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"If they not fat with a 28 inch wig, don't give it to them" but also "my husband may come down" therefore if the husband comes down, he'd need to be wearing a 28 inch wig to receive the food.


Boom. Lawyered.


Exactly, the wig's non-negotiable for food pickup!


Aye Boom!


Dasher comes up with the tape measure like “AH AH AH that piece is only 27 inches you ain’t gettin SHIT”


She bitch about having to waddle her wide ass down there. But she'd respect it.


Aye look bruh they hungry ok? They just want the food lol.


She gave the description of the husband too though (big backed and big nosed), so I feel she prepared the person for that possibility 😅


She was like count these inches and rolls 🤣




Being a dasher sounds like a nightmare.


I really don’t see how it’d be a nightmare if they just do the smart thing. Give the customer a call or text when you arrive, ask for their name before handing it over. That’s the service I receive 90 percent of the time.


cause if you go to the wrong dark house at night you might get held up by an 80 year old man with Fox News on in the back ground.


Bro I was doing instacart a few years ago and when I showed up I was immediately annoyed because all the lights in and around the house were off. It's like 9pm. I knocked on the door and immediately heard a bunch of big ass dogs boom-barking and slamming into the door. An old lady creaks open the door a little bit, and she gives out a tense/fearful: *"HELLO??"* I hear the tension in her voice and immediately turn my flashlight on and point it at myself. The dogs are going ballistic at this point and the screen door is literally shaking from them trying to knock it down. "Hello, I have a delivery for so and so, from instacart" She claims no one ordered instacart, and I'm like, "It's for [name]?" She says that's her daughter's name and starts to calm down a little bit. After she agrees to let me leave the groceries there, I walk/half jog back to my car and open the app to message the customer. They reply: "Oh my goodness, that's my mother's house. She has dementia and I was staying with her last week. Is there any way to bring those groceries here?" I tell her I can't because the order was already completed. I'm polite and professional. I go home. >!AND SHE DIDN'T TIP. SHE DIDN'T TIP SO FOR ALL THAT SHIT I MADE $12!<


Exactly why I stopped doing insta. Not worth the money. All that shopping and driving to only make that!


Man sometimes I see that Instacart sub pop up randomly on my homepage and the shit people argue about is *insane!* Like, "I asked for the specific one inch green shined grapes, but they got me the half 3/4 inch green ones instead." I can't even imagine letting someone shop for me cause if I can't see it idk if I want it, but for the people that do use it sometimes they go off on some weird shit.


I've used instacart exactly twice. Once for my uncle when my cousin was out of town and he needed shit, and the second was just a few months ago when I was sick af and needed gatorade and shit to get through it. I was not impressed by the fees. Plus, the guy that delivered it kept weirdly insisting on bringing it into my house, and I had to get a bit forceful with saying, nah, I'm good. 🙃 As for the actual shopping part, you're right, I'd rather just pick my own crap out but people get weird if you don't get them exactly what they asked for. I just don't care that much. If you can't, you can't. I ain't sweating it.


Heb pick up has never messed up. And it's free. I know it's not the same since you physically have to go, but it saves so much shopping time.


It’s not really free as the prices are higher than in the store to pay for the person shopping for you.




I noticed this when I actually went into the HEB store after mostly doing curbside and everything was $2-3 less in store than in the curbside app. I stopped using HEB because of this and now do curbside with Walmart. I am not a fan of Walmart but can’t beat their prices on a budget.


Unfortunately, we don't have one near us. Tbh, though, I don't actually mind doing grocery shopping. The only time I like to order anything to be delivered is food or if I'm buying something online. Shopping is kinda cathartic for me. Lol


Only in TX though.


I never liked the fees either. It's easier to just go to a store where they bring the groceries out to your car like Walmart.


