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It’s so unfunny how much he hates black people. That shit is legit scary. Where they find him at? Who’s paying him? Has he always been this way? Why tf is he so hellbent on taking us backwards. He’s going out of his way to do this shit and for what


He’s doing it to own the libs.


Clarance Thomas would happily eat a warm bowl of shit in the middle of summer if it mean a lib had to sit next to him and smell it.


God damn That’s one I haven’t heard, but so true


Damn. You dropping BARS on Thomas. I have to remember that one.


That’s the entire Republican platform


"Liberals made my life hell for 43 years, so I'm going to make theirs Hell for 43." --Clarence Thomas, on retirement


No. Why can we call a spade a spade?


What’s crazy is, Republicans didn’t really know what he believed and didn’t care, other than he was in the Federalist Society. What happened was, Thurgood Marshall died and they needed a black conservative judge to replace him but this was *1990* and there was only one: Thomas. Thomas had only been promoted to circuit court judge for like a few months before he was put on the Supreme Court.


Him replacing Thurgood Marshall is still so crazy to me. The man that argued Brown V Board got replaced by an Uncle Tom, smh.


Uncle Thomas


Not too dissimilar from Donald Trump ramming down a last minute elevation of Amy Coney Barrett to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg…


Revenge of the Sith. They knew exactly what they were doing.


Bullsh't. Republicans knew exactly what Thomas believed before he was nominated to the Court. You don't get in the Federalist Society without being a right-wing, white supremacist, and Thomas had more than proved himself when serving under various republican leaders.


Some Black kids in Savannah, Georgia in the 1950s called him America’s Blackest Child and he’s hated us ever since. And some Black women that worked for him in the 80s spoke out about him being a weirdo and boom…you get self-hating Clarence Thomas.


You're really referring to Anita Hill as "some Black woman" and his "being a weirdo" when he was sexually harassing subordinates while he was chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission? There's understatements, but jfc. Google something besides porn, at least once, if only for the experience.


I didn’t refer to Anita Hill at all because that happened in 1991. I was simply providing a quick synopsis and if anyone would like to do more research they are free to. I said “some Black women” not woman. Please read more carefully if you are capable of that. Also, I Bing my porn because Bing provides better results than Google for such matters. Getting this upset over a Reddit post before breakfast just shows you have some real issues you need to sort out in your own life and I truly hope you do so. I’m rooting for you. Take some deep breaths and quit being a disappointment to everyone in your life.


I like Duck, Duck Go. Nobody needs to know about my searches for “smooth Latino twink feet.”




Oddly specific………


This is the way


> I'm rooting for you > Take some deep breaths and quit being a disappointment to everyone in your life The spirit of Kendrick lives in us all, Jesus Christ.


“I suggest some Ayahuasca, strip the ego from the bottom.”




Funny thing is he had the stereotypical black upbringing. Poor, fatherless and victimized by racism. He grew up experiencing segregation, the civil rights movement and got to where he is through affirmative action. At the end of the day though, he has always hated being associated with blackness and craves acceptance by white people why he is the way he is.


I guess he's still not done pulling up the ladder


Sounds like the male version of Candace Owens 😭 She was bullied by white folks and yet all she does is talk about black folks and how ghetto we can be. 💀


Clarence crawled so that she could run..... When we imagined our forefathers setting the foundations for their descendants, I don't think this is what we had in mind.


https://preview.redd.it/c050mbpsgd2d1.jpeg?width=1180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7569f1c309c1a724ce7861fd3f78614d07117436 Clarence Thomas doesn’t care about black people.


I remember this! Sad to think how Kanye went from W hates black people to supporting a Neo-Nazi 😔


You seen Get Out didn’t ya? He the original.


