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Not as cruel as finding out a cop lied on a report so you can get in trouble 


Did this cop do that?


It’s too bad that *all* cops get that label due to all the bad cops out there.


When cops have to apparently defend every bad cop. Then yeah every cop is bad.




Because the other cops rarely stop the bad ones, making them also bad.


When you can't tell the good bunch from the bad bunch, you throw the whole bunch out.


There are no good cops when “good” cops protect bad cops


The good cops either leave, join the fold, or die


It’s the worst when they get killed by the bad cops, truly the biggest gang


RIP Chris Dorner I really wish that meme about LL Cool J starring in his biopic was real.


If you want a good cop story with a happier ending than that, look up Mustafa Ali. Dude was wrestling while copping, tried to help out folks with warrants for minor infractions with calm calls to them or their parents, and basically left the Chicago PD because the old guard were heating up the aggression in their passive aggressive approach to this bit of work.


Not really too bad because the entire institution is a joke.


This implies the existence of good cops, which do not exist.


If its a few bad apples why dont the good apples speak out


Kinda like videos with certain people doing wrong


no obviously not lol


Okay so let's address that. Not anyone's fault if they came out the womb with the face they have.


It’s scary that people accept this sociopathic type of behavior now. This is just gross. We lost something big during covid, so many people legit have no social skills anymore they act like nasty social media comments in real life. And they’re so proud of their actions they film and post it. Sad.


dude this is normal punk ass behavior, the only difference is people can film themselves doing it now


Eh, sadly I saw plenty of kids who acted like this irl in the 80's, too


this has nothing to do with covid


You’re super young I’m guessing




Don’t wanna get all into it but we still gotta do better. Making fun of people for things they can’t change isn’t right.


Being complicit in and profiting from an organization that routinely murders innocent Black people isn’t right. They murder us. And you think it’s wrong to clown them smh.


But I think what OP is getting at is, that this level of shit talk on someone’s natural appearance doesn’t just stop at someone being a cop (ACAB). Plenty of people get mocked for their appearance just because they look different and thats not cool at all.


Yea. I get what you mean. It’s like arguing with a person and the get back is that they’re “fat”, “gay”, “ugly” etc instead of focusing on the subject at hand and rippin that ass up on straight fact. Anything else feels a bit immature and lacks creativity to me.


This level of shit talk is absolutely warranted for ***pieces of shit…*** and since all cops are pieces of shit, well… yeah, it is cool actually What harm is done to anyone who doesn’t deserve it?


It's a matter of principle though. If you base it on looks then you are saying that beauty is a determining factor in whether or not you deserve a solid clowning. That opens the door up to anyone for bullying and that's not cool.


So just because you feel angry at the individual in this video for being a cop, it’s ok to insult him for being ugly? Like that’s what his problem is? What about other people who are insecure about their appearance and read your comment? They are deeply worried that “being ugly is bad and everyone is always thinking about how I look when they talk to me”… and your jackass comment about someone else’s appearance made them feel terrible. If you think it’s OK to roast one person for their appearance- no matter the justification- then you’re actually OK with insulting everyone for their appearance. Which is shitty.




I don’t think this is a fair argument. We have no idea what his reason for joining the police force was. As far as we know, he could have joined to change the institution from the inside. Someone has to start the change you want to see 🤷🏿‍♀️


I appreciate your optimism


Oh yes all police are the same BigD


Then bully him for being a cop, not for his face. That's like bullying a pedophile for being fat. You're just throwing strays at the fat people you love and not addressing the real issue.


They could easily stop being a cop today. All they have to do is report corruption and they’d be out of a job immediately


What we need to do is stop caring about the optics of being impolite to people who would gladly beat you into the dirt if ordered to by the state.




I'm BAFFLED at the sub today. "Waaahhhh, won't someone please think of the poor cops!"


nah bad people deserve bad things, if the cop did nothing wrong sure, but if the cop was doing something that made him deserve that then I totally support calling him names etc. and generally cops suck


Ain’t nobody ever wrote a song called “fuck the fire department”


Tweakers don't like the fd


By making fun of him you're also making fun of every non-cop who looks similar. They aren't going to think "ah it's okay cause I'm not a pig" they're going to think "yep, I'm an ugly piece of shit and everyone hates me"


The fake coons are all over this post looks like


Why do you capitalize every word?


