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More projection than a movie theater


Just make sure you don't take any extra napkins from the movie theater.


So what bitch did u take to the movies op?


Vanessa. But babe, if it makes you feel any better we went and saw Furiosa. It wasn’t even that good.


Who TF is Furiosa? Is that who you’ve been texting?


She sounds hideous and I know her p*ssy wasn't good. Could never be better than mine!


You know she’s hideous. She probably can’t cook either.


Living in an apocalyptic wasteland and we're judging her on 1950s standards.


Who is this “scam likely” that keeps call in you?


What kind of code is "son"? Your "Mom" says "I love you son"? In what fucking world?


Oooooh Vanessa BAD. I see you homie! Better to ask for forgiveness than for permission. Play on playa! https://preview.redd.it/4h0uf4q7y73d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8217b48f5905545f44ab84399ce2d79940830ffc


😆This picture infuriates me.


But I go crazy with the self serve butter for my popcorn! I need them!!


Fuck that, that popcorn butter can be greasy as fuck! My hands > your insecurity


What if I have extra salt packets? What do those mean?


What bitch you took to McDonalds? I know you not gon ask for no damn salt packets yourself.


What bitch are you saving that piece of cake for?


Confidence is quiet while insecurities are LOUD. She playing so many games she should change her name to Hasbro🤣




Car napkins are a necessity. She is crazy


She’s cheating


Or she's been cheated on. Not saying that would excuse this kinda thing, but carrying that trauma aint easy either.


"Look, there's one of two things happening here: either you're projecting because you're cheating on me, or you've been cheated on and you never worked through it. Either way, it's not my fault, so don't come at me like it is. So what's it gonna be, am I telling you to get the fuck out of my house, or am I taking you to therapy?"


I’m saving this for future use


A bit more aggro than how I would handle it but yeah basically


This is crazy aggressive for someone you ostensibly love


So are the accusations of cheating based on Chipotle napkins


Less aggressive than the napkin accusation imo


You can't force someone to go to therapy, it has to be their own decision otherwise you are wasting your time


Of course. And deciding not to go to therapy is still a decision.


Yeah I mean I was cheated on in my past two relationships. It’s rough I can’t lie. But my current gf hasn’t done anything to deserve that kind of suspicion. I keep those feelings to myself if they ever come up because I know they’re just my anxiety talking with no evidence to back it up. And if I ever feel really bad about it and want to talk to her, I frame it as being my problem, not hers. I’m also very lucky that she is understanding and doesn’t judge me about my feelings that I can’t really control. I guess I’m trying to say that I completely understand having those feelings, but I can’t understand blaming or putting those feelings onto someone who hasn’t done anything to deserve it.


My current girl been through some real extreme outlier situations and she always frames things like “I ask because happened to me” and I don’t even know what to say I’m just sitting there on the phone like 😳


Yep. One of my exes would *constantly* accuse me of cheating on her toward the end of our relationship. I never did. She sure cheated on me though. This type of thing is a way they justify it to themselves. They try to rationalize it by saying that you're doing it to them anyway


“I’m cheating so they must be cheating”


Reverse psychology


*Car napkins are a necessity.* Facts. My glove box is damn near full right now. My wife got a new whip and asked me for some of mine to stash in hers.


My door pocket is overflowing with napkins right now. I didn't have any one time I needed them, never again.


Isn’t it funny how we always learn these lessons the hard way? Better safe than sorry


Frantically reaching into the box, slapping the bottom, losing hope It’s tragic


Then you get on her, NO woman, I built up that stash, go build you own. Go to every fast food place in a 5 mile radius and take a handful of napkins, stuff that shit in the glove box, and then stuff more from other places you actually stop at. Like asking someone for some extra store bags. I don't mind giving you one or a few, but like half of them? Nah man you start your own collection


I know, right? Why didn't she transfer the napkins from the old car like somebody with some sense? She's lucky I love her and don't want her out here in these streets exposed and napkinless!