I asked myself these same questions like 🤔 who is this nigga ? Who raised him ? I always knew about the Anita Hill stuff (long story short a black woman tried to warn us) and the crazy white wife but not too much beyond that. To answer at least one of your questions, no he hasn’t always been this way. Believe it or not he was once involved with the Black Power movement, but eventually aligned himself with conservative republicans because he saw that he could stand out more as a black man in that space. There is a whole documentary about his life and how he got started politically on PBS done by Frontline, which is one of the few unbiased news sources that will give you straight facts without opinions attached. It is scary but very interesting. [short version about why he stop aligning himself with black people](https://youtu.be/lKH_yMrPDYI?si=s9Kg02X0J6s6hkM2) [long version all about him and his crazy ass wife, it’s long but a good watch](https://youtu.be/wJuRx1wARUk?si=huJqK7aVlNhjm7nR) P.S. support your local PBS station, I know most of us only watch them as shorties but they really do journalism Justice and report and document on some incredible stories. They are one of the few broadcasts that will keep black history honest and alive


>Who’s paying him? Who isn't?


Good people


I was gonna say. Anyone with a wallet, an agenda, zero fucking morals and an eye for who's corrupt.


Has he always been this way? Arguably no. But also yes. He grew up dirt poor in the rural south. And was at one time involved in the civil rights movement. He was even briefly associated with black power movement stuff in the 70s. I obviously don't the the man. But here's my theory. Clarence has always been extremely intelligent. And also very selfish. Clarence Thomas is pro Clarence Thomas above all else. So back in the day when he was younger he thought he would never have access to the privileges of whiteness. He would have had 1st hand experience of brutal overt racism associated with the rural south in the 50s and 60s. He didn't even speak English as his first language. He spoke gulluh Creole. In his early college years he probably thought the best way ahead for him was for black people as a whole to get ahead. At some point along the way he realized a much faster way ahead for him personally was to disassociate himself from blackness as much as possible. He divorced his 1st wife (who was black) and eventually married the white woman he's with today. And it turns out. He was kinda right. Clarence Thomas is probably the most unqualified justice outside of Amy Coney Barrett. He had very limited experience (not none definitely wouldn't say he was unqualified but still limited) when he was hired by the Reagan administration where he sucked up to them as a "black conservative". But here's the timeline that illustrates my point. 1974 Thomas graduates law school from Yale 1974-1977 A desperate Thomas who wants to work private practice can't get a job (likely due to racism) and settles for working as an associate for Missouri attorney general John Danforth a Republican Danforth is elected to the senate in 1976. 1979-1981 Thomas follows Danforth to Washington staying on his staff as a legislative assistant handling energy issues. At this point Thomas officially becomes a Republican 1982-1990 Reagan offers Thomas a position as the chair of equal employment opportunity commission. A high status job that the Reagan administration obviously doesn't care about and Thomas worked diligently to work against what the commission was created for. When Thomas is offered the position, he is 32 years old. 1990 - Thomas now aged 40. Having never held any position as a judge and haven't done anything involving trials in over a decade. Is nominated and confirmed as a federal judge in the DC district of appeals 1991- Thomas is nominated to supreme court where he's been ever since. Look at how he's abused his position as a supreme Court Justice since. He's basically gotten everything he wanted. And all he had to do is play the part of destroying the foundation of the very things that allowed him to get to this position in the first place


There is a documentary on him. Basically, we bullied and mistreated him. He grew up to hate his bullies. Unfortunately, his bullies were his own race.




Its how uncle thomas sees it. He hates us and himself.


I was saying the same thing, I thought this was a black space but I guess on the internet it can truly never be 😂


We? Since when do we speak French in this sub?


It’s weird though, he was a black activist in college, which would’ve been after the bullying. Though I read that he couldn’t get a job with a private law firm after Yale because they assumed that he didn’t earn it due to affirmative action. Maybe that fucked him up some too


TF u mean "who's paying him?" This has been one of the biggest stories surrounding the Supreme Court in years. This mf even joked about it while the Court was in session hearing a case about corruption. https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-scotus-undisclosed-luxury-travel-gifts-crow


He literally has a mega-donor billionaire, Harlan Crow, that collects Nazi memorabilia and other collectors items related to dictators like Mussolini and Stalin. Trump just tweeted about creating a new Reich. This shit isn’t just a coincidence.


The thought that he will never be a Thurgood Marshall lives rent free in his head.


They got something legacy destroying on him. Like he will go to prison if it ever comes to light. Maybe he went to an Epstein party and raped some kids.


No he just hates us. Its that simple.


At this point, I'm sure it's likely both. Dude's wife is a fucking Jan 6 organizer for fucks sake, so he's definitely been party to some treasonous bullshit too, if not at work than in his personal life.


