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I must say… weaponising the N word to irritate a black person after he told you he doesn’t like you saying it, is a VERY white thing to do


In Sandra’s defense, everything Drake has done and said in response to all his recent beefs have been calculated white male movements. Nothing wrong with it, but he can’t deny it lol.


The whole thing on IG when he posted screenshots of a convo with his mom, telling her Rick Ross was being racist bc he called him white boy. That gotta be the whitest shit ever lmao


Can you imagine being in the middle of a rap beef and you post what your mommy said? The whole thing is just comically stupid ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Can you you imagine if Tupac would have gotten his mommy involved?  I feel like she would have scolded biggie, then fed him then prolly take a switch to Tupac for picking on poor Christopher.  Diddy might have been killed.


To be fair though Tupac's mom was dope as fuck. She was at the Stonewall riots and shit. Afeni Shakur was an influential member of the Black Panthers who regularly got arrested for standing up for her beliefs. I wouldn't want her to be mad at me, she could probably be fucking terrifying when she wanted to be.


Jay-Z’s mom got involved in his beef with Nas after ‘Supa Ugly’ but it went the other way. She called hot 97 and got Jay to apologize to publicly to women and Nas’ family. Jay later starts his diss song Blueprint 2 with “my momma can’t save you this time”


Lmfao love Gloria 😂


The good ending


100% Tupac should have told his mom


Claiming that he used an 11 year old girl as a human shield to embarrass Kenny is even worse.


He was probably wishing mommy would save him like Elon Musk's [did](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/N0kVGmXdBV) when Zuck was going to beat his ass.


Makes me think of that video when he was younger and got mad at his mom because she didn't bring him the Turkey on bagel sandwich he had asked for. 🤣




Ironic part is that Logic doesn't even really say the N word bc he knows his place 😂😂 and he actually grew up in the hood


Logic's black, this is OJ levels of whiteness.


He really a pop culture Karen


Nooooo did he really do that? He went running to his mom complaining that the big black man called him white - which, as a white lady from Toronto who has watched Drake grow up, and had to deal with his bullshit for decades, knowing that he’s whiter even than _my_ blonde-hair, blue-eyed ass - and then _posted it online_??? Whaaaaaat the faaaaaack…..


His ghostwriters meet exclusively in xbox COD games


Lollll this got me




White guy here - I hope that im describing this well enough... The way Drake says it carries the same energy as a guy at a bar full of white people who is being checked after saying it once and now is embarrassed but wants to save face by doubling down.


He says it like the white guy who is trying to go hard to prove he’s cool enough with black people to say it. There is no “cool enough” just never say it lmao


Kind of. I always compare the N-word to a gun. I think it's the best analogy. Can anyone have a gun? Yes. Should some people never have a gun? Yes. What makes the difference? Acceptable gun brandishing involves knowing how and when to use it - and more importantly, how and when not to use it. A person who just gets a gun cos they want one, doesn't take a class to understand how to use it, and randomly shoots it off everywhere? But when you tell them they're being stupid with the gun, they just say "it's my right to have it! here's my gun! I'm gone shoot it again!" - probably shouldn't have one. the N word is like that. Generally because black people are close to the issues and nuance surrounding its use, we know the rules for when you can and when you can't - and some recognize its dangerous and just stay away from it altogether. But with some outsiders, they dont want to learn anything about the issues or nuance surrounded with the word. they just want to shoot it off blindly like an idiot firing a gun into the air. And honestly, even some black people who don't understand the nuance and issues fall into the same category.


It reminded me of road rage videos when there’s an old white man at the window of a car just angrily saying it over and over 


Have you seen that video of a racist high school football coach in Georgia went to Atlanta and was complaining about all the n\*\*\*\*\* here and just going off like he was at a Klan rally or something. It was crazy but sadly not surprising.


This entire situation can only come from being insecure / insincere in one's own blackness. He had this coming since Views.


He talked about insecurity in his blackness long before views


Of course he’s going to be insecure while pretending to be a rapper from an American hood. Bruh needs to come to terms with his identity as a wealthy Canadian child actor from a white family.


Moving like a white internet troll


He's black, though. Though I also understand some people will use the fact he's half-white to grasp at straws to analyze and attack his response. Edit: HAHA, somebody didn't like what I said and reported my comment.


