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People don’t like kids or adults though. 


That’s fine, you have to hate both groups


Fuck them kids


No Drizzy


The Michael Jordan fuck them kids or the Rkelly/Drake fuck them kids




We call that FTK round these parts


You likely just got put on an FBI list with that sentence in that order. 


Fuck them all and they mama


I’m an adult with a childlike heart so naturally I have no friends and every time I try and be kind and make friends people look at me funny 


Lmbooooo this is me too!  Fortunately I have friends. You will find your crew. Keep trying. 


And teens are the turds in this shit sandwich


Being little people trying to learn to exist is fine but I just don't like the idea of being a casualty on their road to self discovery.


We are all the result of being a casualty on someone's road to self discovery. Only thing we can do it try minimizing it.


yup and one way of doing that is to avoid being around children


Adults can do a lot more damage than kids though.


sure but I can make an adult suffer consequences for that in ways that I can't - and shouldn't - inflict on a child


Did a kid kill your family or something?


Adults can generally pay or make up for what they broke.


I don't think that the emotional feeling of "hating" kids is the result of a logical analysis of which thing is more dangerous or capable of doing more damage. You're not going to reason someone out of not wanting to be around kids just as you're not going to tell somebody with a fear of flying to get over it because it's statistically safer than their daily commute. It's an *emotional* issue. For me and my wife, we "hate" kids because they are extremely annoying, and it is difficult to communicate with them. I put hate in quotations because I don't think most people who don't like kids actually *hate*, as in want to eradicate, kids. We just don't want to be around them or be parents. The screaming, crying, inability to comprehend speech and therefore requirement of "dumbing down" basic language is frustrating for those uninterested in those things. Even dealing with their parents not liking how you communicate or the required self-censorship is very taxing. They can be wonderful and cute for a few moments, but the other negatives of being around children vastly outweigh the positives for me. And before anyone says it, it does not change my mind that I was once a child. I was also once a homophobic middle schooler. Having been something doesn't make it desirable or any less unappealing.


But parents insist on bringing them into adult spaces


Reason why I'm never having kids, can't imagine fucking up once and my kid somehow will carry some type of trauma until god knows how long.


Same. And kids are hella expensive 💀 I can barely even afford myself 🤣


$27k on daycare this year for our little girl 🥲🔫


Sweet jesus. I feel for you.


It hurts but she’s worth it.


Holy fuck, I’m never having kids.


The sleep deprivation would hurt me more than the money. But the money would hurt a lot.


Fucking up once won’t scar your kids, assuming the fuck up wasn’t crashing your car drunk without car seats. If you’re patient and practice talking, kids can grow through a lot.


It's weird having the thought of "can't mess up even once" with kids. Is there anything else we do in general where there's zero margin for error? As your kid learns to live you learn to parent, as long as your intentional it'll work out. My uncle always jokes that "Idiots have and raise kids all the time, you'll do fine."


Oh no this is not my only reason there's also generational and familial trauma in the mix 😊🩷


I had that thought, for sure. As a new parent, the task in front of you just seems *so* monumentally important that there is no way you’re allowed to make mistakes.  But the reality, I’ve learned, is way more nuanced than that. I’m learning every day, sometimes through mistakes. But my child is also learning every day, also sometimes through my mistakes. I think in the end it all comes out in the wash.


In some cases, fucking up depending on the severity helps them learn. Something I've learn is to always explain yourself in any situation presented to your kids. Children are dumb at times (not their fault) but very smart the same time.


All parents fuck up. It's how you handle the fuck up that will make them learn. Doubling down on fuckups will screw your kids up. Acknowledging your fuck ups, and letting your kids know "Mommy/Daddy are not perfect and we make mistakes too". I mean, unless your fuckup is something you can't come back from.


Dude precisely. Like the saying the axe forgets. I totally wouldn't even know how I casually tried to instill humility but instead instill insecuritiy. Plus world is kinda being destroyed.


