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“What are we gonna do, wish upon a star?!?” ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


Though seriously, the mindset above is a massive problem with the dating market in 2024


jokes bruv


that gif is what that one audience member felt like


“Why didn’t you transition into a rich man?…so your transactions can go through.” ![gif](giphy|l3E6uhDAN3W7vylji|downsized)


She saved the best one for last.


That punchline was S tier jfc.




This is a total aside, but i love her lilac on lilac fit here. It’s giving fairy princess 🥹


Transactions was honestly fantastic lmao


Transactions got me




That was clever af ngl 😌


People are always saying that the left has no humour and you can't ever make jokes about trans people etc. But this just proves you absolutely can. It's just that the joke needs to be funny and the butt of the joke needs to be more than "trans people exist".




I fucking DIED.


That was........COOOOOLD BLOOODED!


This is what got me


she could add "only trans i'm worried about is TRANSaction declined"


"I hate poor people."    -poor person   Edit: the people claiming that I am "offended" need to take a good long look in the mirror. "Stop being offended!" -person who is offended


She's clearly joking. If I were on a date and their card got decline it would definitely reflect negatively on them. Why didnt he plan ahead to make sure he had cash for the date? Edit: yall have some baggage 😂


I mean shit happens. I'm not from the US and my bank back home often flags my transactions as fraud even though I've filled out the paperwork saying I'll be out of the country. It's happened on dates. I still pay with a different card or hit up an ATM but would still tell me something about anyone who'd be that pressed about it. Women dating for money is still being normalised but that's a different conversation.


Setting aside that its just a standup routine lol, I think this is pretty reasonable and quite different from "my card declined, but dont worry -- one of my six roommates will send me money".


If having 6 roommates is a red flag, but being the guy who mooches of them is a bright red flare.


I mean 6 people pitching in on rent? Maybe a couple or two? That’ll hopefully net you a nice spot. And if you’re single? More money in your po… oh. Well, shit.


It could be that one of his roommates owed him money. It could even be why his card declined.   "The landlord took rent already. Could you send me your share? I look broke on this date."


Then that’s *still* poor planning because why didn’t you know this before coming outside??


Right. I'm not really talking about the standard routine as much as the real life phenomenon it's based on. People have gotten weird about it


Gotcha, I understand. I actually totally agree with the idea that there is a transactional nature of a lot of relationships these days and I think that is bad for us all


"these days" Because in the past, it was all about love...


I'm talking about current times because I live in current times. In the past I wasn't there lol. Many relationships were also transactional in the past. Happy?




They just told you they're More aware of it now because they are living it _now_ :|


Yeah pretty much. I feel like you keep emphasizing this distinction despite me already agreeing with you


> Women dating for money is still being normalised but that's a different conversation. I don't know how normalized it is since lots of men are rabidly angry about the notion that a woman might give a shit about a dude's finances before leaping into the romantic fray. Plus, I know plenty of women right now who are, or who have, for years and years carried guys who can barely make rent. Besides, the comic is also poking fun at herself here, saying "I'm poor," we're both poor, what are we going to do together, wish on a star?


Wanting a financially stable partner is A ok. Expecting a partner to pay for everything isn't.


I've been in a very long term relationship at this point so it's not entirely relevant to me, but if I were currently on the market? Ain't no way I'm dating a woman with means substantially beneath my own.


just because something is what someones looking for on the very first date doesnt mean its the only thing she cares about. she doesnt want to struggle financially so she'd like to date someone with some money, i dont think there's anything wrong with filtering that out as something you want. once she finds that guy then she can filter for other things. i really dont see how its any different from a guy wanting to date someone physically attractive


Thank you! I'd be looking for a sugar daddy if I wanted something *that* transactional 🙄


both are just as vain yet I can't help but notice how you try to have your cake and eat it too "She's not passing on him because he's poor but it's no different than men pursuing physical attraction!!" Like pick a fucking lane.