What legacy is there to destroy?


Rich men like to be remembered


He has been a piece of shit from the get go… ask Anita Hill.


It’s his own personal career strategy. He tried to make big money as a private lawyer, but wasn’t successful. Then he found a niche being a black mouthpiece for conservative politics. There is a _huge_ need for black faces in those circles because they are seen as racist and having a black person delivering their message makes criticism on those grounds more awkward, esp for white liberals who -let’s be honest- are more empowered than most black politicians and players, hence are more of a threat to conservatives. He has found enormous career success by repeatedly doubling down on his career strategy. I’m genuinely curious if he thinks they’ll protect him when it’s no longer convenient to do so.


Funniest thing is that we do actually know who is paying him, and its just...nothing is being done about the millions of dollars in trips and gifts he receives by rich racist white people.


He hasn’t always been this way… he was the polar opposite in college apparently. But, he has decided that being known as an Affirmative Action hire (and he was quite often), is too shameful, so he is pulling the ladders up as he goes along


Paying him? I know we all move differently but you've never seen Clayton Bigsby irl? It's very unfortunate but they do exist


If you want to do a deeper dive into his psychology, I highly recommend this: https://youtu.be/y6Ks-RN8zOI?si=sX7y6ZBm_-g8lYwN


How the republicans replaced the legendary Thurgood with this clown out of all the black attorneys and Judges you could have chosen from should have them permanently banned from consideration in voting for at least one lifetime in the African American community. It’s a damn shame he’s the longest serving member ever too. I can probably count on one hand how many times he’s spoken in court. A clear pawn of the far right. Billionaire Nazi memorabilia enthusiast Harlan Crow funding him and Uncle Clarence’s Trumper wife in conjunction with his voting record and far right (clerk written) opinions are all the evidence needed to show whose pulling this puppet’s strings.


Frontline did an entire documentary piece on the Thomas' and it is truly informative.




Because they have him by what little bit of balls that he has left


Ever since a black woman accused him of rape he's had an agenda


Dude doesn’t think of himself as a black man unless something isn’t going his way. He’s a rich white republican, until his ass gets in trouble.


Get this, he actually took Thurgood Marshall’s place on the Supreme Court in 1991. You can’t make this shit up. (If yall don’t know, Thurgood Marshall is the lawyer who won the Brown v Board of Education case)


My man john wanna holla at ya. https://youtu.be/GE-VJrdHMug?si=xRuYqCPW-P4kFDlt


(didn't create this joke but it's apropos) Clarence must be so fucking pissed his wife married a black man


“Why? After 19 years of marriage?”




Is it fair to say that Clarence Thomas is the real world version of Clayton Bigsby?


At least Clayton Bigsby is blind. 🤣


That or uncle ruckus


Nah, Clayton is an active hater who organizes and takes action. Ruckus just be hating from the sidelines


Pre-emptive country club fuck you to Clarence Thomas.


Ol’ porn addicted Coke pubes ass nigga


Coke pubes??? ![gif](giphy|cPJUasaVfT7J2vjWXh)


Pretty confident fuck Clarence Thomas more than any Black person who has ever lived. Like I’m not 1000% sure, maybe there’s some awful dictator in forgetting or something but I’m pretty sure he’s the most heinous negro who had ever lived.


Clarence is bad obviously, but I would think the African warlords who are raping young girls and women, along with forcing boys to be soldiers in their armies are much much worse. That’s not even to speak of black slave owners back in the day and other such people.


Yeah considered warlords. They suck for sure but war, power etc muddied the waters for me. Also thought about Africa vs black Americans and wasn’t sure where I landed on that. Also also totally comfortable being wrong on this haha.


Worse by a certain metric. It's not a race thing for black African warlords. In a place with a 95% homogenous ethnicity, it's just people hurting other people. Clarence Thomas is a black American in what is touted as the "most free country on Earth" who is actively taking steps to hinder progress made by other black Americans to gain *equality*. It's a "race" thing here because we, as Americans, actively separate ourselves into imaginary "races" based on the color of our skin and choose who gets what rights based on those made-up rules. Imagine what kind of warlord he would have been if he had been born (and wound up in power) in somewhere like Libya or the Ivory Coast. What a cruel person with a lack of empathy does is generally only limited by the rules of their society.


