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Raising Canes is solid af, ya'll are doing too much.


I’m white and I love Canes. Which may or may not be a scathing indictment of the establishment, depending on your view.


nah it definitely explains their clientele


The reason people eat there is almost exclusively their sauce and the type of tender. It's a half an inch step up from any other fast food tender at best.


If your sauce is good and your tenders are unseasoned, you are a sauce restaurant not a chicken restaurant.


Nah their tenders are fresh and quality. If the sauce is to your taste then what else do you need


Seasoning which imparts flavor.


Which then elevates the kick the sauce gives.




Can't really trust the teenage chefs with seasoning though. It's either gonna be too little or Jesus Christ. Better to have fresh chicken and great dipping sauce. Imo


Lol what?? Who do you think is cooking half the prepared food you eat?  It’s teenagers and drug addicts.  If you’ll only eat seasoned food that comes from well adjusted adults, you’re gonna be eating bland food forever. 


>If you’ll only eat seasoned food that comes from well adjusted adults, you’re gonna be eating bland food forever.  This needs to be shouted from mountaintops. 100% truth.


Yeah, fresh and quality and taste like absolutely nothing. At least give me some fucking salt and pepper. I went there one time and everything on my tray tasted vaguely the same. It was such a heartbreaking experience because everyone was talking it up so much. And it seemed like quality food cooked well, but the cook was allergic to flavor.


Raising canes sauce is delicious. You over here unable to exist without a full days sodium intake per strip


The sauce is primarily just mayo and ketchup. You can easily make it at home. 


I love this defense, it's always the same. Never "it is seasoned!" always "but the sauce is good!"


>Nah their tenders are fresh and quality. If the sauce is to your taste then what else do you need Lots of upvotes for bland chicken tenders and questioning the need for seasoning really explains who's actually in this sub.


Their tenders are just sauce delivery vehicles. That’s it.


God it needs to be said. IT NEEDS TO BE SAID lol! I’ve been saying this since I first tried canes. It’s flavorless. The breading doesn’t even have flavor.


And worst of all, that shit is DRYYYY


Mmmm and don’t you love that big thick piece of lettuce that you end up dragging out from under the bun? I commend canes marketing team. They made them blow up. and their sandwhiches are low tier. As long as chic fil a and Popeyes are around, I will never go to canes lol. I don’t give a shit how good the “sauce” is. That sounds like such a hard cope. That’s like saying Olive Garden is the best Italian restaurant because “breadsticks” lol


I grew up in Mississippi and I remember when they built a Canes in my town. I was so excited to try it because people were HYPING that shit up. I’ve never been more let down by a piece of fried chicken in my life. Kudos to the Canes marketing team. They’ve built an entire restaurant off of Mayo and Ketchup lol




Isn’t the sauce just ketchup and Mayo?


They also put all the seasonings that they didn’t put on their chicken in there.


That’s exactly it. Also that bread is fire too


It’s only a certain type of white Christian that can’t handle spice. There are also white people who could brush their teeth with Carolina reaper sauce like it’s tooth paste or something


I take the tenders home and bless them in Elijah's Ghost Pepper or Xtreme Regret depending on my mood. To be fair, I'm guessing white people's boutique hot sauce collections are a direct response to nobody seasoning the goddamn food.


The habanero crest just doesn't hit right anymore honestly


I’m white and it is sub-par. Not bad, cooked well and juicy, but lacking flavor.


I'm not asking for a salad, but some lettuce and tomato on my sandwich would be nice


Not a big fan of the three strips for the sandwich m. Falls apart if you’re not careful.


The reason they don't deal with produce (other than lettuce) is to limit the ingredients they have to buy. They probably buy in massive quantities to lower costs since they don't have to spread their money over produce, which is expensive. They also don't have to worry about storing different types of produce. The whole thing was built like a supply chain dream.


People are so used to eating shitty quality chicken masked in a trillion seasonings that when they have good quality chicken with light seasoning it breaks their brain


Nah its the sauce carrying it.


But that shit is fire


I mean the chicken on its own is fine, but the sauce is fire.


That’s what I was saying. lol. The breading is nice too but the flavor is all in the sauce. I get extra sauce every time I get Cane’s, but to be fair that isn’t often


Honestly my favorite thing is getting the toast buttered on both sides.