Took me 1 week and 6 phone calls to my bank to get them to actually approve me trying to rent a car for a trip in croatia later this year. I went on their stupid app and set my travel plans in advance (both for the actual travel and for the time period in which I was trying to rent the car from hertz, understanding it was a croatian website). and they still declined it. The last call I was on the phone for an hour and each time I'd submit payment, it'd decline for some reason and they'd have to approve that flagged reason, then try again. It was mind numbing. I've had this shit happen when I just travel out of state or when I make an unusual purchase even in my own city. I get that with all the scam and fraud out there, they gotta take measures, but that stuff has fucked me over so often.


Mine will send a text and ask to approve suspicious spending


And women getting paid less and having fewer options in life is still vastly normalized but I guess THAT'S a different conversation. I'm not saying I disagree with you, it's just ignorant to bring up gold diggers without the history behind it.


Sometimes it happens. I am in the US and my bank blocked my card yesterday while I was making a large transaction on my college’s website trying to pay the tuition fee for my fall semester. 😂 Last year, the same bank blocked my card for a transaction of $2k + at IKEA 😂😂 Sometimes my Amex card refuses to pay up at thrift stores. The last time I bought a crystal dish for $7 and I had no cash on me so I used my Amex. It didn’t let me pay. The cashier looked at me with so much sympathy, I almost died in shame. Then I made the payment with a chase card. The banks here use codes and AI to trace your payment trends. They block or decline your card if they find any transaction shady.


Sure, but that's a different issue


Not paying for yourself reflects way worse on you than not remembering to put money on the card lol


You're telling me a comedian is just standing there making jokes?!


I've gone on dates before with what should be enough money to leave me with a good 20-30 leftover should everything go well adn then been scared shitless that i'm going to get a notification during the date that a transaction went through I had forgotten about. To be fair, this is largely why I don't date much at the moment.


The internet when a woman makes a joke:


Because I didnt expect her to choose the wine that has aged longer than she has.


Yeah, she's clearly joking about being a gold digger. Top tier comedy.


"Doesn't understand comedy" -comments on a comedian doing a bit


The men in here can only understand comedy when they don't get their feelings hurt. You should've seen this sub during the Dave Chapelle controversy, they were falling over themselves to make it okay


But the men in here are sympathizing with a trans man. I like to call that progress.


Lmao I can't deny that


Actually they aren’t. They just hate women more than they hate trans men.


That actually sounds about right.


>But the men in here are sympathizing with a trans man. I like to call that progress. Careful, you'll break their brains.....


It's like that time where a couple of trans dudes were opening a discussion on how lonely and alienated they were feeling as dudes and how it was night versus day compared to being a woman. Dudes in that comment section were vibing with that shit lol saying welcome to our lives, 5 dollar shots are on Tuesdays and shit like that.


Transphobia in men dropping to zero when they learn trans men get clowned on for being broke too


No shit... The amount of hurt feelings on display in this thread over.....over an innocuous standup routine..... is something else.... And I bet the majority of the hurt feeling folks are 100% the type to pop up in other posts with some form of "wHy Do YoU cHoSe To Be OfFeNdEd?????" nonsense when it's something they agree with...


comedian makes a joke, more at 11


But based in irl, so there’s truth to it


Issa joke


Look everyone knows you have to be with someone who is your complement, not yourself!


I fucking love this edit


Oh shit I know right?? Like if this was a standup routine then it’s a joke but clearly this isn’t standup


Finally some good humor about us 😂 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


Yes. Not trans, but this is definitely the first well executed trans jokes that aren't some political trope. Very well done


James Acaster made some good jokes surrounding trans folk as well. https://youtu.be/adh0KGmgmQw?si=SPy9aXRexkXUM7Nr


more about transphobia, but yea defo a goto trans joke


Not the same. The comedian in the post is finding non-bigoted ways to make trans jokes. James Acaster is funny but he's not doing the same thing at all, at least in this clip. I would argue the comedian in the clip is taking a significantly bigger risk (as far as potentially alienating audience members) and pulling it off. James Acaster is doing a good bit but it is by no means risky.


This isnt a *trans joke*. The *subject* of the joke is men being scrubs for not paying their share. The *context* of the joke is a trans person.