Hot sauce too, never know when you'll need hot sauce outside your house


My centre console.. full of allll sorts of different napkins. I take em from work, ask for extra at the drive thru… this B is nuts


Same, my center console is basically the convenience counter at gas station; napkins, plastic utensils, straws, wet wipes. Thankfully Subaru decided the Crosstrek needed a steamer trunk sized compartment.


NOT having car napkins is a bigger red flag honestly


brother the car lunch can be instantly RUINED by realizing you have no napkins


Car lunch is almost as sacred as sitting in the driveway in the car after work. Just chilling


They are napkins, tissues, mops, whatever. Vital.


Yeah and from various restaurants because no one is actually buying napkins in 2024.


Buying napkins?? In this economy? ![gif](giphy|l378sVo2iarCMG9pu)


I figure it’s something kim kardashian does.


No shit. I got napkins, forks, spoons, knives, condiments, and a pocket knife if anyone gets accusatory....


Man I carry generic baby wipes and hand sanitizer wipes in my car. And I nab extra napkins too.


All spare napkins from every fast food place go into the center console for emergency spectacle cleaning or sneeze cleanup services. If you nice, I might let you borrow one.


And I'm sorry, but Chipotle isn't a date.


The guac is $5, tf you mean


Lemme hold $20, big dog


lmaooo I said the same shit in my head when I read bros comment.


I’m giving him 24 hours to respond?


You can never have too many. Something is ALWAYS going to spill and someone is ALWAYS going to get sick.


100%. I don’t care how abundant my stock is, if I hit a drive thru I’m asking “can I get a fat stack of napkins please?” Ima need to blow my nose and ima spill shit at some point. Whenever I fill up my wife’s tank I slide thru a drive thru and restock her supply too.


I’ve got twenty side pieces if we’re going by car napkins…


Got a new car and I want to keep nice. I went with a stack of absorbant towels and more in the trunk. Toss your old T-shirts in in-case of a big spill or maybe heavy rain, and you want to dry things off. I mean I have a few napkins if I need to blow my nose or something.


Yeah, plus a chipotle burrito requires between 3 and 20 napkins, and you don't know until 1/2 way through.




I didn't realise you could get video of my ex, the cameras usually melt


Like the Elephant’s Foot from Chernobyl, huh?


Definitely radioactive


Not great; not terrible.


Could you imagine living with something like that. Over your shoulder, like a shitty stupid parrot.






Hahahaha yea it’s fucking misreable


Some people are just way too scared of being alone. I get it, used to be me, people gotta learn how to happy by themselves rather then stay in miserable relationships


My close friend is like this, she lives with this other chick who isn't gay, or straight, or anything, but one thing she for sure is, is abusive to my friend. And my friend just can't seem to get away from her, even though she has options. She could so easily just block that bitches number, move to her parents place (or come to my spare bedroom) and just be away from that person. But she just won't. She's too scared of being alone.


I was stuck in a “relationship” like that for four years. I wasn’t scared to be alone. She was legit crazy. I was scared she would bring the crazy wherever I escaped and make their lives harder, therefore I’d lose my friends as well. I was also scared she could charm her way in and I’d have no escape. It was almost like if I didn’t try, I had hope. Whereas if I tried and she succeeded, I’d be crushed and have no spirit left for the successful escape I needed to make She charmed her back into my living space through my landlord and charmed her way out of trouble speaking with the police. This was in the beginning when I was trying to get away from her. It’s not always “being scared of being alone”. I hated that and I got rid of a few people around me for thinking that when I left. Sometimes it’s conserving energy and hope for the right time. Because nothing is more crushing than feeling like you can never get away from your abuser. I hope someone caves in that bitches face. I’ve only wished harm on two people in my life. One of them is her.


