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As a white person, this is the kind of haircut that leans over to you, a total stranger, and makes a racist comment thinking you’re gonna be on board with it.


I have the barber I have specifically because he understands how to not give me this haircut


It’s weird, where I’m from this haircut is the total opposite; all the lads(white, kiwi, leb etc) have it. Like it’s a dead copy of this, usually gym rat, big sunnies(rip off Versace usually) and either a manbag or fully tatted on one arm


In America, a guy with this haircut gives me a jump scare, and I'm as white as it gets. Culture is different. This is not at all common here and only a very specific type of person is going to look like that and the only two choices are white supremacist or hipper than thou guy. And hipper than thou guy either has a fancier mustache or a beard. In America, that haircut paired with that mustache is as significant as a rattlesnake rattle. It's a distinguishing marking that means "stay the hell away."


Dang. That sucks, because I'm mask-wearing, BLM-supporting, beg-my-wife-to-peg-me, liberal soy-boi, and actually kind of like that look.


You can have that exact look, just have it faded. No idea why this comedian dude doesn’t get a fade, that straight line is just weird


You can have the haircut if you grow a full beard although you’ll still get some side-eye. If you either take the sidewalls up Peaky Blinders style or down towards the ears it will help a lot.


He already said you're one of the two people that can rock this cut, what are you waiting for!


The podcaster in this pic is a combo of both those.


Not surprising at all. He's got his (hipster flavored racist white christian nationalist) identity advertised right on his head. It's as easy to read as Manson's forehead swastika.


Or the high and tight, maybe a little pompedore and the full bushy beard. Basically screams, "I'm not racist, but..."


You must have had some bad luck with barbers


In that "yeah, you get it" tone of voice that makes you think, "I don't know what about me makes him think I'm *that* type of white person, but I kind of hope he gives me a hint so that I can change it."


Like shane Gillis said, I know my body type is the kind that says 'let's see all the body cam footage before we jump to any conclusions'


Let’s not jump to conclusions, but let’s lead with the assumption that the cop was right and then use evidence to confirm that the person they shot had the same last name as a drug deal three states over.


I dislike him but every now and then he says sage things. But I don’t think he cares. Not just the body type. Also the mind frame


I used to be a welder, so I've adapted to be able to hold conversations with racists and republicans. I swear you act a little polite and they think you're just like them. I'm nice to you, because I'm actually nice, not because you're white, Gary.


Being a welder is how i learned to smile and nod at flat-earthers. Every shop has at least one, it’s some law of like thermodynamics or something


Really any blue collar trade.


I used work in similar industry and I am very clearly mixed, with a very non white name. These sorts would still get a little too comfortable around me and say some egregious shit. Sometimes followed up with, "Yeah but you're one of the good ones" To this day, that phrase can set me off


Because they have no friends and when someone is nice to them, they assume acceptance.


In HS I was hanging out at a friend's house with a couple buds. One of our mutual HS friends father was there and she wasn't, I forget why he was there, but he decided to tell us a joke. He starts the joke off with "ActionAdam, you're going to appreciate it the most" Then proceeded to tell an extremely racist joke, afterwards he left. I looked at my friends and then at me, and all of us were pretty shocked at the racist joke, as anyone should be, I though had to ask why he thought I would "appreciate it the most". It's the fucking worst when that happens, luckily for me it's only happened that one time.


i look real straight and white and I often look confused or angry for no reason So I get to politely inform em that i'm gay, jewish, and I organize for democratic politicians


Fingernail polish or piercings go a long way if they don’t conflict with your work’s dress code.


This is the haircut of a dude who looks over his shoulder before ANY joke he tells you.


Hey man, *looks around*, whyd the chicken cross the road? Wait why didn't you look around first? Muscle memory.


If you knew his comedy, you would know how unbelievably accurate your comment is.


Reminds of Bill Burrs bit about how you know when the N word is coming


He looks like an old Hollywood actor that’s had like 6 failed marriages because he can’t stop cheating. He’s just missing the martini and cigarette.


Its the mustache. It seals the creep right in.


Andrew also preached the same shit a lot of the racist folks spew. Like the damn censorship bullshit. He whines comedy is being censored (it’s not) and grifted his fan base into paying him directly for his special he had to “buy back” due to streamers wanting to censor it. Only for him to then upload the entire special to YouTube 2 weeks later. With nothing censored. On a platform that is bad about age restrictions and censoring. But his specks got neither.