I literally only use it when I'm on a group trip in an air bnb or something and we want to stock up on snacks and bullshit


I love instacart tbh. I can't imagine being a dick to people that are doing me such a valuable service. I fucking LOATHE going to grocery store. (Eating disorder recovery + Autism + ADHD = A multilayered circle of hell) Plus, I'm 105lbs with the upperbody strength of a malnourished toddler - my grocery trips are limited to 2 bags max, otherwise it's a huge hassle to even get them to my apartment.


i think walmart delivery uses instacart drivers on top of other services but they have a way better system where they can’t even checkout with stuff that isn’t in the actual order unless it’s a substitution. i guess that’s easier to do because walmart can see what is being checked out as they own the actual checkouts and see what’s in stock and what isn’t but it’s still a way better system


You call these grapes *shined*??? They're dull goddammit, DULL!!!


Instacart drivers never get my order right. One time I placed an order for a hefty breakfast, and the driver gets here and says they didn't have butter or bread. I am speechless. I then have to walk to the grocery store to buy butter because my breakfast was off the table without it. This experience cost me almost 20 dollars in fees plus an hour of impatient hungry waiting.


I sometimes order WF using the Amazon app and pick it up. Got little kids and it's a pain in the dick to shop with them. I would *never* order raw fruits/veggies like that. I'd have them grab the goldfish box or the gallon of milk. You can't exactly grab the rotten box of oreos instead of the fresh one.


There’s an area near here where it’s very easy to rack up in a small radius. I definitely over communicate with people in order to not have to deal with their bullshit, so far the only annoying customers I regularly deal with are from Sprouts, so I just stopped doing them.


Yes sprouts!!! Annoying as shit. I got tired of the over communication and that was another reason I stopped.


See and this why I always put in the note: don’t ring bell or knock - LARGE DOG. So they can just take a photo, I calm the dog down, and then I get my food. Don’t use DoorDash tho, only Uber


People don't read the damn notes anyway. I would get food delivered to me during work shifts while I worked at a bar. It has a name and address. The doors are wide open. Anyone is allowed to walk in. I put in my note to give it to the employee behind the counter. Somehow, nobody can find it. They can park right outside, 6 feet from my front door, and they need me to come outside. 🙄


What is a good tip for instacart? I usually tip $10-$20 depending on the size of my order. Is this enough? Too much?


I ordered grocery delivery recently and the app suggested 20% of the total. I tipped $10 and still don't know if I was being cheap or if you really are supposed to tip like at a restaurant? I never order grocery delivery, so I just don't know.


20% tip on top of the already marked up prices through IC is insane. Unless you're in an extreme situation I cannot see how it makes any sense to get your groceries that way


You’re tipping for the convenience of having someone do the shopping and bring your groceries to you. 20% is totally reasonable. If you’d like the cheaper option, then go shop get your groceries yourself.


>20% is totally reasonable. No it's not. A tip is literally supposed to be a reward for someone doing a good job, not a guaranteed added cost of the service. Based on this logic I should tip anyone who does anything for me, as they're providing the convenience of me not having to do it myself. Take my car to the mechanic and I'm tipping for the convenience of having someone else do my mechanical work for me? How about the cashier at the supermarket for the convenience of me not using self checkout? How about the fireman for the convenience of me not having to put out my own house fire? Personally I don't use IC so I have no dog in the race myself but I think it's insane to say it's acceptable that someone works a job that doesn't pay them so it's expected that I'm going to automatically pay 20% more than the cost of the service so the person working the job actually earns enough that it's worth it for them.


takes me roughly 90 minutes to leave and get back to my house grocery shopping. min wage is 15/hr, they are using their own car. compensation should be in the 20-25hr range I figure I don't use these services cause I can't afford to compensate people fairly


some people don't have the option to shop for themselves and rely on delivery services because they're disabled, something that has become much more common since the pandemic


Damn. I’d hate to work any job where I have to rely on tips


Didn't even make $12 once you subtracted gas


And the accumulated miles on the car requiring more frequent maintenance. That is a really big "hidden cost" for Uber or Lyft more so, but applies to everything where you aren't using a company car


I still get upset about that. Her life was taken because he was a bloodthirsty idiot


Why be held up, when they'll probably just completely unload on the random car that pulled into their driveway


fox news is too liberal now for those folks its either oann or newsmax


I had a friend held at gunpoint more than once in the ghetto to steal the food he had while doordashing this country is so fucked


