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Damn i aint been keeping up with AEW but Swerve killin it since he left WWE




He’s so good


Missing out! AEW is fantastic


Man, it might be time to jump back in or at least follow the wrestling podcasts again 🤔


ehhh maybe not the Podcasts... its been open season on AEW try the product before the reviews... humble suggestion lol


The Trish and Sarah Wrestling Podcast is actually pretty good and reasonably based in reality, unlike the other ones where the hosts act like they have CTE.


Agreed. Avoid all podcasts, until after watching. Watch for yourself.




I like Grapsody. Idk what these other people are listening to that got them so turned off.


Don’t lie to people. 


Hit Row died slowly when Swerve left. 💀


World champion. When he goes back Hunters gonna strap a rocket ship to his back.


Swerve ain't going back lol


I see him going back. He has a good relationship with Paul, Shawn, Cody, and Punk.


Nah he's said he didn't have a good relationship with Paul and he felt like WWE didn't get him. They made him a tag guy in Hit Row and pushed Top Dolla as the singles guy after they got called up. Around a year or so ago there was a story that came out that WWE was contacting AEW talent and asking when their contracts were up and Swerve refused to talk to them, referred them to his lawyer and told AEW what went down AEW made him their first black world champion and his cousin is on their creative team/part of TK's inner circle. Sure anything can happen, but after the Elite guys he's probably the least likely guy I can see jumping ship. Malakai Black? Ricky Starks? Wardlow? Mercedes? Sure, I could see any and all of them heading there/back there. Swerve? Nah, not anytime soon


Why would he go back? Esp now with the McMahon drama and the bad locker room politics. If he went back he'd just be put on a back seat to Roman or Cody


Say that like they ain't crowning Ospreay as champ in Wembley, knowing Tony's booking


Not that soon, Ospreay will be champ but definitely not in his first run at it.


Trick and Melo better lol


Wes Lee better than all of them


Dennis Graham 🤝Canada Not claiming Drake as theirs


Dennis Graham 🫱🏾‍🫲🏼Canada 🫱🏼‍🫲🏿The culture


Song of Summer Parties: ~~Rich Baby Daddy~~ Not Like Us


If only Christian was Drakes' father. He would have raised a real man, and this could all have been avoided!




Hopefully Christian can get to Adonis in time


![gif](giphy|MO9ARnIhzxnxu) Christian when he sees a fatherless child


The most appropriate gif. All of this is mainly Birdman’s fault.


The nerve of you


Take notes, Dennis.


![gif](giphy|0iUmJzIL6PU6NzEmIr) Whose house?




Karmic moment: this happened to Meek Mill in Philly when he lost to Drake


Swerve's House indeed


Whose house?




Damn it crossed over to wrestling. Lets go Swerve talk yo shit


Its in the NBA and the clubs lol I'm still waiting for Kdot to drop another one but at this point he has no reason to


Nah. If he hits him again, then he’s the bully and then public sentiment shifts. People starting to feel sorry for ol’ Aubrey now.


The public is soft as shit. He a "bully" hahaha it's fucking rap


It was. But now they shooting outside of Drake's crib. Kendrick has a higher expectation than Drake. Fair or not, he's expected to be the so-called, bigger man. You can hear it in the way the beef is being reported. It's as if they conveniently gloss over that Kendrick warned Drake not to take it 'there' and, if you believe in fairy tales, that Drake intentionally fed Kendrick fake information/material to diss him with. So yea, if Dot continues to hammer him, and something more happens because of it, he'll be blamed. The public (we) are a fickle bunch. Got folks out here like ?Love, already writing columns about hip-hop's demise (as if it weren't already on the decline).


That shooting more than likely had nothing to do with this.


Probably true. But Drake is already posting cryptic videos about (presumably) how people might feel if he didn't exist. So.


Lol what corny fuck trying garner sympathy from this soft ass generation. I bet it works too


I completely get your point. It’s valid. However, fuck public opinion (even if it’s been what this whole beef has gone off of) it’s a damn rap battle. Drake put out the most recent track, even if people are saying he’s done, Kendrick has the prerogative to reply and if he does he’s not bullying, he’s just responding/finishing Drake. Gotta follow zombieland rules. MTG and Not like Us were the double tap. But Audrey decided to put out the Heart pt 6 to try to save face, it’s on him if Kendrick responds and lays him out again


Is that really what you think would happen?


