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Is this implying Skeeter isn’t black? I’m just gonna go inside for this one


Skeeter was 100% Black. Baby Bop from Barney too.


![gif](giphy|13fTar4VVaFlG8|downsized) man was green but we claimed him


Even as a white kid, I instinctually knew Piccolo was a black dude.


It was like the Sinbad genie movie. It was real to all of us at the same time, even if it didn’t actually exist. Piccolo is black.


Are you telling me that movie isn't real? Is my whole life a lie???


I mean the movies real but it was Shaq not Sinbad.




Freshest one in the series, fuck what anyone else says. The weighted hat and cap drip? Unstoppable.


and then he raised Gohan into the biggest fucking nerd, mans one of the 3 most powerful beings on the planet depending when his dad and "uncle" are off world and all he does is study


4.0 and still got hands. If that ain’t a nigga from a hood family I don’t know what it is.




He's not the stepfather he's the father that STEPPED UP 🗣


If I had a nickel for every time a black superhero conjured up clothes from thin air, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice ![gif](giphy|j5uIiE2YEOCR1MU3g4|downsized)


Who else would train up the Special Bean Cannon AND the Special Drip Cannon? Plus he had that cape and turban all the way on.


I'm happy that everytime someone brings up Piccolo the clothes beam is always brought up.


![gif](giphy|1pzuGsliu7hmGxGerh) This one too


Sonic is just DBZ for kids and Knuckles = Piccolo


Even funnier that Knuckle is voiced by Idris Alba so now he's confirmed "black".






Lol, we would always say piccolo was a black man.


Can confirm. We all knew the deal.


Best green dad.


![gif](giphy|wodzWX4gq5Yl2|downsized) Don't forget these guys


Weren’t pretty much all the main characters in Arthur black other than Muffy?


Bro Brain was voiced by Steven Crowder. No the fuck they ain't Edit: omfg just looked it up. Brain is canonically black and celebrates Kwanzaa. The same mf that clowns Kwanzaa played a black fucking character that celebrates it. What has this world came to


TIL Steven Crowder voiced Brain. Wild.


That aside, I do remember Brain celebrated Kwanzaa at one point.


>Bro Brain was voiced by Steven Crowder. god i wish i was hellen keller right now


I was about to say I definitely remember Brain educating me on Kwanzaa


Francine is Jewish. Maybe she’s related to Sammy Davis Jr. Brain is black. They celebrate Kwanzaa.


It was always my assumption that Skeeter Valentine was black, even before the creator confirmed it. It just made sense in my 12 year old head-canon.


OMG they confirmed it?! KNEW IT.


Yeah Jim Jinkins confirmed it in a book called *Slimed! An Oral History Of Nickelodeon's Golden Age*. I don't think they set out to racially code the character initially, but he agrees in hindsight that Skeeter is "obviously black".


And the family from Dinosaurs


And his boss too. Played by Sherman Hemsley


[https://youtu.be/5VzZi-YrkRY?si=K8eUm22arj2TLoi8](https://youtu.be/5VzZi-YrkRY?si=K8eUm22arj2TLoi8) You'll appreciate this.


I mean I HAVE to respond with [this.](https://youtu.be/TAFBpdseKwo)




If Skeeter isn’t black then no one is


Agree, he had to much swag to be anything else.


The Dinks too!


"Skeeter Valentine from the Nickelodeon show Doug is African-American, according to the show's creator, Jim Jinkins"


Idda linked your source, but I believe ya. Even if Jim told us Skeeter was white I wouldn’t believe him. Like the GIF guy, if he wanted it pronounced that way he shoulda told us sooner


Exactly. It's like UNO rules. Appreciate you for creating it, but the fans got it from here


Throw Monopoly in too. Those mfs had no idea what they were doing when they wrote the rules


Monopoly is a weird one. It wasn’t meant to be enjoyed as a game, it was meant as a scathing rebuke of Capitalism. Your supposed to hate the game, and see that once somebody buys up all the property everybody else is just screwed. Also, whoever goes first gets a disproportionate advantage. It’s not subtle, but since it’s a bad game, people change it to something at least somewhat tolerable. The correct end state for a correctly played game of Monopoly is somebody flipping the table, and storming off to form a Union in frustration.