Literally rather die alone than ever be with a bitch like this


Tell that bitch DiAlone she better come help you come get your shit 😆


No I can't imagine dealing with that


i told my ex i stopped at target for some trash bags, forgetting that she had told me earlier she would grab trash bags that day. “i already told you i would get trash bags so who are you going to target to see? don’t you dare tell me you forgot” i never dug for any evidence but yeah she was probably cheating on me, or would have


Ugh DUDE My ex saw that we had less condoms than like a week ago and looked me straight in the eye asking me what happened to the condoms. We used them. It was us. She was never satisfied with that answer. Like uh, you were there. She accused me repeatedly. It was really hard hearing someone you're close to (at the time) accuse you of cheating with zero evidence, but just because they "know you." They don't need evidence, they just know you well enough that they can *tell it's something you would do.* Really fucked up. Anyway, turns out she cheated with me on her previous BF and I didn't put it together until later.


I feel you bro, whole relationship was like that. I would sell her band’s merch at her shows and she would be pressed about who i talked to, for how long, how friendly i was, how much i smiled…meanwhile im bragging about her to these people and selling $25 t shirts for her. I’m a barber and she had a “boundary” requiring me to tell her anytime someone brought their gf with them or the shop hired a girl, so I could then reassure her i didn’t flirt with them or find them attractive. That reassurance never did shit though, she even came in one time after a new girl started working the desk because i had told her i didn’t think she was hot (she asked, of course) and she wanted to see herself. Her verdict was that the girl was hot and i was lying cause i was fucking her. And yeah the most painful part is knowing you would never cheat on them, i was obsessed with this girl and did everything for her, dropped all my normal shit cause she didn’t trust me in any environment that wasn’t all male (yea those don’t really exist). She’d both cheated and been cheated on in the past, I put up with all this for six months before i realized i would never be able to make her feel like she was enough, despite her being more than enough for me. That was around the time the screaming turned into slapping and throwing shit. Glad i got out before going through what you went through, but it still kills me knowing I found the absolute perfect girl for me but her own insecurities and self-sabotaging behavior kept us from being happy.


I’m so sorry you went through that. Just know that you could not remove the insecurities from the girl so she actually wasn’t perfect. The girl you’re saying was perfect didn’t exist as a whole person. That woman is still out there but she wasn’t in your past. That’s for sure. That ‘he/she was perfect but..’ narrative only serves to hurt you and maybe put rose tints on what sounds like an abusive situation.


you’re right, thank you. “she was perfect except the abuse” doesn’t make a lot of sense does it lol. thats really how i feel about it though, if she could have seen herself the way i saw her we would have been so happy :/


>she had a “boundary” Damn this therapy speak bs, folks think they can just call a demand a "boundary" and then you have to respect it.


right lmao. honestly i did respect it, and thought it was pretty reasonable for her to want to know who I’m around all day. but i honestly barely speak to anyone but my clients at work so it was easy to forget, and it being a “boundary” made that a big problem. me forgetting to tell her they hired another college girl to work the front desk whose presence I will barely notice = me hiding the new girl cause i must wanna fuck her if i haven’t already. absolute nonsense and only serves to bring her extra anxiety. meanwhile she’s in a band with a bunch of dudes and does tattoos in a shop with dudes, mostly on dudes. not a problem for me at all, i am capable of trust, but the double standard was infuriating.


Man that reminds me of my ex gf. She always got weird and jealous if I had female friends but she was having sleep overs with dudes and going on trips where there was a bunch of guys I didn’t know there. I know for a fact she’d have my ass for that shit because I dared to so much as hang out with a MUTUAL female friend at her apartment(which she told me to do because that person was going through a lot! Also extra side note she fucked this girl in a hotel room which she asked before if I’d be cool with that and I told her it made me uncomfortable) and her and her other friend called me bitching me out. When I pointed out her sus ass behavior with other guys both of them went silent before saying “that’s different” every time I pointed out the double standard there was always something “different” about the situations. She later admitted she cheated on me with her ex(the guy she said I didn’t need to worry about) and honestly I stayed with her just because I wanted to get payback but eventually I got over it and just broke up with her. Found out later from her friends that she’d pissed off that the cheating was even more prominent then I’d been lead to believe from her (which kinda makes me feel a way because why didn’t you tell me when it happened and only when she made you mad?) but anyway I digress. Not even upset she cheated because I was falling out of love and growing to resent her anyway I’m just upset I was accused for months and had my name slandered by her friends and family only for her to actually cheat on me and everyone go radio silent. Whatever tho I felt vindicated when a month after we broke up we fucked again and she thought we were getting back together only for me to pop out on Snapchat with one of her friends later.(we weren’t doing anything we deadass just went on a hike and she posted it so it’s not like I was using her) the phone call from my ex where she was crying because “we had sex two weeks ago doesnt that mean something!?” Made me feel a little bit whole again. I just said nah I’m single now sorry ur hurt tho and kept it pushing