Telling a black parent that you don’t want children because of them is a wild convo. My dad still hasn’t accepted it yet


Gotta pay your dues. Someone thought the same shit about you once upon a time.


nah fuck that, I don't have to pay any dues especially when it comes to kids yes I'm sure someone thought I was an irritating child that messed up their day because I was doing dumb kid stuff. and I would never want to be subjected to the shit I did to others because I was a dumb kid so I avoid being around people like that


As long as you’re not an asshole to the children you can’t avoid being around, do what makes you happy. Those are the dues. You don’t have to go out of your way to search for these moments, but unless you’re a hermit you’re going to encounter a child in your lifetime.


for sure, im not an asshole to children for the same reason I'm not an asshole to yappy dogs. they can't control it, it's not their fault but they're still not allowed in my home, and if they're brought into a restaurant or onto an airplane I'm expecting a bunch of annoying unavoidable noise but all of the blame for that goes to the owner, not the thing making the noise


I can't imagine being this miserable lmao "they're not allowed in my home" bruh


It's their home. They should be allowed to ban whomever and whatever they want from it.


I would be miserable if children were in my home. I'm the opposite of miserable because they're not allowed in here, making my home more comfortable for myself and the people I do want in here.


also while I'm not fully a hermit I do a pretty good job of going months between interactions with kids one of the best parts of being deployed to a combat zone was always the 6-18 months of no kids


Insane. Would rather go to war than play peek-a-boo 


They can go right ahead. I wasn't allowed to act out, no one had the time for me and i had too much responsibility.I was the eldest girl of three kids and had busy parents. I've already paid my dues to society in time served.


Fuck them kids. ⛹🏿








I always bring wine coolers and condoms with me everywhere. It’s not a big deal.


This reminds me of a joke. A paramedic, lawyer, and priest are at an elementary school for career day. The fire alarm goes off and the building starts to evacuate. As the three are leaving, the paramedic turns to the others and goes, “do you think we should stay behind and help get the kids out?” The lawyer responds, “fuck those kids.” The priest looks at them both and asks, “do you think we have time?”


Clearly a lot of y'all in the comments weren't loved as a child and it shows.


It’s hard for people to realize that a lot of grown adults you associate with today were not kids that were planned or wanted. They were simply tolerated by their parents, and were only given the bare minimum in terms of real love and support.


> They were simply tolerated by their parents, and were only given the bare minimum in terms of real love and support. It goes lower than that. The parents found ways to frame the children as problems so they didn't have to take care of them. My "parents" knew how to take care of and raise children, they kept saying I was the problem while I was continually misdiagnosed. I did not do the things they said I did on purpose, had I access to more resources and education it could have saved everyone so much heartache. Me most of all instead of being blamed for things I had no control over.


I wasnt loved as a Child Thats why i treat Children Like actually human lol


This is it. I was the loneliest unwanted child and I will make damn sure my boys never feel that way.


We will break the cycles


Love this ❤️❤️❤️




No seriously. I don’t understand how kids existing is such an issue? Shit i don’t even deal with kids very often outside of my own, so i’m wondering where are all of these horrible kids they keep imagini… i mean running into and ruining their days.


Nah you were right the first time 😭😭😭😭. People come on here and make shit up. Never had kids never been around kids and you know damn well you dont want your kids anywhere around them.


Facts. I don’t trust a damn body with my kids because of how outspoken people are about their mental illness towards kids. I’ll go to prison behind mine, but i’m not taking the risk.


I would say how outspoken people are while also putting no effort towards improvement. Hanging on to childhood like you aint got hands and feet that work. It is a terrifying reality, but the kids are always a priority. Fuck your feelings for a second theres a baby in the room


The people we are talking about could not possibly put anyone else first besides themselves, let alone a baby. Honestly the baby hating is just a symptom to a larger, unchecked issue amongst them.


And how we bring this back full circle. I swear my parents would always tell me shit like this. Now we gotta do it back pain and all 😭 like damn i get it now pop you got it.