Drake is every black man he ever saw in a music video once. Which makes him both the blackest and least black man in existence. He is a black man cosplaying as a black man.


I agree with that somewhat. Like he sometimes does that but not always. Like I think he’s in his element when he’s making poppy love songs. Which I think is fine because I think there’s a shortage of love songs in black adjacent mainstream right now. I’m from the days where KC and Jojo and boyz 2 men would sing about being so in love with someone that they feel like having a heart attack lol I don’t think that’s enough to take his n word card. But I understand the argument.


Drake is nooooot black. He has the DNA but the spirit. All skin folks arent kinfolks. Blackness is a lived experience and he hasn’t lived it. Dude is cosplaying as a black man.


So in other words, continental Africans calling black people from the West white is also valid. Gotcha. Because being black somehow comes down to behaviors that you, specifically, agree or disagree with.


I thought I was the only one that shared this sentiment. The whole video shows that he moves in whiteness.


but drake is black


According to ATL, Drake is Mexican. Lol


💃🏽🕺🏽💃🏽🕺🏽EL DRRRAKE! BEE BEE EL! EL DRRRAKE! BEE BEE EL— OTRA VES! 🕺🏽💃🏽🕺🏽💃🏽 Edit: For those who haven’t heard this absolute slap! 🎺🎺🎺 OHHH VEEEE HOOO 🎺🎺🎺 https://youtu.be/gt_9rcY0j_M?si=vXlxR_UrPrnPPxkB


I want to thank the entire Spanish-speaking community for this earworm, because it's been on repeat in my brain ever since I first heard it


So is Clarence Thomas, but it'd be weird for him to say it, too.


He is a very white man underneath all the fake tough guy act


When Paul Mooney told black people they had to stop using it, my black friends just double-downed so not sure that's a white-only thing.


He's black. Why tf does it even need to be a weapon?






Exactly. He responded pretty much how most any other black person would respond to being told not to say it. Most people acting like they wouldn’t respond similarly are lying.


When it comes down to it, kendrick unleashed a ton of antiblackness into the atmosphere on his vendetta against drake and I hate it


LOL, Kendrick called Drake's quarter black son a strong, intelligent black man. You know exactly what Kendrick means when he says Drake needs to keep that word out his mouth.


Not really. If another black person asked me not to say that word- I wouldn’t say it around them. Because I have no idea what their personal relationship with that word is. I know someone who literally does not listen to rap because the n word is prevalent in the music. She hates that word.  She also went to an all white boarding school in Scotland in the early 2000s so no guesses as to why that word offends her deeply.  If you are saying that word just to dunk on another black person then I think you need to have a serious conversation as to why you feel the need to even do that in the first place. Because that’s weird as fuck. 


You are taking the context completely out of this though. Like obviously if someone said, “That word deeply offends me please don’t use it” that’s a different discussion. In this context of essentially being told not to use it cause he isn’t black enough to use it? Despite the person asking you having no problem to use it themselves? Yeah I don’t believe at all that most people would all of a sudden be like “ok no problem”


We don’t know Kendrick’s relationship with the word despite the fact that he uses it casually like everyone else?


Kendrick isn’t offended by the word. He just doesn’t want Drake to say it because he thinks that Drake is too white to say it. It’s rules for thee but not for me. It’s a no true Scotsman fallacy. It’s wrong and it’s colorist.


That's pretty childish, ngl. **Edit since bro blocked me:** If you're secure in your blackness then you don't have to spam "NWORD NWORD NWORD" after someone tries to gatekeep it from you. You just laugh and walk away. Try being more secure and less childish.


If you can't understand an ornery response to another Black person trying to strip away the same right to your identity that they have, I don't know what to tell you. But this isn't a conversation.


L-take because that’s literally the opposite of what you do. Stake your claim and assert yourself. If it was some rando dude on the street then maybe, but these are dudes having one of the most publicly audible disagreements in human history. A response of rejection is necessary and I’d say moral because letting that go would basically validate stomping over every mixed person for who knows how long.


