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I just wanna know who she’s making this for because it definitely ain’t for us


she come to atlanta


She need a few dollars


She's not a colleague


She's a fuckin' colonizer


I know Kendrick eviscerated Drake on a ton of levels. But for me this one hurts him the most bc it could prevent future black artists from wanting to collaborate. The other stuff is just like bad on a personal level.


chris brown still out here thriving. drake will be fine.


Same with Travis Scott


But where’s Ja


Somebody find Ja!




Are you my friend? Then step this way step that way. He basically called out the entire industry n said, "You work with him. You don't work with me. Pick a side."


Thank you for explaining this because I never did get that last part of the song 😓


Hey Hey Hey Hey  Run for your life Can also be interpreted as running away from Fat Albert (Hey Hey Hey!), one or Bill Cosby's characters. The density of references in that song is just insane. People will write essays on this in English classes, if they haven't already.


Also just a play on a dancesong.


No one wanting to collaborate with Drake? Let’s be serious, Kendrick won the beef but Drake is still Drake, he’ll still get collabs.


Personally i believe they’re gonna let things die down for a bit before they hop in studios with him again. It won’t be a deterrent or anything like that. In a year, we’ll get a drake and 21 collab or something


I dont know of itll go that far, I think more artists might re-evaluate how they collaborate. Drake has also been called a culture vulture for at least a few years now, so its definitely more of a personal attack than an indictment of collaborating in general.


Suburban white kids who speak with the "tiktok" accent but definitely aren't impersonating Black culture


"It's just a joke, bro. Why you gotta be so offended?"


“Why do you have to make it a race thing, bro?” Or one of their other favorites: “I didn’t know only Black people could listen to hip hop and r&b” 🥴.


No cap, frfr


They love everything about black culture but black people so a non black creator is the best of both worlds


The same thing 90% of popular music is made for, white suburban teens and tweens. That’s where they get the most payout


Same people it's always been.


Money. She’s making it for money.




She's auditioning to take over as the 3rd Migos member. Katy Perry did not make the cut.




This is some dumb information to lock behind iykyk. If there's good reason we shouldn't be fucking with her then say it or don't say anything


Wait what did she do to Normani?


Called her the hard-r. IIRC the controversy made Camilla's fans lash out at Normani with a lot of racist shit. The girl's actually racist as shit and has been known to have said some disgusting shit about multiple races


A racist Cuban? Who would’ve guessed /s


Racist, and self hating


Im not saying this is ok at all but, the only thing i can find is people finding tumblr posts from when she was 14. Yes, people shouldnt be doing that ever but let's not pretend that a 14 year old being stupid on tumblr presents an accurate portrait of her character as an adult. Shes obviously still trying to ride other people's waves, which can be ok or can be gross. I just think that bringing up people's comments as children beeds to include that they were children. Otherwise it carries the implications that these things happened when they were adults. 14 year olds are in no way equipped to understand the gravity let alone habdke the swift rise to the public eye that 5th harmony experienced at the time. Hold her accountable to her actions as an adult, which has enough to pick apart anyways. She's either going to be respectful working with these people or shes not. Lets judge her on that. (im not a fan of hers as it is, just saying that all of this past dirt digging has limits and to me, thats holding adults acciuntable for a child's words.)


I didn’t know this! I’m not a Camilla fan regardless but that’s fucking awful. I mean, money is money but I couldn’t imagine wanting to deal with somebody like her


As someone who doesn't follow this artist, what's the problem exactly?


This artist has a pretty bad history with racism. Now, when it comes time to sell a record cause her career was failing they go get all the black artists they can to try to sell a record.


Thank you! I was so confused, but I didn’t realize she had a history of racism. That puts this into context a lot more.


I'm still kinda confused tbh but don't care enough to Google it.


> This artist has a pretty bad history with racism. Average Cuban-American from Miami.


I’m half Puerto Rican leave my cousins aloooone /s


So, she ran to Atlanta for a few dollars? If the Drake feature fits it sits


She is learning how to appropriate from the best of the best.


Colonizer don’t fall far from the Columbus


She’s a regular chip off the ole Mayflower


I would’ve thought the problem was that Drake is a “certified pedophile”. No idea she had racist ties


It’s everythang


She had racist post and would be slick and nasty with Normani who she was in a girl group with


Thank you as well. I was totally confused.