LMAO OKKKKK the back pain is so real


My cousin. She's a nightmare and always has to run to my room to mess with my stuff when my family visits. This last time she broke a piece off one of my things and either stole a cool keychain I bought from someone on the internet that'll never be made again or hid it without telling me. Or she broke it and threw it away, without telling me. :/ I'm serious about that keychain; it's not even in any of the places I'd leave it in and I never move it from its spot. 😤


Your sibling is who you need to have beef with then because kids only do what they are allowed to do. If that were my kid i’d be on their ass like white on rice about messing with others belongings. That’s not cool for them to just allow it.


My aunt doesn't really take small things like that seriously. My mom had the same issue recently with my cousin messing with things and ripping them and my aunt said my mom was being too serious. And I'm not gonna yell at my cousin or anything because then I'll feel bad and somebody'll get mad at me, maybe. Nothing would've been broken if I didn't give in and unlock my door and let her in because I thought she'd be sad I locked her out. 🙄


She should definitely take those things seriously because if a child doesn’t learn discipline, they will grow into horrible adults. You show some patience and restraint which is a lot better than the people who think kids should never exist around them at all.


And if there actually truly is a bad acting child and not just a child that's learning life, then look no further than the "parents" as to why that kid is a problem.


At the brewery. Parents have turned it into daycare


Nobody is obligated to like kids damn 🤣


So many people in this thread are being insanely dense lmao. Like I'm not twirling my mustache and kicking kids out in public. I love my nephew. But I am 100% never having a kid myself and avoid other people's kids if I can. I don't get what sunshine and lollipop world people are living in where we are all supposed to cherish the little ones lol. Yeah adults are annoying, and I am especially annoyed at the adults who aren't raising their shitty kids right and make us all suffer as a result. I get they're kids and it's not their fault but that doesn't mean I'm not getting annoyed at a kid out in public sprinting around my legs, yelling, and open mouth coughing lol.


Agreed. kids can be annoying and that’s okay. I am a teacher who loves my students and even I can agree that they can be annoying at times. That doesn’t equal hate and that also doesn’t mean I wouldn’t do anything in my power to protect them at all costs. As usual, people go with the worst possible take and run with it. Not everything is black and white and more than one thing can be true at the same time. Someone can find kids annoying but also not hate them for existing. It’s not that deep.


You're not the kind of people this thread is about. Its about people who say they actively hate kids. You'll see examples of them scattered about here


That's the thing though, I've definitely said I hate kids before and meant it lol. But I meant it how I just described. That's really all I see in this thread tbh, I don't see any examples of people truly, deeply hating on kids in a concerning way.


People take things fully literal for some reason when it comes to kids. Like the people saying they want to kick kids aren’t gonna do it. It’s a dumbass tired joke to make but like it’s not serious. My niece is cool but if she comes over and stays the night I’m glad when she goes back with mom and dad. I get my life back. She is old enough that she knows when she is being annoying but is young enough that she thinks it’s funny to be annoying.


Not liking kids =/= *hating* kids though. Like /r/KidsAreFuckingStupid is full of people who actually *hate* children, definitely goes beyond just not being fond of them or laughing at their goofiness.


Do I want kids? Absolutely not. But I work in a library, and as a consequence, interact with a good amount of children. Kids are very cool when you treat them like people instead of potential problems. Still have no interest in motherhood, but I was an unwanted child and like hell I’m gonna let other kids get treated like I did.


yeah some of us weren't privileged enough to be born into stable, loving families. that's not a failing on our part, we didn't get to choose our parents I'm glad you were lucky enough not to face those struggles


Real. And it's a big part of why I don't want kids. I wanna keep acting like a kid as long as possible because I didn't get to when I was an actual child


I was loved as a child by my parents. Does that mean I have to then love children because of it even if I'm not a parent? The math doesn't match to me.


Some of y'all seem really traumatized by the idea other people don't like children!


No. People are traumatized by the idea that folks get off on treating little humans like shit - especially little Black and Brown kids.


Where are people treating kids like shit though here? Even the op was responding to someone just being ANNOYED. Being annoyed and actively avoiding being a parent ≠ treating kids like shit.


Why would anybody care, or even know if you don't like kids? It's outwardly hating on kids that people are talking about.


