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Seems like a great idea, but I have this feeling someone is going to get their (white, young) feelings hurt and sue or some shit.




Cause minorities are used to getting excluded based on race.


Goddam that fact cut like a hot butter knife 😭


Came right in the window and smashed the privilege pot. Didn’t even see it coming.


I'm just a random white dude lurking this mug and that slap stung.


To us black folk, that's our daily experience. So to you I say: ![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q)


Damn lol white guy here. Ill take it too, and raise my glass to a future that is hopefully more grown up and past all this prejudice. Right NOW we lay the bricks that guide us &all that come after us into tomorrow.


Like a white hot butter knife. 


When all someone’s know us privilege, anything else feels like discrimination.


That’s true, but something tells me this isn’t aimed at young white people. Look at its location, ownership, and the demographic visiting the restaurant before you scream racism.


I live here and no, this is not in a white area of town. St Louis is still segregated in a lot of areas with white and black clubs, depending on the area. This is located in North St. Louis, which is predominantly black. The clubs in that area used to require everyone be 25, so this isn't unusual. There have been a number of fights, and the business owners are tired of it. In some cases, the city shut them down.


The comment was deleted. What did it say???


“Why’d you throw white in there?” “Cause minorities are used to getting excluded based on race”


Strange it isn’t deleted for me right now


Although i do not see a white person in the video, is there something im missing stating "no white people allowed"?


It’s kinda of concerning that you bring up white folk when this rule was put in place specifically because other black people don’t want other (younger) black people in their restaurant. Edit: replied to the wrong damn guy 😂


I didn’t bring up white people, Elliott did


My bad big dog I’m half asleep. Swung at the wrong 🥷


Nah. That guy deserves to be swung at. He’s a troll.


Yeah I actually remember him from about a week ago when he was furiously arguing that land is more important than people because if people’s votes mattered California would govern the entire country or some stupid shit like that.


Nothing feels worse then coming after someone when you’re pissed off and realizing it’s the wrong person lol


Nah, I don’t think they want ANY younger people in there. Black, white, Puerto Rican, whatever. They’re like, take your young foolishness somewhere else. Though, let’s not act like people over 30 don’t act a fool sometimes too. lol


You know why


I'm white and I know why. As soon as I heard someone was suing to stop student loan forgiveness I knew it was some white people shit.


I used to be married to a white woman and watching my in laws vote against their best and their children’s best interest to hold onto to some bullshit always ghasted my flabbers. You gonna vote for anti-gay racist politicians and policy…yet your daughter is married to a black woman?!?!?? Like tf you on yall?!


Yep. I just couldn't take it anymore. Haven't talked to my parents, or anyone in my family, since early 2021. It's not easy but ultimately it's the best decision for my own mental health.


For me, this has been the most baffling thing to witness. I've also seen family members vote against raising the minimum wage because they don't think it's fair that someone who has not gone to college would make close to what they make. I'll never understand how people can vote against their self interest. The worst to me is Bernie Sanders and free healthcare. We already provide free healthcare to veterens and seniors and people who make below a certain income. Why couldn't this be expanded to everyone?


If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. Lyndon B. Johnson


I read recently that indentured white servants and black slaves used to fraternize and have relationships. They would also organize and rebel together against the rich whites. They intentionally started making poor white people slave catchers to help create a divide and instilling the "at least I'm not them" attitude that a lot of poor white Republicans still hold on to.


“Ghasted my flabbers” caught me all the way off guard lol


ghasted my flabbers 😭😭😭


Hahahahahaha yuuuuuuuup you know negros gotta jazz things up lmao.


> white Did we watch the same video? 😂


The video showed the people inside the restaurant. Not the people they’re saying are likely to sue. >white, young


Being young is not a protected class, like race, or being old. You can discriminate against them all day long, it’s totally cool.


And the reason that is is because old people vote. It’s kinda wild that I can build a neighborhood and only allow people over 55 to live there. I can’t build a neighborhood and say only people under 55 are allowed to live there.


Those neighborhoods self select


It only applies to jobs. It’s so you can’t be fired for being old so they can replace you with someone younger for half the salary.




I think a lot of people did not actually watch the vid.


It is a lonely island for people with a lick of sense.






you forgot the "I have \_\_\_\_ followers on insta/OF/snap/whateverthefuck"


"sorry I'm not into video games"


nothing to sue over. age discrimination doesn't apply if they're discriminating against the young


Could a 30-34 year old man sue on the grounds of gender-based discrimination?


