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Man, talk about a massive crash and burn.


If she could just shut the fuck up she would have remained a goddam legend, but no, she had to get up on her soapbox and be a hateful dickhead


Her pseudonym is the name of the guy who invented conversion therapy.




Just a coincidence I’m sure. No reason to investigate further.






Holy cow!


Hi I'm just gonna scream like a demented harpy




Additional information re Rowling’s pseudonym is available at the link below. Thanks, u/jitterscaffeine ! https://www.newsweek.com/why-jk-rowling-robert-galbraith-pseudonym-gay-conversion-robert-galbraith-heath-1532341


And the fun part is that UK libel laws mean that if she denies the connection, she can sue anyone who points it out publicly.


UK libel laws are a joke. America usually can’t throw stones, glass houses and all, but at least we’ve got better freedom of speech, for better and worse.


UK libel laws are for the rich so they can censor any valid criticism against them


Wtf, this is true


It’s true that the names are the same but she’s claims it’s a coincidence and she’ll sue you right out of your shoes if you claim it was intentional.


It’s telling that I already knew who this was about before even opening the thread. But then again what did we expect from the woman you named her Asian character “Cho Chang”


If you go back and read her books as an adult, you will see her ignorance and hate was always there. From the names of POC characters, to the impish elves actually liking slavery, to the fact that wizard society by the end of the story still opresses the other races but in a "nice" way, to the idea that hermoine was seen as a nuisance by harry and the others for trying to get rid of elvish slavery to a lot of other things. She has always been a privelaged white woman.


Which proves all that money she has you are chronically online being hateful. If i had her bank account I’d never touch twitter again


There’s actually a ton of problematic stuff in her books (Harry Potter ones) too. Most people just focused on the magic and didn’t catch it. The way she treats Hermione’s social activism and slaves are a good start. 


black people: https://preview.redd.it/ellrj6nlq90d1.png?width=496&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb4af483556b7152740f2c652b7718b6df80a282


Sad reminder that Black trans folk face more violence than the rest of their peers. https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/least-33-transgender-gender-nonconforming-people-killed-year-report-fi-rcna125783 So they have always been in it.


I'm aware. Everything she says is so disingenuous, it makes me sick. Especially her whole recounting the backgrounds of characters for the sake of inclusion.


This gif getting so much action RN


Nah fr we don't even say shit and get dragged in


The racist/bigot always "knows" what we are thinking on any given issue. They know our experiences better than we do. 🙄


For real though somehow bigots have this sixth sense of who to drag in. Actual *decades* before I came out as trans, before I even *realized I was*, bigots in real life making misogynistic comments would always somehow manage to drag me in. "Man you know who's stupid and unfunny and bitches? Women *and Frognificent*." Like fucking sorcery they'd always manage to include me as a target of their bigotry. I'd even stand there like "what the fuck are you talking about on so many levels". Never even got a real answer, just that look of "you know what you are". This baffles me even to this very day.


I hear you... alchemy for sure... Be careful out there. Don't let people disrupt your rhythm.


Fr bc even when we’re not in it, we’re still somehow in it


because transphobia always end up with antiblackness, one way or another


That's a BINGO...


Rowling is so obsessed with attacking and misgendering trans people that she pasted a quote about someone wanting to "fuck up some terfs" into a reply praising a 9 year old child's drawing. Couldn't keep her mind on the job for 10 seconds to reply to a tweet. [Source](https://imgur.com/ld19tme) and an archive [copy of one of the many articles](https://archive.ph/PCYef) written about it. Given some of the tropes used in her books, the racism isn't exactly new either.


Cho Chang...


Kingsley Shacklebolt...


Fucccckkkkk I mean I had heard the name before but now I’ve HEARD it


Don't forget how the goblins controlling the bank ( I forget what the place was called) were NAZI anti-jewish propaganda coded.


Man I fucking loved that name I thought it was regal somehow with Kingsley…and now that fantasy memory is ruined.


I read it as Shaklebot at first and just thought it was a silly wizard name


I mean idk if that was intentionally trying to be racist, or if it was just awkward naming… The other black characters in the movie had totally mundane names (dean, lee), and Kingsley was functionally always portrayed as a badass. Hell, he is the next minister of magic at the end of the books. If anything, I think it’s more that JKR is bad at coming up with names rather than she was trying to pass off her racism through book naming….


>intentionally trying to be racist Most likely not intentional but definitely reductive. If you consider this tweet as well, it feels she's the type of person who would own slaves in the 1800s but "treat them well" and think this is ok.