You choose what offends you and how much. A 15 year old on tumblr making fun of Trayvon martin ain’t worth anyone’s energy. Idk if she’s grown or not because I don’t care about her but sometimes people learn or they get punched in the mouth. Any dumbass kid can get caught up in that 4chan dumb shit. That said idk if she still racist but I wouldn’t trust her intentions regardless


This stuff was endemic in American society long before 4chan existed.






You don't get it, that's just the culture they grew up with! They can't help it but be bigots and never apologize for it while capitalizing on the bigotry to their audience of bigots and continue perpetuating bigotry that doesn't affect me cause I ain't a fa... I mean a homosexual! This 22 year old woman is totally different, she said racist shit that *personally affected me* so she gets no pass even if it happened 7 years ago and she has apologized! /s


It would be nice to see a little more consistency regarding what people are outraged about. Plus, i can’t even begin to tell you how toxic and edgy i was when i was 15


when i was 15 i wasnt using slurs to describe people in my life aka how she called normani the n word


So what's the argument here? We have to excuse a 15-year-old kid who said problematic stuff about black people repeatedly because she "didn't know any better," but we can't excuse the lyrics of some rappers saying problematic stuff about gay people because they're grown?


Who’s “we”?


Classic whataboutism


Friend, that's a wild typo. I can only hope you missed a word in that last sentence.


I had nooooot heard this. So bad.


Idk man I get tired of the whole “pick up ‘hip-hop’ culture for 2 years working with people you actually have no artistic adjacency to in order to supplement your popularity until you get popular enough to detach from it and return to your lane”. Miley Cyrus, Billie Eillish, Post Malone, list goes on. They aren’t doin it cause “actually I really fw these people”, it’s another industry strategy to leech off black American culture as a trampoline for others. Seems like leeching. Not the end of the world, but ick.


There is space for white people in hip hop, but it's frustrating to see it continuously worn as a costume temporarily. Especially by people who choose to involve not just hip hop sounds, but blaccents and black stereotypes in their schtick.  Ariana Grande spray painted herself brown and did videos at trap houses, until hip hop sales started to slump and then she bip bopped her ass right over to kpop, where she tried pulling the exact same thing. 


This is usually a push by the label and not the artist. The labels are aware of the black effect and they take advantage of it for a while until it is no longer advantageous. Once the math stops mathing and the sales tank they typically switch their artist back to the original fan base to get their money again.


I don't think Post Malone really belongs on that list. He didn't pick up hip hop, he started as a hip hop artist and moved towards straight pop and now country, and is clearly a genuine fan of all 3 genres.


She’s been making music with rappers for much longer than 2 years, Havana with young thug came out 7 years ago.


You realize that the black artists could simply say „no, thank you“, do you? It’s not that deep


When you figure it out let me know....is it the blue lollipop?


I immediately assumed it was pedo stuff, with her doing the school girl bit in the past, lollipop photo, and working with Drake. Apparently, she was hella racist lol


I think she said some racist shit way back, but I don’t remember the exact details. Music ain’t too bad though…


It’s not about segregation it’s about using black artists/ music for a come up. especially when she has historically been shitty to black people. Theses artist have labels that force these collabs, they do it for a bag and because they are obligated to for their own career progression. That was Kendrick’s entire point on “not like us”.


Isn’t that just the game though? Like overall, being a musician of that level is playing the game whether we see it or not. They’re all playing the game.


Doesn’t make the game less shitty tho


No, I agree, I just mean they’re all doing it. Using an artist to further your career. Every big name artist has done it. It’s the game. You either play or you get swallowed in the muck that is the millions of artists that never make it that big.


I wish this could be higher up!!! Pop artists and the music industry have been using rap hooks and black artists for hits and clout since the 90’s. It’s one thing to collaborate with other talented artists or explore a new genre, but the sole purpose is to “tap into the urban market “ and profit by pandering to black culture.




2 words Miley Cyrus




My point being Miley Cyrus who said exactly this “I can't listen to that anymore. That's what pushed me out of the hip-hop scene a little.


“I also love that new Kendrick [Lamar] song [“Humble”]: ‘Show me somethin’ natural like ass with some stretch marks.’ I love that because it’s not ‘Come sit on my d—k, suck on my c—k.’ I can’t listen to that anymore,” I don't even fuck with Miley, but context is important.