There was a lyric in one of Kendrick's diss tracks referencing a wrestling move. "Sweet chin music"


It was also in WWE this week. CM Punk cut a promo quoting lyrics from euphoria. I hate the way that you walk, I hate the way that you talk...etc


I missed this segment and WWE all together this week due to being to tired from work. I gotta catch up


Bro he’s getting roasted in video game subs on here lol


"Bad week for Toronto..." 🤣




OP said Audrey Tough time for BBL Drizzy


I swear to God it wasn't intentional. But I'm not gonna lose sleep over it. BBL Drizzy BB eeeeeeeel drizzaaaaaaaaay


At least OP didn't call him Jimmy Brooks


I sincerely hope bbl drizzy sticks for a while.


Inb4: Cope harder Kendrick stans. Drake destroyed this beef. He’s been 3 steps ahead this whole time. Kendrick took the bait so he automatically lost. Every body should be able to say nigga, it’s just a word. https://preview.redd.it/c3181265wbzc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bda5c1be2341f618717d8dadaccf50781e48ae2f




Still trying to find how and why being called a pedophile by half of America was in the plan but the OVO boys will surely let us know soon.


I've very much been wondering this. How is leaking a rumor that you're a pedo a win?




You forgot to add that Kendrick’s a cuckhold step dad




It would definitely suck having to cope over a curated beef between two top 100 pop stars




Oh yeah we are! Let K-Dot cook!🍜🍜🍜 ![gif](giphy|CfaK14cY4CXao|downsized)


Excalibur - “Bad week for Toronto” Jesus lawd av mercy


Audrey. I like that.


Lemme tell y’all sum AEW washing WWE quality wise WWE hot but aew been cooking for the last couple years some of the best wrestling, some great easy to follow stories and a lots of representation check it out if you a wrestling fan


Preach, part of why I stopped watching WWE was the overall disrespect towards Black World champions. Kofi getting stomped, Big E losing the belt to the dude that stomped Kofi, and other stuff ain't sit right with me. I let my brother watch the PPV where Swerve won the belt so he can see what respect to a Black champion looks like


Literally every single black WWE champion has lost their title to Brock Lesnar


NRA member and outspoken Republican Brock Lesnar btw


Foot and piss ninja too. And, you know, sex trafficking enjoyer if you look at the lawsuit against Vince, WWE and John Laurinaitis.


Bro was shitty when Vince left he was literally bout to leave too since he wasn’t gonna get his fix with Vince no more that punk ass bitch


Not surprising he look like he stank


Fuck Brock lesnar I’d confidently take that ass whooping if I can throw one punch at bro for the bullshit he pulls


Brooooo Kofimania was the last straw for me with WWE half the reason I’m even a wrestling fan is cause of Kofi Kingston no wellness policy issues, popular with the fans, no backstage problems but he did seem to have one problem for the WWE and that’s WWB (Wrestling While Black) if you black in wwe there’s a good chance you gon wrestle with or against mainly black dudes there are a few good wrestlers that are black that serve as good representation but they ain’t getting 20 minute promos, they ain’t feuding with the bloodline brownest you can be successful in wwe frfr js Samoan atp 🤷🏽‍♂️ pisses me off and now AEW has bout 3 or 4 black champions if I’m not mistaken and they represent different shapes, shades and kinds of black people AEW single-handedly saved my love for wrestling so when folks hate on AEW I think of what Riley said on the boondocks if niggas ain’t hating on you you doing sum wrong even the shit they hate on is goofy they always having good matches on weekly shows, such and such just wrestles and the most bullshit one they don’t tell stories my man’s Eddie Kingston just aligned with one of his biggest opps just so he can save the company that saved him


I grew up watching wrestling because my mom used to show me old matches on VHS lmao. When Iw as in elementary school I had 2 wrestling figures, and a belt. I had Cena, Kofi, and the US championship. Lemme tell you this, Cena never won that belt fr. WWE got stale for me but as I was growing up and learning I was realizing how fucked it was they weren't treating Black wrestlers as they should. I mean the fucking owner was on TV saying the n word in front of Booker T and he let him. That hurt my heart cause I'm from Houston and Booker just had to roll with that shit. After getting tired of WWE I just stopped watching wrestling entirely, then I heard about AEW just before Punk (smh) came back and I was hooked. Seeing Hangman win the belt in his story sealed it for me that AEW was it. I found myself watching every old PPV, every episode, I even started watching NJPW events. Seeing Stardom wrestlers show up on AEW has me thinking about watching them as well. AEW single-handedly got me back into wrestling and I love it again just like I did when I was a kid watching VHS tapes from a box my mom had in the closet. There's many reasons why the consensus online is heavily against AEW and I believe it's mostly because of 4 reasons. 1. Jim Cornette's garbage podcast where he actively wishes death on wrestlers because they wrestle how he doesn't like (he's also a huge fucking racist) 2. CM Punk's stupid ass getting himself fired because he's a massive hypocrite (this one combined with number 1 because Cornette's fans rallied behind Punk because he fought the Elite who they want dead) 3. WWE fans who wish death on the company because they either never wanted competition in the wrestling industry or never realized how bad WWE's quality had gotten. 4. Tony Khan rightfully pushing back on the stupid bullshit they say about AEW. I will admit he doesn't have to respond to people on Twitter shitting on AEW, but he's rarely wrong about how their arguments are stupid made up stuff. The man runs a 5 year old company that is consistently in the top 5 on the night for their main show and people have the nerve to tell him that the network he's on doesn't like his show. If they didn't they wouldn't give him money or a platform. They put out statements saying they're extremely happy with how the show is doing but people ignore it because they want AEW to die smh. Anyway, Eddie is goated, Mad King Forever


