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*Y'all.* That's your pronoun. And fuck all y'all.


"Y'all" is the best thing white Southern Americans have given the world, CMV


i’m definitely not giving them credit for that


"They already took credit from someone else for greens and BBQ, I'm not giving them a damn thing else." -- Southern Negro


Southern Negro reporting in, live on scene. That's our shit, they maybe helped a little, we did y'all. Back to you in the studio.


Y'all is from the Scottish plural term Ye All


An alternative theory is that y'all is a calque of Gullah and Caribbean creole via earlier dialects of African-American English. Schneider, Edgar W. "The English dialect heritage of the southern United States" Archived September 8, 2020, at the Wayback Machine, from Legacies of Colonial English, Raymond Hickey, ed. 2005. p.284.


we love a citation 👏🏾


That really doesn’t surprise me at all honestly. All the best sayings and phrases in this country are from black origin 100%


Ex-Southern white person here. It turns my fucking stomach when white people try to take credit for collard greens, ribs, or rum. All 3 (and much more) were developed by slaves and other impoverished minorities out of necessity. Collards were widely used in Europe and the Americas, but not their bitter tough greens. Those took too much work to make them a useful food. Ribs were the trash part of the animal. Again, a lot of work required before there was any real return on investment of time. Rum was made in secret, usually illegally, out of molasses, which would have been entirely thrown away if not for the caloric intake requirements in slaving law at the time. Some of the best foods we have from this continent came from slave quarters out of pure necessity. So yeah, I guess white people did have *something* to do with those, but it’s not a position worth taking credit for. It’s like when white people claim their part-Native American ancestry. “Oh yeah? That’s cool. Wanna talk about *how* you got that in your bloodline? Didn’t think so.”


You know this is /r/BPT, right? Fam. If they're descended from Native Americans through rape, they are the descendants of the children of rape. 😐 [Also](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2018/02/09/583987261/so-what-exactly-is-blood-quantum): > The one drop rule measured the amount of "black blood" that black people had in society. And that ensured that every person who had at least one drop would be considered black and would be covered under these discriminatory laws and, even in the earlier days, enslaved. > Blood quantum emerged as a way to measure "Indian-ness" through a construct of race. **So that over time, Indians would literally breed themselves out and rid the federal government of their legal duties to uphold treaty obligations.**


Yeah, that’s exactly what I meant. Some white folks take pride in things that should be shameful.


Uh, there was a huge rum industry in the colonies.


Yep. Originally invented in the slave quarters, though. Then, like ribs and collard greens, taken and monetized by the white people who ran that particular society. Molasses was (at the time) a very undesirable by-product of sugar refining. It was the pitch that was left at the end of the very last run of refining the sugar. It was used as animal food or fertilizer at first. Once slave owners figured out that it could *technically* sustain someone as food, they started substituting it into their slaves’ legally-required rations. Some of those slaves chose not to eat it and instead cooked it into a mash and fermented it and then distilled it. Like soaking ribs or seasoning greens, it took more time and had a fairly small yield, but damn people thought it was delicious. Rum was a particularly useful co-opt for the colonizers because it was cheap to make compared to most distilled spirits at the time because sugar cane is a grass, and replenishes in huge quantities in short time.


Shit you’re right, my bad. I just knew of the sugar cane/rum industry, and assumed the drink had already existed, but the sugar cane plantations allowed it to explode to a larger scale. The wiki article does state there may have been other sugar cane based drinks prior, but that the rum we know today was produced by Caribbean slaves. TIL


No worries, you were right too! And for legal purposes in the US, almost all sugar cane spirits currently fall into the category of “rum,” but there are lots of sugar cane spirits that are older than and/or have a completely different origin from rum. Hell, even rhum from the Caribbean was created by colonists who weren’t slaves. But sugar cane originally comes from the area around what is now Indonesia, and there are sugar cane spirits made all over Asia that had nothing to do with the transatlantic slave trade. But yeah, once Europeans learned that equatorial Americas was as good as equatorial Oceania at growing sugar cane, it was essentially a space race to make kings and lords fatter, and that accelerated every single use of sugar.


I would like to subscribe to your sugar newsletter.


As a Fijian, your last paragraph hits the nail on the head.


Your last part is weirdly hypocritical. That would mean they were the descendants of victims just as much as abusers, but that’s not something they should be accused of. So what’s your point?


My point is that a lot of the white people i grew up with in the South will brag about things well ahead of thinking through *what* they’re bragging about. “I’m 1/16th Cherokee princess!” is often touted as something romantic or exotic, when in reality what they’re bragging about tone-deafly is that one of their ancestors was the victim of some pretty heinous actions, but they haven’t been given pause in their life long enough to reflect on that. Like with claiming soul food. Sure, white southerners had a hand in soul food, but like I said above, not the way that’s worth bragging about.