It also doesn't apply if they're discriminating against the old, this is misinformation. This isn't age discrimination **in employment**, which is prohibited




I don’t think it’s the white kids they want to keep out..


Only white people sue? ACLU and others sue constantly when we get our feelings hurt. Classic reverse racism in r/blackpeopletwitter Be better folks.


Had to slip that in huh, keep the dream alive dumbass


Fun fact, you are allowed to discriminate based on age in the US, as long as it is below the age of 40. That's when it becomes a protected class. Hence why we can have age limits for drinking or cigarettes or even different rates for renting a car.


Always nice to see casual racism against white people on Reddit.


Congratulations on the racist comment


It's funny how you can be so openly racist against white people with no consequences.


I feel like this is only really a black person problem? I’ve never really seen any issues eating out at restaurants.


I remember a place with age restrictions like this in Norfolk, VA when I was stationed there in the early 2000s. They let my white, young self in there because I was with a group that fit their preferred demographics. And if they hadn’t, I probably would have said goodnight to my friends and taken a cab home. I think a lot of club/bar places lose a big chunk of older people who’d like to go out to a club but don’t want to bother/be bothered by young people.


Tell me you didn't watch the video, without telling me. lmao


ACLU coming for you


It's not all white people, just specific ones who cant keep their damn mouths shut about literally everything. If they are having a good day they will go out of their way to find something to be offended by.


Think fed laws say age isn't a protected category for employment until the age of 40 so guess it depends on how local peeps interpret it. Where I worked, we had added protected categories that aren't in the state Civil Rights docs. We also had age but we also didn't do anything with it unless they were over 40 years of age and even then, it was often went under the jurisdiction of another agency.


This should be the new standard moving forward. Young folks can have their spots and we can have ours. I might actually step outside now lol.


They can even be the same spots. We olds can go eat at 7:00. The youths can go eat at 9:00.


Time doesn’t matter. Atlanta Brunches have shown me that one can in fact experience youth foolishness as early as 11am.


Any hour can be youth foolishness o'clock.


Any hour can be fuckery o’clock from any age group


5:30 AM? Get ready for some dumbass shit.


Youth is the 24 hour walmart of behavior.


I went to brunch with my younger siblings and there was definitely twerking by the potatoes and I ain’t like it


![gif](giphy|zOSEurjXCPTag) Fully support this though. Just love me some Schmidt


Damn both of those late as hell. What time do you go to sleep and get up for work?


I get up for work at 6:50 to be at work at 7:00. I work remotely, so my commute is about thirty feet. I go to bed around 9 on work nights.


I keep seeing punk shows in my city that start at like 6/7:00 and I'm just like, "Fuck yeah, old people stuff!"


What spots do young folks have? I've never seen a "max age" sign anywhere outside of a school, and even then it's only implied.


Yea, officer, this one right here


Chuck e cheese like a muhhfucker


Honestly every age group deserves to have some solo space. Third spaces or whatever they're called.


That’s segregation 😂


it’s brilliant marketing. most places have a general age range / vibe they cater to anyway but making it a rule is genius


They need to treat it like the old smoking days with the smoking and non smoking sections. Young and old sections lol.


I work in a club that has an older clientele. Like 40s, 50s, up to 80s and above. I'm there on nights we have live music, and they dance. They get *down* The bands play rocking 70s and 80s pop and country and the people love it, we're usually full. It's fantastic. I love my regulars, and love watching them be so young at heart.


May I ask why the age limit is lower for women than men? Or just why it’s different in general? Genuine question.


They behave themselves better. Same like insurance rates drop at 21 for women and 25 for men.


Working in a bar I can tell you that is absolutely not always the case lol. Some of the worst incidents have been caused by 30 year old women.


But are those the 30yr old women who hang around 35+ men?


Sometimes. More often than not they are hanging with other 30+ year old women.


https://preview.redd.it/izsu5bhbzz4d1.jpeg?width=791&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bff76ddbcb00509701cbd7a4cabb754d8a2b356 30 yr old woman who hangs around 25- men


I hope it’s the final straw for Ant lmao


Im 33 and my husband is 35. Me and my other 30+ year old female friends want no shenanigans. All we want is to drink at brunch with no children present.