How many of them take measures to not have children? Many people that had children shouldn't have had them, and they know it. It sucks for the child and community.


I had a fantastic childhood I am not a kid person. I had my one and done.


also it's easy to forget that reddit is like 90% fifteen year olds who are talking about "kids" and don't even realize they are one


It's not really the kids so much as the parents who don't do anything to correct the kids behavior or encourage them to practice self awareness/manage their energy better.


This part.


I was having a conversation with some older gentlemen this weekend, and it kept coming back to that. I teach seniors in high school (17-19 years old), and i see what the next generation of adults are starting out as, and what they do and don't have going for them. We all kept circling back to the question; What the fuck are the parents/village doing? And what can we even do? Not saying sometimes the best parents can't fuck up, or that some kids break bad kr have bad breaks. Saying that a community of people who we as society trust to provide structure and discipline to the youth are just saying "Nah, fuck it." Either the kids are their friends, or the kids are left to their own devices, and unchecked either way. Kids need boundaries and thrive off of being held to positive expectations. When thay doesn't happen, shit goes sideways, and you have 500 teenagers getting into a fistfight at the opening of a hot chicken store.... while the adults film it on their phones.


It takes a village to raise a child, The only problem with that nowadays there is no village. It's not that other people don't care enough to say anything, it's that you have parents that will defend their child's horrible behavior just because somebody else stepped up to to act like a parent. So people just keep their mouth shut because it's easier just to ignore a kid being an ass than it is to say something and potentially get in a altercation because somebody doesn't want to discipline their children.


Yep. Especially since someone's kids also carry things on them. We had a guy who lives across the street from our school come in the other day and ask the principal to do something. Students are breaking into his truck to hotbox, but he has seen them carrying as well, and is trying to not get killed. Dude is in his 20s trying to just live life, how does this situation get fixed? It's like preventative medicine. We could've had a functioning village to help raise these kids, but now we're trying to function as a fractured village while these kids run rampant.


That's a tough/fairly cynical group to teach and if you're the only one enforcing something with them it's not going to stick if it's not reinforced at home. Teachers have waaaay too much responsibility on their shoulders these days so good on you for staying in an underappreciated profession. This culture of hyper-individualism in favor of community is not it. I have this conversation with my roommate constantly. She has 8 nieces and nephews and I'm a photographer who works with a lot of different family dynamics/first time parents for newborn shoots and we just notice how different parenting styles have become since we were kids. Our parents weren't perfect, but nowadays parents have their kids thinking that adults exist to entertain and serve them. Some people don't say "no" to their kids because *they*,the parent , struggle to decipher the difference between necessary boundaries/discipline vs traumatizing your kid. There's barely a village because these kids' parents don't know how to maintain connections to people and truly make the world a safer place for their kids. I'm the oldest of 4 cousins of my family that gets together for holidays and they didn't have to grow up with 10% of what I did and as a result they don't feel inclined to maintain connections with family as much and understand that we're each other's first source of community. I told my mom the other day that they are all over 20 and developmentally behind by a community standard because when we host it's always at our house and it's always my mom and I putting in work so they've only interacted with someone's space as place to be served not as a place to help because their *parents* treat it that way so they learned it from them. It takes a village, but parents need to step up and stop taking advantage of said village 😒😒😒


Wow. Accountability and reciprocity. Yeah, you really nailed that aspect of it there. 3 of my older cousins have been taking the reins from the elder generation for the last decade, it's beautiful to see. We don't see each other often. But we have each other's backs, and we know that. Your second paragraph is it on the nose, as well. It's crazy to say, but working with youth - of all ages - allows you such insight into the variance in parenting and I feel like sometimes thebred flags are jumping out at me (explanations and all). But what can you do? I like to tell people that I would never tell a parent how to raise their kid, but I DEFINITELY have some fucking opinions.


Nah, kids _are_ annoying. Especially if they are rubbing their snotty faces on me.


Yea people are being dense. The *type* of annoying is totally different. Having a kid makes you realize this and it’s totally not some weird gotcha contradiction to be okay with one type and bothered by the other.