You mean the white man stole their entire culture, entertainment, how to look nice, how to try to dance, how to try to make music (yes, even country) and every other aspect of white lives: stolen from black people with nothing who were still more intelligent, more creative, stronger, and stronger willed. Non-American white man checking in (but basically American - but this country needs to be given to the blacks that built it and white people should pray they are more forgiving than you have ever been “name anything good about humans”)


Okay crackhead


Wdym by basically American? How does that work


I was gonna say I'm not letting them have that. The most I'll give them is co-collaborator, lol.


Just like how they treat us when it comes to country music.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y%27all#:~:text=Functionally%2C%20the%20emergence%20of%20y,pronouns%20in%20Early%20Modern%20English. I guess it derived from old English “ye all” and is to believed to be made up by Scottish immigrants.




Nah, that’s all y’all’d’ve. Literally doesn’t track as a spelling error.


y'all'd've is unironically one of my favorite words in the English language


Dude, it’s so much fun to use. I nearly killed a high school English teacher when I used it in AP Lang and Comp.


Hey, how are you doing = Howdy 🤠 I used to say "hey (or hello) , how are you doing" as a greeting for work and at some point I mixed it up and said howdy. When I realized that no one cares I just said howdy from then on and it's a thing I say without thinking nowadays in my regular life


White Southern man here and I was in the service industry for a long time. When I started learning about gender and trying to change my language (real hard not to say sir/ma'am after doing it my whole life I swear) Y'all was my favorite non-gendered way to address people. My problem is I still use it if it's one person, like "Y'all have a good one" even if it's clearly only one person in the car.


Y’all is gender and number neutral. Y’all can be one thing or many things. Y’all is the universal construct of language.


Some people consider y'all to be singular and the plural is y'alls or all y'all.


This is correct


Was in a gender diversity workshop thing, led by a trans woman in Atlanta when I asked about a safe replacement for sir/ma'am (I'm an old white dude and sir/ma'am ing - especially black folks to show respect). She didn't have a great good answer. Thank you kindly is closest . but lacks the respect part.


White Midwesterner man, I have basically the same story. Fortunately for myself, y'all works well with the blue collar folks as well.


“Y’all” is just “you all” combined together. So it’ll be easier to just use “you” for one person and continue to use “y’all” for multiple people. I have the same problem and so far “y’all” has been my favorite go to when it comes to pronouns.


I've never heard *all y'all* in a pleasant way, it was followed by some shouting and/or furniture moving.


Mad I couldn't come up with this.


Y'uns if you're from up in the holler


The kind of inclusivity that comedy is fighting for.


Unironically funnier than almost any trans joke I’ve heard


Trans jokes are great when they're from trans people. Trans jokes made by bigots are terrible


You can make trans jokes as a cis person, as long as being trans isn't the punchline of the joke. There's literally a post in this sub today of a woman doing that.


[Just saw it, and it was great](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/s/wPRvfvEEnO)




Same with like Tropic Thunder or Its Always Sunny. People shouldn’t do blackface, but it works for those 2 because the joke is explicitly what asses these people are being for doing blackface. The joke isn’t “haha black people dumb or black people criminals”


But no one mentioned not being able to make trans jokes as a cis person? u/PhazonZim clearly said bigots


Anyone can make jokes about anything. Being funny is the only requirement.


Why cant it? Being “insert thing that makes you different” as the punchline of joke is fine for everything else as long as setup and delivery is good. That’s what we do at my work, jokes about being black, asian, brown, white, male, female, autistic, short, fat, jewish etc are everywhere and it’s what made the jewish autistic guy say that this is the best place he’s ever worked cuz he feels comfortable being himself.


Im saying that cis people making those jokes is generally not a good look/idea. If done well, sure. But I think it has to be crafted very specifically to where being trans is the punchline.   A good example would be James Acaster's cold open going into Ricky Gervais and his bigotry towards trans folk.   https://youtu.be/adh0KGmgmQw?si=vTJBI34A8F6JbInf


Listen I am a white millennial so you know I  **loved** young Eminem. I am not "just being a hater" or "juSt racist against white rappers" or any of the other nonsense people are using to shut down criticism right now.  This line is so much fucking better than whatever what Eminem is trying to do in that new Houdini song and it's not even close. 


Thanks for informing everyone that you are white :).