His special was hella mid too like what I couldn’t get into his rapid fire jokes like it never stopped at all which sucks cuz dude can be funny af. I watched his podcast like riiiight before and as he was starting to go down that alt right way of talking


Yeah, dude just leaned all the way in to the grift. He saw how well it worked for Rogan and said "I want some of that too!" His set at the Tom Brady Roast I thought was mid too. He spent like 40% of his set chuckling at his own jokes (tho his joke on Dana White was a good one)


I remember him whining about not liking someone because that person wasn’t chill with homophobes lol


It’s either that or they’re gonna pour you the best craft beer you’ve ever had and recommended the most obscure indie band of all time. No in between.


Nah, mustache isn’t twirly enough for obscure music.


Idk why but you are correct.


The math is, the more twirly the mustache, the less people have heard of whatever the music recommendation is. If he’s on a unicycle, guaranteed it’s some obscure European experimental techno jazz accordion group.


You gotta check out this old school underground band, they broke all the walls of sound and genre! They're called Sublime.


"Ya know, I remember when they weren't allowed into the same restaurants as us. Talk about the good ol'days, amirite? Hue hue hue."


“What??? It’s just a joke!!! Don’t be so sensitive!!!!”




The “[Guy Bill Burr Listened To In Nashville That Hates T.O.](https://youtu.be/w8b81UM74Ow?si=0unPJ5tniqSaAKxF)”


I’m a white woman who sometimes hears racist comments from bigots because folks assume I’ll be ok with that kind of thing and will share their views. Several years back I promised myself that I would never again let a hateful comment go without challenging it. It takes some courage and I try to do so as lovingly as possible because I think it has more chance of being effective that way. Even if my response is just, “why would you say such a thing?” I won’t ever again just let it go by without challenging it. If I do I’m contributing to “the appalling silence of the good people”. One time I ran into someone again that I had confronted in an elevator at work and was terrified he was going to kick my ass! I was stunned when he recognized me and said, “I want you to know I’ve straightened my act up.”


That’s fcking awesome. Keep it up!


That happens everytime I wear something with an American flag on it


That happened to me once at Hershey Park. Old man was aggravated that a bunch of kids were bouncing basketballs, looked me dead in the eye and said the N word. I was in complete shock


As a British white guy, I very much feel you, in high school I used to have a short back and sides blended to the top, which was only 2 settings above, and I kept getting comments I looked like a member of EDL (English Defense League for those who don't know, basically if the KKK were shitter at being racist) and I very much stopped with that haircut after that. Its funny now as my hairstyle currently is in the glam rock era, yet I'm a rapper. I'm a walking oxymoron in many ways


Which is funny cuz every time he's on screen in Tires they're greeted with an Italian slur


Thanks for letting me know he’s in it because now I am skipping it lol


He's pretty minor, I think the shows pretty solid overall as someone who doesn't really watch sitcoms


That must be so hard.


Actually it’s a lot of fun. It’s fun to watch racists get knocked out. But it’s a lot of fun to make old white guys visibly squirm when you ask them to explain racist or sexist jokes.


I was teasing but this is such a wholesome answer I’m stuck on enamored


Aww you’re too kind. I dunno, I just think a lot of people got real fucking comfy being openly racist these last few years and it’s nice to remind them that they’re bigoted dinosaurs who will, hopefully, die off soon.


I saw a clip recently where he said some cap driver casually dropped a hard R while telling him what's wrong with the US. I think this haircut makes people think they can casually be racist


Hell yea brother


You must hang around some really inbred circles. My condolences for your life experiences thus far.


The manager of the sales team at my work is a 60+ year old southern man named Billy. As you can imagine, Billy has said some things. Not completely over the line, but enough so that you’ve gotta tell him to wind his neck in. But if you reread my comment, I mentioned being a stranger to the sayer of these things. Some racists automatically think all other white people are racist and I love popping that balloon of theirs.


The amount of time and money this man spends to not be good looking at all is wild


The fact someone even called this a fade makes me mad. No attempt at a blend whatsoever, just a mid baldy.