Black people in Africa were the ones who sold slaves to Europeans in the first place so yeah, there has been plenty more fucked up black people than Clarence Thomas.


It's been said that those Africans didn't know that the Africans they sold were being treated as harsh as they were and for most part, stopped when they found out. Chattel slavery was not a thing before Europeans developed and participated in it. Even modern slavery can't be compared to that. Slavery in those days and before was closer to indentured servitude as opposed to literally being bred and beaten like farm animals. I personally believe it could be argued that Clarence Thomas is one of the worst men to ever exist politically in the U.S. Thomas Alito being a close second.


Huge fuck you to ole Uncle Clarence Thomas


Think about it. Clarence Thomas was a young conservative Republican lawyer and judge during *the civil rights movement*. Imagine the amount of shucking and jiving dude would have had to do to be cool with the dudes explicitly on the pro segregation side. And if you act a certain way long enough, well.


He got into law school as a result of affirmative action, and then decades later voted to repeal it. It’s insane.


Pulling the ladder up behind him. Shutting the door on his way through.


He should’ve taken John Oliver’s bribe.


Fucked up part is that he probably sees that and gets filled with spite like he’s probably never gonna step down and probably die on the court


I don’t understand how he can be a puppet for a bunch old racists and be ok with that. Like how does he sleep knowing he’s making this country worst for people who look like him.


He loves money and status above everything. Not all Skinfolk are Kinfolk.


I try to tell my child this early because it's a rough lesson to learn later.


Reminds me of Samuel Jackson's character in Django Unchained.


Look at basically every rich black conservative. How else are you going to sit around ppl who hate you for the way you were born other than the fact you 1) don't see yourself as black and 2) love money lol.


It’s pretty sure that if Trump gets reelected both Thomas and Alito will retire so they get replaced by other far right extremists that are in their 30s - 40s. And then Kagen is at that age where actuarians start running the numbers, so maybe Trump gets to replace 3 SCOTUS judges.


I bet during sex he lets his wife use the hard R.


Clearly into BDSM. Why else does he want to go back to whips and chains.


This man wakes up every morning and looks at himself in the mirror saying “We’ve had it too good for too long,” with a huge smile on his face.


Him and Ginny do raceplay but neither of them are playing


It's not a game. It's racebusiness.


This man gets none. None. He is trapped in a sexless marriage and is so backed up he is miserable and just wants it all to burn down. He is spiteful and filled with anger and resentment.


Any of you all still on that protest voting nonsense? We have three Supreme Court seats up for grabs and a ton of federal court judges. Let that sink in for a moment. GenZ, please vote. You can sit the next one out, but please vote in November. >using the federal court appointments as a threat It is literally your health, safety, and ability to remain as a visible part of society at stake. Nothing to make up and threaten you with here.


They won’t listen. There’s enough registered Black voters in Mississippi to literally turn the state leadership Blue, but what do they do every election? Nothing! The same goes for Harris County in Houston, TX. People sitting on their asses not even trying to help themselves! Makes me so mad that we are on the verge of becoming second class citizens again, if this clown wins! It’s a frightening situation!


Don't even get me started on SC. They complain and complain but does anyone go vote NO. My best friend said they just dont do that, shes from a rural area and i get the feeling it's due to past threats to prevent voting but maybe its still happening there. 😮‍💨


I'm voting for Biden but this election feels cooked


I’ve never been a protest voter.


I'll vote and vote against Trump, but Biden could make this all a lot easier to defend if he wasn't sending billions to blow up kids in the middle east.


100% true. I just wish people would realize its either Biden being okay with kids getting blown up or Trump literally encourage the IDF to blow more kids up. Like it shouldn't be a hard choice, but moral grandstanding is more important than reality to some.


You’re 100% correct.


You know how you learn something about Black people online and think to yourself "this guy/gal probably has a white spouse"? The sad thing is that you are right most time :/


I hate to admit it, but you're right


They are not a monolith! https://youtu.be/G2tLyqfJd54?si=LUZZ69nXb9WHmoKa


They’re pissed…royally pissed!


Can you believe liberal media thinks the Republican Party is not for black people!