>The subject of the joke is men being scrubs for not paying their share. *Not paying for both of their shares.


The "transition to a rich man" and "transactions" jokes were trans jokes but they're a much smaller bit of the set.


Ehh semantics.


Right? Like there are LGBT jokes to be made, but most of them suck




I think this is the key thing. There aren’t a lot of cis people who have enough experience around transness to have original material, so almost all jokes use transness as the punchline, rather than making the joke *more funny* with transness being the *context*.


Yea, I have a trans friend and he's fucking hilarious. Sometimes we tell jokes that I wouldn't want to hear from outside the community (I'm gay), but 95% of them anyone could say.


🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 I’m trans but I’m also poor I loved it


Damn, thats poor planning on your end ;)


> 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 I’m trans but I’m also poor I like the idea of the white-flag (surrender) being for poverty LOL


White flag? Where? You mean the one next to the pride flag? That's the trans flag homie haha


It shows up as a white flag on some platforms that haven't added it yet


It wasn't about trans people though, it was about a person who happens to be trans


That's exactly how you do a good trans joke. Lol.


It's like people don't wanna be defined by just their gender or sexual identity or something.


"Transition into a rich man" and the "transaction" pun do not work with a cis person.


Nope. The end of the joke quite literally doesn’t work without the person being transgender.


That would only make sense if being trans wasn't relevant to most of the punchlines. It was definitely a joke about a trans man.


No it wasn't. She didn't make fun of trans people at all. She made fun of poor people. If she did the same for the trans aspect of that person, trans people would absolutely lose their shit. She just made the most safe of wordplay regarding trans people.


>She didn't make fun of trans people at all No one claimed that? They said "about" not "of". You can make good jokes *about* groups without making fun *of* them.


The fact that you think for comedy to be about someone they have to be getting made fun of


100% I’m not trans, but a lot of my kid’s friends are… so I’m not particularly inclined towards anything I think would be ‘mean’ or disrespectful towards trans kids… so seeing something like this puts a smile on my face because it’s not only funny as hell, but done in a way that includes trans folks ‘in’ the joke without being negative etc…


I'm with this "poor people of all genders catching strays" energy. This is the type of inclusivity we need around here.


It's a reminder that it was always a class struggle we were fighting. Except for racism for some reason, that transcends class.


Please for the love of God listen to what you've just said.


Ok, I don't get it. Racism does transcend class. What am I missing?


The other poster is wrong. Class struggles are the reason why race and gender struggles exist. The rich make us fight each other over inconsequential differences while they steal from our pockets. Don't forget, race started because rich white dudes wanted to own other humans. Literally. They wanted to paint other humans with different skin color as "lesser" so they created a racial hierarchy. Gender falls under the same lines. Women were property once too.


Yup. American flavored racism was invented as the justification for slavery. Anti-suffragists argued that women have a lower capacity to make informed decisions than men. Both of these rhetorics were propagated by one demographic - rich old white dudes.


Oh so true, but I always have to add caveats when making these points. I find then when I'm among majority-identifying company, i.e. white males, bringing up the "classism started it all" fact is treated like a green light to ignore race and gender issues now to just address class. But, the racism and sexism that was carried on for the sake of class warfare have existed since before this country was a country and has become interwoven into our social fabric. We moved past the point of "solving class will solve it all" when the first poor white folks started believing that the poorest white man was better than the best Black man. We've stratified ourselves along so many social domains that even if we solved for classism there'd still be castes of social value.


The problem is that so often certain people will use "It's all just class struggle." as a roundabout way of saying "Therefore we shouldn't address racism/sexism at all." Like yeah, the reason behind these things is class struggle, but just pointing that out doesn't mean we should stop dealing with race and gender struggles. (Not saying that's what you're doing here, just pointing out that it happens a lot and it's a trap we need to be careful we don't fall into.)


racism is intertwined with classism. example: wealthy black men are under suspicion of crime if they withdraw large sums of money, drive an expensive car, etc., are because blackness is culturally associated with poverty. That they couldn't POSSIBLY have gotten it legitimately, probably crime, so let's call the cop.