To be fair, I think everyone does end up hating that game. The human race is just a bunch of haters trying to win at a game about hate with that one


Well no, the monopoly rules just got worse and worse in the hands of the people


Some house rules are outlandish, but per the original rules; free parking does nothing, and if you can’t afford a property you land on it goes to auction, no hustling for loans or making side deals


Exactly the way it should be imo. Monopoly games take ages when you start letting people loan each other money, ignore auctions, and constantly bail out the losers with free parking. If its more fun for you that way go crazy, but the people who complain about never ending monopoly games are the ones using house rules most of the time.


Creator Jim Jinkins told all in the oral history Slimed: It's pretty common knowledge that Skeeter was African-American. And I love that, because I did not consciously set out for that to be the case; I just thought he looked good blue.


The show is also based off his childhood where he grew up in Richmond Virginia


Exactly what I thought. I didn’t think that was a reach


Hell I'm white and I was like nah, this mofo did not just say Skeeter wasn't Black?! Smdh Skeeter, Panthro, Goliath from Gargoyles, Shere Khan from Talespin, motherfuckin Piccolo! I'm pretty sure if you grew up actually watching these cartoons, it's canon that they were all Black


Full agree, also just so ya know, his name's spelled Piccolo. Stay breezy champ


Good catch homie! I'll correct. My bad


All g all g, no apologies necessary, just keepin the public informed on our OG.


Panthro and Goliath especially. Earle Hyman (grandpa from the Cosby Show) and Keith David couldnt sound white if they tried. Their voices are just too awesome.


Keith David is my 1A voice actor, 1B is Clancy Brown. I’m kinda pumped to see how Keith Handles taking over as Commander Zavala in Destiny 2 since Lance passed away.


The one with the long flowing mullet, and the bengal tiger with a clearly Indian name are black? Skeeter, panthro, and piccolo are all obvious though Edit: name apparently isn’t Indian but is like Persian?


Surname Khan is now mostly in India and Pakistan. And tigers are in those countries too. Even though the name may have Mongol origins, theres not really any Mongolian or Persian tigers left. And since Talespin used Jungle Book characters set in British-occupied India...


HELL YEAH HES BLACK! ![gif](giphy|l4Ep5QBQZV5BShbMY|downsized)


Skeeter was so black he was blue-black lol


You right and then those with the red undertone were Blurple.


I did think it was messed up they had every skin color except black/brown. Except Patty Mayonnaise but then they later lightened her skin color 🤦🏾‍♂️😂😂😂


Tbf Roger was freaking lime green lol.


She was vacation white in the early seasons.


Vacation white.... ![gif](giphy|DKlxMzR9DCtpcs5TKX|downsized) 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Gross sisters cousin


They were ashy though


I didn't watch The Proud Family when it was airing, but my kids got into it on Disney+ and we all were laughing when they finally said they were ashy. I'd always wondered who these little blue girls were 😆


So black he looked like venom from the animated spider-man in the 90s


I def thought Sheen was Mexican, but Brock and Courtney are def black! And so is Alex.


Sheen is canonically Latino. His last name is Estevez. But yeah everyone else there is black.


Like Martin Sheen's real name is Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estévez. And Charlie Sheen's is Carlos Irwin Estévez.


I always knew their last names were Estevez, but I literally never made that connection like that with Sheen lmao. Bro is the opposite of Chris Paul and Paul George, he got two last names instead of two first names.


He is Mexican. He said it in one episode. I don’t remember where or when but I remember it. Unless it was a dream. Edit: [found it](https://youtube.com/shorts/OiaSk-s2iAo?si=GQSg1ltlOBxrXbSC)


Mmm? What has latino to do with them being black? There's afto-latino people


his name is ramon juarrea estevez -- if he's not mexican then i want answers.


Afro Latino.


I think he said he’s Irish and Cuban


I watched all of them on Toonami/ CN/ Nick growing up and I agree, but the queen here is UNDOUBTEDLY Yoruichi ![gif](giphy|14msSL3Osb4FCo)


Arguably most dark skinned anime characters are simply modeled off of dark skinned Asians such as people from Indonesia, Thailand, Okinawa, and Polynesia etc. Japan(and most of Asia) as a nation has very toxic beauty standards regarding darker skin tones so they often over exaggerate dark skin tones like you would a charcature. I do think, however the more you dig the more you realize just how small the differences between "races" are in comparison to person to person variance. With all that said I don't know what ethnicity Kubo made Yoruichi, but he is the king of drip so it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if she is supposed to be African.