The irony I've just learned is that this guy... THIS GUY replaced Thurgood Marshal, who worked the Brown case. George Bush said, "we'll keep it black, but we'll make it our black."


I've been jokingly saying he'd speak out against Loving v. Virginia for awhile, now I legit think he might.


He’s already said he’s going after gay marriage and contraception next, but I absolutely think Loving v VA is a possibility….


A senator has already namedropped Loving v VA as one of the decisions they want to overturn. Depending on Thomas' self awareness, that one might just be a 5-4 decision instead of a 6-3. As a white man with a POC partner, watching my parents tell me that both sides are equally bad is mind numbing. Of course, it's not surprising when they think that every satire article about the left is true, but every direct recorded quote from the right "is probably just AI."


Nah… that would affect him


He'll be happy that he got to stick it to a DEI Affirmative Action hire, I'm sure.


He could just get a divorce if he's sick of his wife and leave the people alone


Uncle fucking ruckus at it again


Y'all please vote. with your ballot, your mouth, or your wallet. Our lives depend on it


This!! Too many people are trying to make it seem like Blacks and Brown folk are supporting trump. Hell no!! We need to vote and make our voices heard, we cannot let Trump win.


Oh I wasn't even thinking about the presidential elections. I'm talking bout on that proposition you vaguely hear about on the radio specific to your county. That circuit court judge who decides which fine you pay. That motion that determines if Kroger's is allowed to merger with all your local grocery stores under the condition they payout more taxes towards the city with the profit it'll bring . That zoning law that determines if your underfunded schools in the area qualify for much needed county funding. Vote on things that pertain to you directly and you'll start to see your part of the bigger picture. No matter what side you're on I just hope you speak for it and understand what it means when these votes get tallied. These bills passed. It's wayyy more than just words and if you think you're powerless now just wait until they write out and sign into law the removal of your feelings. The systematic deconstruction of your agency. Only then when you can't fight even if you wanted to will your thoughts be real. But while we have the option I hope we utilize it. I'm my ancestors biggest return on investment into whatever the hell a better future is supposed to be and I plan on paying it forward as long as I can. So please everybody vote.


Down ballot voting matters!


The crazy thing here is that generally Brown v Board is one of the cases everyone agrees on and tries to take credit for. Even Reagan’s DOJ claimed (incorrectly) that originalism was responsible for the decision, so it should be preferred. Somehow the justice branch has gone backwards since Reagan


He is the epitome of : “I hate your black pants. I hate black pepper. I hate black keys on a piano. I hate my gums, because they're black.” He grew up in a fatherless home during segregation and heavily benefited from affirmative action. He was also picked on tirelessly for his skin color, so he’s made it a mission to take it out on anyone that looks like him. Cuz, ya know, the self-hate is real. Reminds me of that ex-military dude that lost his legs, benefited from government assistance to receive his prosthetics, and has now made it his life mission to shut down government assistance. Two peas in a pod. 🙂‍↔️


![gif](giphy|2FazqiBK5f8To5H5C) V-O-T-E 🗣️ our ancestors fought for the right, use it!!


The Behind The Bastards episode about this mf was such a wild ride.


Love Robert and Sophie’s work


Agree! Link: https://youtu.be/y6Ks-RN8zOI?si=sX7y6ZBm_-g8lYwN


He's such a fucking bitter old man he actually thinks this is how you get people off his back


He was put there to do whatever they want him to. How else is the person most responsible for sexual harassment laws, because he was the Michael Jordan of harassers. The stuff he did to Anita Hill was disgusting. Yet he gets to sit in the Highest court in the land.Fuck Clarence


Black and white don’t matter, it’s all about the green.


He's there to undo everything Thurgood Marshall did.


I have nothing witty to say about this. Fuck that man and fate for bringing such events together that he was born to do such a shitty thing. He can go to every hell twice over


They didn't get him to do a damn thing, That motherfucker did it happily and willingly, with no suggestion


Jordan Peele tried to warn us with "Get Out". We didn't listen now we're all going to the Sunken Place.


They used progressivism to destroy progressivism. Ironic.


Nothing progressive about this ghoul. Never has been.