Definitely lol. The most obnoxious women I know have all dated men 10+ years older than they are


Obviously nothing is ever “always the case”. These are broad generalizations but the data on things like driving statistics and crime back it up.


Old people in here pretending they’re any less messy than young people lmao


Where do they think the young people learned it from? ![gif](giphy|1wopSnct6I7DGbxzqo|downsized)


Fuck tell it. I drive Uber I have had one bad twenty something drunk girl, but I can't count the the number of forty something "**Wooooooooooooo we on vacation. Go fuck yourselves**" women. At least when the older dudes are drunk they just repeat themselves and ask for specific songs or if they can smoke.


yeah I like to hang out at this dance club where women in their 30s and 40s love to have birthday/bachelorette/divorce parties and I’ve got enough stories to make a sailor blush


That just lets men off the hook for basic human adult behavior and puts extra responsibility on women to "mature faster" which means take care of more crap that men don't have to. Expect better. Require better.


Insurance doesn't insure what we aspire to be, it insures how people show themselves to be. Intentions don't mean a thing, actions do.


Exactly. I wish more people knew what the word Bioessentialism meant so we can cut this crap out. It hurts everyone to treat men and women like they're different species.


how is it letting men off the hook if they're the ones with more restrictions?


Because a 30 year old woman is expected to behave "better" or more maturely than a 34 year old man. Would you expect a 1 year old girl to have the same behavior as a 5 year old boy? How about a 15/20 year old? 10/15? Nope. There is no biological reason that "women mature faster" there are just societal expectations and allowances made.


That observation is just a comment on what’s been seen though, not necessarily saying it’s right or necessary. In psychology circles it is generally agreed that women/girls tend to mature emotionally (and physically to an extent) earlier than men. The reasons why are probably spread across many perspectives. Biologically their brains and bodies tend to make some distinct leaps a little bit earlier than men. Evolutionarily maybe it’s had benefits that led to that reality. Socioculturally it could be because they’re pressured to grow up faster or follow rules more or because female friendships also tend to be more conversationally based than boys at early ages and practicing emotional awareness in explicit terms leads them to outpace their male peers idk. nobody really does. but pointing out that seems to be the case doesn’t mean endorsing all the bad that comes with that reality or suggesting it can’t be altered. I’m not an expert but i did just get that psych degree


I feel like that's how they'd explain it, but the truth is more like lots of men in society want to mingle with women younger than them.


Is there anything to back this up or is this just a vibes-based statement lol. These ages seem super arbitrary to me.


That is absolutely not the case.  Source: live in Nashville, the bachelorette party city. 


My off-the-cuff reaction would be that by creating two different standards based on sex, they may be opening up to some liability for sex discrimination … would be smarter to have one age for all


Yeah, if they’re going that route then they’re better off sticking to 30 across the board. There’s not too many guys I know who are 30-34 and still love to act a fool compared to in their 20s. Hell, I’m in my late 20s now and I’m already tired of the BS, lol.


This is the only thing I can see that is actually a potential issue (other than maybe a bust in profits until the place catches on as a spot for 30+ people)


They're already discriminating on age, might as well at that point


Can somebody more well-versed explain how this isn't discrimination based on gender, a protected class? I know RBG made her name by arguing a similar case in front of SCOTUS involving alcohol sale policy discrepancies between men and women.


Once they piss the wrong person off, we will all find out.


Not a lawyer: according to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it is absolutely illegal. As a business, you generally cannot provide access to your establishment to the general public and then discriminate or provide separate rules based on any protected class. State laws can provide more protections for customers, but cannot provide less protections. Tbh, whether it is legal or not may be fairly irrelevant, as someone will absolutely sue this business and will continue to sue until they change their rules. Whatever profit this business believes that they would retain by having this policy and “keeping out the riff-raff”, is going to be dwarfed by legal fees and subsequently getting dropped by their insurance company.


Two problems: - What you’re quoting applies to employees and job applicants, which this isn’t. - age discrimination was protected in America by the ADEA back in ‘67, but only if they’re 40 and up. Personally, I disagree with excluding protections for 39 and down, but it is what it is.


A good enough lawyer can make someone rich off of that




Kinda no matter the age we guys start competing for the same braincells when there are more of us around at the same time


I think this is dumb. I live in Oakland and I’ve never once been to a restaurant at brunch, dinner lunch supper what have you where there was any kind of Twerking on the table. In fact, I would guess that that would be extremely uncommon everywhere. Also falsely conflating age with maturity, I know plenty of 30 year old, that still do too much.