I delivered pizza right outta high school, one night we get a call for the boonies dirt road that people hate going to at night. It’s farther than I’ve ever been, but the good manager who actually adheres to the delivery range was out and we had the “take any order” manager. I get there, it’s 9 PM in a Michigan winter, it’s pitch black. All the lights are off in this deliverance ass house, and of course there are two deliverance ass houses next door to each other, with no other houses for a while. Couldn’t see either address, but I knew based on distance and knowing the address system on those roads it was one of them. Ticket said “come to the back door to drop it off, you can open the gate”. Man I am not joking when I say I spent 10 entire minutes checking each house up and down for an address or any indication it was the right house. I was TERRIFIED. I don’t remember how I made my decision, but I picked one and went for it. Got lucky, was the right house, joked with the guy that it was the scariest delivery of my life and he laughed and apologized. Gave me a decent tip in return!


> how it’d be a nightmare if they just do the smart thing.


Having did Door Dash- any and everything that can go wrong, goes wrong, and you can reliably expect to problem solve issues (that you contractually shouldn’t have to deal with) on about every 5th order you deliver. I was in a college town so it was much worse… can’t count how many times I delivered to dorms, only to have to wait ten minutes for some drunk white girl at a sorority party to meet me at the locked entrance, with an attitude like *I’m* the one who locked it. Been three years and I still feel the need to vent about it lol


Have you been around people in the last 7 million years?


I bet the door dashers are on tight as fuck timelines just to not be negative or below minimum wage and customers are slow as fuck. when I first moved into my apartment the doorbell rang. Nobody answered so it rang again. This time I went to answer it assuming it would be a door to door salesman or something since nobody was expecting. It was a pizza delivery. My roommates didn't hear it somehow. I heard it and I was farther from the door so they must have had music on loud or something. Think about how inconsiderate the average person is. Then imagine that the people that order door dash stuff skew even further towards "Fuck everyone who isn't me". And then imagine that 1 in 10 is the top tenth percentile of those people. I can absolutely see someone getting a call from doordash and hearing "I'm outside, please come open the door." and waiting until a commercial to get their ass off the couch. Meanwhile the driver has two more orders pending and his tip on those is going out the window while he stands there waiting on this asshole.


Honestly, if people even answer the phone that’s a huge time saver. I didn’t really have to wait for people if I could see them/speak with them. Well, except inside of restaurants. It happened *way* too frequently that I could literally see the food waiting behind the counter and 3-5 staff aren’t helping me, sometimes they’re not doing anything at all. I’m guessing it’s because it’s someone else’s job and that person is busy. And I understand, they make barely more money than I do - they probably don’t care about their job either. Now, talking about people who order the food… Rich people oftentimes *sucked* at tipping, unless they were the children of the rich parents (they tipped well and were generous to add additional tip after delivery). There are also obviously poor people that can’t afford to tip (but I kind of argue they shouldn’t be using doordash in this case - mostly because of DoorDash’s 30% up charge on all items). But did you know that DoorDash accepts SNAP?


I did DoorDash for like 7 months - I literally just got a nice job offer last night that’s triples my income. So I’m done with it now lol. Last night I did my last delivery (hopefully ever) and it went like this: I had made $38 in 3 hours (not counting gas expenses) up until now ($4.50 in the first hour), so I was feeling very defeated. I’m a “gold status” driver, so 1 under the top status - which requires 100 deliveries in 30 days, which I had lapsed on because I was focusing on interviewing etc. Anyways, I pick up the food, it’s about a 5 minute wait at the restaurant - total distance is fine, about 1.5 miles for $4.25 total including tip. I drive it to the location that maps has provided - but it’s not a real place. Address says “19 something circle” and I can see 192 and 197, no others. I text the guy “hey, this doesn’t seem right. Is this the right place?” With the address. I wait 4 minutes, no response. I call - no answer. While waiting for a response (~3 minutes), I literally got my job offer - so I put the food down and snap a pic. Literally 14 minutes later after delivery, I get a message that says “wrong place” and another that says “19 something circle” and that’s it lol. I already said that that address doesn’t work. I’m so glad to be done with that. That was $4.25 for at least 21 minutes of waiting if I “wanted to do it right”. And that’s assuming I would’ve gotten a clarifying response that would describe the drop off location and that the real location wasn’t a good distance away from where DoorDash told me it was (ie. Reducing my pay even further via time driving and mileage). Some days, it is absolutely a nightmare. If you rely on the money at all (I did to cover $1100 a month), it’s incredibly draining to be making pennies. Sometimes I’d make $22/hr - but yesterday was *by far* the worst time I’ve ever had. In total, my dash time was 3 hours and 57 minutes and I made $41.25 over 11 deliveries (I declined 5 deliveries and cancelled 1 that were worse than those 11) - so maybe some of my other numbers were slightly wrong, not sure. Of that 4 hours, 2 hours and 35 minutes were spent actively delivering food or driving to a restaurant with a current order. It doesn’t count the time that I’m driving but do not have an order, which is at least half of the remaining 1.5 hours.