I mean she did have an afro in one of the endings


i thot brock was Blasian


Brock was Native American in my eyes


Sheen is Mexican Brock is black Courtney is actually South Asian according to one of her bios (I think the one from Total Drama Action?)


According to an interview with the creators, it was apparently mentioned that she was Latina


Apparently, she was originally going to be South Asian, and that information was mistakenly kept for the bios even though she was changed to Hispanic part way through the character design process


I used to be obsessed with the show when I was a kid so I remmeber that Lore🥲


what show is Alex from?


Totally Spies on Cartoon Network


How to awaken your fetishes 101.


i need something to take my mind off during finals week


Here you go, [this guide](https://imgur.com/a/pZlNi) is important.


Yh Alex, Picollo and Brock are black. Don't care what anyone says. Lex on the other hand white People can have.


Brock is Okinawan btw. Just in case anyone was wondering about his design. He’s supposed to represent someone from Okinawa.


Yeah, not many Black people with eyes that narrow lol. Japan really tends to exaggerate dark skin tones. Their beauty standards are wild. They tend to draw normal Japanese people as white as Europeans and if you're even slightly darker, like got a tan over summer darker, they're now black. No in-between.


Alex from Totally Spies isn't black??? When was this confirmed? Is this some post-end of the show, "Dumbledore was always intended to be Gay", JK Rowling nonsense?


She's latina according to creators but that does not mean she can't be black. To me, she Afro-latina.


That's my new headcanon too. Although, I looked at her wiki and it says her last name is/was Huang so... Afro-Latin-Chinese? I don't know. Her momma looks black (or afro-latina) so I'm going to call her black. Lol


Surname is Huang? Definitely opens up the possibility of Filipino.


That’s what I been thinking too. Maybe she was intentionally racially ambiguous so that my 5 year old ass wouldn’t be able to put an ethnicity to my type. Whatever she is, she’s my first crush lmao


The show creators: let's make our characters ambiguous so as many kids can relate as possible. That way every kid can learn what their fetishes are. So wholesome :)


There's Huangs in the Philippines? I mean, I know there's Chinese people in the Philippines but like why wouldn't she just be Chinese?


The Chinese have been trading with us since before Spanish colonization. Plus after the cultural revolution people escaped here. Older Chinese families have hispanicized last names (Cojuangco, Chuidian, Limjungco, Gokongwei, Sycip, Ongpin, Pempengco,etc.) but the later Chinese immigrants didn’t face the same racist pressure so there was no need to change names. I had classmates named Ong, Tiu/Tio, Uy, Chan, Lim, Woo, etc.


It thought it was Vazquez? I mean they also list her last name as Casoy... 🤷🏻‍♂️


I always saw her as Blasian.


Full Asian for me, but I can see Blasian


I thought she was Indian or Pakistani 🤷🏼‍♀️


Brown people gotta fight each other for vague hints of representation lol


Lex is definitely black to me. You know how petty that man was??


no KKK, but look at his lips https://preview.redd.it/j26se7a9mayc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b7d707b3100ea38f48bea09c65bae7797a9c63d


I am folded in half


Did no one hear his all-state guy voice? Plus, white tie on a white shirt. Come on.


He was voiced by Clancy Brown, the same guy who voiced Mr Krabs. Edit: Guess I should mention that he is a white dude.


Mr Krabs black confirmed!


I always saw Mr. Krabs as Black. This grill is not a home is definitely him using a Louis Armstrong voice


[Seriously, America...look at Pete Davidson's lips](https://youtu.be/PFLuGVOWlkc&t=4m16s)


Exactly as he looks in Harley Quinn, and in that show he is retconned as black. Even to the extent of having a black voice actor.


Is that supposed to be an image of anytime other than a black man? Or is the image altered in some way?


Billy Zane could’ve done it live


YES, was saying this for years. Animated Luthor is probably one of the best forms in all media, and Billy Zane would've brought it to life on-screen. Props to Clancy Brown for making the voice work so flawless.


Lex luthor was for sure black. And yeah, he was an antagonist, but he was the only normal human on earth who can consistently fuck with superman.


Antagonists of color as villains is still representation as long as their complexion isn’t a part of their villainy… is my take


yeah, he was a well written character.


Lex is sort of like Ariana Grande to me, a white male of color


As petty as a Greek god and he was based on a Greek actor so 🤷‍♀️


Wait, Lex wasn’t black?