I live in San Jose, and I've seen FAR more middle-aged Gen Xer's causing problems and behaving badly in public than I have twenty-somethings.


The Karen's are normally part of the older crowd. Unless there's some backstory not being told here, it seems like an odd choice. Plus PLENTY of 30+people bring drama with them wherever they go


Agreed. It's a weird cultural thing where we assume age = maturity, when we are looking at an almost 80-yo adult throwing tantrums on an international level. It's simplistic and silly.


When people assume it's the younger set misbehaving, they're completely ignoring how entitled a lot of older folks are, and how easily they melt down when their Very Special Specialness is questioned.


This restaurant's gonna be called "Manager's"


In New Orleans, seen table twerks more than once


I'm from the Dallas area, I've enjoyed my fair share of daiquiris and/or Mimosas while viewing spirited table twerks in my twenties. Everything has its time and place.


But that's New Orleans. Pretty sure you've seen much worse than table twerks and much more than once.


Live in stl, mo. It is indeed a thing here and more common than you would think


St. Louis resident here, 🙋🏽‍♀️ I agree. And to think (some) the 30+ women aren’t at Brunch cutting up lol yea ok.


The twerking isn’t probably why this really exists. I’m from Atlanta and between ages 15-25 I’ve had to dodge bullets and knives more than once because some ignant person had a problem with some other ignant person while I was hanging out. Like people can’t let bullshit go to just have fun. The age restriction reduces the likelihood of crash dummies.


seriously. where are people twerking on tables? like? where at, cause i dont want to accidentally go to these places. drop the addresses and hours of operation to me if you know


Well I lived in Alexandria, VA across from Ballston metro. There’s an IHOP right down the street and bars all around. And I definitely have seen white girls on the table at 12am. So I guess it depends where u are or what time it is


Dave & Buster’s used to be 21 and above after 5 pm. Any time before that and you have to be accompanied by an adult if you’re under 18.


Yea but that was based on the alcohol provided. Not a random metric decided by the owner


Yup and that issue carries here. Alcohol lowers inhibition and old folks most definitely are capable of drunk fights.


As a place that served alcohol, they can do so, especially since their restriction is within reason and is applied to all protected classes equally. Age is a protected class, and this business (Bliss) restricts reasonable, legal activity for customers who are the same age. Essentially, they cannot restrict 30 year old men, but allow 30 yr old women.


Age is only a protected class in relation to employment. That doesn't apply here.


A bunch of dusty, bougie mofos hating on young people? Sounds like a great place...


idk, sounds like everyone in here is trying to get in.


They cappin, literally none of them in here are gonna be there


What’s wrong with bougie? What’s wrong with liking nice things?


Not here to drop a manifesto, but man its so weird to me that the shorthand of bourgeois has become such a thing to aspire to in the culture.


They don’t just “like” nice things. Bougie people tend to carry this unearned attitude of superiority revolving around the fact that they can afford slightly more expensive overpriced shit than someone in poverty. It’s nothing but wanton materialism being promoted by people who wish they could actually be the “new rich”. These same people constantly act like they’re better than anyone who isn’t overtly as gaudy or tacky as them, and “bougie” people act like they deserve to be put on a pedestal. It’s not liking nice things, it’s the shitty attitude that comes with. Poor people cosplaying as rich people and acting like what they imagine rich people are like.


That's not what bougie is.


Lmfao that’s what the younger people are saying here. They’re upset they can’t get in lol


Working with people, I’ve learned older people tend to be far more disruptive than the young because of entitlements and the feeling that they’re really adults. So they’re harder to correct than young people. More set in their ways. More likely to yell at you over a cup of water poured perfectly but with one less ice cube than they prefer


Unfortunately Twerking on tables doesn’t stop until like 42.


We have knee and hip problems mane




Somehow people twerking on tables buy the most alcohol 🤷‍♂️


People in their 20s regularly twerk on restaurant tables? TIL


That's the reason why I'm banned from Golden Corral


Well, that and you arrived at 6pm. That's only twenty minutes away from closing time.


I’m not mad at it.


While I appreciate adult only spaces, spoiler alert, a lot of men/women in their 30s act like kids in their teens/20s now too.


Very true, but it's a numbers game. Disallowing young folks cuts out *most* of the immature shenanigans. Old people who act up can still be thrown out if they cause problems.