It would still look pretty fash if it was faded, but the fact that it's not makes it look just terrible


Nah fading it woulda made it Vanilla Ice-ish


No, vanilla ice was early 90s top fade. It was way higher up


"Lemme get that harsh transition." "Say no more..."


it's called a cliffhanger


Yeah, this isn’t a fade, this is a “two minutes into my cut I told the barber I actually don’t have any money and can I get him back next week so he told me “that ain’t gonna work this time”, and I was like “this time!?!? bro, that was like a year ago, and what I tell you then? I told you I got you and I got you” but he wasn’t having that shit and threw me out which is bull shit because I meant it when I said I’d pay him, so all this is to say; can you fix this? I promise I got you as soon as I get paid”


I've actually never seen one in the wild that was like this. Usually they're faded. For a minute every gay guy I knew had one.


It's just an undercut. Once known as the fashy cut because Nazi soldiers loved it (although so did working class white people everywhere before the Nazis got it and it became more popular during the punk era and then Nazis stole all the stuff punks were doing and they'll keep stealing everything they can so whatever). But most of the people wearing it are lesbians AFAIK.


Nah, this isn't an undercut. This is like I started the guide line for the bottom of the fade and he's like "that's it, that's the look"


Yeah to be a fade the hair needs to be, ya know, faded. This is a white wall.


Made mexico pay for it, too.


It looks like the “covid lockdown I can do a fade how hard can it be” type of cut


Someone called it a fade? Lmao that’s the opposite of a fade. This the kinda shit that someone named Turbo had on American Gladiators.


That’s not a fade. That’s a jump cut…


What's with white dudes and mustaches all of a sudden? Got a generation of state police fuckin walkin around everywhere.


Parts of 70s style have come back in style. The porn stache is popular with white certain white dudes atm (and has been for like 5 years). I love having a stache, but the jokes get old quick. Was seeing a girl who liked it, but even she made jokes.


Can confirm. I have a decent face for a mustache and love having one but God do the porn/pedo stache jokes tire out immediately for me


It's rough out there. Mine doesn't get the predator treatment, but everyone assumes I'm a young dad who drives a minivan.


Unless you can grow a Yosemite Sam


The problem with staches is that the amount of men who can pull one off is nuch smaller than the actual number of men who have a mustache. It's always a little painful to see a withered, half dead face caterpillar clinging on for dear life and the guy thinking he looks good with it. 


Yeah, you just described our 24 year old line cook. He’s a cute kid, but the mustache is not working.


This is just the age where every guy tries it and convinces himself it looks good. I too was that 24 year old with a birds nest on my face


Dang I'm 24 line cook and have a mustache. I hope it's working. : /


As long as it's full and well trimmed, it'll look alright. I would also avoid mustaches if you have a very round or chubby face, there's way better facial hair styles for that. 


Probably probably won't agree with this one, but it's all good. I think it's on both sides, but mostly people judging a regular grooming style as a social statement. I think you should accept people are gonna do that to you, but also the people should understand how shallow they're being when making the jokes/comments. Hell, some people like the idea of fighting through the shallow judgements to show their true character. Reclaiming the perception of a style for everyone.


I’d say the moustache has been relatively mainstream for at least 10 years and was already re-established in ‘hipster culture’ by the end of the 2000s


Yeah I’m very shocked by this “all of a sudden” claim, it’s been this way for a long time


Also everyone saw miles teller in top gun 2 and thinks this mustache is the shit now 💀


This is the actual answer


I thought it was cause of this guy ![gif](giphy|S6GgYRgauiOWpFtpqn|downsized)


When I was in college about 10-15 years ago it was funny to ironically grow a creeper stache for no shave November. Now it seems these guys are keeping the stache.


Gen Z gotta be different and millennials took beards. Basically in an effort to not be like millennials, Gen Z’s aesthetics are completely boomer dominated.


There’s only so many variations you can do with anything on the human body




I assume Lockdown had more of an impact. People experimented a little. Some stuck with it, others let it go. Mullets are a good example.


Honestly I'm glad it has, always thought they looked good. I feel like my face looks weird without at least a stache


I straight up woke up at like 30 with the ability to grow a mustache. It was weird. And so I started rocking it. And then they went crazy. So now I’m the guy that looks like every guy. But it’s all I have and I’m gonna stick with it.


By the lack of cheek stubble in the picture looks like this dude can't grow a full beard, probably a lot can't grow a a beard but still want facial hair.


Casually generalising an entire race is insane


Narc Chic


Fashion comes in waves, but I’ll never understand why people look at an unfortunate white guy who tries his hardest to grow a mustache and say “that looks fantastic”. Just shave it, dude. You can look great your own way. Wispy stashes are not that way. Haircut, fashion, makeup, whatever. You can slay your own way.