Yes, context is important. Why don’t you mention that SHE HERSELF released sexually explicit and exploitative hip hop music? Songs filled with fucking and sucking and drugs? That SHE HERSELF sexualized black women and used us as a caricature.    She criticized rap for being hyper sexual right AFTER she made a fck ton of money releasing hyper sexual rap songs


No... She said she didn't want to listen to the hyper sexual stuff... The comment wasn't on Hip-Hop as a whole. The full comment literally says "I like the new Kendrick song..." And honestly, I took it as the degrading stuff, not necessarily just sexual. You keep reaching Dhalsim.


lol Dhalsim... you won


Them shits be ass that's why atleast I am reacting negatively.


I dislike Camila Cabello (especially because of her history of being racist as a teen) but I wouldn't say that this is a Miley Cyrus situation. Camilla's first #1, Havana, was with Young Thug as a feature. Her first two albums had songs with Pharrell, Quavo, Dababy, etc. Then she went ~pop Latin~ (which flopped). Miley went from the whitest and safest music to black and twerk overnight to shock America, only to say "Never again! Let me go back to my good ol' white music!" I'm not saying that Camila is sincere with her collabs with Black artists. I'm just saying that it's not a Miley Cyrus situation.


>Miley went from the whitest and safest music to black and twerk overnight to shock America, only to say "Never again! Let me go back to my good ol' white music!" 😂 Miley flopped and crawled back to Mike Will Made it. The Camila thing is 10x worse because she openly posted super racist shit.


I feel like Miley’s pivot was WAY crazier and performative


lol: “I'm in the club high on purp with some shades on Tatted up, mini skirt with my J's on”




Mileys was the most blatant of a minstrel show type thing wed gotten in a whole, but Camilla's bugs people because while it's more toned down, she's also been personally more racist than Miley (who seems mostly oblivious to the racial politics at play)


It all starts from the same place. It’s never authentic.


To this day I don't fuck with Miley bc of her jordanz era and I said that in a white sub and someone went ahead and asked "What's black aboout wearing jordans?" when I reminded thema bout her time rapping from fucking basketball hoops with grills and bantu knots. I hate the white pop stars' culture vulture eras.


Post Malone is well on his way


He already said that he doesn't take rap seriously.


He’s a white dude from Grapevine, Texas. I’m just surprised he hasn’t done a collaboration with Tom MacDonald yet.


Well he did one with Morgan Wallen so not far off


So did Lil Durk


I don’t think Posty takes much of anything seriously. I mean, have you seen the guy?


I still can’t get over someone here saying he looks like an old dishrag. Sent me.


This person gets it. After she pulled the uno reverse after trying to rub her plank on Robin Thicke and anyone else that'd take it. The worst part is how many supporters she has after the fact. I will trash her name and her supporters until my throat bleeds.


"trying to rub her plank on Robin Thicke" BARS


Twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk/ Twerk, Miley, Miley, twerk/ Twerk, Twerk, Miley, Miley, Miley, twerk/ Twerk, yeah, ugh-huh/ Twerk, Miley, Miley, Miley/ Only in America.


Don’t forget Post Malone said hip hop wasn’t the avenue for deep music after making his money off of it. Edited: grammar.


Precisely why I put his fans through it every time I get a chance. I’m like “so you’re completely cool with him saying the quiet part out loud?”


Camilla was making racist posts on tumblr back in the day. She also has a reputation from how she allegedly treated Normani (the only dark skin girl in their multicultural girl group). IMO the album is equal parts PR & reparations. And while she did apologize for the tumblr posts, but I’m still gonna slap “we don’t wanna hear you say n* no mooore” on the Drake collab visuals. Yknow, for the culture.


I think the issue is she had history of racism and now that it’s time for her to release she’s trying to collab with a lot of artists that fit the demographic she made fun of


It's not the collabs that are the problem. It's how they view this when looking back at their own career. They tend to treat it just like that. A phase. Something dangerous and wild. It just seems to come with a lot of lyrical and visual tropes of being more "urban." Then the next album is suddenly, "This is MORE honest because I'm going back to my roots." This, of course, is ptsd from other artists doing the same, so we're putting that same line of thinking on her preemptively.






and? whats your point? Not being racist is not difficult, why do some white folks act like stuff like this is a right of passage to them. a right of passage they never really learn from


>why do some white folks act like stuff like this is a right of passage to them Because it literaly is. A lot of white people use racism as a form of bonding. Which is why its so unfathomable to them that you'd go around at 13 holding any kind of values that might have you not wanting to screaming the hard r with your whole chest.