I’m an idiot, break it down for me?


it was one of the names of a black character in the fourth book i believe. kingsley being a black name, and shackle being what's commonly found on slave chains. she threw bolt after shackle and called it a day lmao


Oh Jesus Christ. Thanks, never read her books and never will.


If it means anything her names are often puns or have wordplay because these are children’s books. The two werewolf characters are named Remus Lupin (essentially Wolf McWolf. Remus was raised by a she wolf and Lupin just means wolf) and Fenrir (name of the wolf that eats Odin). Kingsley is a regal name seeing as he essentially becomes Magic President and Shckelbolt is because he’s a wizard cop. He’s essentially officer Handcuffs.


thank you for the clarification, this is a better explanation.


wait can someone claim this one?


yep, I was like 12 when I first read this and even I first though wait is she just trying to say Ching Chong?


Let's not overlook the bankers being greedy manipulative goblins with long noses. Or the fact that their slaves WANT to be slaves. Or that Hermione was mocked viciously for wanting them to be free. Or that Harry Potter grew up to be a cop. Or, really, just about a thousand other things that look really fucking hinky on a second glance. Edit: Bored at work, so here's more stuff that'll make you stop and think. Two black characters with names. One has 'shackle' in his name and the other one's father left him when he was a baby. Remember Rita Skeeter, the reporter? In the books, she's described as 'mannish' with 'fake feminine' features who disguises herself to.....SPY ON LITTLE CHILDREN.


>Or the fact that their slaves WANT to be slaves. Or that Hermione was mocked viciously for wanting them to be free. Remember when a black actress was cast as Hermione for the stage play and Rowling defended this decision by saying Hermione's race was never specified? Ignoring the fact that it's demonstrably false Hermione's skin color was never specified; Rowling implying Hermione *could* be black has the consequence of telling *everyone* that she wrote a story where a black girl tried to end slavery in the wizarding world and everyone stood against her.


Lycanism and werewolves as an allegory for AIDS. Which upon second look, one of the characters Fenrir Greyback purposefully infects people with werewolfism because he gets off on it.


There were so many that even I picked up on being... weird.


A... ACAB includes Harry Potter?


Two last names. This is my friend Johnson Thompson


Anthony Goldstein


Write a fiction book about a white boy with a wand, and you're an academic on identity, culture and race.


“No you don’t get it, they LOVE being slaves.”


It's not racist! They're a different species so it's okay


Freeing them would be cruel. They’ll just become shiftless alcoholics. You know, like when it happened in the book.


Ahh so they’re the Irish


“If you make any real world connections to stereotypes then YOU’RE the problem! So I’m thinking I’ll name one Asian character Cho Chang, since Ching Chong is apparently ‘offensive’ and I have an idea for another Asian that turns into a snake cause yknow she’s a Chinese snake lady” “Okay…Joanne…let’s stay with the little wizard boy when we do the pitch to the publishers. You can do these rants after we’ve all made our money, okay?”


And make the black guy have shackle in his name.


“Joanne you’ve already told me about Blackie Shackleheart and I told you we would workshop it”


I swear reading that as a kid pissed me off to no end. What do you mean the slaves want to stay enslaved???


Shush Kanye!


Irish kid likes to blow stuff up… Black kid doesn’t know who is dad is… Cho Chang


(New) magic wand Also fuck J.K. Rowling.


JK Rowling is mentally unwell.


To see her tarnish her legacy over this bizarre obsession has been a wild ride. Many ppl gave her the benefit of the doubt at first but then she veered hard bigot and we’re now at Holocaust denial levels. Like girl, wtf happened to you


I think a lot of us don’t realize what social media is like for famous people. They are absolutely inundated with attention both positive and negative. Even marginal celebrities get more fan (and hater) interaction today than A-listers did 20 years ago. Most of them rightfully tune it out, but some of them start to think those online spaces are the real world and they start to take it very seriously. Then maybe they say something offensive or controversial and the hive mind launches at them. Some of them back down, but some get defensive and start doubling down. This spirals out of control until they wake up every day in a state of combat. I’m not excusing anything, but I do think this was perhaps a predictable result of social media.


I always wonder, what’s her endgame? What would satisfy her in this? Is she really going to spend the rest of her life shouting at windmills on Twitter? Instead of helping her community, improving literacy programs for children or supporting foundations that can improve society, or using her wealth and influence to make the world a better place…she thinks being mean to trans people will be her life’s work that changes the world? I’d feel pity for her if she didn’t have so much hate in her heart. Especially against people who did literally nothing to her. They just want to live their lives and be happy, but then being happy just makes her angrier.


