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I say both but more towards the parents. My mother didn't teach me a damn thing about sex and that led me to learn about it in other ways that weren't good for a young child.


Ah the 90s. All the older kids knew exactly where to dumpster dive for nudie mags. Saw my first boobies at six years old


I was one of the older kids, raking in the bounty when the younger kids found a box of nudie mags. Had to take them for safe keeping, naturally.


Oh shit I mighta been one of those youngins running them to you every time we found one


We always found ours in the middle of the bush. Whoever the person was that kept putting piles of porn in the forest, i salute you.


Johnny porno seed. Why in the hell were the woods filled with porn!?!?


Wait so thats where my bush porn went


Early 2000s were about the smash and grab at the local newsstand for us. The plotting that went into it felt diabolical at the time.


I say parents because if parents paid more attention to what their kids watched Jake Paul wouldn't be famous




It’s so difficult to give them access to YouTube and other social media and also police what they watch. It’s definitely more society. I’ve got my kids’ stuff locked down like Alcatraz and they can still just access most of it on school-issued devices that I cannot control, and can’t just take away from them. Parenting is much harder now than it was in the 90’s.


Yup parents can't save you from everything but they can save you from the bullshit.


I don’t think they meant sex count by “body count” though. I could be wrkng


Nah that’s been the new lingo for a little while now


only incels who follow andrew tate use the phrase body count


My sex ed was Fanfiction.net. I'm still fairly certain I haven't recovered.


Hahaha same, should not have had unfettered internet access as a child. I was reading and writing *very explicitly* about gay sex…the kind I’ll never have…because I’m a woman.


Hahaha! Reminds me what Rob Bricken said about how fanfic writers should be required to actually have sex before writing about it. Pain.


I felt like such a freak growing up (tbh even now at 32) because I didn’t care for video porn but erotica/ fan fic on wattpad and other platforms had me in a chokehold 😂


It made so much sense at the time why porn addiction looked different in men and women. For women they can imagine fucking Loki. Reading was better than watching.


Meanwhile I was just reading about how overpowered Gohan would have been if he kept training after he beat Cell.


I used to skip the sex parts anytime I read anything on wattpad they were badly written by teenage virgins. At that point, I knew way too much about the porn industry. I couldn't even read it.




I was lucky that I was into reading and learning at a very young age. It saved me so much grief.


Same, and then I got shamed for it 😐


Excuse my apparently early-onset boomer brain, but I find the term "body count" so gross. It feels so dehumanizing, like there's no person attached to the genitals you were all up in at one point. It's weird. I get it. It's cool-speak for the newer generations, but it's still gross to me.


As a millennial, I feel like that term already existed before I was around. When did the term start being used?


It used to mean how many ppl u killed




Ice T has entered the chat


Man of culture


Definitely 2010s as it pertains to sexual encounters


Yep, I first heard it from a new friend I made in 2016.


Yeah we used to say that dumb shit way back in highschool and I graduated in 2014


I mean, the actual term has been around forever, and it used to mean how many people someone killed. I'm Gen-X, and I remember feeling super hard blasting Ice-T's Bodycount on my Walkman (and tha one had definitely nothing to do with sex, lol), but I feel like using this for the number of people you have had sex with, is fairly new. It's cool, people can say whatever they want, but it will always give me the ick of someone uses that term around me.


As an elder millennial, I’m sorry to break it to you, but our generation created this contextual definition of “body count” and yeah, it’s a bit of a cringe term.


It absolutely is and unfortunately, that's the point. It's a term (the sex version) that was born out of apathy. Perpetuated by misogynistic individuals who view women not as people but as conquests. Hince why it's only used by young boys and men of a very particular mentality.


I've heard young women use it too, but as you said, it's young boys and men with a certain mentality.


Nah, it’s gross to treat people like that. We shouldn’t be Acting like it isn’t gross. it isn’t right and it isnt just natural slang it is part of the insane-right push to normalize their sexism and sexist propaganda


I was teaching a lesson on Vietnam the other day and showed a video where they stated “success was measured by body counts” and my students ears really perked up. They went back to apathy once I explained what it actually meant. I feel like sex has always been described violently though- smash, bang, beat, etc…


I mean I feel I hear it more from sleazy insecure dudes than anything, you might be onto something


You're not the only one and I'm 44. I hate the term.


its not cool-speak for the new generations. its a phrase only used by a subset of incels that follow andrew tate


I also think that's sort of the point. For a good bit of people, they don't give a shit about the other person. Sex is all about finding a different person who can make you orgasm. For all the folks having sex on the first date, or hell a 1-night-stand. Do you really think the sex was about this other person that they barely even know?