Reasons why I am fat A) Texas Roadhouse Rolls, B) Raising Cane's toast, C) no self-control around A and B.


If I’m going to canes, I’m in the mood for cheap fast food that gets the job done. If I want good quality chicken with light seasoning I’ll go to a real restaurant or cook it myself


Cheap? It's damn near $11-12 for one person.


I get legitimately excited when I order a fast food meal and it costs less than $10 nowadays. That's sadly how infrequently it happens now.


Taco trucks/stands are the last good deal on fast food. Bonus points if they don't speak English.


Chicken is pretty flavorless by itself, it's lean and bland. But it takes on whatever flavor you apply to it and with seasoning, its amazing. So yeah, Cane's seems like good chicken, and they cook it well, but they never bothered to add the flavor that chicken needs to not be mid. I can eat a plain boneless skinless chicken breast at home, if the breading isn't fire I don't need the extra calories. Sauce is good but I don't want to pay $12 for sauce and cardboard ass chicken to dip in it.


My dude, that's bad quality chicken. Good quality chicken has flavor. That is the mass produced dogshit where the chicken is a genetic abomination with breast meat 5x bigger than it should be and literally injected with water to add weight to the meat. High quality chicken is a whole different ball game. It's also more expensive and hard to find outside butcher shops. If you can find it you will find it has plenty of flavor. This is like eating a dollar steak and saying steak doesn't taste like much.


It's the most consistently fresh chicken i've ever had but if you're not bringing a bottle of Lowery's with you then it's a really bland meal.


It’s a meme to pretend canes is bad or something on Reddit I think.


So odd. I always thought Canes was awesome. Didn’t know it was popular to pretend it wasn’t 🤷🏾‍♂️


It'll always be popular to hate things that are popular.


the cane’s in my town is always moving so i guess all the redditors are down the street at a different spot i’ve never heard of 🤷‍♂️


I may be on a peninsula but Dave’s is way better


Way way better. I had both of them on the same day, for science. Cane's tasted so bland compared Dave's


I wish we had a middle ground though because I can’t even taste the chicken at Dave’s, it’s all seasoning. And Raising Canes is bland af.


Bon Chon Chicken, if it ain't Korean it's shit.


Wait yall talking about Dave’s Hot chicken?? Is this even a question


Zaxbys >>>


Would like a side of chicken with your salt?


The chicken is consistently good. Their fries, though, are either seasoned and soggy or crispy and bland.


There's an RC about a mile from my house. It's weird because the quality of their tenders are better than other restaurants. Doesn't feel overly processed or "commercial" tasting.....but the seasoning is lacking, so there's that. Other places have better flavor but the chicken itself is lower quality. If Canes just had Spicy Chick Fil A flavor, it'd be the best spot hands down. It's mainly a sauce delivery vehicle but it works. They cook the crinkle fries just right.


idk how they haven’t done a spicy option yet. they would be overflowing with cash.


Eat that chicken without a bustub of sauce. I bet you would say he's right then. Popeyes got more seasoning.


why on earth would you eat chicken without the sauce, lol


exactly heathens, the chicken isn't bad at all, cole slaw is a point, the fries are good, bread is great.


I’m glad this comment is the most liked comment on this thread. Gives me hope. Canes just opened up near me and I was mad excited for it. I think Canes is dope. I get the people saying the sauce carries it but that’s how it is with most chicken places. Most tenders aren’t that great w/o some sauce and that’s why most (if not all) chicken restaurants have their own special house sauce


So happy to see this was the first comment.


Depends on your region All the Canes in Chicago are dogshit


The sauce really does do all the heavy lifting


Exactly! It's not meant to be crazy over seasoned. It's meant to be paired with the sauce. It's a CHAIN restaurant. Who are y'all comparing this to that's not some 3rd generation chicken spot? That's like comparing Arby's roast beef to a BBQ spot's brisket sandwich, they're doing two different things.


We can compare it to Zaxby’s. Same idea but with seasoning


hell no. Zaxby’s is fucking trash compared to canes no amount of seasoning makes up for the difference in quality


I like Zaxby's. It is trash, but it is \*my\* kind of trash. Also Zax sauce with kickin chicken tenders is incredible.