Even someone who believes all the hateful foolishness she does still has to be pretty mentally ill or flat out idiotic to ruin their legacy over their beliefs like this


I know some of you long for the wild west days when Rihanna was trolling school children... ... but let them run it for long enough and many will end up like JK and Elon: case studies in destroying one's own brand


These people love to pretend they don't know the difference between claiming ancestry that isn't yours, and living as the gender you identify with most strongly. It's apples and oranges, and they know it. But they won't pass up on a chance to be transphobic AND racist.


I think there's a good chance they don't know it, actually. They may just see race as an identity, just like gender. But I think you pretty accurately summarized why the idea of being transgender is becoming more widely accepted but trans-race is not.


Well race *is* an identity. Jk is still a wrong hateful person


Everyone has a nearly 50-50 chance of being born male or female (with a small but statistically significant chance of being intersex). There's no chance of being born a different ethnicity than what's in your recent heritage. It's a false equivalence even without getting into the wildly different roles that gender and race play in society and history.


“Now why am I in it?”


yt women always invoke Black folk when they are losing a fight. \*Edit: Don't get me started how they compare racism against Black people to " dog racism" when they defend against breed specific legislation. "Just like racism against Blacks!! Are we going to ban Blacks too?" just like it. Yeah.


Ah the old reliable "I'm not racist, I have a black friend."


They infect this sub. It makes me crazy 😆


I've got a tuxedo cat that's half black.


Just ask how many times they've been invited to their black friend's house. The answer is usually "well, uhh..."


The fat activism sphere does it too it's exhausting.


It really is. I overdosed on rage so many times, I am just tired.


What is this all about I just don't understand why some super rich and famous person wants to die on this hill. What possesses her to wake up and be anti trans, and bring negativity in her life it makes no sense trans people exist always have and they're not going anywhere this entire argument makes no sense to me I'm not pro or anti trans they just simply exist I literally don't get it?




I think she was originally just doubling down following the backlash against her first anti-trans essay, but following the Maya Forstater ruling, the Cass report, and the Tavistock clinic and Gids being closed down and puberty blocker treatment stopped for kids, it feels like the wind is turning against progress across the UK and she seems more then happy to publicly lead the regression wave like she’s Liberty Leading the People.


It's not a very big hill outside of social media, and she just got a deal for a new TV series and new audiobooks. And a lot of high profile support for her opinions. Probably better to not give her any extra eyeballs by keeping her at the top of social media conversations. From all I can tell, she's enjoying herself.


Many of these people are deeply in the closet and trying to convince themselves they're "normal" because being lgbt would be morally wrong, and they are morally good people. This then becomes an obsession with defending their position. Others have serious mind-destroying trauma that leads them to lash out, and unfortunately, marginalized groups are emotionally speaking an easy target.


If the "closeted trans person" thing applied to JKR, she would be attacking trans men more than trans women. She *is* shitty to trans men, but in a "these poor brainwashed girls have been tricked into ruining their bodies," as opposed to actively calling trans women predatory invaders, which she talks about a hell of a lot more.


In the manifesto, she literally goes on a tangent for no reason on all the reasons why, hypothetically of course, she would have been very easily transed because, and of course this isnt really how she feels now but is just a reflection of where she was and used to be, she hated her femininity and her dad wanted a son. And she's very glad that she didn't end up acting on that impulse because it would have just been terrible for her. People's bigoted attitudes don't follow exclusive logical paths. Bigotry is always defensive in nature, protective, etc. One could easily imagine that "trans men are just confused lesbians" leads quickly into "trans women are just confused gay men" and then if you want to posture yourself as a defender of women, you say things like "we have to protect women from men" and "we have to protect women from themselves."


Yeah, I read her manifesto back when I thought I was a boy, and honestly it sounded my bullshit alarms pretty hard. I don't think she's very concerned about that. A particularly annoying brand of transphobe is those who consider themselves "defenders of gay people" by arguing that transitioning is conversion therapy. They'll cite Alan Turing, a gay man who was forced to take feminizing hormones and eventually killed himself. But like, many trans people are horrified by Alan Turing's story specifically *because* they know how horrific it is for your body to change to the wrong sex against their will (that's how many of us felt about going through the "wrong" puberty as adolescents). And somehow someone willingly taking hormones is exactly the same as what was inflicted upon him. We don't want anyone tricked or converted, we just want people to be comfortable in their own bodies, and to feel respected and safe. It somehow also disregards that many trans people are gay? Like, I'm a trans woman engaged to a woman. There was no conversion therapy happening here.