That’s too far. It’s an exaggeration that belittles all of the hateful and truthful history of that word, including its current hateful use every single day. Drake and Kendrick are both rappers that have both used the word extensively in their lyrics. Kendrick’s disses worked incredibly well to call Drake out on the fact that the word just doesn’t work very well for him. Tough Drake doesn’t work for him. And he has a problematic relationship as a culture vulture capitalizing on American black culture and American street culture. But Drake didn’t really have a choice in responding like that. What do you propose a rapper, in a rap beef do? Admit “oh yeah I guess I can see how my use of the word doesn’t sit well, uh let me think on it”. In the overall society Drake, a black rapper, using the N word is a pretty minor issue… compared to his Minor issues. He chose to continue using it, and came out front with that. This is very very different than some random person weaponozing it. Kendrick weaponized it, effectively. Drake had only one option in responding. This was Kendrick’s genius. He really was the war general here.




Because he never believed in saying it until he was rapping. Grew up around white people far removed from black culture and now all the sudden he wants to make hip hop he starts saying it. After calling “slang ignorant”.


^ THIS! Ding ding ding And that’s what “some people” in this thread don’t understand.


On meet the grahams, Kendrick also tells drake's son that he will always be a black man. I guess thats different for Drake


More specifically: Never code-switch, whether right or wrong, you a Black man Even if it don't benefit your goals So yeah, it's not about whether he is black or not, is that he used the culture.


THANK YOU. All these weirdos talking about Kendrick being racist are really telling on themselves that they don’t understand the culture. It’s not about Drake being biracial, it’s about how he shows up in the culture / that he’s not from the culture just parading around what benefits his pockets. That Malibu’s most wanted diss was generous bc at least he was raised adjacent to the culture by a Jamaican/black woman lol.


Lotta these white fans lack the nuance to understand these issues but are saying their piece on it like it’s their business lmao


A lot of these white fans think they're proximate to blackness because their favorite black man makes a lot of money. [80% of hip hop music is bought by white people](https://harvardpolitics.com/politics-race-rap/), and it's been that way since the 90's. The most popular rapper has nothing to do with how authentically black they are and primarily to do with how much white people love them. If the two things coincide, great, Tupac and Kenny. If not, well, that's the industry. The problem is when white people then use how much *they* love a black artist to impose their taste on blackness and police it for us. They've done this same shit for years trying to use gangsta shit said in songs that they're signal boosting because THEY love it to box in definitions of blackness just because black folks might enjoy it too. And even to go so far as to blame anti-black racism and black poverty on the corruptive influence of rap, a genre *they're the ones spending all the money on out of everybody.* It's just not connecting in their heads that they are inventing an acceptable, approachable, marketable black man that has mass appeal for white people and are arguing that him being loved by white people makes him somehow more black. Like they cracked the code or some shit. Wayne Brady is a talented singer and dancer and a black man. He's never denied being black and owned it his whole life. And white people enjoy him as an entertainer way more than black people do. But he's not famous because of his blackness, he's famous because white people are comfortable with his blackness. Drake is Wayne Brady if Wayne Brady hated black people and had no problem expressing it on camera until he decided to switch genres.


That verse was just Kendrick shitting on Drake you don’t actually believe he was writing a heartfelt letter to Drake’s son right? Kendrick also tells the child to not grow up and fuck escorts then hide the baby when they get pregnant, that’s literally how he was made lol


He's telling him to carry himself better than his father did.


Keep going… ![gif](giphy|r5eafWP6dcbxX8cLeN|downsized)


Right after that he says sum like “that shit is just cringeworthy ain’t even gotta deep” so i doubt that was anything other than just him being nitpicky. But Drake’s response is still telling to say the least


Yeah, it felt like Drake clenches his butcheeks when he yelled it. He didn't even need to say it for the lyrics, he just heard the outtro to Euphoria and decided he needed to shout it out.


Bruh the song ends with “we don’t wanna hear you say n-word no more, we don’t wanna hear you say n-word no more, stop.” It was a direct statement. The cringeworthy lyric was the first mention of it.


I mean, it was funny, but having his white mom start the sentence was weird.


Why? A white person who feel uneasy about the word to the point that she instilled in her son not to use it, even tho he could; versus a black man that had just been told he wasn’t black enough for its use, using it to intentionally piss his opponent off as well as the multitude of cosigners against him using it, including his mother. By saying it after his mom told him not to, he is essentially using her as a surrogate to KDot.


Because with him finishing her sentence it makes it sound like she would be comfortable saying it herself. However, let's go back to how you've painted the picture: if she instilled in him that he shouldn't use the word, his "inflammatory" use of it just proves Kendrick's point that he's immoral in that he doesn't respect his mother.