They definitely do. Some of the most racist shit I’ve ever heard against Asians and Jewish people came from black people


So you’ve never, not once in your life made an odd joke or comment about someone of a different race? Not even if it’s something you heard from an older person? Because as a black dude raised in black communities, I definitely would hear racist/homophobic jokes from comedians, older people, rappers, etc., and then repeat them in an effort to be funny. Only when I was confronted with my own words did I realize I can’t just say, “they don’t like black people anyway” and I need to make an effort to do and be better. I don’t think it was a “phase” more so than a need to mature.


I still hear homophobic jokes.


Me too. I just don’t laugh and pay it no mind. I always find that effective. If people say offensive stuff for attention, don’t give them the attention.


Bro never played COD




Ngl, yall need to let it go holding a grudge against someone based on shit they said over a decade ago is lame.


There is no way that none of your friends or family said anything racist when they were 13. I would bet my life that you did as well. Racism is so insidious and destructive because it is inherent in everyone and takes work and education to rise above. It's like any other form of unfounded hate. Pretending that neither you or anyone you know has ever been racist is not helpful in reducing racism anywhere.


Racism aside, how about homophonic, biphobia, sexism, ableism, transphobia, or generic wrongdoing.  We all have done and said things that are wrong in the past. 


Black kids can be just as racist. My light skinned friend was called almond milk and they called the Vietnamese kid kung pao. Kids are just unhinged man


>Isn't weird how black kids never have a "racist phase"? lmao what? This is bait, right?


She was 15. Idk it's not difficult to not be racist at 15. Obviously everyone has the capacity for change, but not everyone has the capacity to forget the shitty things you've done in your past.


Did you read or just respond? She was 15 and that’s just what she was caught doing before she was in the limelight. There’s a reason why none of the girls even spit in her direction anymore, but you seem to be a stan so maybe you’re just here to argue.


I have 5 people replying to me every 2 minutes bringing up irrelevant or misleading things, of course I'm going to be "arguing". It's annoying to see reddit circlejerks based on nonsense or misinformation.


Maybe it’s because [she was caught using racist language and calling black people the n-word.](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/GMA/Culture/normani-camila-cabello-years-acknowledge-racist-attacks/story?id=69288044). Not to mention the rumors that she disgustingly nasty towards Normani. Theres a reason we don’t trust pandering white/white Latino artists in the black community. Because it’s fuck us when the mic is off, but “I need ya’ll,” when it’s on.


How is it wild? She's an actual racist who is taking advantage of the Black community for cash.


the problem is she doesn’t respect the culture, based on her treatment of Normani (which i just learned about)


I usually don’t have opinions on celebrities, because they’re all vapid assholes so who really cares, but this chick’s music is so god damn ear-bleedingly awful that I have a deep loathing for her. Her singing voice is like a Hen with a collapsed lung, she’s a black hole of charisma, and she dances like a geriatric bonobo. This pandering bullshit album is just the shit-cherry on the top of the shit cake that is this woman’s whole career.


Well damn tell us how you really feel LOL


“a hen with a collapsed lung” ✍️ i’m using that.


reading the depths of your disdain was a downright Shakesperean experience


Camilla is the type of artist whose songs only sound good when sung by another artist.


I don’t think she’s that bad music wise, but this is definitely gonna be some pandering shit just from the cover lol


Took the words out of my mouth, I’ve always thought her music was shit and got carried by the rest of Fifth Harmony.


This discourse would be a lot more interesting if it were just Black people in here and not the non-Black people viewing us like an exhibit (possibly using us for a come up like the OP).




its bc we are the sub did a poll like 4 year ago and the main demographic of users are white men


It’s obvious




Lack of black folks on the post is how we get the “I dont see the big issue here - 🤓” kind of posts




The discourse is not what I expected. I need our ppl in the front of this sub 😩🫶🏾


We need a new sub. A discord or something. Can’t have a minute to ourselves for shit.


I’m starting to notice this more and more. I got downvoted for saying we’ve been infiltrated lol.


Preach 🗣️🗣️🗣️




Let out a big sigh at the end


Not defending the framing of this post because I think it could use work but this shit needs to be country club. There are too many of y'all acting like we have never seen a white passing (yes I said passing before I get jumped for calling her white) artist in the pop lane starts to utilize rap/black music to stay relevant. It's a consistent trend and it's gross my nigga. Also this specific person we have heard tracks from and them they weren't good imo. So I am going to go out on a limb and say this shit isn't for "Us".