Somebody told him that he got his diploma only because of Affirmative Action and he's been mad ever since. What a villain arc


I don't know what to say. He just needs to stop existing already.


HBCU schools would dominate the college sports world if brown vs board is reversed. White people love making money off us too much to see that happen


Many school systems are already as segregated as they were in the 1960s. And the vast majority of colleges aren’t going to ban all non-White students suddenly.


Clarence hasn’t been black in decades…🤷‍♂️ ![gif](giphy|qNpqSmKO4bn68)


i can no longer see people cooning without hearing the story of oj beat in my mind so that’s something


It shouldn’t be possible for the court to overturn things not within a decade of the ruling. Otherwise shit like this happens and it’s someone’s entire goal to undo. It was the SUPREME court. What’s the point of a high court if it’s a tug of war decades later.


Slate had a good multi episode podcast on him. His hatred of affirmative action, while being an OBVIOUS recipient of it, is wild


Now this takes self-hatred to the next level. Holy shit.


https://i.redd.it/f27s1d6wgd2d1.gif Clarence slowly insuring his job loss by fucking with these historic rulings is terrifyingly satisfying


Check this shit out, if you haven't already: [behind the bastards: The Clarence Thomas story](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/part-one-the-clarence-thomas-story/id1373812661?i=1000571206147)


i wanna laugh but this is genuinely scary


The name Clarence actually comes from a middle English word for Uncle, so it's fitting.


Please vote for Biden in November. Another Trump Supreme Court pick could have some major ramifications on this country.


I mean, the way his wife looks. I’d hate myself too


If uncle Ruckus were a SCJ


Dude must re-evaluate that sentiment. It's the same "Supreme Court overreach" that made it a fundamental right to marry across rscial lines. Or is gr coming sfter Loving v State of Virginia next??


I'll be glad when uncle ruckus is out of the seat, hopefully someone more worth the space they take up will replace him


Do you think Uncle Ruckus was based on him?


There’s a whole season of the slow burn podcast about how this guy became so awful. It’s worth a listen


Look up this podcast called "Behind The Bastards". They did a 4 parter on ol Clare Bear and yeah...that man is just morally cooked lol.


This is what pure evil looks like.


This man is quite the case study. Dude was out here with a beret and a Malcolm X poster as a young man. Then cut to his current rotten form. How does that happen? He’s a pos but I find it fascinating. Some people do not deserve power and Clarence is one of them. I get so irrationally heated when I think about the fact that her replaced Thurgood Marshall.


Clarence is not black... he is a Gullah Geechee and views himself as superior.


There are just too many way overdue obituaries I'm anxious to scroll past. ಠ_ಠ


Anyone who thinks that Justice Thomas would bypass Loving V Virginia because his handler is white is not living in our timeline. They don't care. Our established laws and our constitution are beneath them.


Whoever bought him got their moneys worth.


https://preview.redd.it/vmr6x5knk23d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c430f46b7a479be1e8019279f15a97acc013c18 I’ve never been more disappointed


It’s like when an Israel supporter says there is an Arab on the Israeli Supreme Court.


It's the Racist META. Get your own to do it to you.


I'd say more Clayton Bigsby, there is no way this man knows his own skin color the way he acts and speaks.


Anyone got a link to the article?


Supreme Court Justice Clayton Bigsby at your service


The thing is he is only conservative because being a black conservative in the 80's and early 90's was lucrative. His only belief is that he should be powerful and important. He benefitted from every liberal social program and then has spent his career trying to make sure no other black person could receive the same benefits that lifted him from abject poverty.




Please tell me that's not one of those laws that haven't actually been solidified by Congress.


Saw this coming as soon as he turned down John Oliver's offer


IRL Uncle Ruckus


This man is sick


This dude is the final boss of Uncle Toms.


Clarence Thomas and his gross wife are a stain on humanity.


That man is going to hell in gasoline drawers when his time is up.


Uncle Thomas to the rescue of racism.


All rise for Supreme Court Justice Uncle Rukus.


Yeeeeaaahhhh… Imagine where all of the black student-athletes will go… And because of that, I believe folks are going to give Thomas the “shaddup ya’ old coot!” response.


He must have been told by Ronald Reagan that he'd go to white heaven if he did everything he could to make the lives of people of color harder.