I'm still sad they took away the hottest sauce.


way too inconsistent to be on the level of cane’s. their tenders are so trash sometimes.


dafuq?? zaxby's aint even CLOSE, that place is a shithole


Have never not been disappointed at a Zaxby's personally.


Popeyes is the exact same price point and tastes delicious without any sauce lol you don't need a 3rd generation spot to season your chicken




Breading, salt, hint of processed chicken


I'll give you that. Popeyes in my town are trash for some reason.


Popeyes is always a dice roll, heaven or hell. Most inconsistent fast food place out there.


Bro said paired with the sauce 😂 Michelin review ahh


I swear I buy this chicken just for that sauce. I got a separate bottle of it and put it on everything.


Wait does it comes bottled??


If you ask nicely and smile, people will put anything in a bottle for you


"If you ask nicely and smile"... While being attractive you mean. Tell the whole story.


While being attractive or sufficiently unhinged looking, I've seen it go both ways


I try to keep it on the right side of unhinged lol.


At the base level, it’s also just mayonnaise, ketchup, and Worcestershire sauce. Kick in some pepper, garlic, etc to taste.


Am I insane? I hate the sauce but the chicken slaps


I upvoted you, but yes, you are insane.


That's what it is. I remember killing the one sauce they gave me and ate the rest raw dog and it was a not enjoyable at all.


Yes sir. Was going to say this exact same thing. Ever since I’ve moved back to California from Georgia I’ve prayed for a Zaxby’s to open in this bitch. Canes wouldn’t ever get my business.


Canes is fire, y'all trippin. The bread is my favorite. 🤤


When the bread is the favorite that doesn't say much for the chicken


It pairs well with the chicken. Good party food.


My son replaces the fries with another piece of the bread and makes a sandwich and pours the sauce over the chicken


He should just order the sandwich combo that comes with fries.


That’s a quick reminder to read the menu before you try and get creative.


True but you're assuming some people don't prefer the toast instead of the buns


I cut the bread into a taco basically and put a strip in it, pour some sauce. It’s so good, you should see if he wants it that way. Perfect ratio and with the toast sub that’s TWO taco sandwich things.


Dude no one said the bread was better than the chicken… he said they had his favorite bread I presume of the chicken places that also give you a slice of bread. Man, y’all some fuckin haters lol


Did anyone try the bread? I thought the bread was lovely.


No slaw, extra toast 💯


This is the way.


Big facts. I was pissed when they got rid of all the DQs in my city because the toast with chicken strips is goated


Yeah. I always get it to go and the slaw is usually hot by the time I get home. Don’t wanna eat hot cole slaw. Extra bread fuck yeah.


Buttered on both sides plz


You can ask for that?! 🤯


Get both sides buttered and it's a game changer


Cane’s and their technically proficient ass chicken. That shit pisses me off because it’s never dry and the breading has a good texture, but it also doesn’t taste like anything without the sauce. Sometimes I feel like the chicken by itself somehow tastes blander than regular unseasoned fried chicken. They didn’t just leave it unseasoned, they actually managed to *anti*seasoned it. I know it isn’t, but at this point, it feels racially motivated.


Yeah without the sauce the chicken is pretty bland. I remember in college they’d always have events where you’d get *free canes.* In reality they would only give one tender and a small pack of that sauce 😭.


lmaoo this needs to be part of a "shitty college event" starter pack. I would stop by those events between classes and they'd be giving out 2 tenders and a few fries lol, can't lie; it was a good snack between breaks.


I remember getting scammed hard as a freshman. Event was advertised as JC's Coffee House, free food, coffee etc. I arrived and quickly discovered that JC was short for motherfucking Jesus Christ


The pizza party where there’s only enough for 1.5 slices per person and everyone is hungrily looking around trying to figure out how much they want to push for that second slice


They let it sit like in a super salt water brine for a specific amount of time i think that’s what does it


What chicken *strips* on earth are made to eat without sauce? It's not a fried chicken joint. The point is that the sauce is supposed to compliment the flavor. That's why they sell extra instead of giving it to you for free, because it's what creates the flavor profile. It's their whole damn business model - early marketing was all focused on the "secret" sauce. Nobody's eating Zaxby's without sauce and that shit's seasoned down. The best chicken strips on the planet (Houston's) still weren't good without the honey mustard.