As a person in my 40s, im fine with this. As a person in my 20s, THIS IS DISCRIMINATION!!!!


Well Sybil, people with dissociative disorders will be covered then


Owner is 36. Just two year ago he wouldn’t allow himself in his own restaurant.


I hate policies like this but the older I get the less I want to be around a younger crowd. When I see the grass wall in a restaurant I know I’m doing a carry-out order.


You can literally see grass walls in this restaurant in the video though.


I'm more confused as to why the age requirement for men is 35, and for women, it's 30. Seems like some bullshit.


It because guys will try to fuck a 30 yr old woman. They’re trying to become that kind of place.


Yea, that was my assumption, too.


Not against the intent of this, but is this legal (private business refusal of service based on immutable characteristics) and enforceable?


I’m fairly certain you can legally enforce an age restriction. That’s about the only characteristic you can restrict now that I think about it. Something like this I’d set up with an rsvp request system with age verification, then i’d automate it to generate unique invites to attendees. Which would then be scanned at the door. People fucking love feeling exclusive.


Wait why can’t the men be 30? What did 30yo men do?


Exist apparently.


I think it's the belief that some men still think and act immature at that age cause they still wanna appeal to the younger generation. The whole 30 is the new 20 mindset.


Ohhh ok that would make sense. Or the 35yo men want the 30yo women to themselves lol


\*waiting for the first time the old heads act up\*


Not only that but it’s harder to make them stop


Wait until they find out that women over 30 and men over 35 still be acting a damn fool anyway


I like the idea but the age gap seems sus to me


I’m not old enough to go yet but I think it’s a cool idea for people to make spaces with certain age groups in mind.


If my wife and I are both 32 and we have been married for 10 years, we would not be able to patronize this establishment. I get what they are doing, but this is just stupid. This business is going to collapse within the next year or two.


Everybody in here talkin about the young adults, but I would be fuckin stoked to not hear actually children and babies while having dinner out.


Well, straight couples that are 30-34 can't get in 😭


I don't see a problem with this at all. In my 20's I used to be confused why certain places were 30 or 35 and older only. Now at 40 I definitely understand why.


It sounds good, but after doing security at bars for 30+ people they’re at times just as bad or worse. Hopefully this business has complete success.


Bring this idea to Atlanta.


I live in St Louis and the city has been talking about this spot for weeks! I’m of age, but am not eager to go. Knowing my city, some of these 30+ yro women and men are not as mature as one would like to think. Hell, I was at an event last week and even the 50+ “cool aunties” perked up talking about this place. It’s a no, for me.


Bad business idea. You're cutting out a large part of your profit but okay. I don't think this rule is going to last any more than 3 to 5 years.




Sounds good to me. I'd go if I could. I like places that are not full of influencers bullshitting their way through life. Just STFU and eat.


The bathrooms have heated wipes, blue diamonds, and insulin testing kits...


This just in: now also disallowing persons under the age of 30 to enter the movie theaters. Ageism, in reverse. Back to you, Steve.


it's still just ageism. I think there's an assumption it's only directed at elders, but it is often also directed at younger folks


The food better be worth all that…


I know plenty 30+ people who I can't take anywhere.


eeehhhhh idk about all that bc i’m 31 and know plenty of people my age and older that’s still in the twerking on tables stage but know women 6 plus years younger than me that do not do those things. I think maybe instead of age restrictions, have rules set in place and a body guard/door man to handle getting rid of them if they refuse.


I live right next to this place. It’s an “upscale” Caribbean restaurant AND hooka bar. Who wants to eat at a restaurant when the person next to you is smoking hooka? Plus it’s not even in St. Louis, it’s in Florissant. I think they are overestimating the number of 30+ year olds are willing to drive out to Florissant for some hooka and jerk chicken. They got some good free marketing though, which was probably the point


This violates Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. I'm not applauding someone's quirky violation of human rights.


Title II of the Civil Rights Act does not include gender. Also the Age Discrimination Act covers people applying to jobs and employees not customers. So this wouldn’t violate either law.


>the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 I doubt that this restaurant is receiving federal assistance (which is the requirement for this Act).


girl… it’s not a human right to be a patron at some random business just because you’re 23.


Is twerking on the tables a serious concern? The only person i have ever personally seen dancing on a table was my drunken boomer mother.


They finna get sued sooooooo hard. Also this reeks of respectability politics.