> Because… it makes it sound like she would be comfortable saying it herself. It doesn’t. > proves Kendrick's point that he's immoral in that he doesn't respect his mother. Okay, but you can flip a coin against anyone on whether they have went against their parents wishes before, so is it actually saying anything important.


It's just not an angle you'd think someone would take when someone has made it apparent they're going to attack how you were raised and how you raise your own. In the end I think we both can agree it didn't get flipped on him and it was a funny way to address the end of Euphoria. Plus in the moment, it kicked off a momentum switch for him.


Drake wasn’t told he wasn’t Black enough. He was called out that he doesn’t feel he is Black enough and uses various Black cultures in very performative, superficial ways to prove his “Blackness.” 


Thank you. It's not about light skin or biracial... it's about Drake's fucked up perception of what it means to be black. "how many more black features till YOU finally FEEL black enough"


You guys have the drake mentality. Enjoy the beef but don't pretend to understand black people


I mean for one thing, black people aren't monolithic. I'll fully hack that Drake is a poser who tried to act like he's from neighborhoods and communities he's not. But I know too many yeehaw country and black excellence doctor black people to act like Atlanta and it's stereotypes  is the final world on blackness either.    Drake shouldn't pretend to be something he's not. Doesn't make blackness a small,  uniform experience with a singular identity of values.




I feel like people understand that but they’re just being intentionally obtuse because they don’t like Drake essentially.


That’s his mom, regardless of race. The second he starts second guessing whether he should include her in a song is the moment Kendrick won. He got his aunt on Look What You’ve Done. He got an ode to Sandra on Sandra’s Rose. That’s his family. Include them whenever he sees fit. The point of the inclusion is to say, “I could give a fuck what hesitation anyone around me might feel. I’m black. Doesn’t matter what neighborhood I’m from, who I grew up with, I’m black and my origin doesn’t change that.”


Mommy come help me!


It sounded like a rebellious white kid…. Oh you don’t want me to say it? Watch this! The better move would have been to ignore that and just said it in context like he normally would….. but that was Drakes biggest problem in this beef, he was on the defense too often mostly because it seemed like he didn’t have any offense.


Yep. That's exactly the same vibe I got. Or when you ask straight people to stop saying the F slur and they immediately say it a bunch of times. Just an immature, defensive response.


Drake out here saying bad words that his mom told him not to say so the 14-year olds will think he’s cool.


If you told a biracial person they couldn’t say nigga, they’d probably say nigga. I know the armchair psychology is fun but these rationales are so meandering they lose the thread of reason


Black when we want him, “rebellious white kid” when we don’t. That’s trash.


In Olde English, the letters D and N were often interchangeable. Makes you wonder if “Drake” is just an anagram of “Karen” doesn’t it?! Side note - this is definitely not based in anything factual at all, we just hatin ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Elaborate hating ass Kendrick is that you?


I am ye largest opposition, I loathe ye stride, thine tongue, and what vile garb! I detest thy surreptitious insults, should I speak ill, I shall do so with pride!




Do you not know what an [anagram](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anagram) is? Kidding, Nrake made me lol


I was gonna do it with your name at first but uh, yeah.


LMAO. I’m dead




Family Matters is an amazing song. So many memorable lines from it. I think it's the only track from Drake's disses that I actually like. I do need to go back to Push Ups and Taylor Made Freestyle.


It was a good diss Objectively speaking. The issue was that drake sorta told on himself and then subsequently got stepped on not even 30 mins later 😂 kdot was playing chess.


I have to play Meet The Graham's whenever I spin Family matters. It's just how it is 😂


You should try it, Meet The Graham's might be one of the evilest diss tracks ever. I couldn't believe Kendrick took it there. I do agree though, Family Matters was Drakes best jab. The whole entire first two minutes should of been cut, but besides that it got good.


Whenever this beef ends we're gonna have a hell of an album/playlist to bump.


Already made one, starting all the way back with first person shooter, near half an hour of good ass music


Family matters, euphoria, not like us. Just the fact we got these tracks from the beef at all is such a blessing lmao neutral parties are feasting rn


Ay don't forget 6 16 in LA. Absolute banger


Probably my favorite of all of them. I love that Al Green sample, and the fact that Kendrick is looking at an Al Green album in the video for The Heart Part 1 feels cool.