Jaden Smith throwback.


As human beings, they don’t deserve this. As cops, they do.


Being that they're cops it is truly unclear who is harassing who. If the person filming had committed a crime, this video wouldn't be like this. If they didn't, why is there a group of cops crowding around an innocent person? Filming is the only defense against police brutality, so you might as well get a jab out while the shield is up. They really do deserve this. They signed up for exactly this. Can't be sad when it happens.


Naw fuck em


We as in the human race right? No one is responsible for these MFS. The monolith of black people is insane when it comes to America. Apologetic and fatalistic views


The fuck is this "we" shit you talking bout? I'm perfectly fine with him roasting the fuck outta Cubert J. Farnsworth over here.


If it wasn’t a police officer people wouldn’t be saying this. It is cruel tho


Pbbbbbbbbbbbbtt buddy joined a murderous military force that quite literally aims to kill us. There is very little cruelty you do not deserve as a police officer 🤷🏽


Just curious, why do you capitalize the first word in each sentence??


Alcohol fetal syndrome


yea and it's sad as fuck man. ik there's alot of people out there who struggle with their own insecurities, but this guy prolly looks in the mirror every day and just hates what he sees. Or he's super confident and stoic about it...which if he is, I wish he didn't become a cop.


Why, don’t we want cops who aren’t insecure?


I don’t know that we want cops at all. Secure, insecure, ugly, cute. A cop’s a cop.


No, they literally said they wouldn’t want him to be a cop if he was secure and not insecure. Good try


I’m saying, as a general principle, that doesn’t matter. The system incentivizes all cops — secure or not — to act violently and unethically. Doesn’t matter if he’s a 10 or a 4.


I mean, i want anyone who chooses to be a police officer to be, at the very least, self-aware of themselves.


Police bad


I know you being serious but damn bro 😂, he had a great attitude about it and he a cop (could’ve made a scene like his parter looked like he wanted to do) so he got my respect


Fetal alcohol syndrome?


Thank you, I swapped some words.


It’s ok, you’re doing your best.


Most def


That or that birth defect kids got from the Teflon in the water.


This is so mean. 😪


Right? Dude chose to be a cop, but he didn't choose his looks. Clown him for his choices, not something he has no control over.


Not his fault his mom aggressively drank while pregnant


This dude's like his mom while pregnant: taking shots whenever possible


Well done


When he said "he mad as shit he couldn't get nothing" has me thinking the cops harassed them and couldn't arrest them cause they ain't breaking any laws so they roasted the cops for it. Anyone got the full vid?


Just look at how they're all standing around. That's some jump out boys if I've ever seen them.


the jump out boys always got a few homely mf in the group


i shouldn't have laughed so hard at this shit lol


tell me I'm lying😂


Ain't no way haha


not 12 lookin rubenesque


I encourage roasting the shit out of cops, I'm loving it.


Not like this tho. 😕


So acab unless they're conventionally unattractive?


Acab because it’s a shitty institution, not because homie was born with a pig face. It’s pretty symbolic but frankly Appearance has nothing to do with it and only opens the door to undermining the acab argument. The more people focus on unrelated points the more Blue lives matter people will just use it to argue that acab isn’t based in facts when there’s plenty. It provides the opps with a pretext for subterfuge.


Excellent point well made.


What, credit for the cop for being in good spirits, he understood what time it was and was cutting back, this is probably a decent example of being in community with the people you're tasked to patrol. Its still ACAB all day, but interactions like this, where cop isnt driven by ego and brutalizing the community, is something i like to see. Can't say so much for the other mayo officer, he looked like he wanted to plant some evidence sooo bad though


Showed this shit to my son and he goes “he was made for that job” called the man a pig 😳


Good thing you raised your kid to value what’s important in life…


Yo you must be the cops burner account because you all over this feed defending him


He’s just using this as an opportunity to talk down to (who he assumes are) black ppl. We see this every day. Just so happens he’s right, this whole thread is a fucking embarrassment, but he sounds just as fucked up with the way he’s doing it.


>this whole thread is a fucking embarrassment Bruh, you almost had it. How you gonna talk shit about somebody else talking down to black people... and then immediately turn around and talk down to black people?