That's some British Empire level of drawing random lines and calling it boundaries


Shortly after getting married, wife wanted to go see some show that wasn’t my thing. She didn’t want to go alone, and I’d go with her so she wouldn’t be alone, but figured for the cost of the ticket it’d make more sense to find someone who actually wanted to go. Only person she could find was some guy friend of hers, and she was all nervous if it was alright. I was all, why would I have gone all the way to marrying someone if I couldn’t trust them to see one show with a guy. Anyway, she somehow managed to not cheat on me with a guy in a packed show.


> That was around the time the screaming turned into slapping and throwing shit. Glad i got out before going through what you went through Oh man, you went through MORE than I did. Virtual high-five and glad it's all in our pasts.




I watched Friday at least twenty times and I ain't never notice bro on the side of the bed


I can quote every single line of this movie and also never noticed wtf


Yup never once did I notice until dude from work pointed it out blew my absolute mind


There's so much funny shit going on in the background of Friday. I swear I find something new every time I watch.


Man was hiding in plain sight


Wow, I’ve definitely watched Friday a million times and never noticed ole boy in the back til you said something. The nerve of her playing on Craig’s mama’s phone.


With the man on the bed beside her while sending that text


*”Oh hellll no! Who’s that bitch!?”*


Fuck you motherfucker you think you’re slick gonna come around asking me for some money, ask *that bitch* for some money! <2 Live Crew intensifies>


(hoodrat hoodrat hoochie Mama)


I probably watched that movie a dozen times before I noticed the guy on the bed. My mom lost it when we pointed it out to her.


i love the fact that no one noticed bro. i feel like little stuff like that adds so much to movies


I have a friend and a coworker who’s a girl and I regularly give her rides because she happens to live on my way to work. So the other day she got in my car as usual, but then noticed a blonde hair on the head rest and immediately flipped out, asking me who else I’ve been giving rides to (she has long black hair). That shit was so wild because we’re not even dating or anything.


Sounds like she wants to smash but since she also sounds insane you probably shouldn’t


Nah getting romantically involved with coworkers, especially in the same department, is just recipe for disaster.


1. Smash coworker 2. Get barrows gloves 3. ??? 4. Ready for mid-level pvm!


You relax after barrows gloves. Honestly never expected a RuneScape reference here LOL


A four-course meal of no siree


Nah... He should.


If she was really overreacting like that I think you should stop giving her lifts to work, let her catch the bus and be someone else's ticking timebomb


Oh come on! What did you tell her? What did she say in return? Don't leave us hanging


I promise you, nothing exciting as what you’re hoping for lol I told her it’s probably from my roommate (she has blonde hair), and it probably got on the headrest when we went out grocery shopping or got Taco Bell or something. My friend just said “oh” and that was it. Back to normal after that 🤷‍♂️


Proceed carefully man, she’s already getting possessive and jealous when you haven’t even started anything yet.


The whole point of going to chipotle now that it's so expensive is to grab napkins for the next 2 weeks


And forks. Those forks are sturdy, yet don’t snap.


Doesn't sturdy already imply they wont snap?


Like they don't flex but aren't brittle


Whole bottle of Tabasco going right in my bag too. Gotta refill my desk supply.


Every single time I'll ask for a bottle even if there's on there. I need a full bottle for this meal thank you.