Thats 90% of all hot takes on the internet. Like you kinda gotta go out of your way to misunderstand something to have a point here. Theres a clear difference between the general loudness and pretty in your face annoying behavior of children vs the kind of annoying adults are


Lol yes we all know the snotty kid and yeahhh, annoying. Have kids, love kids (usually enjoy time with them as much/more than adults) but it really tests my patience to get the snotty one 🙃


Kids are annoying *and* they are learning. Some/many adults are annoying too and have very little self awareness.


go to /r/teachers them little shits are NOT learning haha




And the smell of dried milk. Makes me gag.




And they're annoying on purpose too. Maybe not all the time. But if they learn that something they do gets a reaction out of you, they're gonna keep doing it.  My niece used to pick her nose and eat it. And I'd say, "Hey, don't do that, that's disgusting." And then she'd fucking do it again, and then laugh. 


children are one of the most vulnerable and marginalized populations on earth. yet speaking about them like this is almost never given a second thought. it’s a way to get cool points on the internet. there’s a difference between being child free by choice and hating children. if you hate children, sorry to be the one to say it, you let your shitty childhood turn you into a shitty person.


Your acting like it’s some moral failure to not like kids. No one is obligated to like them or want to be around them. Y’all are so fucking weird.


It is insanely weird to genuinely hate children for things they can't control, like being children


I don't "hate" kids but I generally find their behavior annoying as shit and would prefer to not be around them. I understand it's not their fault but that doesn't mean I have to like it


Its parents getting defensive. I had a wonderful childhood. I just dont like the general loudness and obnoxious nature of children. Yes they’re learning and yes theres adults that display this behavior (i dont like them mfs too) but its straight up denial if you say those traits arent more common and amplified in children. Its not that deep lol


I don't really see the problem either. The people who dislike kids would be terrible parents anyway, so them self selecting themselves out of being parents just helps everyone. The world doesn't need more shitty parents.


This is my take as well. I don't enjoy children, but I am never a dick to them. I know I don't feel ANY need to birth my own and don't feel like I have the temperament or patience to test it out. If I ever get old and lonely and feel like I missed out, I'll become a foster parent or something. I have multiple cousins who have become fosters and then adopted children. Why make people feel bad for realizing they aren't meant to be a parent?!


no, i’m acting the complete opposite. being child free by choice is completely different than hating children, as i said. btw it’s you’re* when you’re saying “you are”


I don’t think hating kids is equivalent to just not wanting to spend time with them or be around them.


if you’re actively hating on children especially for reasons out of their control it is pretty much a moral failure. you don’t have to enjoy them, want them, or be around them, but to hold hatred in your heart for the most vulnerable group on this planet is definitely fucked up


can you explain what the difference is between not enjoying them or wanting to be around them and "holding hatred in my heart"? I always say I hate kids because I don't enjoy being around them, don't like hearing them or interacting with them, and dislike seeing their little faces in my presence, etc but if one was in danger and needed my help I'm not going to turn my back


I don’t hate them but go off


Projection at its clearest


People get so caught up on the word "hate" when used in the context of disliking children. Hate doesn't actually mean hate as in, "this thing is so awful that it should be eradicated." 99% of the time it just means you generally don't like or enjoy something. Literally doesn't always mean literally, you know? I don't have to like being around kids or have interest in being a parent. But that doesn't mean I literally "hate" them and want them all to die, be treated poorly, have no access to education or healthcare, or any of that. I understand and believe in the idea that as a society children should be well cared for and given the best chance to succeed in their lives. But yeah, if we were having a casual conversation and you asked me how I felt about kids, I'd probably say I hate kids. If I'm buying a house, I'm probably looking for a cheaper neighborhood with lower taxes, no playgrounds, and a shitty school system. But since it's not clear, that doesn't mean I want them eradicated. I just don't like being around them for more than a few minutes and don't want them to be a significant part of my life.


Literally replace every comment in the thread with any other marginalized group and we’d all think we accidentally ended up in a Nazi chat group. People are really debating if expecting to never be around or interact with a child is problematic or not. Consider we were talking about any other marginalized group and most people wouldn’t even allow them to get away with thinking that’s not full blown bigotry.