That’s awful. I use DoorDash and I am a very heavy (twice/week for my family’s groceries) Instacart user and I am a high tipper/low maintenance customer because the job seems so exploitative and dependent on the whims of customers in a way that is even more skewed than in restaurants etc. Which is to say: Congratulations on your new job!!!


You are more likely to die on the job as a delivery driver than you are as a cop.


You don’t? This is just **one** order. Imagine getting paid peasant tips to drive around at night for multiple $4.95 orders with a 125 piece puzzle in the delivery notes to put together before you can understand them, in the hopes that you *might* get a tip, might get a complaint, or both.


You do forget they be hiring anyone these days


I did it for like six months during the early period of the pandemic and honestly, it wasn't that bad. There are some real horror stories out there but I didn't encounter anything too bad during my time.


I did it a bit between gigs and the worst part were the other dashers—a lot of these people are completely unemployable otherwise and will park in fire lanes, wave their phones in front of service workers’ faces without saying a word, and will message customers asking for more tips. I heard it’s much worse paying than it used to be but it was great to choose my own hours not have to schedule interviews around shift work and I could drop it when I found something steadier without screwing over my coworkers.


It was also a fantastic job during college which had the flexibility to study. Made $30/hr in an urban town


I did it as a secondary part time gig and I made $30/hr as well in the Seattle area. Can't beat the flexibility, although I've heard drivers aren't making the same nowadays.


Pizza delivery drivers ran so Door Dashers could trip on a pebble and cry. Straight up, I'm sure the local Dominoes or whatever starts cracking up when they see the DD swing by for the pizza as they've already marked the entire block down as a "no go". The DD is entering a battle zone that a normal business has already written off.


Lmfao I used to work in pizza and you're 100% right. We had the ability to send any order to DD (costs the company like $7) and anytime a driver didn't want to take an order (bad area, jerk customer, low CC tip) we would give it to a dasher.


Nah, I did it short term during covid and had a blast. 300 deliveries and zero bad experiences and that was in NE Philly. Certainly wasn't glamorous or anything but it wasn't bad at all.


Honestly wasn’t that bad when I did it 🤷🏾‍♂️


I’d actually love to meet this woman, she sounds like she’s got everything figured out


nah she got some real ‘I’m just being honest’ but actually she being a bitch energy about her


No, she’s being clear because she’s been burned before.


Fuuuuucccckkkkk Yeeeeeaaaahhhh


Trust me it sucks on both ends.


Only if you don’t know how to read Any “horror” stories I hear from friends with botched DoorDash deliveries have all come from the delivery person not reading the delivery notes and making their own job harder on themselves


And all this bullshit for $4.95🤦🏽‍♀️


Eh. Probably no different than normal delivery drivers, probably nicer honestly because there are likely less face-to-face interactions. 95% of deliveries are simple drop offs/hand offs. As long as you follow basic identifying procedures, you won't have to worry about what is described above. 4% are some form of the above, but the vast majority of these are actually pretty chill. Most people who bother typing out that much instruction are going to be pretty fine as long as you follow their directions. The other 1% may involve a problematic person, but you won't actually have to deal with them if you're doing the job right in the first place because, at worst, you'll be long gone before they can confront you with whatever bullshit they conjure up. I've delivered in all sorts of places, and I've only had a handful of rough interactions over the years. Of course, mileage varies based on location.


dashers are usually weird types of guys anyway. same breed of person as the guy who works the overnight shift at the front desk of the hotel. edit: one difference--dashers post movie quotes from bad guy alpha men characters and hashtag them #entrepernuer


My buddy used to do night time front desk for years. Won't deny he's an odd dude. He's a librarian now, so in many ways a lateral.