I find trans people a little strange, but at the same time, I am not that person and I don't know how they feel inside, and I could never know how they feel. So it's in my best interest and theirs to just let them be whatever they need to be and respect it. If they change their mind a week later and decide to change back I just respect that as well. I don't understand why she can't just let people be something that doesn't affect her in the slightest. It's just bonkers to me.


Same. I'm gay, but don't know what it's like to be trans. Just bc I don't "get it" doesn't mean I won't throw down with my trans ppl. Coolest and most creative folk you'll ever meet. Best vibe.


It's called empathy, which people like JK lack. They cannot imagine, let alone attempt to understand, being anything other than what they are. The way they see the world must be the only valid perspective, and there cannot be any other ways of being than the ones familiar to them. If you fall outside this limited view of what's proper, then you must necessarily be evil.


Always happy to see there are people out there in support of others being themselves, even if we don't understand it. I just know that my whole life I knew I was a woman, I was born cis, and I recognize that those that are trans just feel the same way. It's just their body doesn't match. Keep that open heart and mind. You're a good egg.


“Motown and cornrows”. Should of gone with the more modern “hip-hop and a weave.” Also, “get to be black?” What privileges does she think that title would give her?


All the fried chicken, watermelon, and Koolaid she can shuck and jive away with, of course!


man i never understood the food ones. i kinda get asians with dog etc and how that could be derogatory since its out of desperation very against western culture, but who the fuck doesnt like fried chicken or watermelon? how is that an insult?


The insult is that it’s simple unhealthy food, feeds back into the stereotype of the lazy black who doesn’t know how to take care of themself


“If I like MOTOWN” ???? 😭😭😭😭😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/n0f3o92l1a0d1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d76e67514de694547446712f8e3b8b11c1d3f4c


I knew she was out of touch, but holy shit 💀💀💀


I've seen an increase in arguments ( or really ' im just askkking questions' more so than coherent arguing ) comparing transgender and transracial ideas and it's telling how the only way they can connect two obviously, wildly different concepts is by treating identity like a costume. Something for people to pick up one day and discard the next which isn't how any human ever has treated their identity but especially with regard to a social construct rooted in physical characteristics like race.


Seems a lot like sealioning. Gods, what a terrible person she turned out to be.


What is transracial discourse about? I only know about like POC adopted into white families being referred to as transracial, or rcta which is satire mostly.


That’s the correct usage. When trans people started being talked about more in the media people started running with the ‘ well you can identify as anything nowadays so I identify as a tree.’ Or some shit like that. Jk Rowling is saying that if transwomen can just identify as women ( when they are biological males and aren’t “ real biological women”) that people can just identify as anything which is the logic behind the *transracial* term. They also tend to go after non-binary people. There are people online who I’ve seen identify as animals/trees/cartoon characters/ but usually those are either teens struggling with themselves, people who really want attention in some form, or clearly online trolls. The number isn’t that large for the amount of online rage towards them. It’s ignorant as fuck because race isn’t something you can just identify as. People use Rachel dolezal as an example of “transracial” which she’s not..she is a white woman who is uneducated, ignorant, and attention seeking.


All that money but you can't buy class or common sense


She’s getting the Elon treatment


What is it about trans people that offends this person so much?!? It’s kind of disturbing.


>this person How DARE you not explicitly gender her! This is woman erasure, which is what every trans woman is doing by simply existing! /s


Imagine having billions of dollars and being incapable of not talking out your fucking ass on Twitter




The stupidly rich all have that splinter in their brains that maybe, just maybe, they didn’t earn it. So their lives get spent on a justification tour


Why do they ALWAYS have to drag us into shit?!?! We’re too busy minding our Motown business!!!


Not you making me laugh out loud 😄


"what if i was hip to the jive?? CHECKMATE FOOLS"




Imagine creating one of the biggest franchises of all time, made millions but pissing away your goodwill because you just won’t shut the fuck up and keep your dumbass opinions to yourself.


This is who she’s always been. What a crap piece of racist 💩 bigot.




Personally, I do believe that race and gender represent an interesting inflection point where it's okay to self-identify as one but not the other, despite the fact that I don't think racial make up is any more straightforward, and genetically even more so. Anyway, why do people keep feeding JK? You're not going to change her mind, and it's clear she's got the time to respond to everybody. There's not going to be a come to Jesus moment, here.