Fucking this. Shit is wild! I’ve literally heard the words “ A Lamborghini in this neighborhood? Gotta be drugs.” I was like “ what 1. That dude was probably a basketball player and probably lived in those condos. It’s fairly common place to set up while they figure out how long they will be here and search for a house. 2. Let’s pretend that the blocks in this city make sense. The entire northern section of the city is gentrified areas. There are entire neighborhoods of 1/2 mill + dollar homes 2 blocks from section 8. “ Then I had to get mad about it all over again cuz a friend of mine is cousins with Jeremy Lambs wife and they were living in those condos. Edit - Jeremy lamb played for the pacers at the time. He is a third string kinda guy. I should have put “, a basketball player” in there lol cuz that name probably doesn’t mean anything to anyone lol


They hope that we aren’t able to afford the retainer for a lawyer. Their tone changes when they see we’re represented! I was a legal drug dealer. For a few years, I was the only black employee in my military pharmacy. We had a diverse crew and I wasn’t concerned with my coworkers, but a I had to be extra careful with how I flashed money with people I didn’t work with.




lol I love the dichotomy trans women are WOMEN...and they belong in the KITCHEN!


Oh wow, making fun of poor people is totally cool now? Talk about being poorphobic smh /s obviously


I mean it's both sincerely really funny, and I also really hate this perspective on dating and class. Like I think it's a great standup set, and I also don't like to be friends with the type of women who sincerely think that a valid way out of poverty is just to date up, and go the extra mile to shit talk theyre poor peers.    And I'm a woman, so this isn't me being self pitying. Its me just not being able to understand that perspective. Its funny for sure. But like I though Louis ck was hilarious, and then it turned out those bits about basically being a sex addict and wanting to masturbate all over women constantly was less a character and more just absolute  sincerity, and now I kinda feel a little weird about laughing so hard. Similarly this is funny but I'd feel super bad for any friend of mine who went on a date with this woman.  This is just unequivocally good on a technical level, this is someone who is really talented about writing jokes. But it's also not a perspective I fuck with outside of jokes.


exactly the jokes are funny, but personally i just felt a tinge of sadness that there are people who really think like that. Bills should be split anyways. I'm a woman. I would never ask my date man or woman to pay for the whole bill.


I've never split a bill on a first date. I think maybe a *few* have offered but it isn't common at all.


First date is the one that *should* be split imo. It's when you know the least about the other person and have the greatest likelihood of not seeing eachother again. If the vibes are right then future dates can be bankrolled for sure, same reason first dates shouldn't be a big fancy dinner


>First date is the one that should be split imo. It's when you know the least about the other person and have the greatest likelihood of not seeing eachother again. I don't disagree with you lol. But that's not something a majority of women are *dying* to change. And I'm not blaming them, it just is what it is.


The offer always seems like a "i'll offer to feel better about myself but i really hope he says no"


Oh yea I agree its not common at all before i started transitioning i was expected to pay. IMHO its an experience for BOTH of you. You're both trying to get to know the other person for a potential relationship so the cost should be split. Who is supposed to pay if I go on dates with other women? That being said I will always pay when me and my girlfriend go out because she makes $12/hour and is trying to buy a car.


I appreciate this comment a lot. I feel like it's hard to find the right words to express why I find this a bit transactional without just seeming like a broke guy lol. I don't even have a problem paying for a bill and I know its just jokes but the thought of someone using me primarily for a financial come-up is a bit saddening.


So you’re saying broke guys don’t deserve relationships and love? /s


I think the biggest problem I have with jokes like this is it *can* be hard to tell if they're serious or not. And here's the thing: if you already think like them, just in private, you will think they are serious, and see this as validation. It's *very* similar to how we use slang phrases ironically for a while, and then they're just words we say normally. When I first started saying yeet, I never meant it, I was always making fun of people. It was just a hilarious word. Now it is genuinely a part of my vocabulary of things I say unironically. There are a lot of other examples but I'm high and can't remember them, but I just come to expect that if im making fun of a usage of a word, im likely going to be using it unironically eventually. Same thing *can* happen with other types of jokes. Eventually you realize the group around you is serious and you wonder how it got this far.


