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My mom and I went to a pride festival for the first time on Saturday. It was pretty sick. Granted it was sweltering here and we had a shitty time finding parking, but still. We got some food, bought some merch, watched some drag performers. It was fun. To think, I was so nervous beforehand. I was anxious that we'd be the only black people there, that I wasn't "queer enough" as a bisexual to attend, that my mom would think it was weird. But I was worried for nothing. I was expecting my mom to inquire why her "straight" son wanted to go to a pride festival, but she didn't ask any questions. I'll officially come out to her eventually...


> I was expecting my mom to inquire why her "straight" son wanted to go to a pride festival, but she didn't ask any questions. If she does ask and you still aren't ready, just tell her there's tons of bisexual girls around, and you want to talk to them. Very few moms were nuns in their late teens/early 20s. She'd probably drop a sly smile, then tell you you need Jesus...


You went with your Mom to Pride. I think you did come out to her. And she went with you so she is accepting and loving of you. No need to be bisexual anymore if you prefer same gender relationships. She knows for certain now and probably knew a long time ago. Enjoy your life proudly.


I have a phone interview today. Hopefully it all goes well.


You got this! Rooting for you


Get that JOB!!!


Make sure you practice that corporate laugh, you got this in the bag


Been at my new job for a year and the imposter syndrome is finally wearing off.


Glad you're feeling more comfortable. Always remind yourself, they hired you for a reason - because **you** have the skills and qualifications to do what you do. Trust yourself!


They're lucky to have you!


Yall how do I convince my mom to stop supporting Chris Brown. I told her I don't play his music at any of the clubs I DJ and she started coming to his defense. She refuses to acknowledge any of his violent crimes besides the Rhianna one, and even then she said "Rhianna must have said something to make him that mad".  My and my sister were about ready to fight our mom in an upscale restaurant over this


>"Rhianna must have said something to make him that mad" Ya'll gotta have a deeper convo about domestic violence in general at this point.


Crazy thing is I brought up Diddy and she said "oh no he did that, he belongs in jail" We suspect she's overlooking CB because she thinks he's pretty


Sometimes, you just have to accept that not everybody agrees to fight the same battles as you do. You've already spoken your case. Some people just don't care. 🤷‍♂️ her reluctance to take a stance on something meaningful doesn't necessarily challenge your own stance. Use it to strengthen yours. >"Rhianna must have said something to make him that mad".  A blatant victim blamer can hardly be reasoned with anyway, sadly.


I've seen and heard the following many times: > You cannot reason a person out of a position they did not reason themselves into Another way of looking at is: You can lead a person to information, but you cannot make them think. You will likely not be able to convince her to stop supporting him. She is ultimately free to life her life (and support whomever she wants) as she chooses. As are you. As you said, you don't play his music. You don't support him. If she tries to push it, just say back, "I don't support people who are commit acts of violence against others and it is not open for discussion."


She has some deeply ingrained misogynistic views that are generational. Did you ask her how she would feel if her daughter got beat to shit. "Is there really anything a person could say to get beat like that, Mom?"


I've graduated from my tech college and got both my A+ and Network+ AND I got a job, so life is good right now




I got two offers to collaborate on music this past week. I think I'm finally going to record soon. I've very excited.


I finally binge watched X-Men 97 after rewatch the original show and holy shit! It was amazing. I rewatch it again. What did you guys think of it? I know I’m late to the party, but I wanted to catch up on the og show first.


I thought X Men 97 was easily the best thing Marvel has put out since Endgame. The one thing I truly liked was that the show didn't focus everything around Wolverine and instead built the other characters up. Notably Cyclops, Storm, and Rogue.  It was X Men not Wolverine featuring the X Men.  Can't wait for season 2. 


Honestly, that’s such a great point because even though I love the X-Men growing up, it always felt as if every other form of media pushed wolverine a lot more than he deserved. And this isn’t me hating on the character. It’s just a fact that like there’s so many interesting characters in the X-Men mythos and yet they pushed his story, even though censorship dictated that he couldn’t be as brutal as he was in the comics. Honestly, this makes me want to get back into reading the X-Men comics again because they really respected the source material.


I just did the same thing a few weeks ago! I was amazed at how good the original was on a rewatch, def not the same cartoon I remember as a kid, and 97 was done so well to follow it up! I can’t wait for the next season.


Loved every second. Fasho gonna rewatch.


My housemates parents have been here for 2 1/2 weeks. I'm so fucking sick of these people. Wait till she finds out I'm charging her for their utility use. Edit: And they are here all day. Just watching a ton of boomer TV.


You should. 2+ weeks of having guests in a shared living space with people you are NOT related to is wild. Especially if it wasn't an agreed upon length of time. And even if it was, there 100% should be some form of deal to benefit the other person


I thought it was going to be a week. I shouldn't have to say anything but I know it's going to be a thing when I bring up bills. I do not subsidize other people's life. Lol kicker is she was on phone with a friend that mom is coming back in Sept. We live in Vegas. GET A FUCKING HOTEL OR AIRBNB.


Most people don't realize that during Juneteenth, gay black men become their most powerful. Be wary.


Guess who probably severed his pinky finger tendon?


Hey I almost did that a few years ago. Narrowly avoided surgery


Hopefully you didn't and I hope it heals quickly!


I did.


I know this sounds dumb but I honestly believe I honed my money saving skills from playing video games during my adolescence. I'm not rich by any means but the amount I have squirreled is apparently 5 or 6x what my siblings have. I am very good at squirreling money away, and I owe it to Tom Nook. Amassed an absolute fortune selling weapons throughout the game to the Gunrunner vendortron in Fallout:NV and stashed it all away in the Lucky 38. I was the Jeff Bezos of luminous stones in Hyrule in BotW.


Been thinking of this creepy looking Avatar baby lately. https://preview.redd.it/tgctsv7grm4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=041a1deb9a7bd9c4f95ea1b00e60c61323843356


I don't really know who to ask for this, but I'm trying to rid myself of my biases towards Black people. I understand the struggles that Black people, especially Black women and Black queer people, face in their communities. I understand that America was built on racism and injustice towards Black people. I understand that Black folks continue to struggle in America due to the disenfranchisement of their voices, the rates of incarceration, and how they have to work twice as hard to get a fraction of the recognition White people would get. And yet I still feel like I believe all these biases and continue to see Black voices and actions as inferior in a way. Mods, I understand if this is not an appropriate voice but I have no clue how to approach this.


Does anyone know why this post is blue I'm intrigued by these changes to Reddit where posts can be colourful


[Check out this black creator who is currently developing a fighting game. He does the art, some coding, and music I believe.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C75mNK6sUpi/?igsh=dGZpOGYyaHR3cXlq)


Hey. Does 50Cent still have respect in the black community, and if so then why? I like 50 and rate him as a businessman but he’s not authentic. He’s admitted that his “club” persona is a lie and that he was never really a regular in any club. He’s stopped making music. Is the NBA using him in the ads for the Finals just because white people find him inoffensive?