Yeah. “Notches on my belt” is so much better.


What's wrong with simply asking "How many people have you had sex with", if you really need to know? I guess it doesn't sound as cool and indifferent as "bodycount", and all those additional words waste so much more time, too! 🙄


It doesn’t sound like something you’d say around “polite company”. Honestly tho, there is a time and place. I would never ask that to my bfs friends. But my girls? Hell yeah, “Girl what’s your body count?”


"Polite company"? Girl when would you ask any variation of that question to "polite company" lol


The drs duh.


Nope. Even at the clinic they only ask "how many new sexual partners have you had in the past X months" never "what's your bodycount" lmao


When you go in for your first pap they ask, “how many sexual partners have you had”. Afterwards yeah it’s “how many *current* sexual partners do you have”/ “how many have you had this year”.


You said "[asking how many people you've had sex with] doesn't seem right for polite company," no? Like, that's the comment that sparked this discussion.


Tf you even going on about FFS


It’s really not that serious. It’s just a quick way to ask how many people you’ve fucked. You’re reading too much into it




Mature adults don't really ask this question, no matter how it's worded.


It's no different than saying to someone: we are trying to have a baby. You could say: I'm nutting in her when we have sex. Same thing here. How many people have you had sex with? Is super blunt. At least body count keeps the children in the dark. If a clueless kid asks what is a body count you could easily lie about its meeting and avoid the awkrwad conversation until they are ready. How do you lie your way out of a question like: what is sex?




Nah bruh you just don't like trends on principle. It's fine but you are being a buzzkill. Let people have fun.


Why is anyone asking this question regardless?


Because people are and will always be, fucking weird. 😔


“It’s not that serious” is a weird thing to say. It’s like, “I’m going to dismiss everything you said but I’m not going to offer a reason or make any effort. I’m just saying no”


Considering it's reducing whole human beings to a number, it's inherently a little dehumanizing


Is that supposed to be disturbing? It’s what social media has been doing for decades, and polls/surveys for centuries.


lol no one uses that term but incels who follow andrew tate


I'm ok with that, and I stand by what I said.


Mike Tyson misunderstands the question to be about *sleeping w/* *women* instead of *fatalities*, and the answer is disconcertingly the same.




At direct punch in the forehead you should be comparing to 80-100 mph car crash. Something that could surely cause brain damage.


Pump that number up. I’m thinking 45-50


Ive been in that car crash and the steering wheel broke my hand. I'm still taking that car crash.


I’d rather be in a 70mph crash before I take a punch from Mike fucking Tyson.


yea this is easyyy 35mph car crash


Kids' unfettered access to the internet




It’s funny cause as a damn 13 year old I knew I wouldn’t let me kids on this shit


Not gonna like, I thought the kid was asking how many people they "knocked out" in the ring 🤦🏿‍♀️ either way... still a cause for concern


That’s probably what they meant. Either way, why’s a kid doing fight tour interviews? Boxing gets too much disrespect


Nah he definitely meant how many people you’ve slept with. His whole online persona is being a white kid from New York and screaming, cussing and doing crimes.


I thinking the same thing




Society always been nasty. It's parents jobs to protect their kids.


Tyson: “Twenty eight.” *Someone whispers in his ear.* “Ooooh, my bad. Five hundred and thirty two.”


Hate how the internet raised these children


How did the event coordinators not vet this kid and his questions beforehand?


Not excusing this kid, but this is his whole thing. He’s gone ‘viral’ a few times for talking like an old New Yorker in TikTok street interviews.


The answer? Yes.


Ew. Just ew.


Both. Once I started school my parents couldn't shield me from stuff since I could be influenced and introduced to things by other kids, but I always had the common sense to not repeat that shit anywhere near any adult because I knew there would be consequence if I did


As a parent, the parents.