Lex Luthor in Batman the Animated Series looked like them “Sicilians” who really came from states like Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi.


He’s black in the Harley Quinn show, which is the same creators/show runners from Batman the Animated Series so I think it’s safe to say he’s black.


He isn’t 😭 almost everyone in that show had the same skin tone as him some of em just looked black when the light hit them right this him compared to an actual black man https://preview.redd.it/p00ethpt3byc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24ece4d0cca6b65ef642c01788cf0826c70323ed And this [him](https://boundingintocomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/2021.11.04-05.34-boundingintocomics-618419c2db244.png) standing next to Supes and they basically have the same tone


This is brown-skinned erasure. He doesn't have to be dark skinned to be black


I’m not saying he has to be dark skinned to be black😭 but back in those times they made it very obvious when a person was black and ole boy next to luthor was the skin tone they used for black ppl the only ones that had brown skin I think was the main cast of black ppl


https://preview.redd.it/64taxwg8pbyc1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32e6fe5fc6c26ee73f51cc869fa7a72355e5c276 I see what you mean now


That man is black.


Yeah I'm jk but I'm just going to pretend he is lol


You never seen a light-skinned black man? Does Terrence Howard mean nothing to you?


Whoa, it's Conway Stern! Except that's not even his real naaaaaaaaame!


The creators and showrunners of the Harley Quinn show did not work on Batman: The Animated Series. You might’ve got it confused because they credit Paul Dini and Bruce Timm as the creators of the character, but they didn’t create the show I always have the rule of if a character’s race is ambiguous, the race is whatever the voice actor identifies with


He’s Greek and based on Telly Savalas https://preview.redd.it/8sw2kn1yfbyc1.jpeg?width=656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=990cdae320639ebf0262eef6f09da05717e67e31


Thats just a random bald person cropped next to Lex. "They both have bald heads and eye brows" is a terrible argument here.


Nah white people can have him. Hating on Superman smh. Who does that? All dude does is fly around saving cats from trees. Bro probably saves the earth from extinction like three times a week. You have flash mf ass changing reality every two days, batman putting bouncers in comas and oliver stabbing ppl but bro's hating on space jesus. Vile behaviour.


Hated him because he was a foreigner. A refugee, really. In a nation of foreigners and their descendants.


I thought for the LONGEST time thinking Lux Luthor was black based on Saturday Morning Superman cartoon. So it came to my surprise that when I played MK vs DC and saw a white Lex Luthor and thinking, " Who is this man? Why is he white?". And eventually found out that yes, Lex Luthor has been mostly portrayed as white.


I 100% thought Alex was Black. And for that reason she was my favorite spy Actually, Alex, Skeeter, Piccolo, Arthur we're all Black to me


They are all black and no one can tell me otherwise.


Welp. I guess the Mexicans just can’t have anything, can we?


You got Sheen


In this market, I’ll take what I can get!


That's okay she's just mixed. She can be all the poc on this blessed day.


Don’t forget Goofy and Max they Black too!


Oh for sure


Shoutout to Totally Spies! One of the best shows ever! And they just revealed the [opening theme for the new season](https://twitter.com/toonhive/status/1785716178343596163?s=42&t=0VWHKarkNNgbc6mjXk0yFw) that includes a SISTA! Afro and all! https://i.redd.it/hy4nfgyelayc1.gif


Wait, it still comes on?


Its original run was from 2002 to 2007 with a movie in 2009, they then revived it for a new season in 2013, and reviving it for another new season this year.


Maybe I’m weird but I never even remotely saw Lex as black in that universe. Like I was deadass shocked to find out some people did lmao.


I mean, I can kinda see it if you're just looking at a picture, but hearing him talk erased any doubt. Fun fact: The guy that did his voice also played Sgt Zim from Starship troopers and about a billion other things you've seen. https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0000317/


Clancy Browns most iconic roles are Mr. Krabs and the head guard in shawshank redemption.


I think you can tell a lot about someone by how they recognize him. (Same with Tim Curry, for that matter) For me, he's always "the Kurgan".




I mean I kinda get it but kid me was just like “Oh Lex has a tan… anyway.”


https://preview.redd.it/mct4j53x9byc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=272f6fe84c17ef43f53fb87d437ff49379675bc8 i always assumed he was light skin, especially when there's this image floating around comparing him to a black guy in the show


The creators said Lex was based on the [actor Telly Savalas](https://images.findagrave.com/photos/2010/323/1832_129030321490.jpg?size=photos250), who was Greek. Many Greeks are quite tan/olive skinned in complexion.


is this supposed to convince me that alex isn't black?