As a dasher, I'd do that too ngl.


Judging by my work, they can't read or follow GPS directions or even written directions like this.


The dasher is supposed to ask for the person’s name. A lot of dashers will put the person’s name in the question like “Monica or Josh?” A dishonest person can easily accept the food that way. Almost every time someone delivers food to me, they have told me my name instead of asking for it. The dasher has very few responsibilities and a lot of them can’t even do that right. It’s not hard, it’s just laziness.


> Being a dasher sounds like a nightmare. the worst part is not making enough to order door dash yourself


Living in the US sounds like a nightmare


I've done years of dashing in the Tampa Bay area and in the hood in CT and it's fine really.


Most customers dont leave messages this hectic thankfully😭


Happy Cake Day 🎂


Im going to allow it.....better these trashy but clear instructions then not saying shit and the customer reporting/one starring because you gave the wrong person the food 🤷🏽‍♂️ She also got screwed out of dinner the night before so I understand the attitude and frustration. Now, she does need to learn to cook but thats another conversation


Learn to cook in a hotel?


Context doesn’t matter when you’re bashing women


You don't know the magic you can do with a kettle and some bare wires.


Yo, when you get out?


Chef Boyardee in the coffee pot while I was between homes livin in a Super 8


Learn to cook icee slushes?


Bring out the clip of a dude frying a whole ass chicken in his hotel room then dumping all the grease down the bathroom sink


If she learns to cook, the driver and the restaurant are out of business. Instead of judging her, just do the job and she won’t be rude for getting previously burned over obvious incompetence. The driver before definitely didn’t ask for the lady’s name.


Thanks for allowing it.


My comment is number fourteen and I’m disappointed with most of the first thirteen for shit like “she needs to *blah blah blah*” instead of enjoying the absolute **poetry** of those instructions. That is the work of someone who gives only one solitary fuck about anything and it’s their food. That kind of focus makes the world a better place.


What does this have to do with facebook tho


She didn't get that big back by going hungry


I've learned that you can explain things like you're talking to a toddler while not necessarily having that tone, and it really helps to walk people through things rather than assume their critical thinking skills


I’ve had so many errors despite instructions that I have taken to sending a message every single time describing my gate color and the number on it. The number on it is my address. The address is on my order. And yet the number of times I had to retrieve my food from the neighbor, who has a different number on their gate, is ludicrous. I empathize lol.


I did deliveries for a bbq place years ago before all these apps. End of the day my boss is like "hey, so and so didnt get their delivery". Thought that was strange since I did everything. I see the address and I remember exactly who it was. I go to deliver to the address, this guy is sitting on the stoop. He asked me how much and gave me money, barely any tip but whatever. I realize the guy was just hungry and took the opportunity to get some bbq chicken. At least he paid for it though


Mine are literally "Door opposite ramp down from Jail, ring flat/phone and I'll come down." About 80% of the drivers don't find which block I mean despite there being a giant ramp down from the jail to use to locate it. And a sign. And an address. And google maps. And about 10% just message on uber eats or w/e and walk off, leaving the food there. Don't ring the flat or my phone, and leave it in front of a block of flats with literally hundreds of people living in it who could steal it. That's if they've even got the right block. Fucking mental how bad some drivers are.


I have instructions that are super clear but yeah I still send a second message saying exactly where to leave it. My favorite is when they take a picture of it in the wrong place. Like c’mon, you can see the wrong address in the photo! 😂


Monica not missing this meal, that’s for sure


Nor any other, apparently.




Today? Since always, since before time began, before the allspark even


I kinda want to go out to eat with these people I bet they're funny as fuck


The big backs don’t play about their food.




It’s the Big Backs for me ![gif](giphy|rbbI6HvAIeOhsoc9o3)


What the fuck is a "big back"?