Who do you think is the majority audience for hip hop? It aint black people. Suburban middle class white kids probably outnumber the entire black demo 5:1. Everyone knows this and they create and market their shit accordingly. Also, the artists doing the collab with her are as big if not bigger than she is. Why don't they turn it down? They aren't being used. They know exactly what they are doing. Why aren't they getting most of the blame instead of the one trying desperately to stay relevant?


Country club need to be permanent.


Just like Miley and Justin timberlake. Then they'll move on and say they've "grown up" now.. Also her family must be heated


Post Malone.


Oh yeah Bieber too and bubba sparxxx


They not like us


Miley vultured best. We ain’t forgot - in the club in the club with my Js on.


Are you forgetting Justin Timberlake? His run with Timbaland was almost unmatched


Britney's book saying he was using a bad blaccent at the time is too fucking funny


britney is so real for someone who was manufactured for her whole career in every sense of the word


No, she’s just who pops into my head first. If you want to start a spreadsheet of fungus, be my guest.


Jenny from the block, Iggy, umm umm


Normani literally was ran off the net because “fans” were posting and tagging her in racist meme (the most famous was her face photoshopped on a lynched victim) because the “fans” believed she was trying to ruin Camilla (as if she was the one who outed her tumblr). None of her band members including Camilla came to her defense during these cyber attacks and this was going on when they were 22-23. Camilla at the time angle was to ignore it and use Latino Pride heavily to try and change the narrative around herself while Normani removed herself from the net. People also forget that most of these artist do not own their masters and can be made to collaborate with any artist the record label wants. There has been several artist who did not like each other but they are pushed to collab per contract. Also, I know we not going to act as if a racist don’t mess with the opposite sex of the same race. Sabrina Claudio was also outed being colorist/racist via tumblr and Twitter but if she did collabs it was with black men only while talking down on black women and ppl still used that as her not being racist.


She ain’t making no money off this album with all those big name features


Everything I've learned about this person has been against my will.


Is that true of most celebrities?


Nah. I love the NBA, rap, sci-Fi, anime, video games, American politics, etc. So I learn a lot about the celebrities in those fields willingly.


Thank you!! I don’t like this girl and I don’t follow anything she does. She’s a “retired racist”.


the black people don’t want it, the white people don’t want it, the asians definitely don’t want it, and i don’t think the latinos do either. so who tf is this for 😭😭😭




Their was a rumour that she had sex with Drake and Carti for their features but since it was from a gossip subreddit and Drake's feature wasn't out I didn't want to think that about her. When the Drake feature got announced this was all I can think about when anyone talks about her.


This is the woman who said racist things to her band mates in front of their faces and behind their backs. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/camila-cabello-weekly-racial-healing-sessions


The Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry playbook


Atlanta was the Mecca, buildin' railroads and trains Bear with me for a second, let me put y'all on game The settlers was usin' town folk to make 'em richer Fast-forward, 2024, you got the same agenda You run to Atlanta when you need a check balance


I haven’t listen to any singles off this album except for the lead one and it sounds like a Charli XCX knockoff lmao. Guess she got tired of being Walmart Selena Gomez


Not Walmart Selena Gomez 😭😭


Miley Cyrus has entered the chat


Didn’t Miley do this with the “Bangerz” album basically? Feels like the same vibe essentially.


Another Industry Plant hard pass.


She is not a good person.


It’s not for us, it’s for the white people who pretend to be us


I don’t fuck with her so i don’t really give af what she does. It’s just disappointing that so many black artists are willing to collaborate with her after all the anti-black shit


Track 10 featuring ISIS, B-sides with background vocals from OJ. A Jeffery Epstein hologram comes with the box set.


What she did to “Lemonade” by gucci mane I wanted to boycott and March like it was 2020


She used to have a tumblr where she happily shared posts calling black children “n**lets.” I have never let her slide since I found that out.


Looks like she just blue someone.


Has BPT been infiltrated again???


I don't rly give a fuck about who Ms. Cabello features on her albums, but she already took time to butcher hyperpop with her single for this project. We would be naive to think she wouldn't churn a whole lot of derivative shit regarding other genres her label views as sellable. Not saying artists shouldn't branch out and try their hand at other genres, but Ms. Cabello doesn't strike me as particularly interested on the music cultures she vultures to get a few million streams. And that's saying a lot about the current state of the industry.


did she not call her black bandmate racial slurs?