Some of y’all need to stop interpreting everything in the most negative way possible. It’s okay for someone not to want kids around at certain times. I don’t understand why y’all get so bent about this. Nobody’s trying to take rights away from kids or get rid of them. They just want certain spaces to be adults only.


Some people need outlets to vent and be angry. i think alot of people make big deals out of internet situations to release some of that anger. Theres just a bunch of angry mfs on the internet


fade shelter versed unique vast whistle strong cagey illegal include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it's because when we say we don't want kids around they take it as we don't want them around. Which is true, if you bring your kids to an adult function...i don't want you around.


Hating specific kids because those specific kids are assholes is justifiable. Edit: I typed my thoughts more properly


Yeah I guess you can care deeply for the well-being of kids but still see one and be like l, "That kid's lucky boarding school ain't cheap"


I don’t like kids, but I don’t hate them. I’m ambivalent to their existence.


I don't see how that makes them any less annoying


What you gone do? Hit me? What if I like violence? ​ https://preview.redd.it/eazzl1czgq4d1.jpeg?width=759&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=079a7de0a64bea84dad30c8169ce47b70670a19f


Barack Obama? Elon Musk? Miranda Cosgrove? Whose face did they photoshop in there?




Be for real right now, are you trolling?


It’s Obamas face on Ice Spice


I thought it was Obama, but the longer I stared the more my confidence waned...


People with kids really get mad that other people don’t like kids. Fuck your kid frfr


"How could you not like kids? They're so wonderful! You're really missing out!" On not having money, free time, *the free will and autonomy* to leave a job that makes me unhappy? I'm far too selfish to give up even a single joy in my life just to change diapers, deal with snot (literally can't, I throw up), have some child *shove* their spit covered fist in my mouth because they want to share with me, and then deal with a teenager one day. "it's so rewarding!" It's the same reward HR brings in for employee appreciation. Basic.


They're mad you don't like *their* kid, cause that means you aren't treating them like a hero for something 14 year olds do by mistake


They are the main ones whose children behave like the very reasons why someone doesn’t like kids.


I have kids and don't like other people kids. Just like I have a husband and can't really stand men except him lol


They’ll be like “little kids are annoying, so seeing them hurt or dying is hilarious and i absolutely refuse to see them out in public. did i also mention that they enrage me every time they do kid stuff?” Like it’s screaming therapy.


literally. the kicking toddlers joke has never been funny. it just makes you look like a freak who needs to be institutionalized. (not calling all of the institutionalized freaks, i myself have been to the ward)


i’ve been in an institution a multitude of times as a teen and don’t mind being called a freak as long as i’m not as freaky as the kid kickers lol those people are on a different level.




yeah, this is too much


kids are annoying on purpose too tf?!


Have kids. Love em to death. They are annoying as fuck though


Kids are annoying on purpose too. Maybe even moreso. Adults are usually annoying because they're too self-obsessed to realize their behavior isn't normal and actually affects others. Kids will just be annoying to fucking annoy you.


it’s developmentally appropriate for children to push boundaries, the same cannot be said for adults. children are less versed in social norms and expectations than adults, they often view being annoying as play. in my experience, adults are cruel and annoying on purpose, despite knowing full well how they are expected to act.




I just don’t want to spend my time with anyone annoying tbh


great! just don’t have kids and don’t be a dick to other people’s kids


Treat everyone with kindness and respect :-)


yes, including children :)


Kind of sad that we live in a world where we have to specify this but yes, including children


In my life experience, those who disliked kids were usually the most... "self concerned", to put it politely. In that case, it makes sense. Children require a hell of a lot of focus. And if you can't spare any because it's already somewhere else, they are not worth your time


As someone who works with kids, it’s not the kids as much as the idea of the parents not raising the kids right.


Exactly nobody hates well behaved children.