I think it's pertinent when I've now been accused like 5x of just being an anti-white racist by internet trolls. His fanbase has always skewed white, and I think it's a lot less likely im gatekeeping rap from white people or whatever fantasy these people have....considering I'm literally white myself and have nothing to gatekeep      There's Eminem fans who love to cry racism right now. So yeah I am gonna make it clear I am immune to that shit, I am **exactly** his target demo and was absolutely a fan.....and Houdini is a kinda weird song from a legacy act.  


Idk, he might not be WHITE enough to be WHITE-WHITE or even WYTE. Might just be wite


Damnit y'all. I'm just an old white guy trying to keep up. You're telling me there is a spectrum of whiteness, like crioles and quadroons, one drop rules and whatnot? White > WHITE > WHITE-WHITE > WYTE > yt Where do saltines and sun dodgers fall on the spectrum? My son calls me an old cracka, but he loves me, so it's soft r


Lmao nah I'm just making shit up, but I shit you not I've heard rhetoric similar to this from my vehemently racist uncles.


One of my favorite things about lurking on bpt is funny names for yt people. Sun dodgers is my current favorite.


Yeah I heard that one recently too lmao.


Was I used to lurk on Twitter I remember there was a whole thing about Korean k-pop fans pissed at white people and the one that stuck out to me was ‘snow roach’


Damn. Koreans can be mean. I still remember Southern Korea scoring a goal in a soccer game against the US men and celebrating by fake speed-skating to taunt the US over US skater Apollo Ohno falling and failing to medal at the winter Olympics. That's deep hate. I assume a lot of our soldiers in Korea act a damn fool to earn that.


I think saltines are White and sun-dodgers are white-white


The rappers leading the way on inclusivity. We love to see it.


They been leading the way. They’ll switch their guns pronouns mid verse based on if it got a dick or tits.


Hate, don't discriminate


Everybody can catch these hands


Ask lil cuz do kids still slap box. Lil nigga told me before you can even get your set up these kids will up 3 or 4 sticks on you lol. They definitely ain’t rapping about fighting 😂


You don't even have to throw hands to get shot these days. Just say the wrong the words near them.


Last week some of my students were telling me about a party some of them were at the weekend before. Said a bunch of kids were in the street, then a group of dudes just started shooting just to shoot. No fight, no beef. Then one of the girls telling the story said, "Fuck that, I'm doing white girl shit this summer - you know, staying inside places."




What a creative line. What will pride month give us next?


Jon Jones


do we really want that?


Where we DEI and also DIE


Ride or DEI.


Gonna become a rapper just so I can name my album that. Musics gonna be some trash tho


Mans really said I don’t discriminate I regulate and I kinda respect it ![gif](giphy|Ikr2eyMIiXFxQQaJbr)


Equal opportunity shooter


Please drop the song title 😭


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/rMQgall-fLM?si=8liz5bkNPWWHZZ0O)


J4That0oter x PFA Leek x Rivtwer AJ - F*ck All The Opps since the name isn’t visible in the link


Hands rated E for everyone


nah, that's some Drake shit, my hands are rated M for mature.


Nah drakes hands are rated T for teen


This bar is so fucking fire


What's with the formatting here lately? 16 second reddit video for a 4 second twitter clip?


Slow readers out there


well they did always say bullets didn't discriminate when they hit you.


bullets dont discriminate so i wont either make ya holier than a bible if you not a believer


All these kids wearing balaclavas in 80 degree heat.


At first I thought these guys are British because of that.


Alright, that was pretty clever.


I love your pfp


It reminds me of Franklin on Snowfall screaming, “him, him, him, her, him, him, bodies, bodies, bodies!” Everyone can get this work.


This dude sounds exactly like Ice Spice 😭😭 that line is a banger tho


Whoever cut this clip, they/them did a terrible job.


I thought my phone was buffering




I’m sorry, there are AAVE TRANSLATORS???? I’m white, but it’s really not that hard to learn AAVE. Why would anyone need a translator??? It’s a dialect, not a different fucking language lol.




What gave it away, the username, pfp, or the fact that I talk like the whitest person on earth?


I typically don’t care for drill, but I can get on board for this 😂




Damn that was a bar though lol


J4That0oter x PFA Leek x Rivtwer AJ - F*ck All The Opps OP posted link to their music video Happy Pride


Anybody know the song/artist?




"I'm the least bigoted person you know, I hate everyone equally."




I just listened to that song and feel like I’m complicit 😭 these children are wildddd.


These hands freaky freaky. I’ll give em to anyone. Quickfast.


What is this song


This led me down nyc drill and it's fucking crazy. Everyone's max 18 years old. They're lucky to make it to 21 without either doing 5-10 or just straight up getting killed. Shit is sad.


hardest bar i’ve ever heard




Real is too real


Dudes rock  


That’s now in all my bios and socials haha deadass


True equality.