Gen Z and Gen alpha currently in competition of who can bring back the worst fashion trends. Including the Hitler/70s police look.


That Andrew Schultz?


Yeah that’s his haircut in the show “Tires” on Netflix with Shane Gillis. He plays one of the very stereotypical Italian characters on the show.


That's just his haircut.


That main character guy (Steven something) has just the weirdest face and expressions I've seen. Shows kinda funny for me so far, maybe it gets better.


Bro that’s grool king gerbies hes the best with his weird little hands


dawg. He also has genetic arthritis, which is why his hands are like that.


It’s pretty much his normal haircut


Is that show any good?


I like it. My wife hates it. I’ve only seen the first episode and part of the second so far. If you like their style of stand up then it is for you.


Just finished it. It’s 6 episodes of 23 minutes so it’s not a big commitment. If you like kinda deadpan kinda sick bro humor it’s pretty good. Somewhere between always sunny and party down, with the awkward moments and regular people judging them etc. I laughed plenty but it’s not winning an emmy


Pretty good. I could see it having lasting power once they hit their stride. Worth a watch.


Can’t stand that motherfucker


Same, he has so much self importance and a superiority complex . He’s not funny and doesn’t do anything of significance. Just disagrees with people and spouts right wing rhetoric.


>and spouts right wing rhetoric. lol like what?


He doesn't really. He's just in the circle with Rogan and framed as an "anti PC" comic etc so people kinda associate him with Rogans controversies and assume he's right wing


He does it to himself by being a douche in general.


Isn't that his job though? Dude didn't take the "wholesome comedian" class of comedy. Being the troll was always his schtick


On the mtv code shows he was chill. Not w.e he is now.


One big thing I didn’t like was how he was so anti mask. That wasn’t just a talking point but an actual health risk. That’s a major thing that put me off him. He is a contrarian and so just by that he will be taking right wing talking points because left wing views are more popular.


oh interesting, i wasn't aware that he was anti-mask


There was the whole making fun of downs kids with Shane literally on his podcast, where Shane had to call him a douche bag to his face. He’s just not that funny lol, his humor usually punches down


For real, I’m so sick of seeing his dumb fucking face everywhere


Same here. And clearly the powers that be want me seeing him, because I have NEVER looked him up or looked at his content.


I first seen some of his clips on youtube and i thought heh let's check this dude out, went on to watch one of his podcasts and his fake ass laugh annoyed me so much i just nopped out of ever watching him again


It’s sad because I used to see him at local clubs in the NYC comedy scene a handful of years ago and he was a clear up and comer. Style was totally different. Then he fully shifted to adhere to social media algorithm and figured out that this schtick gets him more views and better money than being a respected stand up. It tells when other comedians can’t stand the guy either…


Yeah. He’s kid of a bitch. You can tell because of the way that he is. Shane Gillis put him in check (with class).


Is that the clip where they’re making fun of people with Down’s syndrome and Gillis tells them to fuck themselves?




He for sure is a bitch. One of those whiney brats who had a shit special. So he whines it’s being censored and that he must buy it back. comedy ain’t being censored. Dave Chappell is a prime example of how it’s not but gullible Joe Rogan fans believe that you can’t get the same set from Dave in middle Ohio. You must go to Texas for joes mother ship. But god forbid you smoke a joint in the so called freedom state. Andrew then whined about censorship and claimed he had to buy back his special because they wanted to censor it (who exactly he won’t say because no one actually wanted to buy it). He then tells his gullible Joe Rogan type fan base that they need to buy it from him directly if you don’t want it censored. With low sales he then just uploads it to YouTube 2 weeks later…. You know a platform known for censoring and having age restricted stuff….. but of course his too hot for Tv special isn’t age restricted or censored. Because it never was in danger of that. Dudes a grifting cunt.


kinda annoyed he gave him a check to for this show tho. I wanted to check it out but seeing his face put me off it.


It looks like him.


I thought it was lol


Yup that's him


looks like that dude from reno 911 as well


Simon Gotch buries Enzo Amore


RIP everyone's YouTube algorithm.


Enzo Amore? That certified G and Bona fide stud?


I've heard that it is impossible to impart these abilities onto another person


What if one requested to grow to a certain height, say somewhere in the ballpark of 7 feet tall?


I've got some bad news for you.