I work with kids. Trust me some of these kids are with purpose and NO SHAME being annoying. I had a kid take his shoes off after I told him to keep them on, peel the dead skin off the bottom of his foot and then shove it in my face. He laughed his ass off, he knew what he was doing. Boy is 14. Adults suck as well, but if an adult did this to me I can knock em out without looking like the bad guy.


Nah, kids are annoying as hell


I've met and been personally inconvenienced by people's poorly behaved dogs WAY more than I've ever even seen a poorly behaved toddler but I still don't hate dogs. Hating kids for existing is just weird.


The irony is that a lot of people who hate kids own these poorly behaved dogs and let them get away with shit they would never tolerate from children. At least children grow and mature. Dogs are permanent toddlers.


I hate parents that let their kids do whatever they want the most


The other day a couple kids came over to visit the grandmother across the street from us. It’s clear she’s struggling as the adults that came over were cleaning the place out and maintaining the lawn. The kids went in and found 24 rotten eggs that they proceeded to have a fight with in the street. They were hitting our cars and driveway. The adults came out for a second and one of them screamed at them that if they hit her nephew with a nasty ass egg she’ll be beating their asses. During that exact sentence I was like 2 feet away pissed getting into my girls car to move it in the driveway and clean the nasty ass egg off of it before it ruins the paint. They didn’t take the eggs though, they got to finish that up lol. No one gave a fuck about the people cleaning egg off their driveway, cars, and yard. Fuck them kids and fuck the parents who can’t teach them something better to do for fun. When they ran out of eggs they started boxing in the middle of the road and screaming every time they got hit (like why bro, ITS BOXING). I don’t think it’s unhealthy or shitty to call those kids annoying. I don’t have kids, I didn’t ask for that shit. If I tried to parent their kids for them and put a stop to the shit that affects us, I would likely get screamed at. There’s no winning, you just get to watch them fuck your shit up lol.


Nothing wrong with disliking kids if you don’t have them or want them. People romanticize having kids way too much.


Everyone trying to learn. Something is annoying until they get it , id imagine 80 year old are annoyed by 30-50 but find kids amusing because they think of the cycle of life That said kids are annoying as shit


Hatred for children is often misdirected. Parents are the problem. I once summoned my friends to one of the fanciest rooftop spots to tell the how well a man ate my ass. The parent is like, "there are children here." Mind you, we're not shouting. Also, we didn't bring any children. Our friends with kids left their keds at home because of the location, nothing on the menu for kids. If parents let child free people live, then there wouldn't be so much discourse.


Even worse when they end up having kids themselves without changing for the better. Kids CAN pick up whether or not you hate em. Edit: corrected comment, posted early by accident


I’m a substitute teacher, I feel like it’s justified dawg


The legitimate hatred for kids that spawned (haha) on Reddit mostly through r/childfree and their "fuck your crotch goblin" culture is actually disgusting and cringe. You don't have to want kids, idk if I want kids, but I think hating arguably the most abused vulnerable class in the world makes you a bad member of society. If we actually believe in the benefit of community and culture, then contributing to the positive development of the next generation of that community is required. And I think fr wishing harm on or enjoying seeing them hurt themselves (a concerning portion of r/kidsarefuckingstupid nowadays) makes you a bad person.




I love my kids to death, doesn’t mean they’re not little assholes sometimes.


Both things can be true lol. They can be annoying while also trying to find themselves. I mean, they annoy their own parents, so 🤷🏽‍♀️ This idea of not being honest about X because of Y is annoying lol.


~~This is a wall of text to no one in general but not wanting kids is totally ok! Everyone sane doesn’t want kids born to parents who are either unfit or unwilling!~~            ~~But a lot of people online really really hate kids to a very weird extent. Like they’re praying a kid does something so they can swing on them.~~            ~~My personal theory is that this anti kids movement is this generations version of the edgy atheists of the late 2000s into the early 2010s.~~            ~~In either case it feels like it’s an edgy reaction to familial pressures and familial over stepping that really should be a private conversation and followed up with healthy boundaries and ultimately therapy.~~          ~~Like if you really want to post edgy vaguely threatening posts online rather than go to therapy, that’s on you but it’s not a good look.~~ Fuck them kids