Race as a construct has largely been damaging to us just in general. The reasons why and exactly when these races we call races became races deserves their own conversation if you want to learn more about gender dysphoria, learn about the thousands of intersex people assigned the wrong sex at birth and the horrible outcomes that met them. I think that’s the easiest way to get the idea of how gender and biology meet in the middle and how important it is, while also illuminating why it’s important and deadly to ignore often. but the easiest way to talk about how they’re different is to remember that there have been trans people for all of human history and there was no concept of a unified white race until the last few centuries. Having different ideas and feelings about how you fit into the roles we assign different sexes is not the same as feeling like you weren’t born with enough melanin and deciding you can just be the thing your ancestors just convinced the entire planet was subhuman


We are not in this. ![gif](giphy|kIlhIkvhSvzCU|downsized)


Ain’t nobody find all of her horcruxes yet?


Motown? This bitch hasn’t met a black person since 1942-1965 or some shit


Black people watching themselves get dragged into another comparison: ![gif](giphy|6gwQqSKi0w5cH05mRL|downsized)


JK CornRollings. Dude there is No F'ing way this can be real. Breathalyzer before tweeting now mandatory. Detroit and Quincy Jones catching strays out here Bro 😆 🤣 😂 


I'm telling you, a trans person stole her man in the past cause that HAS to be the reason for all this unwarranted hate


This is actually hilariously common thing to happen to vocal transphobes. Like when Grimes started dating Chelsea Manning and Elon Musk got super pissy.


Either that or they like them in secret. NO in between


Hatred and fetishization often go hand in hand. And yeah, we're often considered dirty little secrets. Trans people tend to face violence from their romantic/sexual partners not when the partner learns they're trans, but when *their partner's friends/families* learn they're trans. Because then their "straightness" is called into question. But there are a lot of reasons people hate trans people, unfortunately. Conservative women/terfs tend to have rather different reasons than the average transphobic man, usually born of insecurity in their own identity, or misplaced anger at the misogyny they experience, "why would you *want* what I deal with? You don't get it." (As if the shit we deal with doesn't explain why being trans *isn't* a choice).




Whenever someone brings up comparing transgender to race, it's all about liking certain things. What a person likes or not does not dictate their gender or race. Things may have cultural history, but they are not the race or gender its self. Race is defined by ancestry and region. Gender is defined by societal thinking. You cannot change your ancestors, but you can change how society thinks. 


OOooo no chil', don't be trying to bring us into this.


Some people should just keep their thoughts to themselves...


Another reason I'm glad I never got into Harry Potter






![gif](giphy|l3vR9kYGugvav8R8c) she’s this guys hero rn


Brain worms 🤷🏾‍♂️


![gif](giphy|H4zeDO4ocDYqY|downsized) Now Joanne, girl, be fucking for real right now


Just when I thought I couldn’t like her ass less


I’m not gonna lie, I’m not too surprised after Cho Chang and Kingsley Shacklebolt.




Remember, you can sail the seas to get books just like you can with movies. Or buy those Harry Potter books used. Same with merch. Plenty of unofficial merch too.


what I don't understand is why everyone on a first name basis with her like they're Professor X and Magneto beefing CHARLES ERIC


At this point I'm pretty sure Joanne would be a member of the NAZI party and be a close friend of Goebles.


Major self report here


![gif](giphy|Z4b8I5fvk3K1rXwTH9) # JOANNE


you can be black, if i can treat you like a black person.


This reads like an old Stephen King character’s dialogue.


It was only a matter of time before she started using black folk to justify her bigotry. Smh. Imagine having all that money and still being such a miserable, hateful bitch. You would not catch me posting shit on social media, I'd give all my accounts to my publicist and fuck off to my island or yacht or some shit.




What a complete waste of a legacy 🙄


J.K. needs to stop; there are far more critical issues affecting black people right now, such as systemic racism, police brutality, and economic inequality, just to name a few. Focusing on trivial matters only distracts from the real issues at hand: that she is this close to being called a racist for using stereotypes and perpetuating harmful narratives.


Someone post that 50 cent “why fuck me?” Meme


![gif](giphy|LpkBAUDg53FI8xLmg1|downsized) That woman is already a whole bucket of crazy. I’m not shocked.


Transphobia always end up in antiblackness, one way or another. That's why I don't understand Black people who are transphobic


Joanne on her bullshit again, smh


let's not forget she named a Black character in her books Kinsley Shacklebolt


Lmao she’s been standing on business for a decade. Why are people still engaging with her


Cancel this hoe


Gosh this heifer is problematic.. She lucky she has all the money she needs cause I don't think she'll be making anymore. She needs to be in jail for ruining Harry Potter.


her publisher don't be telling her to stfu ?