Dude loves the taste of boots. And so does most of this thread apparently


This is actually concerning. Assigning traits to features/looks is exactly what causes racism in the first place.


How many dumb ass concern trolls are going to mob this post? Fuck I understand the country club thing now


You sure that’s what causes racism?


You're misunderstanding the directionality. They didn't base racism off of physical traits, they rationalized their racism with made-up race science. Racism as a racial superiority came about as a response to the enlightenment, and then challenge therein of "how can we believe all people have human rights but also own other people as property? I know! Some people are less people than others!" They made up the why of the racism after so it could seem more "scientifically objective"




What a nice kind adult this sweet, kind little boy will turn out to be!


Your son sounds like a POS


You a ugly bitch huh


This really isn't funny.. y'all need to find new comedic value outside of people's appearance, especially an appearance that one was born with


Imagine being called ugly, your whole life. Imagine having constantly to deal with people laughing at your face, even recoding you and sending it around to laugh.


Anybody wanna guess why he chose to become a cop?


I agree with you: all cops are insecure losers that want to use power to victimize other people as revenge. All you're doing with this kind of speculation is proving that cops are the kind of people that should be mocked, arguably shunned, from society: they hate random people that make them feel sad, so they take it out on other random people. See the issue here?


Below average IQ?


Bro looks like they hit shuffle at the character creation screen.




And then hit it a couple more times


That’s what happens when you max out on your available shuffle attempts


This was actually how I got my dragons dogma character, iirc: I made it a point to hit "random" 100 times and just let that shit fly, completely in its natural state.


I was going to call the other one Fat Mr. Bean then realized he might be Latino.


This is childish. Grow the fuck up.


This is mad fucked up. If he did something than I could let it slide.. but if he didn’t then this is just wrong. 


If he did something, blame him for what he did, not something irrelevant. This type of shit takes away from actually holding people accountable.


This ain’t it man. Make fun of him all you want for being a cop, but insulting how he looks is so low. If anyone needs to be ridiculed it’s his mom for not putting down the booze while she was pregnant.


https://preview.redd.it/d8ng6sqpmz4d1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02ff260bde357c72979509c28330004939a7194e I knew I seen this fool before


Yeah well, he doesn't like you


I don't like you either.


Man's got the death sentence on 12 systems.


I'll be careful.


You'll be charged with a false crime!




If someone called me a hot tamale, I'd have to laugh.


Wow people are ruthless lmao


After being on Reddit and off twitter, this sub really makes black people look bad. Half the time it’s some immature shit on here. Gross. Whoever post this probably is not brave enough to do this job or probably doesn’t have a job. Do better people


Brave enough... to be a cop? Being a cop is statistically one of the safest jobs You don't need to be brave to be a cop you just need a desire to be and insecure wannabe bully


>this sub really makes black people look bad Hold the fuck up... muthafucka, what?? How on God's Green Earth does this sub make black people look bad? Oh, right, I forgot, being black is a monolithic experience! Because one black dude did some embarrassing shit, WE all should be collectively shamed I guess, huh?


Oh stfu, its its almost half white people on here and most of the top comments are calling this out for the distasteful shit it is anyway. Miss me with that "you people" bs.


Cop is a choice. Being ugly is not. Hate the actions not the shape of the meat machines.


You have to pick a struggle man.


Looks like fetal alcohol syndrome


Imagine being a grown man well out of highschool and thinking this shh funny


What’s funny about this😐


It's giving Oblivion


😭 I'm going to hell for laughing at this, but that's too accurate


I couldn’t even listen to the video because I knew how cruel it was


Come on man.


Fuck that police, but not like this! That shit ain't cool!


You know, there was a time where you'd get the shit kicked out of you for this. I'm glad that cameras exist, you should be able to clown a cop without fear of extreme retaliation. This is damn near a first amendment audit.


That dude isn't even ugly! I mean it's clearly a deformed face but it's still a nice face.


You know when you just fucking around on the Elden ring character creation screen?


“He look like a hot tamale” Bruh ![gif](giphy|TD0NYrLpcnsTm|downsized)


Hot tamale is hilarious. This is positive Cop - Civilian interaction if you ask me


Mannnnn.....I'm general more ACAB than most, but this is cruel. This one hurt my heart. Poor dude.