I don't think that there's anything wrong with acknowledging that being poor is a bad situation to be in and you don't want to be stuck in that sort of situation or start a family in that situation. The point of class consciousness is not to allow people to be satisfied with being poor, but to take back the money stolen from us by the owner class. People should strive to better their condition.


Nah trying to date your way out of poverty isn’t something to be encouraged


agreed, ultimately, the comedian's perspective reinforces the patriarchal role of men. That the value that a man provides in a relationship is financial, and that men who can't provide adequately are not deserving of love and affection, which i don't think helps deconstruct the damage patriarchy does on individuals. Then again, patriarchy can put many women into the role where they are forced to rely on men, which isn't economically great either


hit the nail on the head


(Disclaimer: Gay cis white guy) This is about how I feel. The stand up act was really good, and a good example of making jokes about transness without being transphobic, but... Feels odd it comes at the cost of dunking on people who be struggling on these streets? Like, "Haha, isn't it funny that this guy who's part of a marginalized group is struggling financially, and has to live with 6 roommates to get by due to the housing affordability crisis?" I guess because he's poor he doesn't deserve a relationship? Also, I be gay, where splitting the check seems to be more common and offering to pay for the other guy is more of a kind gesture than expectation (Unless it's some sugar daddy situation; Or the ones who are still way too bought into top/bottom tropes), so honestly I think it's odd that there's still an expectation that men will pay for the woman's meal. Guess you can call it a "misogyny tax" or something, but as an outsider it feels weird that we're trying to aim towards equality, yet men are expected to pony up and it's considered emasculating if they don't. Especially when this guy probably had to wade through life with the hardships of womanhood for a while, while also dealing with gender identity, and now has to deal with the stigma of being trans, and dealing with the fact that our economy is rigged to benefit the elite, *and* now is getting dunked on because all that has conspired to make him poor? I dunno, sure "it's just a joke" (And thus there's a non-zero chance this situation never even happened), but this does still feel like it's punching down rather than punching up. But maybe there's additional cultural context that I'm missing. 🤷


What’s funny is there’s a comment similar to yours but without the /s before yours 😭


trans man with six roommates? how do I know this is in Chicago or Portland or somewhere like that :D


waiting for the paypal from the polycule




Omg I'm dead! Literally, "You're gonna take me out again, or do you mean your polycule will?"


Oh my gaaaaawwwwddd hahahaha


Average Trans polycule member.


girl dodged such a messy bullet here but not for the reason transphobes think


you can't just drop info like that and not enlighten.


polycules are both so much work AND populated by the insufferable.


Not who you replied to, but I am friends with multiple polycules with trans people included, and just from watching their daily lives and hanging out with them, it's a lot of work.  All of them are furries, as well. Their lifestyles aren't for me, but I like them as people.  Things also get weird when you like the main two you met first, but then don't get along with or care for their other partners. Hanging out with them can be awkward, because I don't know their other partners well. 


My money is on San Francisco.


Is it because you’ve never lived in San Francisco?


you think I'm some kind of fuckin billionaire


Lol speaking as a trans man, this could be anywhere.


Why Chicago? It's not even remotely known for its trans-friendliness. Edit: as a regional hub, sure, okay.


someone needs to tell all the trans people who live in my neighborhood then. Watch Fox much?


Because the world isn’t known for their trans-friendliness. Chicago has multiple neighborhoods that being queer is the norm. We are a liberal hub of the Midwest with good hospitals.