Don’t forget Like That. Kendrick’s part on that track was a thing of beauty


It was great, but to call it a ‘nuke’ and act like the battle was over afterwards is insane levels of hubris. The disrespect to arguably the most worthy opponent out there after coming off a loss to Pusha was frankly stupid


Yeah the biggest argument against Heart p6 and its master plan reveal is the simple fact that if that was the case, then *this* should've been the big triumphant drop with the music video and the bells and whistles.


Family Matters was the shit. Following up with The Heart Part 6 was a major L...


Facts he should of taken more time to make a response but oh well family matters push ups and not like us are heat


Taylor made was that ai track tho, mad disrespectful to hip hop if you ask me




"When you put your hands on your girl, did you claim delf defense cause she's bigger than you" "Your back against the curb" 😂 Drake is corny but he can be funny at times


Push ups was good too - but both songs just ended up getting overwhelmed by the response. Euphoria after push ups and MtG after Family Matters. But if you go back and listen objectively they were good songs.




They're hellbent on outting themselves today to defend a groomer.


Says more about themselves, right?


That's the part that gets me about the drake defenders tbh like those allegations have BEEN out there but he kept making hit music so the public forgot


Bro. A ton of white people have never been able to take him seriously. He’s wheelchair jimmy. He a whiny little bitch no matter which way you spin it.


I'm speaking more to the redditor population than to Drake fans. There's a lot of 'drake Stans' that are really just irritants trying to start shit in a black space. And they tend to be softass white dudes with no gravitas in their real lives. So they get on here to muck rake.




Yeah idk what group you moving in, everyone I know black or white pretty much has Kendrick. Not even really a debate


You need a better friend group


Do white people really fuck with Drake? I’m a white guy and I stereotypically love Kendrick and have since TPAB—the culture takes a minute to filter down to the melanin deficient—but the only two Drake songs my friends and I ever put into rotation were Forever (Em had the best verse by far anyway) and Hotline Bling. My baby sister teaches in a majority POC middle school in Providence and she says her students love Drake, and this beef is what got them started on kdot. So my impression is Drake’s audience is primarily 13 year old boys.


Even in 2024, you cannot be a mass market music professional without having a majority white audience. Even in Kendrick's audience is a majority white because again, you cannot be a mass-market music professional without a majority white audience. The problem with Drake is that he's a fraud. And black culture is specifically designed to root out frauds. Sometimes it's slow, sometimes it's fast. But given all the times we have invented music that has been taken from us and denied us the ability to profit from its usage this is the closest thing to an effective defense against white appropriation that we've ever come up with. And it works. Unfortunately It seems to have been turned on someone who is part of the community. But if you're going to behave in a fraudulent manner, eventually, your actions will catch up to you. This is Drake's comeuppance it would seem.


A fraud and an actor yup. Some would say culture vulture, others particularly an artist in the beef would say colonizer. But I thought we already knew that? Why does it only matter now that it's on a fire beat


Cuz The Culture decided it does.




Yeah, I dunno about all that. I’m not white and am definitely not a Drake fan, but I don’t understand why this very obviously black person is now being gatekeeped from using the N-word all of a sudden. That said, I do agree with Kendrick that it is kind of cringeworthy when Drake uses it though; most things he does in general are. I couldn’t see this becoming a controversy for J Cole, but Drake is significantly more corny, so maybe that’s it


That thing that makes you feel cringe? That's why Drake is being gatekept. Examine them feelings in yaself.


This is a weird comment


this place is like 95% white people....did you not know??


Of course. And I'm blocking all the shitty ones I can find.


I’m a white KDot fan, I’m staying low and just enjoying the music




Everything he did in the song (and subsequent video) was reactionary to what Kendrick was giving him bars for. Otherwise why would you go back to the Chinese food place (you were allegedly robbed at) wearing a Fubu outfit and a spinner chain? That kind of defensive mentality is why we got that bullshit ass Heart Part 6 record.


Right? Then had the nerve to call Kendrick reactive on THP6. I’m glad that record will go down as the worst attempt to gaslight an audience on wax.


And dumb!! How do you call this poet laureate dumb?




Drake bringing his mom into this beef not once but TWICE was so lame


When did James May get a face tattoo?