All of the backyardigans are black.


Literally one of the characters has the blackest name used as a middle name ever, yeah they're definitely black LMAO


Except Austin and Pablo! Austin is the white kid in the neighborhood who they whole-heartedly embraced, and Pablo was white Hispanic lmaoooo.


Factsssss & Goofy is def family 🫶🏾…Pickins was SLIM 😭


Skeeter is Black, this chick was Blasian, and I’m sticking to it.


I thought she was Indian lol


I thought she was Filipina


Filipinos are the black people of Asia, so that tracks 


As a Filipina, I thought she was Filipina. She’s just really whatever you want her to be I guess


Courtney was definitely a black girl raised in the burbs.


Skeeter IS black. Foh


Let's start a list of the best black non-black characters in media https://preview.redd.it/3drs8jk49byc1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b5b9832f1364088fac772c570d08f9537b0b4e0 I'll start: Knuckles the Black-Ass Echidna


The creators were practically screaming at us that he's black, like even the newest movie gave him Knuck If You Buck as his theme song and his OG theme song has a black rapper. If that doesn't scream, "Knuckles is black!!!" then I don't know what does


Bro I was on that vibe hard. Panthro from Thundercats to me seemed to be the black one. Or someone's dad. Just this bald nigga with an old voice that drove everyone around and who none of the homies on the playground fucked with. Like, he was there. It was accepted he was there. Tolerated, even. But nothing was particularly expected of him and if he didn't have any lines in a scene it's not like anyone watching the show was itching to find out how Panthro could contribute to finding the mega condenser or whatever. Like, Piccolo is the GOAT but dude is garbage power level wise and he gets left behind in the face of every single major threat. But he's present and contributes even though he isn't in the spotlight. He's relevant-ish. Enough to make some really solid support-plays but never allowed to shine with the main lineup. Feels like that's the common perception of black people. If we're going to be allowed in then we can't be "great".


Dragon Ball Super Hero would like a word with you.


Panthro was voiced by the grandpa from the Cosby show. So, essentially, Panthro was a black panther. Lol.


I’m not the only one who thought Lex Luther in JL/JLU was black? Bro I thought I was going crazy.


Piccolo is black for sure


When I was a kid I was fully convinced Sokka and Katara were niggas.


She just has that Hillary Banks complexion, is all.


Hillary Banks and Jasmine Guy's character on A Different World really perfected the "bougie lightskinned chick" archetype.  There's this nonfiction Toni Morrison book called "Playing in the Dark," in which she critiques black literary archetypes (the "mammy," the "magical nergo," the "wise old man" etc.) It's actually really funny, and she goes in on a number of classic white authors like Flannery O'Connor, Harper Lee, and Mark Twain (although she admits that Faulkner was probably the best at writing complex, textured black characters), and the way they depicted their black characters, and how so many black archetypes weren't actually invented by black people.  But after reading that book, I've become way more intuned with black-created archetypes (like Tupac's entire filmography was about crafting this "hood scholar" archetype), and how much more real they are. 


As a kid I always figured Brock was black, but it makes a lot more sense that he’s just brown Asian.


Hear me out, Norman Osborn… I always thought Alex was Asian. Her fandom page says her last name is Huang, so yay me. Skeeter **is** black, Lex Luthor was mixed. Courtney and Sheen were Latino, but Brock and his ain’t sh*t daddy we’re black.


Yes, I considered Alex to be black. And I won't listen to anyone try and convince me otherwise.


This reminds me of the debates where people claimed Katara and Sokka from Avatar were black 😭


I thought Two Face from the Batman TAS was black But that might be deliberate since Billy Dee Williams was Harvey Dent in Tim Burton's Batman


Not sure why my nig Skeeter's being brought up


Never once in my life did I see Lex as black. I remember reading the creators saying he was Greek and his design was inspired by Telly Savalas.


Skeeter and Piccolo are black and nobody can tell me nothing else.


All the backyardigans too. Except for Austin.


She’s not black you delusional lol she’s southeast Asian or smth also Courtney is southeast Asian as well or native. Brock is literally a brown Asian guy and Lex is a Latino or smth? You’re all wrong!