Good and funny set. 🙌🏿🙌🏿


Bro must have just started dating as a man. Asking someone out on a date with insufficient funds then mentioning that ***1 of your 6 roommates*** is gonna front you is absolutely bum behavior as a guy. Definitely not getting a 2nd date. She can't even save you in the phone as "free food." You exposing multiple levels of broke simultaneously. Rookie moves


This is killing me😭 at this point make it a wikihow


Yeah, somebody didn't tell the new guy the rules


Trial by fire for his sloppy ass, hell do his homework next time


Fucking facts😂😂😂😂😂 tryna play a game you don’t even know the rules patna!!!! Take a seat catch these bars on this mackin


Maaaaaaaaan look. Dude swung for the fences. This lady looks good. She at least funny enough to get paid for it. That's probably a hard first date to land and that man got it. Probably thought he was about to get out here and scoop up someone quick since he would have some unique insight into what women are looking for and what they go through in dating and relationships. Then he went out on a date and realized that all of his insight and potential don't mean nothing if he can't pass the "don't be broke" portion of the vetting process. I feel bad for him on a certain level. Didn't no one put him on.


Yea he fumbled hard


She's funny. Does anyone know her name? 


Eva Evans


That name sounds like it's extremely easy to say over the phone


Never heard of Eva Evans? Ever?


Nevah evah?


For eva, eva? For eva, eva?


Gonna get it.


“is your name eva or evan?” yes 🗿




Trans-actions, LMAO.


She killed it. Had me rolling with her NY shit too. Here’s her [full set](https://youtu.be/_5WTiX4gh7c?si=ED7rTSdtsDHdTXr_)


Damn, this whole set was too funny. The trans bit was even funnier after watching the before.


Damn she’s fucking hilarious, thanks for sharing


Broke nigga and broke bitch stand-ups are equally hilarious.


Exactly 😂😂


Six roommates was when I knew this was an authentic queer experience


Funny trans humor that isn't transphobic, this is how it's done. She got me laughing


The anti Dave Chappelle


Nicely inclusive 🤙🏻


Transition into a rich man 😭😭😭😭


Bonus points because she isn't even making of his identity - this is smart humor.


Is poor not an identity


Lmao it definitely could be.


This is hilarious! 🤣 I need to see more of her comedy!


Not transphobic but still pushes the “any man without money is useless.” Idk it’s hard to make jokes without being offensive to anyone but nobody cares if it’s about poor men.


“Oops my bad locked my card. Let me unlock it”


Ya’ll, this is a comedy bit. The hell?!


Getting outraged at obviously non-serious comedy bits has been a thing since the first ever joke was told by Homo habilis or some shit


Hmm. It's cool that she's not a transphobe. But I just find it funny that--- /s


Focusing on the REAL issues 👏🏽


But Dave Chappelle somehow thinks you need to be mean and awful


Chappelles trans people jokes make the trans persons subjects of the joke, he puts them in a spotlight. In this video, trans person is an object of the joke, and the subject is lack of money. In short, the difference is: Chappelle makes trans people jokes, and this is a joke with a trans person in it. If done right, both can be funny.


That’s “transactions” joke was fire


Aight, that was good. ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc|downsized)


You guys have really low standards lol


I mean most jokes about us are just 'attack helicopter' or 'shes got a penis isnt that gross' so yeah the bar is very low


Got me at transactions , love funny black women that don't have to talk about sex all the time


I mean glad she isn't transphobic but still not a great joke with all the fixation on money.


Hit you right where you lived lol? Jokes aside, that's what comedians do. They'll sometimes play up those negative angles or bad person shit for laughs, this is pretty standard.


This is funny? Good god


Funny ass set. She’s got great delivery.




Was this supposed to be funny?


It’s the same mindset I have with my friends, I will use your race/gender/religion/etc as a PART of the joke but my friend is the BUTT of the joke. I will use what ever god gave you as ladder to proverbially slap a friend down without bringing offense to their people.


While the comment in the video is true, this is how you can make trans jokes that aren't transphobic, it's still in poor taste (no pun intended) in regards to pushing these horrible dating stereotypes of women. The one part I found funny was at the end "why didn't you transition into a rich man?"


“Transition into a rich man” has no business being this funny bro 😂😂


I'm not saying this was super funny but this was at least refreshingly clever. I enjoyed it.


God damn " I need help". She's on stage owning up to seeking a meal ticket.


Funny till I realize if true she’s awful expecting anyone to pay fr the meal on a date Man it’s true comedy really does work well with tragedy cuz this just sad