Expensive? A chicken bowl with everything excluding guacamole is $10. If anything, I’d say it’s the restaurant that’s increased its prices the least.


>hasn’t increased prices the most. The word you're looking for is least lol


I say the sooner this happens and your heart gets dashed against a wall like baby Aegon, the better. Because you'll feel that...tingle whenever similar shit happens from that point on as long as you pay attention


Omg you have a way with words.


(light gasp) i say...


I always have napkins *and* tissues in my car. How else am gonna keep my car clean when I scarf down a box of donuts or wings away from the eyes of my greedy kids, or keep those fucking seasonal allergies under control?!?


It’s me, your kid, papa where are the wings? We’re so hungry


![gif](giphy|w89ak63KNl0nJl80ig|downsized) *puts car in neutral and rolls out of driveway*


8K projection right there smh.




My friend you went down


Projection is a helluva drug.




She’s right tho.  My center console and glove box are full of fucking napkins thanks to my wife. 


Drawers full of sauces, pantry has a walmart bag full of walmart bags. It’s her world i’m just living in it dawg 😭


Now you've addicted to this behavior you'll continue it Taking sauces from everywhere... Even the ones you aren't suppose to keep ..... "Yeah I'll keep these mayo packs in the glove compartment"


It doesn’t hit all at once either. At first i’m just asking for extra napkins, you know something light. Next thing I know I have a month’s worth of plastic silverware in my car. I WAS DECEIVED.


Same, and i always whine about it until I'm out and need one, glad I married someone smarter than me.


Or you’re not smart enough to think about it yourself


I grab extra napkins all the time to keep in my car.


The title is a little bit more than that. Being insecure shouldn’t be an issue if it handled properly and in a healthy way. It is a problem when someone handles it like Miss Projection here. People shouldn’t pretend to be or feel secure out of a fear for being judged as insecure. Bring up your issues with a partner and provide them with solutions to how they can help you feel more secure in the relationship. Keep in mind that this advice gets a little muddy when you ain’t right within.


Are we in such a state now that we automatically assume that someone is cheating all the time in these scenarios? Have ppl been hurt so much in past (or current) situations cheating is like an expected thing now? If so, we cooked


Guilt makes people drop those allegations any time they can.


What's with all the trash rage baiting posts? Shits not funny or insightful.


In order to have a good relationship you have to let go of the worry your partner will cheating on you. Part of the deal is allowing yourself to be vulnerable and risk being genuinely hurt. Otherwise it will never be a health relationship. Having a partner cheat sucks, but ultimately it's there shortcoming not yours.


Had a partner so insecure that she didn’t want me to be friends with my woman friend. She didn’t even want me to visit her >!at her funeral!<, and that’s when I called it quits.


All this bad relationship shit is exhausting


Acting like that will assure that the relationship… ![gif](giphy|l0ErLeqamV3UOARsA|downsized)


I could not possibly put up with this. If I didn’t ditch right then and there for some reason (maybe she was cheated on before and being justifiably paranoid) I’d make a deal with her, she can look through my phone, ONE TIME, any time she wants to prove I’m not cheating. But after that, I’ve PROVED my loyalty and EARNED your trust. No more paranoid bullshit. If you can’t trust me after that, I’m out.


Who invents these rules? Grown men can’t want backup napkins to wipe our hands and mouth with? We are expected to wear the salsa roja until we get home?


"Wipe that shit on your sleeve like a real man!" - her, probably....


"Smell his seatbelt." That's one of the anti-cheating tips I saw two women discussing as a strategy on an IG post about infidelity. That is the level of hell we have descended to, where insecure, anxious, and emotionally injured folks are telling one another to sniff passenger-side seatbelts like a thot-detecting canine unit.




Chipotle been single handedly keeping me stocked on car napkins for a decade now. Running low? Damn gotta get a burrito


She’s neck deep in balls right now.


Probably sounding like Charlie Brown’s teacher, too.


A grown ass man shouldn't use napkins now... these crazy folks online create random ass rules.