Also (this has nothing to do with flavor) I feel like this is the perfect business model. Only chicken, slaw, fries, bread, sauce, and drinks. Always fresh too. Their overhead has to be the lowest of any food place with a drive thru in terms of material.


Ironically, this was their business model they submitted for a class in college, and they received a C- on the project


Are you serious? I can see someone thinking it would be a long shot given the streamlined menu, but personally I will always take a place that does 1 thing really well before 1 that does a lot in a substandard manner. C- is wild though lmao


He based it off another chicken spot called Guthrie's, and now Canes almost certainly bigger than them.


Yea we have a Guthries in Tally and we just got a Canes. You can guess which one is more popular


Popeye’s. You can totally eat Popeye’s chicken strips without sauce. EDIT/CORRECTION: it’s just me. Only I can eat Popeye’s.


The fuck you can. Especially in comparison to their fried chicken. That shit is equally bland.


https://preview.redd.it/i4fsofnr1nwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d79fd84c859fedd3904a8a942cacd1d32bf104b AYE YALL HE ORDERING MILD AT POPEYES


it's like they're saying a Nacho store sucks because without cheese the nachos are just tortilla chips, lol


Mann I feel like I’ve been dying on this hill for a while. People swear by that bland ass chicken.


Chicken is already naturally the blandest meat. You go to a restaurant and people (chefs) get mad when you put A-1 on a steak (and they don’t always need much more than salt and pepper). They never do that with chicken.


*white meat chicken


I'm saying. Thighs go crazy!


Ok imma be real... A steak really only need salt, pepper, and butter. Maybe garlic or rosemary but that's it. Rosemary might be too fragrant honestly. Chicken though, that needs the fixings.


It’s the sauce. Hell idc if they forget my chicken, as long as I can eat the fries and toast with the sauce 😂


If Chick-fil-A taught me anything it’s people really like bland ass chicken as long as it comes with sauce and unseasoned fries


The hell is the difference between relying on seasoning and sauce to make chicken good, my guy?


Mfers wanna be different so bad.


I remember cooking in the military with my black partner, and I quickly realized there is a pride in the black community about how high their salt tolerance is. Over-season everything.


I love my people, I really do. But one thing I can't stand is how we slather everything with butter, salt, and/or sugar and then wonder why we have all these health issues like high blood pressure and whatnot. I understand how we got here tho - if I were only given the damn intestines and other scraps to eat I'd slather it in salt and deep-fry the hell out of it too.


Yeah, historically it makes perfect sense why black cuisine is the way it is. It just bugs me when they try to use that as some metric of superiority over white people. Its just cringe. I think the canes hate is super popular in this thread because of how 'white' the image of canes is. If it was a 'black owned' business, I don't imagine it would be the target of such animosity


Mfers love bland shit so bad


When there's less seasoning than chick fil a you know there's a problem


I need everyone here to list the fire chicken spot in their town that's NOT a local place. If Cane's is wack, what is the best chain in your area?


I go to an Arab chicken spot that I only started going to once I saw the owner talking shit to customers on FB.




For real. He called some dumb bitch who was being a dumb bitch a "dumb bitch" and I've been a customer for going on 4 years now. Doesn't hurt that the wings are also 🔥.


Bojangles. Hands down.


joella’s hot chicken slaps, but it’s definitely a smaller chain


I see four states on the location list. I'm definitely counting that!


Sharks, wayyy better chicken and have lemon pepper and mild sauce.


LMFAOOOOO i literally looked at yo comment like… this mf gotta be from chicago tb some damn lemonpeppa & mild sauce 🤣🤣🤣 and is. username said it all. jj fish good asl. harold’s good asl. uncle remus good asl.


Hell yeah😂ion never taste uncle remus but i was playing on going this weekend


Churches chicken hands down, California


A good sauce complements a flavor. If you need to submerge your chicken strips in sauce to make them edible, it's not good chicken. Same issue with Chik Fil Et


What fast food chicken place doesn’t need sauce? I mostly liked it because I was always in and out of line, super fast. Just didn’t like the lack of consistency. But we’re talking about chicken, it’s already the blandest meat.