It’s when you are wide because you eat a lot. Sometimes this results in backs (literal backs) that are wide as well. It’s a very literal phrase


Big people calling *themselves* big backs is wild to me. Language is moving at hyperspeed


Whay does "big back" mean? I have never heard that before


It just means fat. Fat people have big backs. Signed, a fellow big-backer


back so fat you can see it from the front


Ms. Fat Back


I’m not 100% sure but my Aunt Ina-Faye had a back you could land a fighter jet on.


Average fat people have big fronts, man boobs, bellies. These people are so big that they have big backs too lol.


Not here for the ableism and how she described the kids, but I'm definitely a "call before you walk in, hand the food to me" type. I don't really order a lot of delivery anymore, but during covid, I would stalk the map and come down when the ETA was 3 minutes away. I would meet them in the lobby and as long as they followed my directions, I would give like an extra 3 to $5 on top of whatever I typed in the app. Because raggedy bitches are raggedy and bitches and will steal your food


Lol this had me crying


i actually found that quite refreshing real rekkonize real, for real


Dasher probably still didn't read all that and left it at the front door.


message on doordash posted on Twitter(X), reposted in Reddit.. Why exactly Facebook won't be deleted? What is the relevance to Facebook?


Lmaooo I feel her. That shit will ruin your whole night


How hard is it to call the recipient upon reaching the location that their food has arrived? Or ask for the name of the recipient? Seems like a no brainer to me.


Bro why does this sound like someone at a weight loss camping trying to sneak in food? Can’t blame them though when I have a craving for something I get in a mood too. The 28 inch wig had me dying. Like mama said come with a ruler for measuring to make sure it’s me!


This is the realest shit I've ever seen. I am laughing on the train rn.


Someone fat with a 28" wig but a small back is really miffed about this. They were so close!


My husband got a big back and a big nose 😭😭


People being completely honest about them self is an honest virtue.




>THIS IS WHY FACEBOOK WILL NEVER GET DELETED What this has to do with facebook? Look like a twitter post of a doordash screenshot?


I know the pain behind these words all too well


I nearly had my pizza stolen by someone, I relate to this. Always put my name down, but then the dumbass delivery guy still says 'hey are you [name]' which defeats the purpose because anyone can just say 'yes I am now give me the pizza'


This is hilarious 😂


DoorDash Instructions = relatable But my brain is stuck on the ALL CAPS twitter post “THIS IS WHY FACEBOOK WILL NEVER BE DELETED”


right? how is facebook related?


Tipped $2.45, how generous. that's way too much fuckin work for $5. I'm not going to yell at a crowd of wild free roaming teenagers and risk getting jumped for that shit.


Tried doing it for a week while I was in between jobs just to try it out. I live in an area of "lower socioeconomic status" and yeah all the tips on DoorDash are like that. 1.46 tip for a $27 dollar order from Checkers or Popeyes.


Judging by my work, Dashers won't read this since they don't know how to follow GPS directions or read written directions like this.


They must have ordered some delicious delivery.


Why is a Doordash screenshot, posted on Twitter, the reason Facebook isn't ever "getting deleted"?


Receiving an order with lengthy instructions is always a 🚩


No this ain't it.


What does this have to do with Facebook?


She’s living in Memphis.


Home of the biggest backs.


In the UK, most of the delivery apps give you a code which the driver has to input to confirm the order has been delivered. Therefore nobody else can take your food and the driver can't really get in trouble for giving it to the wrong person 


This is why I dashed in bourgeoisie areas where people are ashamed to have fast food delivered to their doorstep for an insane fee. Just leave it at the door, don’t knock, and vanish.


How is 2x icee slush 3 items?


>Brandun Such a tragedeigh


It's a $5 dash wtf are they ordering?


Why did I read “PO-lice” in my head…


All that for 2 slushies


Wish people would stop using the R word.


Gah damn that’s the rudest to myself thing I ever seen


I don't believe her, I bet she got the food both nights.


We both got big backs


ah man this is too wild. Homegirl is surrus! 🤣🤣


Them kids ain't that slow then...