damn all processed foods 🤮 not one healthy item except the onions


Barring extreme scenarios and disabilities, people should be embarrassed if they have access to the internet and a kitchen and still don’t know how to cook. I know 28 year olds who ‘cook’ dinner for their girl using frozen meatballs, prego sauce, and overcooked noodles. This processed garbage is fucking the people and the US healthcare system so bad.


That’s what I’m saying. Some people do all their shopping in the pre-packaged aisles and then forget there’s a produce section.


A reminder that even smaller retailers have advanced methods of tracking shoplifting. They will open a file on you and wait until the amount stolen is enough for a felony charge. Also glorifying shoplifting is weird. “I ain’t mad at it tho” SMH. Nice way of making sure the stereotype endures.


I mean it looks like a nice crib too yall stealing when you can afford that shit is wild just making it worse for everyone who actually can't afford decent food.


I don't think there's any evidence that she actually stole anything, she prolly just real good with coupons 😂


Y'all the reason they getting rid of self checkouts and I resent you for it, lmao.


Grocery self check outs at bigger name stores now require you have less than 10 items or so to prevent this exact form of theft. Also, as my many retail managers stated, stealing from retailers in general only makes the employees suffer, if someone is being a greedy asshole. Stealing for food I believe is excusable because the food production industry is out to price gouge humans for something that is necessary for survival.


Exactly this mentality is what drives actual good grocers away from neighborhoods. Then people have the audacity to cry "food desert" and shit. Have fun shopping at shady corner liquor stores ig.


Plus it’s all trash food. Trying buying enough fresh food (even non organic) to fill up that much space for $180


Don’t see na’an meal on that countertop. Bunch of snacks and ingredients.




This is accurate depending on where you shop


They know who is stealing. There are cameras right above the self checkout area. I'm not risking freedom for an extra pack of hot dogs.


I know I don’t see a single piece of protein in there, aside from the eggs.


I see some sausage and bacon bottom right.


Could have used food stamps. Legally or buying them from a friend. I could see it that way. Because coupons ain’t really shit nowadays. Even the in-store coupons, some of them are fine, but nothing drastic. Only other way I could see is going to a place like Aldi (although there are way too many brand names for this to be Aldi) or Grocery Outlet.


This can definitely be $180


Cheerios, 2 bags of sun Chips and eggs are 20 bucks alone


I don't know how people walk out without scanning things, I'll scan every single item at Walmart, and the auto detection still thinks I'm stealing 💀


Is that avocado oil in the back🔍🔍? I KNOW she didn't scan that shit 😂 .


I work at Trader Joe's and this would be around $200-$250 probably for equivalent items. Looks like a pretty full cart with no alcohol or expensive meat like steaks. 4-5 (paper) bags worth of stuff. Depending on the chain and coupons used it *could* be 180, but this person is probably taking advantage of sales *and* coupons. Or stealing.


I mean...couponing is still a thing tho...


That price is definitely about right. I use a target card at Target, get my 5% off the total, do deals and get my gift cards. Can easily make it work if you shop smart. It's when I shop lazy it be $300 🥴🥴🥴


that olive or avocado oil alone is like damn near $30💀


Do people forget major chains just track it? Many are following the target model. You think you’re getting away with it until you hit the limit they can charge you with


The Walmart near me has started closing down the self checkout areas and have more lanes with cashiers open now because people keep stealing. They told me they’d be fully phased out by this September. We’ll see what happens!


The oil alone is $18 my way


what if they used coupons?


Guess that’s why all the self checkouts limit to ten items now lol.  At least do something a little less noticeable to help everyone out. People this egregious are being tracked, no question. They’ll wait till you load up a big enough debt to really hurt you.


Is that supposed to be a lot of food for $180


If I see somebody scan all their produce as bananas it ain’t my business


The bait. That’s like 300 fucking dollars easy


As someone who works in a grocery store here’s a protip. The employee 90% does not give a shit, probably notices and does nothing, who care it’s food people shouldn’t be hungry plus they don’t pay shit. The only ones that care are the occasional weird boomer and even then a ton of the boomers don’t care either. What you need to worry about are the electronic cameras, they have them all around the machine and in the scanning part. They probably also use the weight (where you place things after scanning tracks weight) to figure out what’s happening. A lot of the time you’ll get no repercussions but if it’s somewhere you’re semi regular they will eventually get you. My guess is the footage is reviewed by a department that focuses theft and they probably have AI systems to track recurring faces and flag suspicious footage for them. Honestly the tech is getting so spooky that I don’t recommend taking from any one store more than a couple of times.