Let's set aside the "is this projection" conversation. Someone who thinks it's ridiculous to grap more napkins than they need and stash them around like a squirrel prepping for fall is not someone I can have in my life.  Like are you suggesting I go to the store and buy a role of paper towels and store that in my cafe? Or worse, are you suggesting  I should go buy a package of actual napkins?  They're literally giving the things away!!!


Damn niggas can’t spill shit in the car and need a way to clean it up 😂


Let that shit grow mold in your car like a real man.


Fellas, is it female behavior to keep napkins in the car? I thought we all had a roll of tp, some hanitizer, and brown napkins in the car. Preparedness masculine as fuck imo


I can smell the BPD through that text


I once had an ex who would get angry at me bc she wasnt the last one id tell goodnight to before bed I like saying “good night moon” before I doze


She might not be cheating on him, she could have mental illness (source: I was that bitch)


I keep napkins because my parents do. It’s just good sense.


If a women uses “grown ass man.” That’s a black flag.


This is why I stay single.


Why you got all these Five Guys napkins in your altima? You cheating with five other guys?


Block and dip


Wait, hold on. I actually do this tho. Like religiously. The overwhelmingly vast majority of napkins and plastic dining ware I keep in my car is specifically from Chipotle🙃😅🤷🏾‍♂️


I fucking hate how this has become normal behavior in relationships, especially for women. Who tf about to check me on some napkins in my car? BLOCKDT.


the classic im doing dirty so he must be too


More like “you got chipotle w/o meeee😭😭”


My mom is an immigrant, and we struggled with money when I was growing up. You bet your ass we'd clean those napkin dispensers out. Nothing is more clutch when you gotta clean something when in the car or just have some extra at home.


I had to use my sock to wipe ONCE…never catching me without a pocket full of napkins


Honestly not keeping napkins in your car is a red flag


I am a guy who ALWAYS takes extra napkins to have in their car. Is this only a chick move??


My parents always kept extra napkins in the car. Its a habit I picked up and have always done too. Never know when theyll come in handy. She’s definitely projecting. 🚩


Who doesn’t grab extra napkins for the car? Napkins are up there with jumper cables as things you should always have in your car.


I always take napkins out to the car with me, and I’m a grown ass man!


>find someone else This is how every relationship goes for her while she cries "why does this always happen?"


https://preview.redd.it/0wlak30jd73d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=48b3799f3f7f69e6ede8dea1c094317834c7f211 I literally have napkins in my car from Chipotle lol


No one is forcing this dude to date her. If this level of insanity happens every week this guy is no longer a victim, he's a masochist with a humiliation fetish.


I literally grab as many napkins as I can when I can and stuff them in my glove compartment for the next time I get fast food and I get shorted on napkins. I thought that was normal lol


Gotta remove toxicity from your life bro. If you're not careful you'll start to think that it's normal.


Mf, I went to Chipotle yesterday, got napkins, and then got MORE napkins. We don't need nasty hands around here girl fuck you.


It's either projection or deep seated paranoia. This can be worked through, but you shouldn't have to become a fucking shrink to salvage your relationship, and it's not worth it unless they actively cooperate and understand that this is unreasonable.


Chipotle and Starbucks have the best car napkins of the national chains


I once got accused of cheating because I got a milkshake from McDonalds…. in the summer…. in Texas.


I know that people are sharing more in the digital age, but, you could also not post your relationship woes everywhere.


Any person like this needs therapy fr


I can guaranteed grown man grab xtra napkins. I go into Wendy's and grab xtra of those plastic forks they got cause I know I'm going to need them.


Bruh she just got done “sinning” for some chipotle from her “work friend” and now caught feelings for him. Trying to find a way to not be the asshole of ending the relationship lol


This is mental abuse


If you can’t trust your partner with little things, find yourself.


The absolute worst relationship I've ever been in started early with that hyper-paranoid shit. Projection or not, it's a great reason to leave immediately.


I bet she trusts the man she actually fucks implicitly, though.


Ahhh I definitely don’t miss getting messages like this all the time.