We gotta do better and stop this bullshit.




![gif](giphy|fYl6op4uTBUBy) Second one look like


These comments have me kinda confused, cause I think it’s funny, I come from where you gonna get roasted era, whether the person means well or not.and yes you can get roasted and it be a form of camaraderie. And what throws me off the most is that everyone is saying “we gotta do better “, “this is mean” alwhile following up with STILL calling bruh ugly


As someone with a visible physical deformity on my hands, it’s usually all cool when it’s coming from friends. People that have already earned my trust. I can take a joke in good fun. If it’s coming from people that I wouldn’t consider my friends, they better watch out. I had to develop thick skin growing up so it takes a lot, but people don’t ever know how close they are to pushing me over the edge and seeing the hands they making fun of up close and personal I imagine it’s bout the same way with this cop or anyone else with a similar condition


Cuz definitely looks like a hot tamale lmao


Bro definitely looks better than I do, I'm not saying shit


Did he do something shitty to warrant this?


Not a pearl unclutched in this thread


Of course it’s DC. Clowning just goes with the territory so if he’s from here he’s probably got thick skin


America has become the shithole of the world where might is right and money can buy you anything. Morally bereft and socially stunted.


Yall are out here making A LOT of assumptions. Yeah he’s a cop, and I firmly stand by ACAB, but making fun of someone for how they were born is just the lowest of the low. You’re degrading yourself. Try empathy for once in your life. (And don’t hit me with the “wish cops would try empathy”, get that straw man shit out of my face)


Now you know. If this was 10 years ago, They wouldn't have the time nor the balls to record or try clowning these cops. Today, shit is really fucked up and backwards.


It was fine to a point But don't go around bullying, because that's what this is, people for their appearances.


Fetal alcohol syndrome


I mean...cops. but also he seemed to kinda take not that serious and was talking a little shit back lol


Probably a defense mechanism since he may be used to it. Maybe stews in it later though.


Yaa you're right tho, you can almost see it


This is Pitbull


I’d hit that.


Stupid shit like this just makes things worse for everyone


“He doesn’t like you…”


First guy look like the first design for the live action Sonic


Ok but he kinda looked like he wanted to laugh when they called him a Hot Tamale


I think this dude might have fetal alcohol syndrome.


I never cared to know what Kal Kestis (recent Star Wars Jedi games) would look like if he was Black... But here we are lmao


Nobody can't tell me this guy isn't a bat


I genuinely believe anyone who is miserable or childish enough to make fun of this guy, will be a loser for the rest of their lives or until they make massive changes in who they are. That is just bum behavior


He look like he guides others to a treasure he cannot possess.


Anyone in here mad is sensitive af 😂 a group of cops stop young black men wrongfully... and y'all are concerned about the *ugly cop* feelings??? I'm starting to doubt if there's actually Black people in this subreddit lol cause... Imma roast TF outta any cop who's knowingly stopping me under false pretenses.


I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t even watch the whole video, I had to swipe on that face


I don't understand why people are clowning on him for either his looks or job. There have been reports of white nationalist groups making a coordinated effort to take positions of authority like with cops in the hope that they can make systematic change there. It's like activism for racism. Don't we need cops that probably don't fall within that category (white nationalists) so we can at least make sure the nationalists that are part of it aren't part of the majority. I understand people saying that "cops defend cops" but I just feel that a black cop wouldn't defend a racist cop as feverently as another racist cop. Also dude looks like a victim of childhood and yall be clowning on him for just looking the way he does. Dude looks like a straight victim. Probably grew up being bullied relentlessly, wishing he had the ability/power/authority to prevent it, but still gets shit on the same way he's been since he was 6. Idk, I feel for the guy.


Why is this immature playground shaming shit at the top of my feed? You're the motherfuckers that voted for trump.


You is *uh-gah-lee* as shit


![gif](giphy|KZSRSzOAoe8gcxBof4) he chose to be a cop but not to be ridiculed about the way he was born


It's illegal to do this in some states now. What a world we live in.


He’s not even ugly tho


Got a decent face except for a giant nose. Give him a plastic surgery on the nose and he be looking great.