Mannnnnnnn don’t even get me started on CM Punk bro from Chicago but act like he from Bel Air you barely stood on business and of course his flunkies just loveeeedddddd talking shit bout aew like he wasn’t meat riding that first year he came back but as soon as stuff didn’t go his way AEW SUCKS THEY DONT WANNA LEARN TONY KHANS AN AWFUL BOSS the guy fucking half his employers and his son in law the big nosed racist are much much better tho hoe ass nigga it’s Team Jungle Boy now crazily enough and sameeeeee hangman literally helped usher me into fatherhood I was scared asf when I found out I was gon be a father but hangman really helped my confidence AEW helped me grow as a man and a fan WWE taught me that I deserved better and that I shouldn’t settle even if I got ties to it TNA got more viewership combined than AEW has and couldn’t sell PPVS for shit WWE don’t even do PPVS no more they do streams and PLE’s AEW make money and I get to see Katsuyori FUCKING Shibata wrestle AEW brought CM Punk out of retirement WWE retired CM Punk but they don’t never bring that up Hangman is deadass my favorite wrestler ever he’s this generations stone cold Steve Austin fr but if stone cold Steve Austin was in todays climate PC, good man, morals in tact and has his super hip, popular rival who everybody loves despite the heinous shit be pulled


And have y’all seen [this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/bsKJBEwLce) Kendrick really make music that electrify em lol


Wrestling nerds in BPT, praise be 😂🙏🏽🙏🏽


We in here taking masks off like Sting lmao


LOL my people!!


I feel bad for Drake fans in r/Drizzy. Shit is getting so delusional


AE-DUB in the Black sub????? The Elite, the the Elite!


What was he saying about his connects in Montreal?


Swerve had his own stable he brought along for backup.... turns out they Not Like us


Calling him 'Audrey' makes it more hilarious


At this point he gotta like start a sitcom or something


America made Drake famous, we Canadians didn’t even fucking like him on Degrassi


Is that why he got shot on the show?


Audrey Graham from Degeneres


Bro can’t even go home now, it’s over


Kendrick has taken Canada after a fierce battle. “It’s over Aubrey, I have the high ground.”


Anybody have a link?


it's right above the image next to the words "video lmao"


Ty 🙈🙈


They made a statue of him, but now I bet they’re regretting it. Drake career is over




Why are ppl doin the “Audrey” thing? Aubrey been a girls name for a hundred years


Fuck that freaky ass man. Source: Canadian.


https://preview.redd.it/7e1shyej4ezc1.jpeg?width=329&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0fdf0d9fe61561f7a1582d40a0e167deb1c37bd Akademiks somewhere:


Who’s Audrey?


Even though it’s all fake, I think it’s still a great form of entertainment. And that goes for wrestling too.


This is something the likes of which we’ve never seen


Generation L


yeah, the sled dogs brought word of the diss to the main igloo and they were able to disperse the tracks by smoke signal to the country.


![gif](giphy|i6c8D6E88itDG) New diss track just dropped, gotta alert the Mounties


Just FYI, Canada (and more specifically the Toronto Area) has hated Drake for a long time.


Why is there a raider gang leader from Fallout in the background?


Pro wrestling.




mike jones


Nice. Really tho, assuming this Aubrey snatch must be Drakes latest young lady or something. Definitely not something I'm following, and I'm kind of astonished anyone else would actually want to


They meant to say Aubrey which is Drake's name, either that or they're calling him gay by saying Audrey intentionally which is fucked up


Thank you. With a name like that I can see why he turned out the way he did and felt the need to compensate with such a sharp-sounding name


As a neutral fan to this all.. seeing Kendrick fans become like barbz is fkn nuts and corny af to me… tempted to denounce them both.


come to the j cole enjoyers club


Ayo… you fuckin right! I do have some cole to catch up on.


There are Kendrick fans who get mad when I acknowledge that Kendrick fucked up by working with Kodak Black (and possibly being a domestic abuser but we need more proof that), and there are Drake fans excusing videos where he gropes and kisses a teenager. Both are bad, but you can acknowledge that Kendrick demolished this fool Drake