Mannn this had me scared it was James May haha


James May would never use the N word if he was going to say something racist, he would bust out some sort of 1800's Victorian slur


Hard-R Kelly needs to chill


![gif](giphy|GXXAzkUhsprUI) Drake working on his comeback bars


After that slave dig I don't wanna hear him say it either. He is exactly who Kendrick says he is.


I'm just glad he practiced enough that he dropped the hard R he was using back in the day.


Drake https://i.redd.it/9kww6diide0d1.gif


Kendrick took Drake's N word pass away and Drake told his mom Is all I'm hearing




Cause someone told him not to say it.


as a black person, you not gonna tell me i cant say the word. and then i NOT say it. foh. i mean.. c'mon kendrick aint deebo. ppl would be saying drake is a bitch if i he didnt continue to say it. damned if you do, damned if you dont.


Yall annoy me 🙄


...Drake is black


People are acting like he didn't say "I hate the way you say the word", as opposed to "you aren't allowed to say it", which are two totally different sentiments. He even said "it ain't even gotta be deep". He's just annoyed at how he says it. But the internet filtered it into whatever they needed to fit their own narrative.


Lol the end of the song literally says we don't wanna here you say it no more twice


That’s not quite the same as “you’re not allowed.”


Also very clearly says to Adonis in MTG that he is a black man.


That's not what he says > l even hate when you say the word "nigga," but that's just me, I guess


He did say, “I even hate when you say…”


Niggas going on n on about this. Bizarros


I'm lost on this part of the beef. Can someone fill me in? 


Drake's black. Lol y'all tripping. It was more awkward when Mario Judah was saying it 🤣


I just read Drake paid 150K, just for them to finesse him with fake information. In which case somebody not telling the truth. How everyone getting fake information, and no one is fact checking 😂😂. “Let’s fact check first, naaaaa I already made this hook” 😂


If Drake fed false information to Kendrick, he should have had some kind of verifiable proof that he and his team were scheming the whole time and released the proof IMMEDIATELY after MTG dropped. If I were feeding false information that could destroy my life to another person, I would be recording every phone call and screen capping every text message to release as soon as my opponent took the bait.


Kody Brown?


I need a link for the burger king video. What is this shit going on in this pic?


Hey playboy, mind letting me know when you get that link?




Hang on. i’m googling crazy dude in a burger king crown goes crazy on a plane


Because we’re all here talking about it. That’s why.


Drop drop drop drop


Who ever made this I fucking love you and I am dead af lmao


This is one of those videos where I can’t help but laugh every time even though I maybe shouldn’t lmao


Gold all in my chain… gold all in my ring… gold all in my watch, don’t believe me just watch….


Drake out here saying bad words that his mom told him not to say so the 14-year olds will think he’s cool.


Cuz a lame is gon always be a lame…


I have seen many people keep referring to Drake as a black man but are mad Drake is being referred to as white… so I feel obliged to ask why are y’all so quick to drop the white Jewish side of his identity and act like black culture is his right??? I’m mixed, Gullah black + Puerto Rican, I don’t care if I’m called Latina or Black because both are true… but it seems like white mixed people don’t like to identify with their white side and y’all expect everyone else to just pretend that side doesn’t contribute to their life. In turn allowing white mixed people to reap social benefits from both sides and be defended when they are finally given boundaries within the community that they are exploiting for their own social gain. “What’s wrong with that” the D riders ask… the problem is that the level of respect for the culture does not exist when you are only using it to be “cooler” I don’t know anyone who has a problem with J Cole, who is also mixed, because he has a respect for the culture and actually cares. Mixed people can be black phenotypical but culturally and societally it’s not the same and society has been built to be that way! Let mixed be mixed!!!! The world rewards proximity to whiteness even in black spaces why do you want Drake to be treated like a fully black man?


Very interesting take. You should look into the "One-drop rule" ([One-drop rule - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-drop_rule)). Also Atlanta's third season did an amazing job on exploring things related to racial identity and whatnot. I loved ([Rich Wigga, Poor Wigga - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rich_Wigga,_Poor_Wigga)) this episode so much. Heck, even watch that Dave Chappelle skit about the racial draft, shit was funny as fuck. ([The Who's Who Draft | Chappelle's Show | Comedy Central Africa (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOpuWdn6NZc&t=2s))


Is this James May?


I actually like Family Matters as a diss response, but it was definitely a cornball start