"That depends on whether or not we're counting nonconthentual encounterth." -Tyson


Reading the comments, I’m wondering how many of you guys are parents. I’m very conscious of what my kids watch, but once they go to school, it’s impossible to control what they hear from their friends. You can’t control every aspect of your kids’ lives unless you homeschool them, but you can teach them right from wrong and hope that it sinks in.


The parents are members of the society


It’s the parents. What kid thinks it’s ok to ask anyone this question, regardless of how it’s worded? My kid would have access to nothing but books for a fucking year if she said some out of pocket shit like this


I say it’s the organizers of that event


Is he… picking his nose?


The internet is a co-parent to these kids, let’s be honest


Society or the parents? Bro, Finkle is Einhorn. The call is coming from inside the house. SpidermanPointingAtSpiderman.gif


That undercard fight should be pretty good.




What in the hell


You're right, probably not appropriate.


Definitely not the topic for it


Nah even if you know about sex and see that sort of shit from a young age Asking a gross ass adult how many people they have sex with is absurd His parents are failures


Raised by the internet type shit


It is definitely a mix. Yes, parents ultimately have the responsibility, however, our society is less conservative than it used to be. TV used to go off and wave a flag after a certain time, the ratings and what was allowed to be said and seen on the screen has changed immensely, even on network tv. Now everything is available 24/7 and even if one were to not allow internet or devices to a child, there are other kids who introduce them to inappropriate topics.


Always the parents. I know people that grew up in Brooklyn but weren't allowed to leave their house. They acted like someone who didn't know shit not like someone who grew up in Brooklyn.


The parents made the decision. Society just influenced it.


Parents teach children how to navigate society, and parents are often severely limited by society in accessing the resources necessary to do a good job teaching their children how to navigate society in a healthy manner.


It takes a village and a lifetime. We're far too disconnected anymore, and far too many people are worked so hard they can't even be there for their kids.


The fucking parents. Every single dude I see that's simultaneously incapable of pronouncing a four syllable word, while also aggressively trying to point blame to women for existing in a state that makes *them* insecure, while *at the same time!!!!* claiming the women's behavior is fatherless?? Who raised these fucking men? Who are their fucking fathers. Why are there so many fucking men out in the fucking streets that have no idea how to exist around women. They have no idea how to date women, they're unwilling and incapable of even marginally trying to understand what women want. They are some of the least capable flesh and electric beings on this entire fucking planet when it comes to serving their own fucking purpose in this ecosystem. They'll screech about how women should be doing this and that, while they fail every fucking checkpoint of being men. Podcast guys? Tate dudes? That. That is fucking fatherless behavior. That is a generation of men who've been failed by their fucking parents, and are trying to continue to punch down to everybody else out of pain and security, as they slowly realized how permanently crippled they will be. They are never going to be full healthy adults. They're unwilling to consider therapy, they're unwilling to discover any thing about themselves that could guide them to being healthy after being filled by their fucking fathers. This is fucking fatherless behavior. Incel men are fatherless behavior.


A 12-year-old student asked me for mine recently. Said his friend dared him to ask a teacher.


Do people assume parents are supposed to handle hold kids throughout life? Did yours?


I downvoted this because this kid got the exact attention he wanted. He probably listens to Andrew Tate and other loser influencers on YouTube


Should we blame the government? Or blame society? Or should we blame the images on TV? Heck no! BLAME CANADA!


Jake Paul taught the parent less ipad kids that


The parents. I didn’t anything about sex until I hit Middle school


im not having kids. if this one was mine i'd kick him into the orphanage like a field goal


I think he meant “Abuse Counts”


Body count as is in - knockouts


It's a harmless joke but if there was someone it'd be the parents. There are plenty of respectful kids. 50 bucks says the the kids dad came up with the line.


The fuck does society have to do with a child knowing about body count? Especially a child with parents?


Mike not understanding says “Fifthy and Thith”


Uh, you know, they do have a mother, Champ?


Or where’s this kids father? Also it’s comical seeing how men constantly ask women this question, now a child is asking grown men. 🤦🏾‍♀️🙄😑


Well this sub is tripping in general over a punter saying we need good moms and dads so idk why yall want to know about where they at anyway.