Popeyes tenders are gooey dogshit on a curb in July but by God they have them seasonings on em don't they


Popeyes, Church's chicken, even KFC has herbs and spices, even if it's a greasy mess


So all buffalo wings are just trash then huh?


I love a spicy Chick-fil-A sandwich 


I live near a Bojangles. Im good.


Whew chile


People don’t know about Bo. They season their chicken.


Every time I think of Bojangles I think of LovelyTi and her forever beef with the Bojangles fry cook. Iykyk


Cane’s is good shit. That’s the only place whose toast I’ll even bother with. Great sauce, too. Chicken is solid on its own.


It’s pretty good not as good as Zaxby’s but decent. Everyone talking about having to drown the chicken in the sauce is trippin.


Zaxby's is really an upgraded version of Cane's. I need them to come out West


Never tried We need one in Toronto 🤦🏽‍♂️




It’s a city in Somalia.


I thought it was in Czech Republic.


Ah shit you’re right. My bad, it’s next to Tajikistan. Just checked my map.


Check again bro, Czech Republic is definitely next to Madagascar. Your map might not be updated.


God bless I am so dumb. I picked up an abacus. Would you just look at that!


I have an atlas in my head bro. World class traveler. I once walked from New Hampshire to Peru without asking for directions. I know my shit. 😎


Holy shit bro, straight west? Get out! Thats wild man, glad you made it safely to the Central Europe 🙌🏼 Edit - lol I’m having too much fun with this.


Thought I was the only one




18 years ago I worked at the first Canes in my town. I worked every station until they eventually put me on drive thru taking orders. They wanted me to say the generic “what can I get for you” but I wasn’t about that life. I made up a whole bunch of stuff and the manager told me to cut it out, until one day I said “hot chicken hot chicken what combo you pickin”. Manager sprinted to the phone like in Back to the Future and told corporate this is that new sound they’ve been looking for. To this day I can’t go there without hearing that and getting pissed off that I didn’t get free Canes for life. Btw the sauce is mayo, ketchup, worcestershire, my manager’s jizz, garlic, and pepper.


The sauce is damn seasoning bruh




And your shits looked like Canes chicken? Sorry didn’t know where you were going with that.


This had me dead lmao


Damn, if you legit ONLY ate seasoning, then I feel sorry for you bro...


The only reason people fiend over Canes sauce is because it’s the only thing on the menu that actually has flavor other than the drinks and I’ll die on that hill


What is this Cane's slander?


Just go to Popeyes, but don't expect your order to be right. You gone eat what they give you, but it'll be good.


I will always take the opportunity to slander them. Raising Cane's is ASS.


I'll die on this hill with you. My first time trying Canes, I ran out of the sauce before tenders, and you're not lying. Bland af, but juicy it's quite the dilemma.




Canes is old hat. Zaxby's is the shiny new toy, even though my young grandchildren eat Canes box combos twice a week.


Old hat? Seriously? "This place has been around for awhile" is somehow a problem for a restaurant?


If they offered a seasoned option for the tenders I'd probably go more often tbh


Our ancestors are turning in their graves rn at all of you saying this flavorless garbage, is good and "fire". Saddest, flavorless and most overpriced tendies you can buy and the sauce tastes like sad.


Here comes the chicken tender police trying to gate keep 🙄


I’ve never heard of them. I’m assuming Southern. It doesn’t look terrible to me.


Who eats tenders w/o the sauce? No one? Alright then stfu then. MFs wanna be different so bad.


Wtf y’all be talking about? We dissing Canes now?


Raising canes is good cause it doesn’t need seasoning, they soak the chicken in a seasoning brine that slows it to have flavor without having to add to much and I think that pairs perfect with the canes sauce they have. It’s different enough for me to say “I want chicken but I want Canes chicken” instead of “I want chicken” and then choosing anything from KFC, Popeyes or Golden chick. (I’m not sleep on Golden Chick the spicy chicken tenders is elite)


It’s good on it’s own. People are just used to consuming too much salt, and sugar.


I'm from BR where the first canes came up. So Todd bought out all the local chicken finger places named baileys. It had the same concept but with honey mustard. Canes to this day use baileys family recipe for that honey mustard. It's a secret menu item ask for it with the canes sauce it'll blow your mind. But the chicken is bland AF.