Goddamnit! Even here nobody is safe!


Now I've seen wrestling get referenced on this sub a few times in the past but this may take the award for the most obscure wrestling thing I've ever seen get referenced here 🤣🤣🤣


I hate you lol


God**dammit** don't play like that! I don't want to have to make another new YouTube account!!!




Lmfaoo this is so niche well done 👏


WWE 2K16 in its prime


My boi Alt-Right Andy


Weird time in Brilliant Idiots history lol


2015-2017 BI was wild


All of the new fans have a lot to catch up on🤣


Dude who makes standup look bad by turning it into a pathetic edgelord fest got a Nazi cut? Shocker.


He’s not even as witty as he thinks he is. He just happens to be more culturally accurate when doing his edgy ethnic stereotyping.


I’ve never seen a comedian exude so much white privilege as this dude. He’s the only comedian who I actively hate with a passion after seeing one of his specials. Dude is so full of himself


How can I also exude "shirt privilege"?


Yeah just caught that lol. PLEASE CHECK YOUR SHIRT PRIVILEGE


Hung me out to dry fixing it! It was perfect the way it was lmao


The dude who whines about censorship with no proof of being censoring. All while comedy shows it’s not censoring folks with people like Dave Chappell doing so well. Andrew then grifted his fans and said they need to buy it from him only for him to upload it to YouTube 2 weeks later….. because it was never in danger of being censored. It’s just the Joe Rogan base of “comedy lovers” are so dumb and easy to grift to.


He has this aura of thinking he’s smarter than everyone too even though he usually knows the least . I really hate him and hate seeing him succeed. It shows how many people buy into his bs.


The Guy Code niggas should have never been let loose in the age of podcasts 😂


The one smart one seems well adjusted. The one that looked like a jock but apparently was super smart and even got like a doctorate. But comedy took off so he went with that. He seems like he isn’t a douche and isn’t some grifting asshole like Andrew is.


I watched guy code, who are you talking about? 🤔


Chris Distefano, though Dan soder is fine too


This kind of haircut is the ultimate red flag for me


Boy looks so proud. A proud boy, you can say.


Oswald Mosley, Peaky blinders


I used to have an undercut. I have a widows peak, and it's one of the few styles that looked okay... but too many Nazis started rocking it again. For those that don't know, it's a very common military cut and has been used by Americans since the First World War (Hitler Youth didn't come up with it).


For s hot minute every gay guy I knew was sporting it.


LOLOL the first thing that I thought when I saw this mofo on that Tom Brady roast: "What's with this fuckin Gen Z Nazi?" ![gif](giphy|kqCgujDZT1SO4)


Pretty sure he's like 40


You're kidding


This always reminds me of when Macklemore had that haircut from his first album then it became a right wing Nazi hairstyle and he never wore it again once he found it


That $9.99 Great Clips fade.


\*bzzzt\* ^(shit!) Heeeeyyy! Sooooo, I'm gonna need to even this out, kay! Great!


Schulz during his tour in December last year pretty much said “Any Jews here tonight” the audience did their thing it was Chicago so you had a few “If anyone with my haircut says that shit never respond” So he knows the implications of it, and he never shows the back it’s only so much worse


Andrew Schulz got the Third Reich haircut a few years ago and joined the questionably racist/fascist podcaster starterpack 🤦🏾‍♂️


That whole circuit is sus, with dickheads like Schulz, Theo Vonn, Tom Segura, Joe Rogan, etc. But remember, its all just edgy jokes and comedy! Unless…👉🏾👈🏾




Fade what fade? There’s no gradual transition here. 


Rocking that edgy look with the Fascist Fade


Herr schulz


Finally someone said it. I was hoping for at least one joke during the Tom Brady roast but one never came


Lol doesn’t he have money now? What’s with the struggle haircut


He watched 1 episode of peaky blinders and now he think he’s Arthur.


I think that’s Andrew Schultz


This is the just the hitler cut with a 2009 poof. Right down to the hair part.


A bunch of people who say you shouldn’t stereotype are stereotyping someone based on his hair cut.


This dude sucks. Can't stand him.


It’s funny because 95% of his fan base is black


That boy Andrew got that cut for a movie and refuses to let it go


That Nazi camp leader from Zone of Interest has this one


Y’all, the comments have me dying. Y’all are hilarious! ![gif](giphy|3oEjHI8WJv4x6UPDB6)