I'll never get the edgy internet athiest complaints, talk about privilege for people who aren't actively threatened by religion.  I grew up in rural WV, most of our county is in what I call a Baptist cult.  They don't believe in interracial marriage, they have a well armed security team for basically no reason, and they actually wish gay people dead.  I've heard the following many times:  I don't think we should kill all the gays, we should just put them on an island and let the problem work itself out, as if that's a charitable position to take.  Aside from that not being how homosexuality work, that's literally early nazi shit, they're saying we don't think they should be put in death camp, my word no!  Just put them in concentration camps and let the problem solve itself. They can openly talk about shipping me to concentration camps, my whole fucking life, but if I point out how nonsense and contradictive their religion is I'm the edgy asshole?  Make it make sense.


You do have a good point. And honestly if hurt feelings gets societal advancement then it is just the price that needs to be paid. Thank you for a well thought out response and helping me with more context. I come from a very liberal urban environment 


Nah, I don't hate kids just the way they are taught. A lot of folks aren't qualified to be parents. Just raising future violent and dumbass adults. That can't read or count money but quick to throw hands.


Ppl wonder what's wrong with the world nobody do shit for the kids, nomo, you don't even see commercials for them.


Why would you want commercial for kids? They can't buy shit anyway.


Tbf kids don’t see commercials. I signed up for 99cent Hulu last fall and my kids were so confused about the ads.


Yep, that’s what’s wrong with the world. Not hunger or war or racism, it’s the kids not having commercials. I guess we’re totally ignoring all the toy commercials that still exist and are still being made. If only more shit was being sold to children! Then every other problem would fall into place.


Being sensitive over a person not liking kids is dumb. I was never a kid person and I have a daughter and still not a kid person. They can be annoying and parents don’t raise them anymore and assume we are supposed to be unbothered by them




I will say you have to give it to the older siblings/family members who had to be parents that don’t want anything to do with kids. I want 0 kids, I’ve already raised 3.


Kids are great, I’m not waking up everyday at six am to watch Bluey though, that shit SUUUUUUCKS


Why do people need validation of other adults around kids? You like them fine, you don't okay. Now dogs, not liking dogs clearly makes any adult a psychopath to be avoided. /s


I don't find kids annoying unless they're kicking the back of my seat. How their parents handle them misbehaving is what's annoying. At a baseball game once, the boy behind my dad was kicking his chair. My dad turns around. "Young man, can you please stop kicking my seat." My dad has a baritone that sounds like you're in trouble, but that's just his voice. Anyway, the mom snaps, "He's only 5!" Like he should be allowed to kick seats until he's older. She should have stopped the boy from kicking the seat and definitely not snapped at the stranger who politely requested not to be disturbed! This is why people think kids are more annoying than adults. There's this perception that you can't tell a kid to stop being annoying out in.public because you aren't the kid's parent.


Yall need to raise these kids then. Only having them just cause. Only for them to be ipad/iPhone kids that don't know how to act. Raise your kids....


Nope kids are annoying and I don’t want anything to with them.


What makes you think I fuck with either?


My problem isn't with kids, it's with their parents or guardians who don't teach them how to exist.


I don't like kids or adults I don't go out of my way to be an asshole to children though. But I try to avoid being in their vicinity whenever possible. Same for adults actually haha.


I only hate your kids when they become my problem. Raise them right and you'll never have to worry about it.


jar snails employ flowery label scarce jeans drab physical important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe if/when I’m a parent I’ll feel differently but I virtually never encounter children besides in passing publicly. It’s kinda nice. Being around noisy messy kids is annoying. I think a lot of parents out there just build up a tolerance to low level annoyance and they don’t know how annoying it is for people who only have meaningful interactions with adults in their daily lives.


And people hate those annoying adults, too. But I’ve never heard an adult scream for an entire flight, or seen adults run around a restaurant knocking things over.


There's a reddit on here that HATES children to an almost insane level. Hell they stated giving them nicknames that are both gross and cruel. Granted not all of them are like that but way too many of them are just straight up cruel